======= * Complete rewrite * Added `pretty` and `spec` interpreters * Layout nodes can be configured with user/group and file permissions * Added symlinks with optionally checked source existence * File contents can be specified as raw bytes or text data * File can be declared the copy of another file ======= * Self-balancing `Semigroup`,`Apply`,`Applicative`,`Bind`, and `Monad` instance for `Node`. That way we have reasonable auto-derived `Eq` and `Ord` instances * Added `name`, `names`, `next`, `node` traversals and fixed `file` and `directory` * Added `Layout` construction from existing directories via `fromDirectory` ======= * Fixed build for GHC 7.4 ======= * Removed parser stuff * Added `Default`, `Semigroup`, `Monoid`, and `Applicative` instances for `Layout` * Added "extractors" (`System.Directory.Layout.Lens`) * Added `Apply` and `Bind` instances for `Layout` * Added `Ord` instance for `Layout` * Added `Foldable` and `Traversable` instances for `Layout` * Rewrote Check and Make (unified errors, simpler implementation)