||| The greatest common divisor of two natural numbers. ||| ||| If we take the word "greatest" to refer to the usual less-than ||| relation on natural numbers, then gcd(0,0) would be undefined: ||| every natural number evenly divides 0, and there is no greatest ||| natural number. However, we should instead think of the ||| divisibility relation: gcd is really the meet (greatest lower ||| bound) in the divisibility lattice on the natural numbers. That ||| is, gcd(a,b) = d if for every d' such that d' evenly divides both ||| a and b, we have that d' also evenly divides (NOT "is less than"!) ||| d. Under this definition, gcd(0,0) is perfectly well defined and ||| equal to 0. 0 is in fact the "greatest" natural number under the ||| divisibility relation, because it is divisible by every natural ||| number. !!! gcd(7,6) == 1 !!! gcd(12,18) == 6 !!! gcd(0,0) == 0 !!! forall a:N, b:N. gcd(a,b) divides a /\ gcd(a,b) divides b !!! forall a:N, b:N, g:N. (g divides a /\ g divides b) ==> g divides gcd(a,b) gcd : N * N -> N gcd(a,0) = a gcd(a,b) = gcd(b, a mod b)