#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0))
-- In base-4.8.0 the Foreign module became Safe
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  System.Directory
-- Copyright   :  (c) The University of Glasgow 2001
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  libraries@haskell.org
-- Stability   :  stable
-- Portability :  portable
-- System-independent interface to directory manipulation.

#include <HsDirectoryConfig.h>
module System.Directory
    -- $intro

    -- * Actions on directories
    , createDirectoryIfMissing
    , removeDirectory
    , removeDirectoryRecursive
    , removePathForcibly
    , renameDirectory
    , listDirectory
    , getDirectoryContents
    -- ** Current working directory
    , getCurrentDirectory
    , setCurrentDirectory
    , withCurrentDirectory

    -- * Pre-defined directories
    , getHomeDirectory
    , XdgDirectory(..)
    , getXdgDirectory
    , getAppUserDataDirectory
    , getUserDocumentsDirectory
    , getTemporaryDirectory

    -- * Actions on files
    , removeFile
    , renameFile
    , renamePath
    , copyFile
    , copyFileWithMetadata

    , canonicalizePath
    , makeAbsolute
    , makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory
    , findExecutable
    , findExecutables
    , findExecutablesInDirectories
    , findFile
    , findFiles
    , findFileWith
    , findFilesWith
    , exeExtension

    , getFileSize

    -- * Existence tests
    , doesPathExist
    , doesFileExist
    , doesDirectoryExist

    -- * Symbolic links
    , isSymbolicLink

    -- * Permissions

    -- $permissions

    , Permissions
    , emptyPermissions
    , readable
    , writable
    , executable
    , searchable
    , setOwnerReadable
    , setOwnerWritable
    , setOwnerExecutable
    , setOwnerSearchable

    , getPermissions
    , setPermissions
    , copyPermissions

    -- * Timestamps

    , getAccessTime
    , getModificationTime
    , setAccessTime
    , setModificationTime

   ) where
import Control.Exception (bracket, mask, onException)
import Control.Monad ( when, unless )
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4, 8, 0)
import Control.Applicative ((<*>))
import Data.Function (on)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4, 8, 0)
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Maybe
  ( catMaybes
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
  , maybeToList
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) && ! defined(HAVE_UTIMENSAT)
  , fromMaybe

import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
  ( catchIOError
  , ioeSetErrorString
  , ioeSetFileName
  , ioeSetLocation
  , isAlreadyExistsError
  , isDoesNotExistError
  , isPermissionError
  , mkIOError
  , modifyIOError
  , tryIOError )

import Foreign

{-# CFILES cbits/directory.c #-}

import Data.Time ( UTCTime )
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
  ( posixSecondsToUTCTime
  , utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds
  , POSIXTime

import GHC.IO.Exception ( IOErrorType(InappropriateType) )

#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
import Foreign.C
import System.Posix.Types
import System.Posix.Internals
import qualified System.Win32 as Win32
import GHC.IO.Encoding
import GHC.Foreign as GHC
import System.Environment ( getEnv )
import qualified System.Posix as Posix

import Foreign.C (throwErrnoPathIfMinus1_)
import System.Posix.Internals ( withFilePath )

import System.Directory.Internal

{- $intro
A directory contains a series of entries, each of which is a named
reference to a file system object (file, directory etc.).  Some
entries may be hidden, inaccessible, or have some administrative
function (e.g. @.@ or @..@ under
<http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399 POSIX>), but in
this standard all such entries are considered to form part of the
directory contents. Entries in sub-directories are not, however,
considered to form part of the directory contents.

Each file system object is referenced by a /path/.  There is
normally at least one absolute path to each file system object.  In
some operating systems, it may also be possible to have paths which
are relative to the current directory.

-- Permissions

{- $permissions

 The 'Permissions' type is used to record whether certain operations are
 permissible on a file\/directory. 'getPermissions' and 'setPermissions'
 get and set these permissions, respectively. Permissions apply both to
 files and directories. For directories, the executable field will be
 'False', and for files the searchable field will be 'False'. Note that
 directories may be searchable without being readable, if permission has
 been given to use them as part of a path, but not to examine the
 directory contents.

Note that to change some, but not all permissions, a construct on the following lines must be used.

>  makeReadable f = do
>     p <- getPermissions f
>     setPermissions f (p {readable = True})


data Permissions
 = Permissions {
    readable,   writable,
    executable, searchable :: Bool
   } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

emptyPermissions :: Permissions
emptyPermissions = Permissions {
                       readable   = False,
                       writable   = False,
                       executable = False,
                       searchable = False

setOwnerReadable :: Bool -> Permissions -> Permissions
setOwnerReadable b p = p { readable = b }

setOwnerWritable :: Bool -> Permissions -> Permissions
setOwnerWritable b p = p { writable = b }

setOwnerExecutable :: Bool -> Permissions -> Permissions
setOwnerExecutable b p = p { executable = b }

setOwnerSearchable :: Bool -> Permissions -> Permissions
setOwnerSearchable b p = p { searchable = b }

{- |The 'getPermissions' operation returns the
permissions for the file or directory.

The operation may fail with:

* 'isPermissionError' if the user is not permitted to access
  the permissions; or

* 'isDoesNotExistError' if the file or directory does not exist.


getPermissions :: FilePath -> IO Permissions
getPermissions name =
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
  -- issue #9: Windows doesn't like trailing path separators
  withFilePath (dropTrailingPathSeparator name) $ \s ->
  -- stat() does a better job of guessing the permissions on Windows
  -- than access() does.  e.g. for execute permission, it looks at the
  -- filename extension :-)
  -- I tried for a while to do this properly, using the Windows security API,
  -- and eventually gave up.  getPermissions is a flawed API anyway. -- SimonM
  allocaBytes sizeof_stat $ \ p_stat -> do
  throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "getPermissions" $ c_stat s p_stat
  mode <- st_mode p_stat
  let usr_read   = mode .&. s_IRUSR
  let usr_write  = mode .&. s_IWUSR
  let usr_exec   = mode .&. s_IXUSR
  let is_dir = mode .&. s_IFDIR
  return (
    Permissions {
      readable   = usr_read  /= 0,
      writable   = usr_write /= 0,
      executable = is_dir == 0 && usr_exec /= 0,
      searchable = is_dir /= 0 && usr_exec /= 0
  read_ok  <- Posix.fileAccess name True  False False
  write_ok <- Posix.fileAccess name False True  False
  exec_ok  <- Posix.fileAccess name False False True
  stat <- Posix.getFileStatus name
  let is_dir = Posix.isDirectory stat
  return (
    Permissions {
      readable   = read_ok,
      writable   = write_ok,
      executable = not is_dir && exec_ok,
      searchable = is_dir && exec_ok

{- |The 'setPermissions' operation sets the
permissions for the file or directory.

The operation may fail with:

* 'isPermissionError' if the user is not permitted to set
  the permissions; or

* 'isDoesNotExistError' if the file or directory does not exist.


setPermissions :: FilePath -> Permissions -> IO ()
setPermissions name (Permissions r w e s) =
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
  allocaBytes sizeof_stat $ \ p_stat ->
  withFilePath name $ \p_name -> do
    throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setPermissions" $
      c_stat p_name p_stat

    throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setPermissions" $ do
      mode <- st_mode p_stat
      let mode1 = modifyBit r mode s_IRUSR
      let mode2 = modifyBit w mode1 s_IWUSR
      let mode3 = modifyBit (e || s) mode2 s_IXUSR
      c_wchmod p_name mode3
   modifyBit :: Bool -> CMode -> CMode -> CMode
   modifyBit False m b = m .&. (complement b)
   modifyBit True  m b = m .|. b
      stat <- Posix.getFileStatus name
      let mode = Posix.fileMode stat
      let mode1 = modifyBit r mode  Posix.ownerReadMode
      let mode2 = modifyBit w mode1 Posix.ownerWriteMode
      let mode3 = modifyBit (e || s) mode2 Posix.ownerExecuteMode
      Posix.setFileMode name mode3
   modifyBit :: Bool -> Posix.FileMode -> Posix.FileMode -> Posix.FileMode
   modifyBit False m b = m .&. (complement b)
   modifyBit True  m b = m .|. b

copyPermissions :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyPermissions source dest =
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
  allocaBytes sizeof_stat $ \ p_stat ->
  withFilePath source $ \p_source ->
  withFilePath dest $ \p_dest -> do
    throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "copyPermissions" $ c_stat p_source p_stat
    mode <- st_mode p_stat
    throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "copyPermissions" $ c_wchmod p_dest mode
  stat <- Posix.getFileStatus source
  copyPermissionsFromStatus stat dest

#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
copyPermissionsFromStatus :: Posix.FileStatus -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyPermissionsFromStatus st dst = do
  Posix.setFileMode dst (Posix.fileMode st)

-- Implementation

{- |@'createDirectory' dir@ creates a new directory @dir@ which is
initially empty, or as near to empty as the operating system

The operation may fail with:

* 'isPermissionError' \/ 'PermissionDenied'
The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.

* 'isAlreadyExistsError' \/ 'AlreadyExists'
The operand refers to a directory that already exists.

* 'HardwareFault'
A physical I\/O error has occurred.

* 'InvalidArgument'
The operand is not a valid directory name.

* 'NoSuchThing'
There is no path to the directory.

* 'ResourceExhausted'
Insufficient resources (virtual memory, process file descriptors,
physical disk space, etc.) are available to perform the operation.

* 'InappropriateType'
The path refers to an existing non-directory object.


createDirectory :: FilePath -> IO ()
createDirectory path = do
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
  Win32.createDirectory path Nothing
  Posix.createDirectory path 0o777

-- | @'createDirectoryIfMissing' parents dir@ creates a new directory
-- @dir@ if it doesn\'t exist. If the first argument is 'True'
-- the function will also create all parent directories if they are missing.
createDirectoryIfMissing :: Bool     -- ^ Create its parents too?
                         -> FilePath -- ^ The path to the directory you want to make
                         -> IO ()
createDirectoryIfMissing create_parents path0
  | create_parents = createDirs (parents path0)
  | otherwise      = createDirs (take 1 (parents path0))
    parents = reverse . scanl1 (</>) . splitDirectories . normalise

    createDirs []         = return ()
    createDirs (dir:[])   = createDir dir ioError
    createDirs (dir:dirs) =
      createDir dir $ \_ -> do
        createDirs dirs
        createDir dir ioError

    createDir dir notExistHandler = do
      r <- tryIOError (createDirectory dir)
      case r of
        Right ()                   -> return ()
        Left  e
          | isDoesNotExistError  e -> notExistHandler e
          -- createDirectory (and indeed POSIX mkdir) does not distinguish
          -- between a dir already existing and a file already existing. So we
          -- check for it here. Unfortunately there is a slight race condition
          -- here, but we think it is benign. It could report an exeption in
          -- the case that the dir did exist but another process deletes the
          -- directory and creates a file in its place before we can check
          -- that the directory did indeed exist.
          -- We also follow this path when we get a permissions error, as
          -- trying to create "." when in the root directory on Windows
          -- fails with
          --     CreateDirectory ".": permission denied (Access is denied.)
          -- This caused GHCi to crash when loading a module in the root
          -- directory.
          | isAlreadyExistsError e
         || isPermissionError    e -> do
              canIgnore <- isDir `catchIOError` \ _ ->
                           return (isAlreadyExistsError e)
              unless canIgnore (ioError e)
          | otherwise              -> ioError e
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
        isDir = withFileStatus "createDirectoryIfMissing" dir isDirectory
        isDir = (Posix.isDirectory <$> Posix.getFileStatus dir)

-- | * @'NotDirectory'@:   not a directory.
--   * @'Directory'@:      a true directory (not a symbolic link).
--   * @'DirectoryLink'@:  a directory symbolic link (only exists on Windows).
data DirectoryType = NotDirectory
                   | Directory
                   | DirectoryLink
                   deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

-- | Obtain the type of a directory.
getDirectoryType :: FilePath -> IO DirectoryType
getDirectoryType path =
  (`ioeSetLocation` "getDirectoryType") `modifyIOError` do
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
    isDir <- withFileStatus "getDirectoryType" path isDirectory
    if isDir
      then do
        isLink <- isSymbolicLink path
        if isLink
          then return DirectoryLink
          else return Directory
      else do
        return NotDirectory
    stat <- Posix.getSymbolicLinkStatus path
    return $ if Posix.isDirectory stat
             then Directory
             else NotDirectory

{- | @'removeDirectory' dir@ removes an existing directory /dir/.  The
implementation may specify additional constraints which must be
satisfied before a directory can be removed (e.g. the directory has to
be empty, or may not be in use by other processes).  It is not legal
for an implementation to partially remove a directory unless the
entire directory is removed. A conformant implementation need not
support directory removal in all situations (e.g. removal of the root

The operation may fail with:

* 'HardwareFault'
A physical I\/O error has occurred.

* 'InvalidArgument'
The operand is not a valid directory name.

* 'isDoesNotExistError' \/ 'NoSuchThing'
The directory does not exist.

* 'isPermissionError' \/ 'PermissionDenied'
The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.

* 'UnsatisfiedConstraints'
Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied.

* 'UnsupportedOperation'
The implementation does not support removal in this situation.

* 'InappropriateType'
The operand refers to an existing non-directory object.


removeDirectory :: FilePath -> IO ()
removeDirectory path =
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
  Win32.removeDirectory path
  Posix.removeDirectory path

-- | @'removeDirectoryRecursive' dir@ removes an existing directory /dir/
-- together with its contents and subdirectories. Within this directory,
-- symbolic links are removed without affecting their targets.
-- On Windows, the operation fails if /dir/ is a directory symbolic link.
removeDirectoryRecursive :: FilePath -> IO ()
removeDirectoryRecursive path =
  (`ioeSetLocation` "removeDirectoryRecursive") `modifyIOError` do
    dirType <- getDirectoryType path
    case dirType of
      Directory ->
        removeContentsRecursive path
      DirectoryLink ->
        ioError (err `ioeSetErrorString` "is a directory symbolic link")
      NotDirectory ->
        ioError (err `ioeSetErrorString` "not a directory")
  where err = mkIOError InappropriateType "" Nothing (Just path)

-- | @'removePathRecursive' path@ removes an existing file or directory at
-- /path/ together with its contents and subdirectories. Symbolic links are
-- removed without affecting their the targets.
removePathRecursive :: FilePath -> IO ()
removePathRecursive path =
  (`ioeSetLocation` "removePathRecursive") `modifyIOError` do
    dirType <- getDirectoryType path
    case dirType of
      NotDirectory  -> removeFile path
      Directory     -> removeContentsRecursive path
      DirectoryLink -> removeDirectory path

-- | @'removeContentsRecursive' dir@ removes the contents of the directory
-- /dir/ recursively. Symbolic links are removed without affecting their the
-- targets.
removeContentsRecursive :: FilePath -> IO ()
removeContentsRecursive path =
  (`ioeSetLocation` "removeContentsRecursive") `modifyIOError` do
    cont <- listDirectory path
    mapM_ removePathRecursive [path </> x | x <- cont]
    removeDirectory path

-- | Removes a file or directory at /path/ together with its contents and
-- subdirectories. Symbolic links are removed without affecting their
-- targets. If the path does not exist, nothing happens.
-- Unlike other removal functions, this function will also attempt to delete
-- files marked as read-only or otherwise made unremovable due to permissions.
-- As a result, if the removal is incomplete, the permissions or attributes on
-- the remaining files may be altered.
-- If an entry within the directory vanishes while @removePathForcibly@ is
-- running, it is silently ignored.
-- If an exception occurs while removing an entry, @removePathForcibly@ will
-- still try to remove as many entries as it can before failing with an
-- exception.  The first exception that it encountered is re-thrown.
-- @since
removePathForcibly :: FilePath -> IO ()
removePathForcibly path =
  (`ioeSetLocation` "removePathForcibly") `modifyIOError` do
    makeRemovable path `catchIOError` \ _ -> return ()
    ignoreDoesNotExistError $ do
      dirType <- getDirectoryType path
      case dirType of
        NotDirectory  -> removeFile path
        DirectoryLink -> removeDirectory path
        Directory     -> do
          names <- listDirectory path
          sequenceWithIOErrors_ $
            [ removePathForcibly (path </> name) | name <- names ] ++
            [ removeDirectory path ]

    ignoreDoesNotExistError :: IO () -> IO ()
    ignoreDoesNotExistError action = do
      _ <- tryIOErrorType isDoesNotExistError action
      return ()

    makeRemovable :: FilePath -> IO ()
    makeRemovable p = do
      perms <- getPermissions p
      setPermissions path perms{ readable = True
                               , searchable = True
                               , writable = True }

sequenceWithIOErrors_ :: [IO ()] -> IO ()
sequenceWithIOErrors_ actions = go (Right ()) actions

    go :: Either IOError () -> [IO ()] -> IO ()
    go (Left e)   []       = ioError e
    go (Right ()) []       = return ()
    go s          (m : ms) = s `seq` do
      r <- tryIOError m
      go (thenEither s r) ms

    -- equivalent to (*>) for Either, defined here to retain compatibility
    -- with base prior to 4.3
    thenEither :: Either b a -> Either b a -> Either b a
    thenEither x@(Left _) _ = x
    thenEither _          y = y

{- |'removeFile' /file/ removes the directory entry for an existing file
/file/, where /file/ is not itself a directory. The
implementation may specify additional constraints which must be
satisfied before a file can be removed (e.g. the file may not be in
use by other processes).

The operation may fail with:

* 'HardwareFault'
A physical I\/O error has occurred.

* 'InvalidArgument'
The operand is not a valid file name.

* 'isDoesNotExistError' \/ 'NoSuchThing'
The file does not exist.

* 'isPermissionError' \/ 'PermissionDenied'
The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.

* 'UnsatisfiedConstraints'
Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied.

* 'InappropriateType'
The operand refers to an existing directory.


removeFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
removeFile path =
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
  Win32.deleteFile path
  Posix.removeLink path

{- |@'renameDirectory' old new@ changes the name of an existing
directory from /old/ to /new/.  If the /new/ directory
already exists, it is atomically replaced by the /old/ directory.
If the /new/ directory is neither the /old/ directory nor an
alias of the /old/ directory, it is removed as if by
'removeDirectory'.  A conformant implementation need not support
renaming directories in all situations (e.g. renaming to an existing
directory, or across different physical devices), but the constraints
must be documented.

On Win32 platforms, @renameDirectory@ fails if the /new/ directory already

The operation may fail with:

* 'HardwareFault'
A physical I\/O error has occurred.

* 'InvalidArgument'
Either operand is not a valid directory name.

* 'isDoesNotExistError' \/ 'NoSuchThing'
The original directory does not exist, or there is no path to the target.

* 'isPermissionError' \/ 'PermissionDenied'
The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.

* 'ResourceExhausted'
Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation.

* 'UnsatisfiedConstraints'
Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied.

* 'UnsupportedOperation'
The implementation does not support renaming in this situation.

* 'InappropriateType'
Either path refers to an existing non-directory object.


renameDirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
renameDirectory opath npath =
   -- XXX this test isn't performed atomically with the following rename
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
   -- ToDo: use Win32 API
   withFileStatus "renameDirectory" opath $ \st -> do
   is_dir <- isDirectory st
   stat <- Posix.getFileStatus opath
   let is_dir = Posix.fileMode stat .&. Posix.directoryMode /= 0
   when (not is_dir) $ do
     ioError . (`ioeSetErrorString` "not a directory") $
       (mkIOError InappropriateType "renameDirectory" Nothing (Just opath))
   renamePath opath npath

{- |@'renameFile' old new@ changes the name of an existing file system
object from /old/ to /new/.  If the /new/ object already
exists, it is atomically replaced by the /old/ object.  Neither
path may refer to an existing directory.  A conformant implementation
need not support renaming files in all situations (e.g. renaming
across different physical devices), but the constraints must be

The operation may fail with:

* 'HardwareFault'
A physical I\/O error has occurred.

* 'InvalidArgument'
Either operand is not a valid file name.

* 'isDoesNotExistError' \/ 'NoSuchThing'
The original file does not exist, or there is no path to the target.

* 'isPermissionError' \/ 'PermissionDenied'
The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.

* 'ResourceExhausted'
Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation.

* 'UnsatisfiedConstraints'
Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied.

* 'UnsupportedOperation'
The implementation does not support renaming in this situation.

* 'InappropriateType'
Either path refers to an existing directory.


renameFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
renameFile opath npath = (`ioeSetLocation` "renameFile") `modifyIOError` do
   -- XXX the tests are not performed atomically with the rename
   checkNotDir opath
   renamePath opath npath
     -- The underlying rename implementation can throw odd exceptions when the
     -- destination is a directory.  For example, Windows typically throws a
     -- permission error, while POSIX systems may throw a resource busy error
     -- if one of the paths refers to the current directory.  In these cases,
     -- we check if the destination is a directory and, if so, throw an
     -- InappropriateType error.
     `catchIOError` \ err -> do
       checkNotDir npath
       ioError err
   where checkNotDir path = do
           dirType <- getDirectoryType path
                      `catchIOError` \ _ -> return NotDirectory
           case dirType of
             Directory     -> errIsDir path
             DirectoryLink -> errIsDir path
             NotDirectory  -> return ()
         errIsDir path = ioError . (`ioeSetErrorString` "is a directory") $
                         mkIOError InappropriateType "" Nothing (Just path)

-- | Rename a file or directory.  If the destination path already exists, it
-- is replaced atomically.  The destination path must not point to an existing
-- directory.  A conformant implementation need not support renaming files in
-- all situations (e.g. renaming across different physical devices), but the
-- constraints must be documented.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'HardwareFault'
-- A physical I\/O error has occurred.
-- @[EIO]@
-- * 'InvalidArgument'
-- Either operand is not a valid file name.
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' \/ 'NoSuchThing'
-- The original file does not exist, or there is no path to the target.
-- * 'isPermissionError' \/ 'PermissionDenied'
-- The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-- * 'ResourceExhausted'
-- Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation.
-- * 'UnsatisfiedConstraints'
-- Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied.
-- @[EBUSY]@
-- * 'UnsupportedOperation'
-- The implementation does not support renaming in this situation.
-- @[EXDEV]@
-- * 'InappropriateType'
-- Either the destination path refers to an existing directory, or one of the
-- parent segments in the destination path is not a directory.
-- @since
renamePath :: FilePath                  -- ^ Old path
           -> FilePath                  -- ^ New path
           -> IO ()
renamePath opath npath = (`ioeSetLocation` "renamePath") `modifyIOError` do
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
   Win32.moveFileEx opath npath Win32.mOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING
   Posix.rename opath npath

-- | Copy a file with its permissions.  If the destination file already exists,
-- it is replaced atomically.  Neither path may refer to an existing
-- directory.  No exceptions are thrown if the permissions could not be
-- copied.
copyFile :: FilePath                    -- ^ Source filename
         -> FilePath                    -- ^ Destination filename
         -> IO ()
copyFile fromFPath toFPath =
  (`ioeSetLocation` "copyFile") `modifyIOError` do
    atomicCopyFileContents fromFPath toFPath
      (ignoreIOExceptions . copyPermissions fromFPath)

#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
-- | Truncate the destination file and then copy the contents of the source
-- file to the destination file.  If the destination file already exists, its
-- attributes shall remain unchanged.  Otherwise, its attributes are reset to
-- the defaults.
copyFileContents :: FilePath            -- ^ Source filename
                 -> FilePath            -- ^ Destination filename
                 -> IO ()
copyFileContents fromFPath toFPath =
  (`ioeSetLocation` "copyFileContents") `modifyIOError` do
    withBinaryFile toFPath WriteMode $ \ hTo ->
      copyFileToHandle fromFPath hTo

-- | Copy the contents of a source file to a destination file, replacing the
-- destination file atomically via 'withReplacementFile', resetting the
-- attributes of the destination file to the defaults.
atomicCopyFileContents :: FilePath            -- ^ Source filename
                       -> FilePath            -- ^ Destination filename
                       -> (FilePath -> IO ()) -- ^ Post-action
                       -> IO ()
atomicCopyFileContents fromFPath toFPath postAction =
  (`ioeSetLocation` "atomicCopyFileContents") `modifyIOError` do
    withReplacementFile toFPath postAction $ \ hTo -> do
      copyFileToHandle fromFPath hTo

-- | A helper function useful for replacing files in an atomic manner.  The
-- function creates a temporary file in the directory of the destination file,
-- opens it, performs the main action with its handle, closes it, performs the
-- post-action with its path, and finally replaces the destination file with
-- the temporary file.  If an error occurs during any step of this process,
-- the temporary file is removed and the destination file remains untouched.
withReplacementFile :: FilePath            -- ^ Destination file
                    -> (FilePath -> IO ()) -- ^ Post-action
                    -> (Handle -> IO a)    -- ^ Main action
                    -> IO a
withReplacementFile path postAction action =
  (`ioeSetLocation` "withReplacementFile") `modifyIOError` do
    mask $ \ restore -> do
      (tmpFPath, hTmp) <- openBinaryTempFile (takeDirectory path)
      (`onException` ignoreIOExceptions (removeFile tmpFPath)) $ do
        r <- (`onException` ignoreIOExceptions (hClose hTmp)) $ do
          restore (action hTmp)
        hClose hTmp
        restore (postAction tmpFPath)
        renameFile tmpFPath path
        return r

-- | Attempt to perform the given action, silencing any IO exception thrown by
-- it.
ignoreIOExceptions :: IO () -> IO ()
ignoreIOExceptions io = io `catchIOError` (\_ -> return ())

-- | Copy all data from a file to a handle.
copyFileToHandle :: FilePath            -- ^ Source file
                 -> Handle              -- ^ Destination handle
                 -> IO ()
copyFileToHandle fromFPath hTo =
  (`ioeSetLocation` "copyFileToHandle") `modifyIOError` do
    withBinaryFile fromFPath ReadMode $ \ hFrom ->
      copyHandleData hFrom hTo

-- | Copy data from one handle to another until end of file.
copyHandleData :: Handle                -- ^ Source handle
               -> Handle                -- ^ Destination handle
               -> IO ()
copyHandleData hFrom hTo =
  (`ioeSetLocation` "copyData") `modifyIOError` do
    allocaBytes bufferSize go
    bufferSize = 1024
    go buffer = do
      count <- hGetBuf hFrom buffer bufferSize
      when (count > 0) $ do
        hPutBuf hTo buffer count
        go buffer

-- | Copy a file with its associated metadata.  If the destination file
-- already exists, it is overwritten.  There is no guarantee of atomicity in
-- the replacement of the destination file.  Neither path may refer to an
-- existing directory.  If the source and/or destination are symbolic links,
-- the copy is performed on the targets of the links.
-- On Windows, it behaves like the Win32 function
-- <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa363851.aspx CopyFile>,
-- which copies various kinds of metadata including file attributes and
-- security resource properties.
-- On Unix-like systems, permissions, access time, and modification time are
-- preserved.  If possible, the owner and group are also preserved.  Note that
-- the very act of copying can change the access time of the source file,
-- hence the access times of the two files may differ after the operation
-- completes.
-- @since
copyFileWithMetadata :: FilePath        -- ^ Source file
                     -> FilePath        -- ^ Destination file
                     -> IO ()
copyFileWithMetadata src dst =
  (`ioeSetLocation` "copyFileWithMetadata") `modifyIOError` doCopy
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
    doCopy = Win32.copyFile src dst False
    doCopy = do
      st <- Posix.getFileStatus src
      copyFileContents src dst
      copyMetadataFromStatus st dst

#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
copyMetadataFromStatus :: Posix.FileStatus -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyMetadataFromStatus st dst = do
  tryCopyOwnerAndGroupFromStatus st dst
  copyPermissionsFromStatus st dst
  copyFileTimesFromStatus st dst

#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
tryCopyOwnerAndGroupFromStatus :: Posix.FileStatus -> FilePath -> IO ()
tryCopyOwnerAndGroupFromStatus st dst = do
  ignoreIOExceptions (copyOwnerFromStatus st dst)
  ignoreIOExceptions (copyGroupFromStatus st dst)

#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
copyOwnerFromStatus :: Posix.FileStatus -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyOwnerFromStatus st dst = do
  Posix.setOwnerAndGroup dst (Posix.fileOwner st) (-1)

#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
copyGroupFromStatus :: Posix.FileStatus -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyGroupFromStatus st dst = do
  Posix.setOwnerAndGroup dst (-1) (Posix.fileGroup st)

#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
copyFileTimesFromStatus :: Posix.FileStatus -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyFileTimesFromStatus st dst = do
  let (atime, mtime) = fileTimesFromStatus st
  setFileTimes dst (Just atime, Just mtime)

-- | Make a path absolute and remove as many indirections from it as possible.
-- Indirections include the two special directories @.@ and @..@, as well as
-- any Unix symbolic links.  The input path does not have to point to an
-- existing file or directory.
-- __Note__: if you only need an absolute path, use 'makeAbsolute' instead.
-- Most programs should not worry about whether a path contains symbolic links.
-- Since symbolic links and the special parent directory (@..@) are dependent
-- on the state of the existing filesystem, the function can only make a
-- conservative attempt by removing symbolic links and @..@ from the longest
-- prefix of the path that still points to an existing file or directory.  If
-- the input path points to an existing file or directory, then the output
-- path shall also point to the same file or directory, provided that the
-- relevant parts of the filesystem have not changed in the meantime (the
-- function is not atomic).
-- Despite the name, the function does not guarantee canonicity of the
-- returned path due to the presence of hard links, mount points, etc.
-- Similar to 'normalise', passing an empty path is equivalent to passing the
-- current directory.  The function preserves the presence or absence of the
-- trailing path separator unless the path refers to the root directory @/@.
-- /Known bug(s)/: on Windows, the function does not resolve symbolic links.
-- /Changes since The function has been altered to be more robust
-- and has the same exception behavior as 'makeAbsolute'.
canonicalizePath :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
canonicalizePath = \ path ->
  modifyIOError ((`ioeSetLocation` "canonicalizePath") .
                 (`ioeSetFileName` path)) $
  -- normalise does more stuff, like upper-casing the drive letter
  normalise <$> (transform =<< prependCurrentDirectory path)
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
    transform path = Win32.getFullPathName path
                     `catchIOError` \ _ -> return path
    transform path = matchTrailingSeparator path <$> do
      encoding <- getFileSystemEncoding
      realpathPrefix encoding (reverse (zip prefixes suffixes)) path
      where segments = splitPath path
            prefixes = scanl1 (</>) segments
            suffixes = tail (scanr (</>) "" segments)

    -- call realpath on the largest possible prefix
    realpathPrefix encoding ((prefix, suffix) : rest) path = do
      exist <- doesPathExist prefix
      if exist -- never call realpath on an inaccessible path
        then ((</> suffix) <$> realpath encoding prefix)
             `catchIOError` \ _ -> realpathPrefix encoding rest path
        else realpathPrefix encoding rest path
    realpathPrefix _ _ path = return path

    realpath encoding path =
      GHC.withCString encoding path
      (`withRealpath` GHC.peekCString encoding)

-- | Convert a path into an absolute path.  If the given path is relative, the
-- current directory is prepended and then the combined result is
-- 'normalise'd.  If the path is already absolute, the path is simply
-- 'normalise'd.  The function preserves the presence or absence of the
-- trailing path separator unless the path refers to the root directory @/@.
-- If the path is already absolute, the operation never fails.  Otherwise, the
-- operation may fail with the same exceptions as 'getCurrentDirectory'.
-- @since
makeAbsolute :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
makeAbsolute path =
  modifyIOError ((`ioeSetLocation` "makeAbsolute") .
                 (`ioeSetFileName` path)) $
  matchTrailingSeparator path . normalise <$> prependCurrentDirectory path

-- | Convert a path into an absolute path.  If the given path is relative, the
-- current directory is prepended.  If the path is already absolute, the path
-- is returned unchanged.  The function preserves the presence or absence of
-- the trailing path separator.
-- If the path is already absolute, the operation never fails.  Otherwise, the
-- operation may fail with the same exceptions as 'getCurrentDirectory'.
-- (internal API)
prependCurrentDirectory :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
prependCurrentDirectory path =
  modifyIOError ((`ioeSetLocation` "prependCurrentDirectory") .
                 (`ioeSetFileName` path)) $
  case path of
    "" -> -- avoid trailing path separator
      prependCurrentDirectory "."
    _     -- avoid the call to `getCurrentDirectory` if we can
      | isRelative path ->
          (</> path) . addTrailingPathSeparator <$> getCurrentDirectory
      | otherwise ->
          return path

-- | Add or remove the trailing path separator in the second path so as to
-- match its presence in the first path.
-- (internal API)
matchTrailingSeparator :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
matchTrailingSeparator path
  | hasTrailingPathSeparator path = addTrailingPathSeparator
  | otherwise                     = dropTrailingPathSeparator

-- | Construct a path relative to the current directory, similar to
-- 'makeRelative'.
-- The operation may fail with the same exceptions as 'getCurrentDirectory'.
makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory x = do
    cur <- getCurrentDirectory
    return $ makeRelative cur x

-- | Given an executable file name, searches for such file in the
-- directories listed in system PATH. The returned value is the path
-- to the found executable or Nothing if an executable with the given
-- name was not found. For example (findExecutable \"ghc\") gives you
-- the path to GHC.
-- The path returned by 'findExecutable' corresponds to the
-- program that would be executed by 'System.Process.createProcess'
-- when passed the same string (as a RawCommand, not a ShellCommand).
-- On Windows, 'findExecutable' calls the Win32 function 'SearchPath',
-- which may search other places before checking the directories in
-- @PATH@.  Where it actually searches depends on registry settings,
-- but notably includes the directory containing the current
-- executable. See
-- <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365527.aspx> for more
-- details.
findExecutable :: String -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findExecutable binary = do
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
    Win32.searchPath Nothing binary exeExtension
    path <- getPath
    findFileWith isExecutable path (binary <.> exeExtension)

-- | Given a file name, searches for the file and returns a list of all
-- occurences that are executable.
-- On Windows, this only returns the first ocurrence, if any.  It uses the
-- @SearchPath@ from the Win32 API, so the caveats noted in 'findExecutable'
-- apply here as well.
-- @since
findExecutables :: String -> IO [FilePath]
findExecutables binary = do
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
    file <- findExecutable binary
    return $ maybeToList file
    path <- getPath
    findExecutablesInDirectories path binary

#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
-- | Get the contents of the @PATH@ environment variable.
getPath :: IO [FilePath]
getPath = do
    path <- getEnv "PATH"
    return (splitSearchPath path)

-- | Given a file name, searches for the file on the given paths and returns a
-- list of all occurences that are executable.
-- @since
findExecutablesInDirectories :: [FilePath] -> String -> IO [FilePath]
findExecutablesInDirectories path binary =
    findFilesWith isExecutable path (binary <.> exeExtension)

-- | Test whether a file is executable.
isExecutable :: FilePath -> IO Bool
isExecutable file = do
    perms <- getPermissions file
    return (executable perms)

-- | Search through the given set of directories for the given file.
findFile :: [FilePath] -> String -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findFile = findFileWith (\_ -> return True)

-- | Search through the given set of directories for the given file and
-- returns a list of paths where the given file exists.
-- @since
findFiles :: [FilePath] -> String -> IO [FilePath]
findFiles = findFilesWith (\_ -> return True)

-- | Search through the given set of directories for the given file and
-- with the given property (usually permissions) and returns the file path
-- where the given file exists and has the property.
-- @since
findFileWith :: (FilePath -> IO Bool) -> [FilePath] -> String -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findFileWith f ds name = asumMaybeT (map (findFileWithIn f name) ds)

-- | 'Data.Foldable.asum' for 'Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe.MaybeT', essentially.
-- Returns the first 'Just' in the list or 'Nothing' if there aren't any.
asumMaybeT :: Monad m => [m (Maybe a)] -> m (Maybe a)
asumMaybeT = foldr attempt (return Nothing)
    attempt mmx mx' = do
        mx <- mmx
        case mx of
            Nothing -> mx'
            Just _  -> return mx

-- | Search through the given set of directories for the given file and
-- with the given property (usually permissions) and returns a list of
-- paths where the given file exists and has the property.
-- @since
findFilesWith :: (FilePath -> IO Bool) -> [FilePath] -> String -> IO [FilePath]
findFilesWith f ds name = do
    mfiles <- mapM (findFileWithIn f name) ds
    return (catMaybes mfiles)

-- | Like 'findFileWith', but searches only a single directory.
findFileWithIn :: (FilePath -> IO Bool) -> String -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findFileWithIn f name d = do
    let path = d </> name
    exist <- doesFileExist path
    if exist
        then do
            ok <- f path
            if ok
                then return (Just path)
                else return Nothing
        else return Nothing

-- | Similar to 'listDirectory', but always includes the special entries (@.@
-- and @..@).  (This applies to Windows as well.)
-- The operation may fail with the same exceptions as 'listDirectory'.
getDirectoryContents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getDirectoryContents path =
  modifyIOError ((`ioeSetFileName` path) .
                 (`ioeSetLocation` "getDirectoryContents")) $ do
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
      (Posix.openDirStream path)
  start dirp =
      loop id
      loop acc = do
        e <- Posix.readDirStream dirp
        if null e
          then return (acc [])
          else loop (acc . (e:))
     (Win32.findFirstFile (path </> "*"))
     (\(h,_) -> Win32.findClose h)
     (\(h,fdat) -> loop h fdat [])
        -- we needn't worry about empty directories: adirectory always
        -- has at least "." and ".." entries
    loop :: Win32.HANDLE -> Win32.FindData -> [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]
    loop h fdat acc = do
       filename <- Win32.getFindDataFileName fdat
       more <- Win32.findNextFile h fdat
       if more
          then loop h fdat (filename:acc)
          else return (filename:acc)
                 -- no need to reverse, ordering is undefined
#endif /* mingw32 */

-- | @'listDirectory' dir@ returns a list of /all/ entries in /dir/ without
-- the special entries (@.@ and @..@).
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'HardwareFault'
--   A physical I\/O error has occurred.
--   @[EIO]@
-- * 'InvalidArgument'
--   The operand is not a valid directory name.
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' \/ 'NoSuchThing'
--   The directory does not exist.
-- * 'isPermissionError' \/ 'PermissionDenied'
--   The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
--   @[EACCES]@
-- * 'ResourceExhausted'
--   Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation.
-- * 'InappropriateType'
--   The path refers to an existing non-directory object.
--   @[ENOTDIR]@
-- @since
listDirectory :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
listDirectory path =
  (filter f) <$> (getDirectoryContents path)
  where f filename = filename /= "." && filename /= ".."

-- | Obtain the current working directory as an absolute path.
-- In a multithreaded program, the current working directory is a global state
-- shared among all threads of the process.  Therefore, when performing
-- filesystem operations from multiple threads, it is highly recommended to
-- use absolute rather than relative paths (see: 'makeAbsolute').
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'HardwareFault'
-- A physical I\/O error has occurred.
-- @[EIO]@
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' or 'NoSuchThing'
-- There is no path referring to the working directory.
-- * 'isPermissionError' or 'PermissionDenied'
-- The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-- @[EACCES]@
-- * 'ResourceExhausted'
-- Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation.
-- * 'UnsupportedOperation'
-- The operating system has no notion of current working directory.
getCurrentDirectory :: IO FilePath
getCurrentDirectory =
  modifyIOError (`ioeSetLocation` "getCurrentDirectory") $
    "Current working directory no longer exists"
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
    getCwd = Win32.getCurrentDirectory
    getCwd = Posix.getWorkingDirectory

-- | Change the working directory to the given path.
-- In a multithreaded program, the current working directory is a global state
-- shared among all threads of the process.  Therefore, when performing
-- filesystem operations from multiple threads, it is highly recommended to
-- use absolute rather than relative paths (see: 'makeAbsolute').
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'HardwareFault'
-- A physical I\/O error has occurred.
-- @[EIO]@
-- * 'InvalidArgument'
-- The operand is not a valid directory name.
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' or 'NoSuchThing'
-- The directory does not exist.
-- * 'isPermissionError' or 'PermissionDenied'
-- The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-- @[EACCES]@
-- * 'UnsupportedOperation'
-- The operating system has no notion of current working directory, or the
-- working directory cannot be dynamically changed.
-- * 'InappropriateType'
-- The path refers to an existing non-directory object.
-- @[ENOTDIR]@
setCurrentDirectory :: FilePath -> IO ()
setCurrentDirectory =
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS

-- | Run an 'IO' action with the given working directory and restore the
-- original working directory afterwards, even if the given action fails due
-- to an exception.
-- The operation may fail with the same exceptions as 'getCurrentDirectory'
-- and 'setCurrentDirectory'.
-- @since
withCurrentDirectory :: FilePath  -- ^ Directory to execute in
                     -> IO a      -- ^ Action to be executed
                     -> IO a
withCurrentDirectory dir action =
  bracket getCurrentDirectory setCurrentDirectory $ \ _ -> do
    setCurrentDirectory dir

-- | Obtain the size of a file in bytes.
-- @since
getFileSize :: FilePath -> IO Integer
getFileSize path =
  (`ioeSetLocation` "getFileSize") `modifyIOError` do
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
    fromIntegral <$> withFileStatus "" path st_size
    fromIntegral . Posix.fileSize <$> Posix.getFileStatus path

-- | Test whether the given path points to an existing filesystem object.  If
-- the user lacks necessary permissions to search the parent directories, this
-- function may return false even if the file does actually exist.
-- @since
doesPathExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool
doesPathExist path =
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
  (withFileStatus "" path $ \ _ -> return True)
  (Posix.getFileStatus path >> return True)
  `catchIOError` \ _ -> return False

{- |The operation 'doesDirectoryExist' returns 'True' if the argument file
exists and is either a directory or a symbolic link to a directory,
and 'False' otherwise.

doesDirectoryExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool
doesDirectoryExist name =
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
   (withFileStatus "doesDirectoryExist" name $ \st -> isDirectory st)
   (do stat <- Posix.getFileStatus name
       return (Posix.isDirectory stat))
   `catchIOError` \ _ -> return False

{- |The operation 'doesFileExist' returns 'True'
if the argument file exists and is not a directory, and 'False' otherwise.

doesFileExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool
doesFileExist name =
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
   (withFileStatus "doesFileExist" name $ \st -> do b <- isDirectory st; return (not b))
   (do stat <- Posix.getFileStatus name
       return (not (Posix.isDirectory stat)))
   `catchIOError` \ _ -> return False

-- | Check whether the path refers to a symbolic link.  On Windows, this tests
-- @since
isSymbolicLink :: FilePath -> IO Bool
isSymbolicLink path =
  (`ioeSetLocation` "getDirectoryType") `modifyIOError` do
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
    isReparsePoint <$> Win32.getFileAttributes path
    isReparsePoint attr = attr .&. win32_fILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT /= 0
    Posix.isSymbolicLink <$> Posix.getSymbolicLinkStatus path

#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
-- | Open the handle of an existing file or directory.
openFileHandle :: String -> Win32.AccessMode -> IO Win32.HANDLE
openFileHandle path mode = Win32.createFile path mode share Nothing
                                            Win32.oPEN_EXISTING flags Nothing
  where share =  win32_fILE_SHARE_DELETE
             .|. Win32.fILE_SHARE_READ
             .|. Win32.fILE_SHARE_WRITE
        flags =  Win32.fILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL
             .|. Win32.fILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS -- required for directories

-- | Obtain the time at which the file or directory was last accessed.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'isPermissionError' if the user is not permitted to read
--   the access time; or
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' if the file or directory does not exist.
-- Caveat for POSIX systems: This function returns a timestamp with sub-second
-- resolution only if this package is compiled against @unix- or later
-- and the underlying filesystem supports them.
-- @since
getAccessTime :: FilePath -> IO UTCTime
getAccessTime = modifyIOError (`ioeSetLocation` "getAccessTime") .
                (fst <$>) . getFileTimes

-- | Obtain the time at which the file or directory was last modified.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'isPermissionError' if the user is not permitted to read
--   the modification time; or
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' if the file or directory does not exist.
-- Caveat for POSIX systems: This function returns a timestamp with sub-second
-- resolution only if this package is compiled against @unix- or later
-- and the underlying filesystem supports them.
getModificationTime :: FilePath -> IO UTCTime
getModificationTime = modifyIOError (`ioeSetLocation` "getModificationTime") .
                      (snd <$>) . getFileTimes

getFileTimes :: FilePath -> IO (UTCTime, UTCTime)
getFileTimes path =
  modifyIOError (`ioeSetLocation` "getFileTimes") .
  modifyIOError (`ioeSetFileName` path) $
    path' = normalise path              -- handle empty paths
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
    getTimes =
      bracket (openFileHandle path' Win32.gENERIC_READ)
              Win32.closeHandle $ \ handle ->
      alloca $ \ atime ->
      alloca $ \ mtime -> do
        Win32.failIf_ not "" $
          Win32.c_GetFileTime handle nullPtr atime mtime
        ((,) `on` posixSecondsToUTCTime . windowsToPosixTime)
          <$> peek atime
          <*> peek mtime
    getTimes = fileTimesFromStatus <$> Posix.getFileStatus path'

#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
fileTimesFromStatus :: Posix.FileStatus -> (UTCTime, UTCTime)
fileTimesFromStatus st =
# if MIN_VERSION_unix(2, 6, 0)
  ( posixSecondsToUTCTime (Posix.accessTimeHiRes st)
  , posixSecondsToUTCTime (Posix.modificationTimeHiRes st) )
# else
  ( posixSecondsToUTCTime (realToFrac (Posix.accessTime st))
  , posixSecondsToUTCTime (realToFrac (Posix.modificationTime st)) )
# endif

-- | Change the time at which the file or directory was last accessed.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'isPermissionError' if the user is not permitted to alter the
--   access time; or
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' if the file or directory does not exist.
-- Some caveats for POSIX systems:
-- * Not all systems support @utimensat@, in which case the function can only
--   emulate the behavior by reading the modification time and then setting
--   both the access and modification times together.  On systems where
--   @utimensat@ is supported, the access time is set atomically with
--   nanosecond precision.
-- * If compiled against a version of @unix@ prior to @, the function
--   would not be able to set timestamps with sub-second resolution.  In this
--   case, there would also be loss of precision in the modification time.
-- @since
setAccessTime :: FilePath -> UTCTime -> IO ()
setAccessTime path atime =
  modifyIOError (`ioeSetLocation` "setAccessTime") $
    setFileTimes path (Just atime, Nothing)

-- | Change the time at which the file or directory was last modified.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'isPermissionError' if the user is not permitted to alter the
--   modification time; or
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' if the file or directory does not exist.
-- Some caveats for POSIX systems:
-- * Not all systems support @utimensat@, in which case the function can only
--   emulate the behavior by reading the access time and then setting both the
--   access and modification times together.  On systems where @utimensat@ is
--   supported, the modification time is set atomically with nanosecond
--   precision.
-- * If compiled against a version of @unix@ prior to @, the function
--   would not be able to set timestamps with sub-second resolution.  In this
--   case, there would also be loss of precision in the access time.
-- @since
setModificationTime :: FilePath -> UTCTime -> IO ()
setModificationTime path mtime =
  modifyIOError (`ioeSetLocation` "setModificationTime") $
    setFileTimes path (Nothing, Just mtime)

setFileTimes :: FilePath -> (Maybe UTCTime, Maybe UTCTime) -> IO ()
setFileTimes _ (Nothing, Nothing) = return ()
setFileTimes path (atime, mtime) =
  modifyIOError (`ioeSetLocation` "setFileTimes") .
  modifyIOError (`ioeSetFileName` path) $
    setTimes (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds <$> atime, utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds <$> mtime)
    path' = normalise path              -- handle empty paths

    setTimes :: (Maybe POSIXTime, Maybe POSIXTime) -> IO ()
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
    setTimes (atime', mtime') =
      bracket (openFileHandle path' Win32.gENERIC_WRITE)
              Win32.closeHandle $ \ handle ->
      maybeWith with (posixToWindowsTime <$> atime') $ \ atime'' ->
      maybeWith with (posixToWindowsTime <$> mtime') $ \ mtime'' ->
      Win32.failIf_ not "" $
        Win32.c_SetFileTime handle nullPtr atime'' mtime''
#elif defined HAVE_UTIMENSAT
    setTimes (atime', mtime') =
      withFilePath path' $ \ path'' ->
      withArray [ maybe utimeOmit toCTimeSpec atime'
                , maybe utimeOmit toCTimeSpec mtime' ] $ \ times ->
      throwErrnoPathIfMinus1_ "" path' $
        c_utimensat c_AT_FDCWD path'' times 0
    setTimes (Just atime', Just mtime') = setFileTimes' path' atime' mtime'
    setTimes (atime', mtime') = do
      (atimeOld, mtimeOld) <- fileTimesFromStatus <$> Posix.getFileStatus path'
      setFileTimes' path'
        (fromMaybe (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds atimeOld) atime')
        (fromMaybe (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds mtimeOld) mtime')

    setFileTimes' :: FilePath -> POSIXTime -> POSIXTime -> IO ()
# if MIN_VERSION_unix(2, 7, 0)
    setFileTimes' = Posix.setFileTimesHiRes
#  else
    setFileTimes' pth atime' mtime' =
      Posix.setFileTimes pth
        (fromInteger (truncate atime'))
        (fromInteger (truncate mtime'))
# endif

#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
-- | Difference between the Windows and POSIX epochs in units of 100ns.
windowsPosixEpochDifference :: Num a => a
windowsPosixEpochDifference = 116444736000000000

-- | Convert from Windows time to POSIX time.
windowsToPosixTime :: Win32.FILETIME -> POSIXTime
windowsToPosixTime (Win32.FILETIME t) =
  (fromIntegral t - windowsPosixEpochDifference) / 10000000

-- | Convert from POSIX time to Windows time.  This is lossy as Windows time
--   has a resolution of only 100ns.
posixToWindowsTime :: POSIXTime -> Win32.FILETIME
posixToWindowsTime t = Win32.FILETIME $
  truncate (t * 10000000 + windowsPosixEpochDifference)

#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
withFileStatus :: String -> FilePath -> (Ptr CStat -> IO a) -> IO a
withFileStatus loc name f = do
  modifyIOError (`ioeSetFileName` name) $
    allocaBytes sizeof_stat $ \p ->
      withFilePath (fileNameEndClean name) $ \s -> do
        throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ loc (c_stat s p)
        f p

isDirectory :: Ptr CStat -> IO Bool
isDirectory stat = do
  mode <- st_mode stat
  return (s_isdir mode)

fileNameEndClean :: String -> String
fileNameEndClean name = if isDrive name then addTrailingPathSeparator name
                                        else dropTrailingPathSeparator name

{- | Returns the current user's home directory.

The directory returned is expected to be writable by the current user,
but note that it isn't generally considered good practice to store
application-specific data here; use 'getXdgDirectory' or
'getAppUserDataDirectory' instead.

On Unix, 'getHomeDirectory' returns the value of the @HOME@
environment variable.  On Windows, the system is queried for a
suitable path; a typical path might be @C:\/Users\//\<user\>/@.

The operation may fail with:

* 'UnsupportedOperation'
The operating system has no notion of home directory.

* 'isDoesNotExistError'
The home directory for the current user does not exist, or
cannot be found.
getHomeDirectory :: IO FilePath
getHomeDirectory = modifyIOError (`ioeSetLocation` "getHomeDirectory") get
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
    get = getFolderPath Win32.cSIDL_PROFILE `catchIOError` \ _ ->
          getFolderPath Win32.cSIDL_WINDOWS
    getFolderPath what = Win32.sHGetFolderPath nullPtr what nullPtr 0
    get = getEnv "HOME"

-- | Special directories for storing user-specific application data,
--   configuration, and cache files, as specified by the
--   <http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html XDG Base Directory Specification>.
--   Note: On Windows, 'XdgData' and 'XdgConfig' map to the same directory.
--   @since
data XdgDirectory
  = XdgData
    -- ^ For data files (e.g. images).
    --   Defaults to @~\/.local\/share@ and can be
    --   overridden by the @XDG_DATA_HOME@ environment variable.
    --   On Windows, it is @%APPDATA%@
    --   (e.g. @C:\/Users\//\<user\>/\/AppData\/Roaming@).
    --   Can be considered as the user-specific equivalent of @\/usr\/share@.
  | XdgConfig
    -- ^ For configuration files.
    --   Defaults to @~\/.config@ and can be
    --   overridden by the @XDG_CONFIG_HOME@ environment variable.
    --   On Windows, it is @%APPDATA%@
    --   (e.g. @C:\/Users\//\<user\>/\/AppData\/Roaming@).
    --   Can be considered as the user-specific equivalent of @\/etc@.
  | XdgCache
    -- ^ For non-essential files (e.g. cache).
    --   Defaults to @~\/.cache@ and can be
    --   overridden by the @XDG_CACHE_HOME@ environment variable.
    --   On Windows, it is @%LOCALAPPDATA%@
    --   (e.g. @C:\/Users\//\<user\>/\/AppData\/Local@).
    --   Can be considered as the user-specific equivalent of @\/var\/cache@.
  deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

-- | Obtain the paths to special directories for storing user-specific
--   application data, configuration, and cache files, conforming to the
--   <http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html XDG Base Directory Specification>.
--   Compared with 'getAppUserDataDirectory', this function provides a more
--   fine-grained hierarchy as well as greater flexibility for the user.
--   It also works on Windows, although in that case 'XdgData' and 'XdgConfig'
--   will map to the same directory.
--   The second argument is usually the name of the application.  Since it
--   will be integrated into the path, it must consist of valid path
--   characters.
--   Note: The directory may not actually exist, in which case you would need
--   to create it with file mode @700@ (i.e. only accessible by the owner).
--   @since
getXdgDirectory :: XdgDirectory         -- ^ which special directory
                -> FilePath             -- ^ a relative path that is appended
                                        --   to the path; if empty, the base
                                        --   path is returned
                -> IO FilePath
getXdgDirectory xdgDir suffix =
  modifyIOError (`ioeSetLocation` "getXdgDirectory") $
  normalise . (</> suffix) <$>
  case xdgDir of
    XdgData   -> get False "XDG_DATA_HOME"   ".local/share"
    XdgConfig -> get False "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ".config"
    XdgCache  -> get True  "XDG_CACHE_HOME"  ".cache"
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
    get isLocal _ _ = Win32.sHGetFolderPath nullPtr which nullPtr 0
      where which | isLocal   = win32_cSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA
                  | otherwise = Win32.cSIDL_APPDATA
    get _ name fallback = do
      env <- lookupEnv name
      case env of
        Nothing                     -> fallback'
        Just path | isRelative path -> fallback'
                  | otherwise       -> return path
      where fallback' = (</> fallback) <$> getHomeDirectory

-- | Return the value of an environment variable, or 'Nothing' if there is no
--   such value.  (Equivalent to "lookupEnv" from base-4.6.)
lookupEnv :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
lookupEnv name = do
  env <- tryIOErrorType isDoesNotExistError (getEnv name)
  case env of
    Left  _     -> return Nothing
    Right value -> return (Just value)

-- | Similar to 'try' but only catches a specify kind of 'IOError' as
--   specified by the predicate.
tryIOErrorType :: (IOError -> Bool) -> IO a -> IO (Either IOError a)
tryIOErrorType check action = do
  result <- tryIOError action
  case result of
    Left  err -> if check err then return (Left err) else ioError err
    Right val -> return (Right val)

specializeErrorString :: String -> (IOError -> Bool) -> IO a -> IO a
specializeErrorString str errType action = do
  mx <- tryIOErrorType errType action
  case mx of
    Left  e -> ioError (ioeSetErrorString e str)
    Right x -> return x

-- | Obtain the path to a special directory for storing user-specific
--   application data (traditional Unix location).  Newer applications may
--   prefer the the XDG-conformant location provided by 'getXdgDirectory'
--   (<https://github.com/haskell/directory/issues/6#issuecomment-96521020 migration guide>).
--   The argument is usually the name of the application.  Since it will be
--   integrated into the path, it must consist of valid path characters.
--   * On Unix-like systems, the path is @~\/./\<app\>/@.
--   * On Windows, the path is @%APPDATA%\//\<app\>/@
--     (e.g. @C:\/Users\//\<user\>/\/AppData\/Roaming\//\<app\>/@)
--   Note: the directory may not actually exist, in which case you would need
--   to create it.  It is expected that the parent directory exists and is
--   writable.
--   The operation may fail with:
--   * 'UnsupportedOperation'
--     The operating system has no notion of application-specific data
--     directory.
--   * 'isDoesNotExistError'
--     The home directory for the current user does not exist, or cannot be
--     found.
getAppUserDataDirectory :: FilePath     -- ^ a relative path that is appended
                                        --   to the path
                        -> IO FilePath
getAppUserDataDirectory appName = do
  modifyIOError (`ioeSetLocation` "getAppUserDataDirectory") $ do
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
    s <- Win32.sHGetFolderPath nullPtr Win32.cSIDL_APPDATA nullPtr 0
    return (s++'\\':appName)
    path <- getEnv "HOME"
    return (path++'/':'.':appName)

{- | Returns the current user's document directory.

The directory returned is expected to be writable by the current user,
but note that it isn't generally considered good practice to store
application-specific data here; use 'getXdgDirectory' or
'getAppUserDataDirectory' instead.

On Unix, 'getUserDocumentsDirectory' returns the value of the @HOME@
environment variable.  On Windows, the system is queried for a
suitable path; a typical path might be @C:\/Users\//\<user\>/\/Documents@.

The operation may fail with:

* 'UnsupportedOperation'
The operating system has no notion of document directory.

* 'isDoesNotExistError'
The document directory for the current user does not exist, or
cannot be found.
getUserDocumentsDirectory :: IO FilePath
getUserDocumentsDirectory = do
  modifyIOError (`ioeSetLocation` "getUserDocumentsDirectory") $ do
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
    Win32.sHGetFolderPath nullPtr Win32.cSIDL_PERSONAL nullPtr 0
    getEnv "HOME"

{- | Returns the current directory for temporary files.

On Unix, 'getTemporaryDirectory' returns the value of the @TMPDIR@
environment variable or \"\/tmp\" if the variable isn\'t defined.
On Windows, the function checks for the existence of environment variables in
the following order and uses the first path found:

TMP environment variable.

TEMP environment variable.

USERPROFILE environment variable.

The Windows directory

The operation may fail with:

* 'UnsupportedOperation'
The operating system has no notion of temporary directory.

The function doesn\'t verify whether the path exists.
getTemporaryDirectory :: IO FilePath
getTemporaryDirectory =
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
  getEnv "TMPDIR" `catchIOError` \ err ->
  if isDoesNotExistError err then return "/tmp" else ioError err