{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

-- | Module    :  Math.Topology.CubeCmplx.DirCubeCmplx
-- Copyright   :  2014 Michael Misamore 
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  m.misamore@gmail.com 
-- Stability   :  experimental 
-- Portability :  portable
-- Finite directed cubical complexes and associated algorithms for
-- creating and transforming them.

module Math.Topology.CubeCmplx.DirCubeCmplx (

   -- * Vertices
   T, Vertex, vertex, coords, vertexUnsafe, vertexVectorUnsafe, vertexToList, 
   vertexPtWise, vAdd, vSub, vSubUnsafe, vMin, vMax, vGT, vLT, vDim,

   -- * Vertex spans
   VertSpan, vertSpan, vsFst, vsSnd, vsUnsafe, vsVert, vsFstList, vsSndList,
   vsCoords, vsCoordsUnsafe, vsDim, vsIsCell, vsFatten, vsCornerPairs,
   vsCornerVerts, vsBdry, 

   -- * Cells
   CubeCell, minVert, maxVert, cell, cellUnsafe, cellDim, cellVertsUnsafe, 
   cellVerts, spanTopCells, vertToCell, inSpan, vInSpan, inBdry, spanBdryCells,

   -- * Substructures
   nCubes, nCubeVerts, nCubeCells, nCubeProperCells, nCubeBdry, nCubeKSkels,
   verts, subCells, properSubCells, bdry, kSkel, isSubCell, isPropSubCell,
   -- * Translation
   genToNonGen, nonGenToGen,

   -- * Directed Cubical Complexes
   CubeCmplx, cells, cmplxEmpty, cmplxNull, cmplxSize, cmplxApply, vsCmplx, 
   cmplxDelCell, cmplxDelCells, cmplxAddCells, cmplxUnions, cmplxFilter, 
   cmplxHullUnsafe, cmplxFilterSpan, cmplxFilterSpans, cellNhd,

   -- * Example complexes
   swissFlag, sqPairFwd, sqPairBack, torus3d, genusTwo3d,

   -- * Utilities

) where

import Data.Int      (Int8)
import Data.Maybe    (fromJust)
import Data.List     (transpose, groupBy, sortBy)
import Data.Ord      (comparing)
import Data.Function (on)
import Control.Monad (liftM, guard)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable, hashWithSalt, hash)
import Control.DeepSeq (deepseq, NFData(..))
import qualified Data.HashSet as S 
   (HashSet, fromList, filter, toList, union, empty, unions, 
    difference, map, size, singleton, null, foldr, delete, member)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M 
   (HashMap, empty, null, insertWith, fromListWith, filter, 
    fromList, lookup, toList)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V 
   ((//), sum, toList, all, fromList, Vector, zipWith, length, map, update, 
   (!), replicate, elemIndex, elemIndices, (++), zip, enumFromN, drop, take, 
   singleton, Unbox, accumulate)
import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.), xor)
import Control.Parallel.Strategies 
   (rdeepseq, parBuffer, withStrategy, parList, dot, evalTuple3, r0)
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, arbitrary, suchThat, choose, vectorOf, 

-- Utilities --

-- | Space-efficient cartesian product of list of finite domains
lazyProd :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
lazyProd []  = [[]]
lazyProd [x] = map (:[]) x
lazyProd (x1:x2:xs) = concat . concat $
                      [[[y1:y2:yn | y1<-x1] | y2<-x2] | yn <- (lazyProd xs)]

-- | Given a vector of n bits, a bitmask with k bits for n ambient coordinates,
--   and a vector f of k bits to add, fill in the vector along the bitmask with 
--   the fillers
bitFill :: V.Vector T -> V.Vector T -> V.Vector T -> V.Vector T
bitFill v m f = V.accumulate (+) v $ V.zip maskIndices f
   where maskIndices = V.elemIndices 1 m

-- Vertices --

-- | A generic notation for coordinate values.
type T = Int8

-- | A vertex with lexicographic ordering.
data Vertex = Vertex { coords :: V.Vector T, _hash :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Vertex where show v = show (V.toList $ coords v)
instance Arbitrary Vertex 
   where arbitrary = do l  <- choose (1,5) 
                        ts <- vectorOf l (arbitrary `suchThat` 
                                         (\t -> t >= 0 && t <= 63))
                        return (vertexUnsafe ts)
instance Hashable Vertex where hashWithSalt s v = s + (_hash v)
instance NFData Vertex where rnf v = (rnf $ coords v) `seq` 
                                     (rnf $ _hash v)  `seq` () 

-- | Safe constructor for vertices.
vertex :: [T] -> Maybe Vertex
vertex ts | null ts      = Nothing 
          | any (< 0) ts = Nothing
          | otherwise    = Just . vertexUnsafe $ ts 

-- | Unsafe constructor for vertices.
vertexUnsafe :: [T] -> Vertex
vertexUnsafe ts = Vertex { coords = V.fromList ts, _hash = hash ts }

-- | Unsafe constructor for vertices from vectors.
vertexVectorUnsafe :: V.Vector T -> Vertex
vertexVectorUnsafe v = Vertex { coords = v, _hash = hash $ V.toList v } 

-- | Fetch coordinates for a vertex.
vertexToList :: Vertex -> [T]
vertexToList = V.toList . coords

--- | Combine two vertices coordinate-wise with a given operation,
--    with floor of 0 on each coordinate.
vertexPtWise :: (T -> T -> T) -> Vertex -> Vertex -> Vertex
vertexPtWise f v1 v2 = vertexVectorUnsafe $
                       V.zipWith (\x y -> if (f x y) < 0 then 0 else f x y)
                          (coords v1) (coords v2)

-- | Add two vertices coordinate-wise.
vAdd :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Vertex
vAdd = vertexPtWise (+)

-- | Subtract two vertices coordinate-wise.
vSub :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Vertex
vSub = vertexPtWise (-)

-- | Subtract two vertices coordinate-wise without bounds checking.
vSubUnsafe :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Vertex
vSubUnsafe v1 v2 = vertexVectorUnsafe $ V.zipWith (-) (coords v1) (coords v2)

-- | Coordinate-wise minimum.
vMin :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Vertex
vMin = vertexPtWise (min)

-- | Coordinate-wise maximum.
vMax :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Vertex
vMax = vertexPtWise (max)

-- | Test whether vertex is less than another in cubical partial ordering.
vLT :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Bool
vLT v1 v2 = V.all (==True) $ V.zipWith (<=) (coords v1) (coords v2) 

-- | Test whether vertex is greater than another in cubical partial ordering.
vGT :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Bool
vGT = flip vLT

-- | Fetch ambient dimension of a vertex.
vDim :: Vertex -> Int
vDim = V.length . coords

-- Vertex Spans defining sets of cubical cells --

-- | A cubical vertex span.
data VertSpan = VertSpan { vsFst :: !Vertex, vsSnd :: !Vertex } 
   deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance NFData VertSpan
instance Arbitrary VertSpan
   where arbitrary = do v1  <- arbitrary 
                        v2  <- (resize 6 arbitrary) `suchThat` 
                               ((== vDim v1).vDim)
                        return $ vsUnsafe v1 (v1 `vAdd` v2)

-- | Safe constructor for vertex spans. Sanity checks for matching ambient
--   coordinate systems.
vertSpan :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Maybe VertSpan
vertSpan v1 v2 
   | (v1 `vLT` v2) && (vDim v1 == vDim v2) = Just $ VertSpan v1 v2
   | otherwise = Nothing

-- | Unsafe constructor for vertex spans.
vsUnsafe :: Vertex -> Vertex -> VertSpan
vsUnsafe = VertSpan

-- | View a vertex as a 0-dimensional vertex span.
vsVert :: Vertex -> VertSpan
vsVert v = vsUnsafe v v

-- | Get coordinates for lower vertex in coordinate span.
vsFstList :: VertSpan -> [T]
vsFstList = vertexToList . vsFst 

-- | Get coordinates for upper vertex in coordinate span.
vsSndList :: VertSpan -> [T]
vsSndList = vertexToList . vsSnd 

-- | Safe constructor for vertex spans from coordinates.
vsCoords :: [T] -> [T] -> Maybe VertSpan
vsCoords t1 t2 = do v1 <- vertex t1; v2 <- vertex t2; vertSpan v1 v2

-- | Unsafe constructor for vertex spans from coordinates.
vsCoordsUnsafe :: [T] -> [T] -> VertSpan
vsCoordsUnsafe t1 t2 = vsUnsafe (vertexUnsafe t1) (vertexUnsafe t2) 

-- | Given a vertex span, determine the corresponding cubical dimension.
vsDim :: VertSpan -> Int
vsDim vs = V.sum $ V.zipWith (\x y -> if x /= y then 1 else 0)
                             (coords $ vsFst vs) (coords $ vsSnd vs)

-- | Test whether a vertex span is a cubical cell.
vsIsCell :: VertSpan -> Bool
vsIsCell vs = V.all (flip elem [0,1]) . coords $
              (vsSnd vs) `vSubUnsafe` (vsFst vs)

-- | Given a vertex span, extend it by one more unit in every direction in
--   which it already extends.
vsFatten :: VertSpan -> VertSpan
vsFatten vs = vsUnsafe ((vsFst vs) `vSub` d) ((vsSnd vs) `vAdd` d)
   where c = head $ spanTopCells vs
         d = (maxVert c) `vSub` (minVert c) 

-- | Given a vertex span, efficiently determine all pairs of (cell,vertex)
--   where the vertices are corner vertices of the span and the cells are
--   the unique top-cells containing them.
vsCornerPairs :: VertSpan -> S.HashSet (CubeCell, Vertex)
vsCornerPairs vs
   | vsDim vs == 0 = S.singleton $ (cellUnsafe (vsFstList vs) (vsSndList vs),
                                    vertexUnsafe (vsFstList vs))
   | otherwise = S.fromList $ zip cells corners 
   where coordSpans = transpose [vsFstList vs, vsSndList vs]
         coordRans  = map (\cs -> enumFromTo (head cs) (last cs)) coordSpans
         coordRans' = map (\cs -> enumFromThenTo (last cs) (last cs-1) 
                                                 (head cs)) coordSpans
         possCoords = zipWith (\l1 l2 -> [l1, reverse l2]) 
                      (map (take 2) coordRans) (map (take 2) coordRans') 
         cells      = map (\[x,y] -> cellUnsafe x y) .  map transpose $ 
                      lazyProd possCoords
         corners    = map vertexUnsafe . lazyProd $ 
                      map (\[x,y] -> [head x, last y]) possCoords

-- | Given a vertex span, efficiently determine its "corner" vertices.
vsCornerVerts :: VertSpan -> S.HashSet Vertex
vsCornerVerts = S.map snd . vsCornerPairs 

-- Cubical Cells --

-- | Type for bit vectors to help generate random cells.
newtype BitVector = BitVector { bitVect :: V.Vector T } deriving (Show)
instance Arbitrary BitVector where
   arbitrary = do l  <- choose (1,7)
                  bs <- vectorOf l (choose (0,1))
                  return . BitVector $ V.fromList bs
-- | A cubical cell.
data CubeCell = CubeCell { _minVert :: !Vertex, _maxVert :: !Vertex } deriving (Eq)
instance NFData CubeCell

-- | For storing cubical cells in unordered containers.
instance Hashable CubeCell
   where hashWithSalt s c = hashWithSalt s (_minVert c, _maxVert c)

-- | Lexicographically ordered by endpoints.
instance Ord CubeCell where
   c1 <= c2 = (minVert c1, maxVert c1) <= (minVert c2, maxVert c2)

-- | Show endpoints.
instance Show CubeCell
   where show c = "(" ++ show (cellDim c) ++ ","
                  ++ show (minVert c) ++ "," ++ show (maxVert c) ++ ")"

-- | Random cubical cells.
instance Arbitrary CubeCell
   where arbitrary = do v1 <- arbitrary
                        v2 <- (liftM (vertexVectorUnsafe . bitVect) $ arbitrary) 
                              `suchThat` ((== vDim v1) . vDim)
                        return $ cellVertsUnsafe v1 (v1 `vAdd` v2)

-- | Get the minimum vertex for a cubical cell.
minVert :: CubeCell -> Vertex
minVert c = _minVert c

-- | Get the maximum vertex for a cubical cell.
maxVert :: CubeCell -> Vertex
maxVert c = _maxVert c
-- | Unsafe constructor for cubical cells from vertices.
cellVertsUnsafe :: Vertex -> Vertex -> CubeCell
cellVertsUnsafe v1 v2 = CubeCell v1 v2

-- | Unsafe constructor for cubical cells from coordinates.
cellUnsafe :: [T] -> [T] -> CubeCell
cellUnsafe t1 t2 = cellVertsUnsafe (vertexUnsafe t1) (vertexUnsafe t2) 

-- | Safe constructor for cubical cells from vertices.
cellVerts :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Maybe CubeCell
cellVerts v1 v2 = do vs <- vertSpan v1 v2 
                     guard (vsIsCell vs)
                     return $ cellVertsUnsafe v1 v2 

-- | Safe constructor for cubical cells from coordinates.
cell :: [T] -> [T] -> Maybe CubeCell
cell t1 t2 = do v1 <- vertex t1; v2 <- vertex t2; cellVerts v1 v2

-- | Get dimension of a cell.
cellDim :: CubeCell -> Int
cellDim c = fromEnum . V.sum . coords $ maxVert c `vSubUnsafe` minVert c

-- | Given a coordinate span, list its top-dimensional cubical cells.
spanTopCells :: VertSpan -> [CubeCell] 
spanTopCells = map pairUp . vertSpans
   where pairUp [a,b] = cellUnsafe a b
         -- determine the vertex spans of top-dimensional cubes
         vertSpans vs = map transpose . lazyProd .
                        map (pairs . uncurry enumFromTo) $
                        zip (vsFstList vs) (vsSndList vs)
         pairs []  = []
         pairs [x] = [[x,x]]
         pairs xs  = zipWith (\a b -> [a,b]) xs (tail xs)

-- | Treat a vertex as a cell.
vertToCell :: Vertex -> CubeCell
vertToCell v = cellVertsUnsafe v v

-- | Test whether a cubical cell belongs to a given vertex span.
inSpan :: CubeCell -> VertSpan -> Bool
inSpan c vs = (vsFst vs `vLT` minVert c) && (maxVert c `vLT` vsSnd vs)

-- | Test whether a vertex belongs to a given vertex span.
vInSpan :: Vertex -> VertSpan -> Bool
vInSpan v vs = (vertToCell v) `inSpan` vs

-- | Type for recording comparisons to extrema.
data VertType = Min | Max | Neither deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Test if a cubical cell is in the boundary of a cubical coordinate span.
--   See also vsBdry and spanBdryCells 
inBdry :: CubeCell -> VertSpan -> Bool
inBdry c vs = any (==True) $
              zipWith (\a b -> a == b && a /= Neither)
                      (vertBdryCmpts vs $ minVert c)
                      (vertBdryCmpts vs $ maxVert c)
   where vertBdryCmpts vs v = zipWith3 cmp (vsFstList vs) (vsSndList vs)
                              (vertexToList v)
         cmp min max i | i == min = Min
                       | i == max = Max
                       | otherwise = Neither

-- | Given a coordinate span, list all coordinate spans of its boundary.
vsBdry :: VertSpan -> [VertSpan]
vsBdry vs = map (uncurry vsUnsafe) (fstSnd fst ++ fstSnd snd)
   where ranges     = V.zip (coords $ vsFst vs) (coords $ vsSnd vs)
         modVec f i = V.take i ranges 
                      V.++ (V.singleton . (\t -> (t,t)) . f $ ranges V.! i) 
                      V.++ V.drop (i+1) ranges
         fstSnd f   = zip (map (vertexVectorUnsafe . 
                           V.map fst . modVec f) [0..V.length ranges-1])
                          (map (vertexVectorUnsafe . 
                           V.map snd . modVec f) [0..V.length ranges-1])
-- | Given a coordinate span, provide a list of top-cells in each face.
spanBdryCells :: VertSpan -> [[CubeCell]]
spanBdryCells = map spanTopCells . vsBdry

-- | List of all possible generic n-cubes, presented as cells (memoized).
nCubes :: [CubeCell]
nCubes = map gen [0..]
   where gen n = cellUnsafe (replicate n 0) (replicate n 1)

-- | Vertices of generic n-cube, as subcells (memoized).
nCubeVerts :: Int -> [CubeCell]
nCubeVerts n | n < 0     = []
             | otherwise = nCubesVerts !! n
nCubesVerts = map nCubeVerts' [0..]
   where nCubeVerts' 0 = map (vertToCell . vertexUnsafe) [[0]]
         nCubeVerts' n = map (vertToCell . vertexUnsafe) . lazyProd $ 
                         replicate n [0,1]

-- | Subcells of a generic n-cube (memoized).
nCubeCells :: Int -> [CubeCell]
nCubeCells n | n < 0     = []
             | otherwise = nCubesCells !! n
nCubesCells = map nCubeCells' [0..]
   where nCubeCells' n = [cellVertsUnsafe v1 v2 | 
                          v1 <- map minVert $ nCubeVerts n, 
                          v2 <- map minVert $ nCubeVerts n, v1 `vLT` v2]

-- | Proper subcells of a generic n-cube (mostly memoized).
nCubeProperCells :: Int -> [CubeCell]
nCubeProperCells n = filter ((/= n) . cellDim) . nCubeCells $ n

-- | List of cells in boundary of a generic n-cube (memoized).
nCubeBdry :: Int -> [CubeCell]
nCubeBdry n | n < 0     = []
            | otherwise = nCubesBdry !! n
nCubesBdry = map nCubeBdry' [0..]
   where nCubeBdry' n = concat . spanBdryCells $ vsCoordsUnsafe
                        (replicate n 0) (replicate n 1)

-- | List top-cells in k-skeleta of generic n-cube (memoized).
nCubeKSkels :: Int -> Int -> [CubeCell]
nCubeKSkels n k | n < 0 || k < 0 = []
                | k > n = [nCubes !! n]
                | otherwise = nCubesKSkels !! n !! k
nCubesKSkels = map nCubeKSkels' [0..]
   where nCubeKSkels' = groupBy ((==) `on` cellDim) . 
                        sortBy (comparing cellDim) . nCubeCells

-- | Given a (nongeneric) cell c and a generic cell g representing a subcell
--   of a generic cell of dimension dim c, return the translation of g into 
--   the nongeneric coordinates of c.
genToNonGen :: CubeCell -> CubeCell -> CubeCell
genToNonGen c g = cellVertsUnsafe l u 
   where bitMask = coords $ maxVert c `vSubUnsafe` minVert c
         minc    = coords $ minVert c
         l       = vertexVectorUnsafe $ bitFill minc bitMask (coords $ minVert g)
         u       = vertexVectorUnsafe $ bitFill minc bitMask (coords $ maxVert g)

-- | Given a subcell s of a (nongeneric) cell c, express s as a subcell of
--   a generic cell of the same dimension as c.
nonGenToGen :: CubeCell -> CubeCell -> CubeCell
nonGenToGen c s = cellUnsafe (zipWith (V.!) (repeat $ locMin) indices)
                             (zipWith (V.!) (repeat $ locMax) indices)
   where locMin    = coords $ minVert s `vSubUnsafe` minVert c
         locMax    = coords $ maxVert s `vSubUnsafe` minVert c
         bitMask   = coords $ maxVert c `vSubUnsafe` minVert c
         indices   = V.toList . V.elemIndices 1 $ bitMask

-- | Given a (nongeneric) cubical cell, get specified set of cubical
--   substructure.
lookupSubCells :: [[CubeCell]] -> CubeCell -> [CubeCell]
lookupSubCells l c = map (genToNonGen c) $ l !! cellDim c

-- | Given a (nongeneric) cubical cell, list its vertices.
verts :: CubeCell -> [Vertex]
verts c = map minVert $ lookupSubCells nCubesVerts c

-- | Given a (nongeneric) cubical cell, get all cubical subcells.
subCells :: CubeCell -> [CubeCell]
subCells = lookupSubCells nCubesCells

-- | Given a (nongeneric) cubical cell, get all proper cubical subcells.
properSubCells :: CubeCell -> [CubeCell]
properSubCells = lookupSubCells (map nCubeProperCells [0..])

-- | Given a (nongeneric) cubical cell of dim n in ambient dim n, 
--   get its boundary.
bdry :: CubeCell -> [CubeCell]
bdry = lookupSubCells nCubesBdry

-- | Given a (nongeneric) cubical cell, get top-cells of its k-skeleton.
kSkel :: Int -> CubeCell -> [CubeCell]
kSkel k c | k < 0 = []
          | otherwise  = map (genToNonGen c) gs 
   where gs = nCubeKSkels (cellDim c) k

-- | Test if the former cubical cell is a subcell of the latter.
isSubCell :: CubeCell -> CubeCell -> Bool
isSubCell s c = inSpan s $ vsUnsafe (minVert c) (maxVert c)

-- | Test if the former cubical cell is a proper subcell of the latter.
isPropSubCell :: CubeCell -> CubeCell -> Bool
isPropSubCell s c = (isSubCell s c) && (cellDim c /= cellDim s)

-- | Lazy list of maps from faces of generic n-cubes to their opposites.
genOpFaces :: [M.HashMap CubeCell CubeCell] 
genOpFaces = map opFaces [0..]
   where differ v1 v2   = V.zipWith xor (V.zipWith (.&.) v1 v2) 
                                        (V.zipWith (.|.) v1 v2)
         invert v1 v2   = V.map (xor 1) $ differ v1 v2
         index  v1 v2   = fromJust $ V.elemIndex 1 $ invert v1 v2
         newVal v1 v2   = (index v1 v2, 1 - v1 V.! index v1 v2)
         newVerts v1 v2 = map (vertexUnsafe . V.toList . 
                               flip (V.//) [newVal v1 v2]) [v1, v2]
         opVerts c      = newVerts (coords $ minVert c) (coords $ maxVert c) 
         opFace c       = cellVertsUnsafe (head $ opVerts c) (last $ opVerts c) 
         opFaces n      = M.fromList . zip (nCubesBdry !! n) $ 
                          map (opFace) (nCubesBdry !! n) 

-- | Given a face f in some n-cube, get its opposite face (memoized).
opFaceUnsafe :: CubeCell -> CubeCell -> CubeCell
opFaceUnsafe c f = let g = fromJust $ M.lookup f' (genOpFaces !! (cellDim c))
                   in genToNonGen c g
   where f' = nonGenToGen c f

-- Cubical Complexes --

-- | A cubical complex consists of a set of top-cells.
newtype CubeCmplx = CubeCmplx { cells :: S.HashSet CubeCell } deriving (Show,Eq)
instance NFData CubeCmplx where rnf cx = rnf (cells cx)

-- | A "random" cubical complex will be a vertex span with a random subset of
--   top-cells removed. Not ideal since every cell will have the same dimension.
instance Arbitrary CubeCmplx
   where arbitrary = do vs <- arbitrary `suchThat` ((<= 3).vsDim)
                        let cx = vsCmplx vs
                        let cs = zip (cycle [1..100]) $ S.toList (cells cx)
                        return . CubeCmplx . S.fromList . map snd .
                           filter ((>=10) . fst) $ cs

-- | An empty complex.
cmplxEmpty :: CubeCmplx
cmplxEmpty = CubeCmplx { cells = S.empty }

-- | Detect if complex is empty.
cmplxNull :: CubeCmplx -> Bool
cmplxNull cx = S.null $ cells cx

-- | Get the size of a cubical complex.
cmplxSize :: CubeCmplx -> Int
cmplxSize cx = S.size $ cells cx

-- | Given a function producing a set of cubical cells from any cubical cell,
--   apply it to a cubical complex to yield a new complex.
cmplxApply :: CubeCmplx -> (CubeCell -> S.HashSet CubeCell) -> CubeCmplx
cmplxApply cx f = CubeCmplx . S.unions . map f . S.toList $ cells cx

-- | Basic means of constructing cubical complexes via vertex spans.
vsCmplx :: VertSpan -> CubeCmplx
vsCmplx vs = CubeCmplx { cells = S.fromList $ spanTopCells vs }

-- | Given a single cell to delete from a complex, delete it if present.
cmplxDelCell :: CubeCmplx -> CubeCell -> CubeCmplx
cmplxDelCell cx c = CubeCmplx { cells = S.delete c (cells cx) }

-- | Given a list of cells to delete from a complex, delete them if present.
cmplxDelCells :: CubeCmplx -> S.HashSet CubeCell -> CubeCmplx
cmplxDelCells cx cs = CubeCmplx { cells = S.difference (cells cx) cs }

-- | Given a set of cells to insert into a complex, insert them all.
cmplxAddCells :: CubeCmplx -> S.HashSet CubeCell -> CubeCmplx
cmplxAddCells cx cs = CubeCmplx { cells = S.union cs (cells cx) }

-- | Union a list of complexes.
cmplxUnions :: [CubeCmplx] -> CubeCmplx
cmplxUnions = CubeCmplx . S.unions . map cells

-- | Filter the top-cells of a complex on some predicate.
cmplxFilter :: (CubeCell -> Bool) -> CubeCmplx -> CubeCmplx
cmplxFilter f cx = CubeCmplx . S.filter f $ cells cx

-- | Given a non-empty complex, determine the minimal vertex span containing it.
--   The resulting span need not have the same dimension as the ambient space.
cmplxHullUnsafe :: CubeCmplx -> VertSpan
cmplxHullUnsafe cx = vsUnsafe minv maxv
   where (f,s) = unzip . map (\c -> (minVert c, maxVert c)) . S.toList $ cells cx
         minv  = foldr vMin (vertexUnsafe $ replicate (vDim $ head f) 
                            (maxBound :: T)) f
         maxv  = foldr vMax (vertexUnsafe $ replicate (vDim $ head f)
                            (minBound :: T)) s 
-- | Given a complex cx and a vertex span vs, filter the complex down to the
--   subcomplex of all top-cells of cx contained in vs.
cmplxFilterSpan :: CubeCmplx -> VertSpan -> CubeCmplx
cmplxFilterSpan cx vs = cmplxFilter (flip inSpan vs) cx 

-- | Given a complex and a list of vertex spans, determine the list of
--   subcomplexes of top-cells supported on these spans, paired up with the
--   spans so that the original boundaries are known.
cmplxFilterSpans :: CubeCmplx -> [VertSpan] -> [(CubeCmplx, VertSpan)]
cmplxFilterSpans cx vss = withStrategy (parBuffer 100 rdeepseq) $
                          zip (map (cmplxFilterSpan cx) vss) vss

-- | Given a cell c in a cubical complex, get a subcomplex that includes all 
--   all top-cells that could be adjacent to c (including c). Handy for
--   reducing search problems.
cellNhd :: CubeCmplx -> CubeCell -> CubeCmplx
cellNhd cx c = cmplxFilterSpan cx $ vsUnsafe minv maxv
   where minv = (minVert c) `vSub` 
                (vertexVectorUnsafe $ V.replicate (vDim (minVert c)) 1)
         maxv = (maxVert c) `vAdd` 
                (vertexVectorUnsafe $ V.replicate (vDim (minVert c)) 1)

-- | Standard example of finite directed cubical complex: two classes of
--   paths expected in path category.
swissFlag :: (CubeCmplx, [VertSpan])
swissFlag = (cx, [vsVert $ vertexUnsafe [1,1], vsVert $ vertexUnsafe [6,6]]) 
   where cx = cmplxDelCells (vsCmplx $ vsCoordsUnsafe [1,1] [6,6]) $
              S.fromList $ [cellUnsafe [2,3] [3,4], cellUnsafe [3,2] [4,3],
                            cellUnsafe [3,3] [4,4], cellUnsafe [4,3] [5,4],
                            cellUnsafe [3,4] [4,5]]
-- | Standard example: four classes of paths expected in path category.
sqPairFwd :: (CubeCmplx, [VertSpan])
sqPairFwd = (cx, [vsVert $ vertexUnsafe [1,1], vsVert $ vertexUnsafe [6,6]])
   where cx = cmplxDelCells (vsCmplx $ vsCoordsUnsafe [1,1] [6,6]) $
              S.fromList $ [cellUnsafe [2,2] [3,3], cellUnsafe [4,4] [5,5]]

-- | Standard example: three classes of paths expected in path category.
sqPairBack :: (CubeCmplx, [VertSpan])
sqPairBack = (cx, [vsVert $ vertexUnsafe [1,1], vsVert $ vertexUnsafe [6,6]])
   where cx = cmplxDelCells (vsCmplx $ vsCoordsUnsafe [1,1] [6,6]) $
              S.fromList $ [cellUnsafe [2,4] [3,5], cellUnsafe [4,2] [5,3]]

-- | Standard example: two classes of paths expected in path category.
torus3d :: (CubeCmplx, [VertSpan])
torus3d = (cx, [vsVert $ vertexUnsafe [1,1,1], vsVert $ vertexUnsafe [4,4,2]])
   where cx = cmplxDelCells (vsCmplx $ vsCoordsUnsafe [1,1,1] [4,4,2]) $
              S.fromList $ [cellUnsafe [2,2,1] [3,3,2]]

-- | Standard example: four classes of paths expected in path category.
genusTwo3d :: (CubeCmplx, [VertSpan])
genusTwo3d = (cx, [vsVert $ vertexUnsafe [1,1,1], vsVert $ vertexUnsafe [4,6,2]]) 
   where cx = cmplxDelCells (vsCmplx $ vsCoordsUnsafe [1,1,1] [4,6,2]) $
              S.fromList $ [cellUnsafe [2,2,1] [3,3,2], 
                            cellUnsafe [2,4,1] [3,5,2]]