import StrictEq import Database.SQLite3 import qualified Database.SQLite3.Direct as Direct import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception import Control.Monad (forM_, liftM3, when) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (UnicodeException(..)) import Data.Typeable import Data.Monoid import System.Directory import System.Exit (exitFailure) import System.IO import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError, isUserError) import System.Timeout (timeout) import Test.HUnit import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8 import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T data TestEnv = TestEnv { conn :: Database -- ^ Database shared by all the tests , withConn :: forall a. (Database -> IO a) -> IO a -- ^ Bracket for spawning an additional connection. -- This connection will be isolated from others. , withConnShared :: forall a. (Database -> IO a) -> IO a -- ^ Like 'withConn', but every invocation shares the same database. } regressionTests :: [TestEnv -> Test] regressionTests = [ TestLabel "Exec" . testExec , TestLabel "ExecCallback" . testExecCallback , TestLabel "Simple" . testSimplest , TestLabel "Prepare" . testPrepare , TestLabel "CloseBusy" . testCloseBusy , TestLabel "Params" . testBind , TestLabel "Params" . testBindParamCounts , TestLabel "Params" . testBindParamName , TestLabel "Params" . testBindErrorValidation , TestLabel "Params" . testNamedBindParams , TestLabel "Columns" . testColumns , TestLabel "TypedColumns" . testTypedColumns , TestLabel "ColumnName" . testColumnName , TestLabel "Errors" . testErrors , TestLabel "Integrity" . testIntegrity , TestLabel "DecodeError" . testDecodeError , TestLabel "ResultStats" . testResultStats , TestLabel "GetAutoCommit" . testGetAutoCommit , TestLabel "Debug" . testStatementSql , TestLabel "Debug" . testTracing , TestLabel "CustomFunc" . testCustomFunction , TestLabel "CustomFuncErr" . testCustomFunctionError , TestLabel "CustomAggr" . testCustomAggragate , TestLabel "CustomColl" . testCustomCollation ] ++ (if rtsSupportsBoundThreads then [ TestLabel "Interrupt" . testInterrupt ] else []) featureTests :: [TestEnv -> Test] featureTests = [ TestLabel "MultiRowInsert" . testMultiRowInsert ] assertFail :: IO a -> Assertion assertFail action = shouldFail action >>= assertBool "assertFail" -- | Return 'True' if the IO action throws a 'userError', -- which happens when 'fail' is used. shouldFail :: IO a -> IO Bool shouldFail action = do r <- try action case r of Left e -> return $ isUserError e Right _ -> return False withStmt :: Database -> Text -> (Statement -> IO a) -> IO a withStmt conn sql = bracket (prepare conn sql) finalize testExec :: TestEnv -> Test testExec TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ do exec conn "" exec conn " " exec conn ";" exec conn " ; ; ; ; ; " exec conn "--" Left SQLError{sqlError = ErrorError} <- try $ exec conn "/*" -- sqlite3_exec does not allow "/*" to be terminated by end of input, -- but says it's fine. exec conn ";--\n;/**/" withConn $ \conn -> do -- Make sure all the statements passed to exec are executed. -- Test a little value conversion while we're at it. exec conn "CREATE TABLE foo (n FLOAT, t TEXT); \ \INSERT INTO foo VALUES (3.5, null); \ \INSERT INTO foo VALUES (null, 'Ự₦ⓘ₡ợ₫ḝ'); \ \INSERT INTO foo VALUES (null, ''); \ \INSERT INTO foo VALUES (null, 'null'); \ \INSERT INTO foo VALUES (null, null)" withStmt conn ("SELECT * FROM foo") $ \stmt -> do Row <- step stmt [SQLFloat 3.5, SQLNull] <- columns stmt Row <- step stmt [SQLNull, SQLText "Ự₦ⓘ₡ợ₫ḝ"] <- columns stmt Row <- step stmt [SQLNull, SQLText ""] <- columns stmt Row <- step stmt [SQLNull, SQLText "null"] <- columns stmt Row <- step stmt [SQLNull, SQLNull] <- columns stmt Done <- step stmt return () data Ex = Ex deriving (Show, Typeable) instance Exception Ex testExecCallback :: TestEnv -> Test testExecCallback TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ withConn $ \conn -> do chan <- newChan let exec' sql = execWithCallback conn sql $ \c n v -> writeChan chan (c, n, v) exec' "CREATE TABLE foo (a INT, b TEXT); \ \INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1, 'a'); \ \INSERT INTO foo VALUES (2, 'b'); \ \INSERT INTO foo VALUES (3, null); \ \INSERT INTO foo VALUES (null, 'd'); " exec' "SELECT 1, 2, 3" (3, ["1","2","3"], [Just "1", Just "2", Just "3"]) <- readChan chan exec' "SELECT null" (1, ["null"], [Nothing]) <- readChan chan exec' "SELECT * FROM foo" (2, ["a","b"], [Just "1", Just "a"]) <- readChan chan (2, ["a","b"], [Just "2", Just "b"]) <- readChan chan (2, ["a","b"], [Just "3", Nothing ]) <- readChan chan (2, ["a","b"], [Nothing, Just "d"]) <- readChan chan exec' "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE a < 0; SELECT 123" (1, ["123"], [Just "123"]) <- readChan chan exec' "SELECT rowid, f.a, f.b, a || b FROM foo AS f" (4, ["rowid", "a", "b", "a || b"], [Just "1", Just "1", Just "a", Just "1a"]) <- readChan chan (4, ["rowid", "a", "b", "a || b"], [Just "2", Just "2", Just "b", Just "2b"]) <- readChan chan (4, ["rowid", "a", "b", "a || b"], [Just "3", Just "3", Nothing , Nothing ]) <- readChan chan (4, ["rowid", "a", "b", "a || b"], [Just "4", Nothing , Just "d", Nothing ]) <- readChan chan Left Ex <- try $ execWithCallback conn "SELECT 1" $ \_ _ _ -> throwIO Ex return () testTracing :: TestEnv -> Test testTracing TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ withConn $ \conn -> do chan <- newChan let logger m = writeChan chan m Direct.setTrace conn (Just logger) withStmt conn "SELECT null" $ \stmt -> do Row <- step stmt res <- columns stmt Done <- step stmt assertEqual "tracing" [SQLNull] res Direct.Utf8 msg <- readChan chan assertEqual "tracing" "SELECT null" msg withStmt conn "SELECT 1+?" $ \stmt -> do bind stmt [SQLInteger 2] Row <- step stmt Done <- step stmt reset stmt bind stmt [SQLInteger 3] Row <- step stmt Done <- step stmt Direct.Utf8 msg <- readChan chan assertEqual "tracing" "SELECT 1+2" msg Direct.Utf8 msg <- readChan chan assertEqual "tracing" "SELECT 1+3" msg -- Check that disabling works too Direct.setTrace conn Nothing reset stmt bind stmt [SQLInteger 3] Row <- step stmt Done <- step stmt writeChan chan (Direct.Utf8 "empty") Direct.Utf8 msg <- readChan chan assertEqual "tracing" "empty" msg -- Simplest SELECT testSimplest :: TestEnv -> Test testSimplest TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ do stmt <- prepare conn "SELECT 1+1" Row <- step stmt res <- column stmt 0 Done <- step stmt finalize stmt assertEqual "1+1" (SQLInteger 2) res testPrepare :: TestEnv -> Test testPrepare TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ do True <- shouldFail $ prepare conn "" True <- shouldFail $ prepare conn ";" withConn $ \conn -> do withStmt conn "CREATE TABLE foo (a INT, b INT); \ \INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1, 2); \ \INSERT INTO foo VALUES (3, 4)" $ \stmt -> do Done <- step stmt return () withStmt conn "BEGIN; INSERT INTO foo VALUES (5, 6); COMMIT" $ \stmt -> do Done <- step stmt return () withStmt conn "SELECT * FROM foo" $ \stmt -> do Done <- step stmt -- No row was inserted, because only the CREATE TABLE -- statement was run. The rest was ignored. return () Left SQLError{sqlError = ErrorError} <- try $ exec conn "BEGIN" -- We're in a transaction already, so this fails. exec conn "COMMIT" return () testCloseBusy :: TestEnv -> Test testCloseBusy _ = TestCase $ do conn <- open ":memory:" stmt <- prepare conn "SELECT 1" Left SQLError{sqlError = ErrorBusy} <- try $ close conn finalize stmt close conn testBind :: TestEnv -> Test testBind TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ do bracket (prepare conn "SELECT ?") finalize testBind1 bracket (prepare conn "SELECT ?+?") finalize testBind2 where testBind1 stmt = do let params = [SQLInteger 3] bind stmt params Row <- step stmt res <- columns stmt Done <- step stmt assertEqual "single param" params res testBind2 stmt = do let params = [SQLInteger 1, SQLInteger 1] bind stmt params Row <- step stmt res <- columns stmt Done <- step stmt assertEqual "two params param" [SQLInteger 2] res -- Test bindParameterCount testBindParamCounts :: TestEnv -> Test testBindParamCounts TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ do testCase "single $a" "SELECT $a" 1 testCase "3 unique ?NNNs" "SELECT (?1+?1+?1+?2+?3)" 3 testCase "3 positional" "SELECT (?+?+?)" 3 testCase "5 params, 2 gaps" "SELECT ?3, ?5, ?1" 5 testCase "6 params, gaps & auto" "SELECT ?3, ?5, ?1, ?" 6 testCase "8 params, auto & overlap" "SELECT ?, ?5, ?, ?2, ?, ?6, ?" 8 -- 8 because ? grabs an index one greater than the highest index of all -- previous parameters, not just the most recent index. testCase "0 placeholders" "SELECT 1" 0 where testCase label query expected = bracket (prepare conn query) finalize bindParameterCount >>= assertEqual label expected -- Test bindParameterName testBindParamName :: TestEnv -> Test testBindParamName TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ do bracket (prepare conn "SELECT :v + :v2") finalize (testNames [Just ":v", Just ":v2"]) bracket (prepare conn "SELECT ?1 + ?1") finalize (testNames [Just "?1"]) bracket (prepare conn "SELECT ?1 + ?2") finalize (testNames [Just "?1", Just "?2"]) bracket (prepare conn "SELECT ? + ?") finalize (testNames [Nothing, Nothing]) bracket (prepare conn "SELECT $1 + $2") finalize (testNames [Just "$1", Just "$2"]) where testNames names stmt = do count <- bindParameterCount stmt assertEqual "count match" count (fromIntegral $ length names) mapM_ (\(ndx,expecting) -> do name <- bindParameterName stmt ndx assertEqual "name match" expecting name) $ zip [1..] names testBindErrorValidation :: TestEnv -> Test testBindErrorValidation TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ do bracket (prepare conn "SELECT ?") finalize (assertFail . testException1) bracket (prepare conn "SELECT ?") finalize (assertFail . testException2) where -- Invalid use, one param in q string, none given testException1 stmt = bind stmt [] -- Invalid use, one param in q string, 2 given testException2 stmt = bind stmt [SQLInteger 1, SQLInteger 2] testNamedBindParams :: TestEnv -> Test testNamedBindParams TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ do withConn $ \conn -> do withStmt conn "SELECT :foo / :bar" $ \stmt -> do -- Test that we get something back for known names Just fooIdx <- Direct.bindParameterIndex stmt ":foo" Just barIdx <- Direct.bindParameterIndex stmt ":bar" -- Test that we get Nothing back for unknown names Nothing <- Direct.bindParameterIndex stmt "intentionally_undefined" Right () <- Direct.bindInt64 stmt fooIdx 4 Right () <- Direct.bindInt64 stmt barIdx 2 Row <- step stmt 1 <- columnCount stmt [SQLInteger 2] <- columns stmt Done <- step stmt return () withStmt conn "SELECT @n1+@n2" $ \stmt -> do -- Test that we get something back for known names Just _n1 <- Direct.bindParameterIndex stmt "@n1" Just _n2 <- Direct.bindParameterIndex stmt "@n2" -- Here's where things get confusing.. You can't mix different -- types of :/$/@ parameter conventions. Nothing <- Direct.bindParameterIndex stmt ":n1" Nothing <- Direct.bindParameterIndex stmt ":n2" return () withStmt conn "SELECT :foo / :bar,:t" $ \stmt -> do bindNamed stmt [(":t", SQLText "txt"), (":foo", SQLInteger 6), (":bar", SQLInteger 2)] Row <- step stmt 2 <- columnCount stmt [SQLInteger 3, SQLText "txt"] <- columns stmt Done <- step stmt return () testColumns :: TestEnv -> Test testColumns TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ do withConn $ \conn -> do withStmt conn "CREATE TABLE foo (a INT)" command withStmt conn "SELECT * FROM foo" $ \stmt -> do 1 <- columnCount stmt exec conn "ALTER TABLE foo ADD COLUMN b INT" Done <- step stmt 2 <- columnCount stmt return () withStmt conn "SELECT * FROM foo" $ \stmt -> do 2 <- columnCount stmt Done <- step stmt 2 <- columnCount stmt return () withStmt conn "INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1, 2)" command withStmt conn "SELECT * FROM foo" $ \stmt -> do 2 <- columnCount stmt Row <- step stmt 2 <- columnCount stmt [SQLInteger 1, SQLInteger 2] <- columns stmt Done <- step stmt 2 <- columnCount stmt return () withStmt conn "INSERT INTO foo VALUES (3, 4)" command withStmt conn "INSERT INTO foo VALUES (5, 6)" command withStmt conn "SELECT * FROM foo" $ \stmt -> do 2 <- columnCount stmt exec conn "ALTER TABLE foo ADD COLUMN c INT" Row <- step stmt 3 <- columnCount stmt [SQLInteger 1, SQLInteger 2, SQLNull] <- columns stmt exec conn "ALTER TABLE foo ADD COLUMN d INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 42" -- ignored by this prepared statement, now that it has stepped. Row <- step stmt 3 <- columnCount stmt [SQLInteger 3, SQLInteger 4, SQLNull] <- columns stmt Row <- step stmt 3 <- columnCount stmt [SQLInteger 5, SQLInteger 6, SQLNull] <- columns stmt Done <- step stmt 3 <- columnCount stmt reset stmt 3 <- columnCount stmt -- The prepared statement *still* doesn't know -- about the new column. Row <- step stmt 4 <- columnCount stmt -- That's better. [SQLInteger 1, SQLInteger 2, SQLNull, SQLInteger 42] <- columns stmt return () where command stmt = do 0 <- columnCount stmt Done <- step stmt 0 <- columnCount stmt return () testTypedColumns :: TestEnv -> Test testTypedColumns TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ do withConn $ \conn -> do withStmt conn "CREATE TABLE foo (a INT, b INT)" command withStmt conn "INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1, 2)" command withStmt conn "INSERT INTO foo VALUES (3, 4)" command withStmt conn "SELECT * FROM foo" $ \stmt -> do Row <- step stmt 2 <- columnCount stmt [SQLInteger 1, SQLInteger 2] <- typedColumns stmt [Nothing, Nothing] Row <- step stmt 2 <- columnCount stmt [SQLInteger 3, SQLInteger 4] <- typedColumns stmt [Just IntegerColumn, Just IntegerColumn] Done <- step stmt 2 <- columnCount stmt return () withStmt conn "SELECT * FROM foo" $ \stmt -> do Row <- step stmt 2 <- columnCount stmt [SQLText "1", SQLText "2"] <- typedColumns stmt [Just TextColumn, Just TextColumn] Row <- step stmt 2 <- columnCount stmt [SQLFloat 3.0, SQLFloat 4.0] <- typedColumns stmt [Just FloatColumn, Just FloatColumn] Done <- step stmt 2 <- columnCount stmt return () where command stmt = do 0 <- columnCount stmt Done <- step stmt 0 <- columnCount stmt return () testColumnName :: TestEnv -> Test testColumnName TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ do withConn $ \conn -> do exec conn "CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, abc TEXT, \"123\" REAL, über INT)" exec conn "INSERT INTO foo (abc, \"123\", über) VALUES ('hello', 3.14, 456)" withStmt conn "SELECT id AS id, abc AS x, \"123\" AS y, über AS ü FROM foo" $ \stmt -> do let checkNames = do 4 <- columnCount stmt Nothing <- columnName stmt (-1) Just "id" <- columnName stmt 0 Just "x" <- columnName stmt 1 Just "y" <- columnName stmt 2 Just "ü" <- columnName stmt 3 Nothing <- columnName stmt 4 Nothing <- columnName stmt minBound Nothing <- columnName stmt maxBound return () checkNames Row <- step stmt checkNames [SQLInteger 1, SQLText "hello", SQLFloat 3.14, SQLInteger 456] <- columns stmt Done <- step stmt checkNames -- Column names without AS clauses may change in future versions of SQLite. -- This test will fail if they do. withStmt conn "SELECT * FROM foo" $ \stmt -> do 4 <- columnCount stmt Nothing <- columnName stmt (-1) Just "id" <- columnName stmt 0 Just "abc" <- columnName stmt 1 Just "123" <- columnName stmt 2 Just "über" <- columnName stmt 3 Nothing <- columnName stmt 4 Nothing <- columnName stmt minBound Nothing <- columnName stmt maxBound return () -- Testing for specific error codes: -- -- * ErrorConstraint -- -- * ErrorRange -- -- * ErrorLocked -- * ErrorBusy testErrors :: TestEnv -> Test testErrors TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ do withConn $ \conn -> do exec conn "CREATE TABLE foo (n INT UNIQUE)" exec conn "INSERT INTO foo VALUES (3)" expectError ErrorConstraint $ exec conn "INSERT INTO foo VALUES (3)" -- Multiple NULLs are allowed when there's a UNIQUE constraint exec conn "INSERT INTO foo VALUES (null)" exec conn "INSERT INTO foo VALUES (null)" exec conn "CREATE TABLE bar (n INT NOT NULL)" expectError ErrorConstraint $ exec conn "INSERT INTO bar VALUES (null)" withStmt conn "SELECT ?" $ \stmt -> do forM_ [-1, 0, 2] $ \i -> do expectError ErrorRange $ bindSQLData stmt i $ SQLInteger 42 expectError ErrorRange $ bindSQLData stmt i SQLNull bindSQLData stmt 1 $ SQLInteger 42 Row <- step stmt -- If column index is out of range, it returns SQLNull. -- This may or may not be the desired behavior, but at least we know. SQLNull <- column stmt (-1) SQLNull <- column stmt 1 SQLInteger 42 <- column stmt 0 return () withStmt conn "SELECT 1" $ \stmt -> do forM_ [-1, 0, 1, 2] $ \i -> do expectError ErrorRange $ bindSQLData stmt i $ SQLInteger 42 expectError ErrorRange $ bindSQLData stmt i SQLNull bind stmt [] -- This should succeed. Don't whine that there aren't any -- parameters to bind! Row <- step stmt SQLInteger 1 <- column stmt 0 return () withStmt conn "SELECT :bar" $ \stmt -> do shouldFail $ bindNamed stmt [(":missing", SQLInteger 42)] bindNamed stmt [(":bar", SQLInteger 1)] Row <- step stmt SQLInteger 1 <- column stmt 0 return () withStmt conn "SELECT ?5" $ \stmt -> do forM_ [-1, 0, 6, 7] $ \i -> do expectError ErrorRange $ bindSQLData stmt i $ SQLInteger 42 expectError ErrorRange $ bindSQLData stmt i SQLNull bind stmt $ map SQLInteger [1..5] -- This succeeds, even though 1..4 aren't used. Row <- step stmt [SQLInteger 5] <- columns stmt return () -- Need to access the database with multiple connections. -- "BEGIN; ROLLBACK" causes running statements in the same connection to -- throw SQLITE_ABORT. withConnShared $ \conn -> do foo123456 conn withStmt conn "SELECT * FROM foo" $ \stmt -> do -- "DROP TABLE foo" should succeed, since the statement -- isn't running yet. exec conn "DROP TABLE foo" foo123456 conn Row <- step stmt 2 <- columnCount stmt [SQLInteger 1, SQLInteger 2] <- columns stmt -- "DROP TABLE foo" should fail, now that the statement is running. expectError ErrorLocked $ exec conn "DROP TABLE foo" withConnShared $ \conn -> do expectError ErrorBusy $ exec conn "DROP TABLE foo" -- Apparently, we can pretend to drop the table, but we get ErrorBusy -- if we try to actually COMMIT it. exec conn "BEGIN; DROP TABLE foo" expectError ErrorBusy $ exec conn "COMMIT" exec conn "ROLLBACK" Row <- step stmt 2 <- columnCount stmt [SQLInteger 3, SQLInteger 4] <- columns stmt Row <- step stmt 2 <- columnCount stmt [SQLInteger 5, SQLInteger 6] <- columns stmt expectError ErrorLocked $ exec conn "DROP TABLE foo" withConnShared $ \conn -> expectError ErrorBusy $ exec conn "DROP TABLE foo" Done <- step stmt 2 <- columnCount stmt exec conn "DROP TABLE foo" -- Regular 'reset' throws away the error. Make sure sqlite3_reset did -- not return an error because foo is now gone. sqlite3_reset should -- only return an error if the most recent 'step' failed. Right () <- Direct.reset stmt -- But trying to 'step' again should fail. Left SQLError{sqlError = err} <- try $ step stmt assertBool "Step after table vanishes should fail with SQLITE_ERROR or SQLITE_SCHEMA" (err == ErrorError || -- SQLite 3.7.13 err == ErrorSchema) -- SQLite 3.6.22 where expectError err io = do Left SQLError{sqlError = err'} <- try io assertEqual "testErrors: expectError" err err' foo123456 conn = exec conn "CREATE TABLE foo (a INT, b INT); \ \INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1, 2); \ \INSERT INTO foo VALUES (3, 4); \ \INSERT INTO foo VALUES (5, 6)" -- Make sure data stored in a table comes back as-is. testIntegrity :: TestEnv -> Test testIntegrity TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ do withConn $ \conn -> do exec conn "CREATE TABLE foo (i INT, f FLOAT, t TEXT, b BLOB, n TEXT)" withStmt conn "INSERT INTO foo VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" $ \insert -> withStmt conn "SELECT * FROM foo" $ \select -> do let test = testWith (===) testWith f values = do exec conn "DELETE FROM foo" reset insert bind insert values Done <- step insert reset select Row <- step select values' <- columns select Done <- step select return $ f values values' True <- test [SQLInteger 0, SQLFloat 0.0, SQLText T.empty, SQLBlob B.empty, SQLNull] True <- test [SQLInteger minBound, SQLFloat (-1/0), SQLText "\0", SQLBlob (B8.pack "\0"), SQLNull] True <- test [SQLInteger maxBound, SQLFloat (1/0), SQLText "\1114111", SQLBlob ("\255"), SQLNull] -- SQLite3 turns NaN into SQLNull. True <- testWith (\_old new -> new === [SQLNull, SQLNull, SQLNull, SQLNull, SQLNull]) [SQLNull, SQLFloat (0/0), SQLNull, SQLNull, SQLNull] return () testDecodeError :: TestEnv -> Test testDecodeError TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ do withStmt conn "SELECT ?" $ \stmt -> do Right () <- Direct.bindText stmt 1 invalidUtf8 Row <- step stmt Left (DecodeError "Database.SQLite3.columnText: Invalid UTF-8" _) <- try $ column stmt 0 return () -- Verify the assertion that SQLite3 does not validate UTF-8, by writing the -- data to a table on disk and reading it back. withConnShared $ \conn -> do exec conn "CREATE TABLE testDecodeError (a TEXT)" withStmt conn "INSERT INTO testDecodeError VALUES (?)" $ \stmt -> do Right () <- Direct.bindText stmt 1 invalidUtf8 Done <- step stmt return () withConnShared $ \conn -> do withStmt conn "SELECT * FROM testDecodeError" $ \stmt -> do Row <- step stmt TextColumn <- columnType stmt 0 txt <- Direct.columnText stmt 0 assertEqual "testDecodeError: Database altered our invalid UTF-8" invalidUtf8 txt Left (DecodeError "Database.SQLite3.columnText: Invalid UTF-8" _) <- try $ columnText stmt 0 Done <- step stmt return () where invalidUtf8 = Direct.Utf8 $ B.pack [0x80] testResultStats :: TestEnv -> Test testResultStats TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ withConn $ \conn -> do (0, 0, 0) <- stats conn exec conn "CREATE TABLE tbl (n INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)" (0, 0, 0) <- stats conn exec conn "INSERT INTO tbl DEFAULT VALUES" (1, 1, 1) <- stats conn exec conn "INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (123)" (123, 1, 2) <- stats conn exec conn "INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (9223372036854775807)" (maxBound, 1, 3) <- stats conn exec conn "INSERT INTO tbl DEFAULT VALUES" -- picks a rowid at random (rowid, 1, 4) <- stats conn True <- return $ (`notElem` [1, 123, maxBound]) rowid exec conn "UPDATE tbl SET rowid=rowid+1 WHERE rowid=1 OR rowid=123" (_, 2, 6) <- stats conn Left SQLError{ sqlError = ErrorConstraint } <- try $ exec conn "UPDATE tbl SET rowid=4" (_, 1, 7) <- stats conn -- quirky behavior exec conn "DELETE FROM tbl" (_, 4, 11) <- stats conn return () where stats conn = liftM3 (,,) (lastInsertRowId conn) (changes conn) (Direct.totalChanges conn) testGetAutoCommit :: TestEnv -> Test testGetAutoCommit TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ withConn $ \conn -> do True <- Direct.getAutoCommit conn exec conn "BEGIN" False <- Direct.getAutoCommit conn Left (ErrorError, _) <- Direct.exec conn "BEGIN" False <- Direct.getAutoCommit conn exec conn "ROLLBACK" True <- Direct.getAutoCommit conn Left (ErrorError, _) <- Direct.exec conn "ROLLBACK" True <- Direct.getAutoCommit conn exec conn "BEGIN" False <- Direct.getAutoCommit conn Left (ErrorFull, _) <- Direct.exec conn "PRAGMA max_page_count=1; CREATE TABLE foo (a INT)" True <- Direct.getAutoCommit conn Left (ErrorError, _) <- Direct.exec conn "ROLLBACK" return () testStatementSql :: TestEnv -> Test testStatementSql TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ do let q1 = "SELECT 1+1" withStmt conn q1 $ \stmt -> do Just (Direct.Utf8 sql1) <- Direct.statementSql stmt T.encodeUtf8 q1 @=? sql1 testCustomFunction :: TestEnv -> Test testCustomFunction TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ do withConn $ \conn -> do createFunction conn "repeat" (Just 2) True repeatString withStmt conn "SELECT repeat(3,'abc')" $ \stmt -> do Row <- step stmt [SQLText "abcabcabc"] <- columns stmt Done <- step stmt return () deleteFunction conn "repeat" (Just 2) Left SQLError{sqlError = ErrorError} <- try $ exec conn "SELECT repeat(3,'abc')" return () where repeatString ctx args = do n <- funcArgInt64 args 0 s <- funcArgText args 1 funcResultText ctx $ T.concat $ replicate (fromIntegral n) s testCustomFunctionError :: TestEnv -> Test testCustomFunctionError TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ do withConn $ \conn -> do createFunction conn "fail" (Just 0) True throwError Left SQLError{..} <- try $ exec conn "SELECT fail()" assertBool "Catch exception" (sqlError == ErrorError && sqlErrorDetails == "error message") where throwError _ _ = error "error message" testCustomAggragate :: TestEnv -> Test testCustomAggragate TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ do withConn $ \conn -> do exec conn "CREATE TABLE tbl (n INT)" exec conn "INSERT INTO tbl(n) VALUES (12), (-3), (7)" createAggregate conn "mysum" (Just 1) 0 mySumStep funcResultInt64 withStmt conn "SELECT mysum(n) FROM tbl" $ \stmt -> do Row <- step stmt [SQLInteger 16] <- columns stmt Done <- step stmt return () deleteFunction conn "mysum" (Just 1) Left SQLError{sqlError = ErrorError} <- try $ exec conn "SELECT mysum(n) FROM tbl" return () where mySumStep _ args s = do n <- funcArgInt64 args 0 return (s + n) testCustomCollation :: TestEnv -> Test testCustomCollation TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ do withConn $ \conn -> do exec conn "CREATE TABLE tbl (n TEXT)" exec conn "INSERT INTO tbl(n) VALUES ('dog'),('mouse'),('ox'),('cat')" createCollation conn "len" cmpLen withStmt conn "SELECT * FROM tbl ORDER BY n COLLATE len" $ \stmt -> do Row <- step stmt [SQLText "ox"] <- columns stmt Row <- step stmt [SQLText "cat"] <- columns stmt Row <- step stmt [SQLText "dog"] <- columns stmt Row <- step stmt [SQLText "mouse"] <- columns stmt Done <- step stmt return () deleteCollation conn "len" Left SQLError{sqlError = ErrorError} <- try $ exec conn "SELECT * FROM tbl ORDER BY n COLLATE len" return () where -- order by length first, then by lexicographical order cmpLen s1 s2 = compare (T.length s1) (T.length s2) <> compare s1 s2 testInterrupt :: TestEnv -> Test testInterrupt TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ withConn $ \conn -> do exec conn "CREATE TABLE tbl (n INT)" withStmt conn "INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (?)" $ \stmt -> do exec conn "BEGIN" forM_ [1..200] $ \i -> do reset stmt bind stmt [SQLInteger i] Done <- step stmt return () exec conn "COMMIT" stmt <- prepare conn tripleSum _ <- forkIO $ threadDelay 100000 >> interrupt conn Left ErrorInterrupt <- Direct.step stmt Left ErrorInterrupt <- Direct.finalize stmt Nothing <- timeout 100000 $ interruptibly conn $ exec conn tripleSum return () where tripleSum = "SELECT sum(a.n + b.n + c.n) FROM tbl as a, tbl as b, tbl as c" testMultiRowInsert :: TestEnv -> Test testMultiRowInsert TestEnv{..} = TestCase $ do withConn $ \conn -> do exec conn "CREATE TABLE foo (a INT, b INT)" result <- try $ exec conn "INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1,2), (3,4)" case result of Left SQLError{sqlError = ErrorError} -> assertFailure "Installed SQLite3 does not support multi-row INSERT via the VALUES clause" Left e -> assertFailure $ show e Right () -> do -- Make sure multi-row insert actually worked 2 <- changes conn withStmt conn "SELECT * FROM foo" $ \stmt -> do Row <- step stmt [SQLInteger 1, SQLInteger 2] <- columns stmt Row <- step stmt [SQLInteger 3, SQLInteger 4] <- columns stmt Done <- step stmt return () sharedDBPath :: Text sharedDBPath = "dist/test/direct-sqlite-test-database.db" withTestEnv :: (TestEnv -> IO a) -> IO a withTestEnv cb = withConn $ \conn -> cb TestEnv { conn = conn , withConn = withConn , withConnShared = withConnPath sharedDBPath } where withConn = withConnPath ":memory:" withConnPath path cb = do conn <- open path r <- cb conn `onException` Direct.close conn -- If the callback throws an exception, try to close the DB. -- If closing fails (usually due to open 'Statement's), -- throw the original error, not the error produced by 'close'. -- Direct.close returns the error rather than throwing it. close conn return r runTestGroup :: [TestEnv -> Test] -> IO Bool runTestGroup tests = do Counts{cases, tried, errors, failures} <- withTestEnv $ \env -> runTestTT $ TestList $ map ($ env) tests return (cases == tried && errors == 0 && failures == 0) main :: IO () main = do mapM_ (`hSetBuffering` LineBuffering) [stdout, stderr] T.putStrLn $ "Creating " `T.append` sharedDBPath handleJust (\e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then Just () else Nothing) (\_ -> return ()) (removeFile $ T.unpack sharedDBPath) open sharedDBPath >>= close ok <- runTestGroup regressionTests when (not ok) exitFailure -- Signal failure if feature tests fail. I'd rather print a noisy warning -- instead, but cabal redirects test output to log files by default. ok <- runTestGroup featureTests when (not ok) exitFailure