{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, OverloadedStrings, InstanceSigs, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- | Provides actions for Guild API interactions.
module Network.Discord.Rest.Guild
  ) where
    import Control.Monad (when)

    import Control.Concurrent.STM
    import Control.Lens
    import Control.Monad.Morph (lift)
    import Data.Aeson
    import Data.Hashable
    import Data.Text
    import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
    import Network.Wreq
    import qualified Control.Monad.State as ST (get, liftIO)

    import Network.Discord.Rest.Prelude
    import Network.Discord.Types as Dc

    -- | Data constructor for Guild requests. See 
    --   <https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/resources/guild Guild API>
    data GuildRequest a where
      -- | Returns the new 'Guild' object for the given id
      GetGuild                 :: Snowflake -> GuildRequest Guild
      -- | Modify a guild's settings. Returns the updated 'Guild' object on success. Fires a
      --   Guild Update 'Event'.
      ModifyGuild              :: ToJSON a => Snowflake -> a -> GuildRequest Guild
      -- | Delete a guild permanently. User must be owner. Fires a Guild Delete 'Event'.
      DeleteGuild              :: Snowflake -> GuildRequest Guild
      -- | Returns a list of guild 'Channel' objects
      GetGuildChannels         :: Snowflake -> GuildRequest [Channel]
      -- | Create a new 'Channel' object for the guild. Requires 'MANAGE_CHANNELS' 
      --   permission. Returns the new 'Channel' object on success. Fires a Channel Create
      --   'Event'
      CreateGuildChannel       :: ToJSON a => Snowflake -> a -> GuildRequest Channel
      -- | Modify the positions of a set of channel objects for the guild. Requires 
      --   'MANAGE_CHANNELS' permission. Returns a list of all of the guild's 'Channel'
      --   objects on success. Fires multiple Channel Update 'Event's.
      ModifyChanPosition       :: ToJSON a => Snowflake -> a -> GuildRequest [Channel]
      -- | Returns a guild 'Member' object for the specified user
      GetGuildMember           :: Snowflake -> Snowflake -> GuildRequest Member
      -- | Returns a list of guild 'Member' objects that are members of the guild.
      ListGuildMembers         :: Snowflake -> Range -> GuildRequest [Member]
      -- | Adds a user to the guild, provided you have a valid oauth2 access token
      --   for the user with the guilds.join scope. Returns the guild 'Member' as the body.
      --   Fires a Guild Member Add 'Event'. Requires the bot to have the 
      --   CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE permission.
      AddGuildMember           :: ToJSON a => Snowflake -> Snowflake -> a 
                                    -> GuildRequest Member
      -- | Modify attributes of a guild 'Member'. Fires a Guild Member Update 'Event'.
      ModifyGuildMember        :: ToJSON a => Snowflake -> Snowflake -> a 
                                    -> GuildRequest ()
      -- | Remove a member from a guild. Requires 'KICK_MEMBER' permission. Fires a
      --   Guild Member Remove 'Event'.
      RemoveGuildMember        :: Snowflake -> Snowflake -> GuildRequest ()
      -- | Returns a list of 'User' objects that are banned from this guild. Requires the
      --   'BAN_MEMBERS' permission
      GetGuildBans             :: Snowflake -> GuildRequest [User]
      -- | Create a guild ban, and optionally delete previous messages sent by the banned
      --   user. Requires the 'BAN_MEMBERS' permission. Fires a Guild Ban Add 'Event'.
      CreateGuildBan           :: Snowflake -> Snowflake -> Integer -> GuildRequest ()
      -- | Remove the ban for a user. Requires the 'BAN_MEMBERS' permissions. 
      --   Fires a Guild Ban Remove 'Event'.
      RemoveGuildBan           :: Snowflake -> Snowflake -> GuildRequest ()
      -- | Returns a list of 'Role' objects for the guild. Requires the 'MANAGE_ROLES'
      --   permission
      GetGuildRoles            :: Snowflake -> GuildRequest [Role]
      -- | Create a new 'Role' for the guild. Requires the 'MANAGE_ROLES' permission.
      --   Returns the new role object on success. Fires a Guild Role Create 'Event'.
      CreateGuildRole          :: Snowflake -> GuildRequest Role
      -- | Modify the positions of a set of role objects for the guild. Requires the 
      --   'MANAGE_ROLES' permission. Returns a list of all of the guild's 'Role' objects
      --   on success. Fires multiple Guild Role Update 'Event's.
      ModifyGuildRolePositions :: ToJSON a => Snowflake -> [a] -> GuildRequest [Role]
      -- | Modify a guild role. Requires the 'MANAGE_ROLES' permission. Returns the 
      --   updated 'Role' on success. Fires a Guild Role Update 'Event's.
      ModifyGuildRole          :: ToJSON a => Snowflake -> Snowflake -> a 
                                    -> GuildRequest Role
      -- | Delete a guild role. Requires the 'MANAGE_ROLES' permission. Fires a Guild Role
      --   Delete 'Event'.
      DeleteGuildRole          :: Snowflake -> Snowflake -> GuildRequest Role
      -- | Returns an object with one 'pruned' key indicating the number of members 
      --   that would be removed in a prune operation. Requires the 'KICK_MEMBERS' 
      --   permission.
      GetGuildPruneCount       :: Snowflake -> Integer -> GuildRequest Object
      -- | Begin a prune operation. Requires the 'KICK_MEMBERS' permission. Returns an
      --   object with one 'pruned' key indicating the number of members that were removed
      --   in the prune operation. Fires multiple Guild Member Remove 'Events'.
      BeginGuildPrune          :: Snowflake -> Integer -> GuildRequest Object
      -- | Returns a list of 'VoiceRegion' objects for the guild. Unlike the similar /voice
      --   route, this returns VIP servers when the guild is VIP-enabled.
      GetGuildVoiceRegions     :: Snowflake -> GuildRequest [VoiceRegion]
      -- | Returns a list of 'Invite' objects for the guild. Requires the 'MANAGE_GUILD'
      --   permission.
      GetGuildInvites          :: Snowflake -> GuildRequest [Invite]
      -- | Return a list of 'Integration' objects for the guild. Requires the 'MANAGE_GUILD'
      --   permission.
      GetGuildIntegrations     :: Snowflake -> GuildRequest [Integration]
      -- | Attach an 'Integration' object from the current user to the guild. Requires the
      --   'MANAGE_GUILD' permission. Fires a Guild Integrations Update 'Event'.
      CreateGuildIntegration   :: ToJSON a => Snowflake -> a -> GuildRequest ()
      -- | Modify the behavior and settings of a 'Integration' object for the guild.
      --   Requires the 'MANAGE_GUILD' permission. Fires a Guild Integrations Update 'Event'.
      ModifyGuildIntegration   :: ToJSON a => Snowflake -> Snowflake -> a -> GuildRequest ()
      -- | Delete the attached 'Integration' object for the guild. Requires the 
      --   'MANAGE_GUILD' permission. Fires a Guild Integrations Update 'Event'.
      DeleteGuildIntegration   :: Snowflake -> Snowflake -> GuildRequest ()
      -- | Sync an 'Integration'. Requires the 'MANAGE_GUILD' permission.
      SyncGuildIntegration     :: Snowflake -> Snowflake -> GuildRequest ()
      -- | Returns the 'GuildEmbed' object. Requires the 'MANAGE_GUILD' permission.
      GetGuildEmbed            :: Snowflake -> GuildRequest GuildEmbed
      -- | Modify a 'GuildEmbed' object for the guild. All attributes may be passed in with
      --   JSON and modified. Requires the 'MANAGE_GUILD' permission. Returns the updated
      --   'GuildEmbed' object.
      ModifyGuildEmbed         :: Snowflake -> GuildEmbed -> GuildRequest GuildEmbed

    instance Hashable (GuildRequest a) where
      hashWithSalt s (GetGuild g)              = hashWithSalt s ("guild"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (ModifyGuild g _)         = hashWithSalt s ("guild"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (DeleteGuild g)           = hashWithSalt s ("guild"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (GetGuildChannels g)      = hashWithSalt s ("guild_chan"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (CreateGuildChannel g _)  = hashWithSalt s ("guild_chan"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (ModifyChanPosition g _)  = hashWithSalt s ("guild_chan"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (GetGuildMember g _)      = hashWithSalt s ("guild_memb"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (ListGuildMembers g _)  = hashWithSalt s ("guild_membs"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (AddGuildMember g _ _)    = hashWithSalt s ("guild_memb"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (ModifyGuildMember g _ _) = hashWithSalt s ("guild_memb"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (RemoveGuildMember g _)   = hashWithSalt s ("guild_memb"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (GetGuildBans g)          = hashWithSalt s ("guild_bans"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (CreateGuildBan g _ _)    = hashWithSalt s ("guild_ban" ::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (RemoveGuildBan g _)      = hashWithSalt s ("guild_ban" ::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (GetGuildRoles  g)        = hashWithSalt s ("guild_roles"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (CreateGuildRole g)       = hashWithSalt s ("guild_roles"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (ModifyGuildRolePositions g _)
                                               = hashWithSalt s ("guild_roles"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (ModifyGuildRole g _ _)   = hashWithSalt s ("guild_role" ::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (DeleteGuildRole g _ )    = hashWithSalt s ("guild_role" ::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (GetGuildPruneCount g _)  = hashWithSalt s ("guild_prune"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (BeginGuildPrune    g _)  = hashWithSalt s ("guild_prune"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (GetGuildVoiceRegions g)  = hashWithSalt s ("guild_voice"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (GetGuildInvites g)       = hashWithSalt s ("guild_invit"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (GetGuildIntegrations g)  = hashWithSalt s ("guild_integ"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (CreateGuildIntegration g _)
                                               = hashWithSalt s ("guild_integ"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (ModifyGuildIntegration g _ _)
                                               = hashWithSalt s ("guild_intgr"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (DeleteGuildIntegration g _)
                                               = hashWithSalt s ("guild_intgr"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (SyncGuildIntegration g _)= hashWithSalt s ("guild_sync" ::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (GetGuildEmbed g)         = hashWithSalt s ("guild_embed"::Text, g)
      hashWithSalt s (ModifyGuildEmbed g _)    = hashWithSalt s ("guild_embed"::Text, g)

    instance Eq (GuildRequest a) where
      a == b = hash a == hash b

    instance RateLimit (GuildRequest a) where
      getRateLimit req = do
        DiscordState {getRateLimits=rl} <- ST.get
        now <- ST.liftIO (fmap round getPOSIXTime :: IO Int)
        ST.liftIO . atomically $ do
          rateLimits <- readTVar rl
          case lookup (hash req) rateLimits of
            Nothing -> return Nothing
            Just a
              | a >= now  -> return $ Just a
              | otherwise -> modifyTVar' rl (Dc.delete $ hash req) >> return Nothing

      setRateLimit req reset = do
        DiscordState {getRateLimits=rl} <- ST.get
        ST.liftIO . atomically . modifyTVar rl $ Dc.insert (hash req) reset

    instance (FromJSON a) => DoFetch (GuildRequest a) where
      doFetch req = do
        waitRateLimit req
        SyncFetched <$> fetch req

    fetch :: FromJSON a => GuildRequest a -> DiscordM a
    fetch request = do
      req <- baseRequest
      (resp, rlRem, rlNext) <- lift $ do
        resp <- case request of
          GetGuild chan -> getWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan)
          ModifyGuild chan patch -> customPayloadMethodWith "PATCH" req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan)
            (toJSON patch)

          DeleteGuild chan -> deleteWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan)

          GetGuildChannels chan -> getWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/channels")

          CreateGuildChannel chan patch -> postWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/channels")
            (toJSON patch)

          ModifyChanPosition chan patch -> customPayloadMethodWith "PATCH" req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/channels")
            (toJSON patch)

          GetGuildMember chan user -> getWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/members/" ++ show user)

          ListGuildMembers chan range -> getWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++"/members?" ++ toQueryString range)

          AddGuildMember chan user patch -> customPayloadMethodWith "PUT" req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/members/" ++ show user)
            (toJSON patch)

          ModifyGuildMember chan user patch -> customPayloadMethodWith "PATCH" req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/members/" ++ show user)
            (toJSON patch)

          RemoveGuildMember chan user -> deleteWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/members/"++ show user)

          GetGuildBans chan -> getWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/bans")

          CreateGuildBan chan user msg -> customPayloadMethodWith "PUT" req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/bans/" ++ show user)
            ["delete-message-days" := msg]

          RemoveGuildBan chan user -> deleteWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/bans/" ++ show user)

          GetGuildRoles chan -> getWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/roles")

          CreateGuildRole chan -> postWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/roles")
            (toJSON (""::Text))

          ModifyGuildRolePositions chan pos -> postWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/roles")
            (toJSON pos)

          ModifyGuildRole chan role patch -> postWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/roles/" ++ show role)
            (toJSON patch)

          DeleteGuildRole chan role -> deleteWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/roles/" ++ show role)

          GetGuildPruneCount chan days -> getWith req
            (baseURL++"/guilds/"++ show chan ++"/prune?days="++show days)

          BeginGuildPrune chan days -> postWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/prune?days=" ++ show days)
            (toJSON (""::Text))

          GetGuildVoiceRegions chan -> getWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/regions")

          GetGuildInvites chan -> getWith req 
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/invites")

          GetGuildIntegrations chan -> getWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/integrations")

          CreateGuildIntegration chan patch -> postWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/"++ show chan ++ "/integrations")
            (toJSON patch)

          ModifyGuildIntegration chan integ patch -> customPayloadMethodWith "PATCH" req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/integrations/" ++ show integ)
            (toJSON patch)

          DeleteGuildIntegration chan integ -> deleteWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/integrations/" ++ show integ)

          SyncGuildIntegration chan integ -> postWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/integrations/" ++ show integ)
            (toJSON (""::Text))

          GetGuildEmbed chan -> getWith req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/embed")
          ModifyGuildEmbed chan embed -> customPayloadMethodWith "PATCH" req
            (baseURL ++ "/guilds/" ++ show chan ++ "/embed")
            (toJSON embed)

        return (justRight . eitherDecode $ resp ^. responseBody
          , justRight . eitherDecodeStrict $ resp ^. responseHeader "X-RateLimit-Remaining"::Int
          , justRight . eitherDecodeStrict $ resp ^. responseHeader "X-RateLimit-Reset"::Int)
      when (rlRem == 0) $ setRateLimit request rlNext
      return resp