module Diplomacy.OrderResolution (
, SomeResolved(..)
, withSomeResolved
, FailureReason(..)
, Resolution
, typicalResolution
, retreatResolution
, adjustResolution
, typicalChange
, ConvoyRoutes(..)
, ConvoyRoute
, convoyRoutes
, successfulConvoyRoutes
) where
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Ord
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Either
import Data.Maybe
import Data.AtLeast
import Data.TypeNat.Nat
import Data.TypeNat.Vect
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Traversable (sequenceA)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.MapUtil
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Diplomacy.GreatPower
import Diplomacy.Aligned
import Diplomacy.Unit
import Diplomacy.Phase
import Diplomacy.Subject
import Diplomacy.OrderType
import Diplomacy.OrderObject
import Diplomacy.Order
import Diplomacy.Province
import Diplomacy.Zone
import Diplomacy.Subject
type Resolution phase = M.Map Zone (Aligned Unit, SomeResolved OrderObject phase)
type TypicalResolutionInput
= M.Map Zone (Aligned Unit, Either (SomeResolved OrderObject Typical) (SomeOrderObject Typical))
type TypicalResolutionOutput
= M.Map Zone (Aligned Unit, Either (SomeResolved OrderObject Typical) (SomeResolved OrderObject Typical))
preserveAssumptions :: TypicalResolutionOutput -> TypicalResolutionInput
preserveAssumptions = makeInput
makeInput (aunit, x) = case x of
Left y -> (aunit, Left y)
Right (SomeResolved (x, _)) -> (aunit, Right $ SomeOrderObject x)
dropAssumptionTags :: TypicalResolutionOutput -> Resolution Typical
dropAssumptionTags = dropTag
dropTag (aunit, x) = case x of
Left y -> (aunit, y)
Right y -> (aunit, y)
:: TypicalResolutionInput
-> TypicalResolutionOutput
typicalResolutionAssuming input =
let resolution = M.mapWithKey (resolveOne resolution) input
in resolution
:: TypicalResolutionOutput
-> Zone
-> (Aligned Unit, Either (SomeResolved OrderObject Typical) (SomeOrderObject Typical))
-> (Aligned Unit, Either (SomeResolved OrderObject Typical) (SomeResolved OrderObject Typical))
resolveOne resolution zone (aunit, x) = case x of
Left y -> (aunit, Left y)
Right y -> (aunit, Right (resolveSomeOrderTypical resolution zone (aunit, y)))
:: Zone
-> TypicalResolutionInput
-> TypicalResolutionInput
assumeNoOrder = M.alter (const Nothing)
:: Zone
-> TypicalResolutionInput
-> TypicalResolutionInput
assumeSucceeds zone = M.adjust makeSucceeds zone
:: (Aligned Unit, Either (SomeResolved OrderObject Typical) (SomeOrderObject Typical))
-> (Aligned Unit, Either (SomeResolved OrderObject Typical) (SomeOrderObject Typical))
makeSucceeds (aunit, x) = case x of
Left (SomeResolved (x, _)) -> (aunit, Left (SomeResolved (x, Nothing)))
Right (SomeOrderObject x) -> (aunit, Left (SomeResolved (x, Nothing)))
:: M.Map Zone (Aligned Unit, SomeOrderObject Typical)
-> TypicalResolutionInput
noAssumptions = (\(x, y) -> (x, Right y))
data RequiresConvoy
= RequiresConvoy
| DoesNotRequireConvoy
deriving (Show)
type ConvoyRoute = [(Zone, Maybe (Aligned Subject))]
data ConvoyRoutes = ConvoyRoutes {
convoyRoutesParadox :: [ConvoyRoute]
, convoyRoutesNonParadox :: [ConvoyRoute]
deriving (Show)
moveRequiresConvoy :: ProvinceTarget -> ProvinceTarget -> Bool
moveRequiresConvoy ptFrom ptTo = not (isSameOrAdjacent movingTo movingFrom)
movingTo = ptProvince ptFrom
movingFrom = ptProvince ptTo
isConvoyMoveWithNoConvoyRoute :: MoveClassification -> Bool
isConvoyMoveWithNoConvoyRoute thisClassification = case thisClassification of
NotHold RequiresConvoy theseConvoyRoutes _ _ -> null (successfulConvoyRoutes theseConvoyRoutes)
_ -> False
type Supports = [Aligned Subject]
support :: TypicalResolutionOutput -> Subject -> ProvinceTarget -> Supports
support resolution subject goingTo = M.foldWithKey selector [] (dropAssumptionTags resolution)
:: Zone
-> (Aligned Unit, SomeResolved OrderObject Typical)
-> [Aligned Subject]
-> [Aligned Subject]
selector zone (aunit, SomeResolved (object, thisResolution)) b = case object of
SupportObject supportSubject supportTo ->
if supportSubject /= subject
|| supportTo /= goingTo
then b
else case thisResolution of
Nothing -> align (alignedThing aunit, zoneProvinceTarget zone) (alignedGreatPower aunit) : b
_ -> b
_ -> b
:: TypicalResolutionOutput
-> GreatPower
-> Subject
-> ProvinceTarget
-> Supports
foreignSupport resolution power subject goingTo =
filter isForeignSupport (support resolution subject goingTo)
isForeignSupport asubj = alignedGreatPower asubj /= power
:: TypicalResolutionOutput
-> Zone
-> (Aligned Unit, OrderObject Typical Move)
-> Bool
isMoveDislodgedFromAttackedZone resolution zoneFrom (aunit, object) = case thisClassification of
Hold _ -> False
NotHold _ _ _ thisIncumbant -> case thisIncumbant of
ComplementaryMove WouldSucceed asubj target ->
let opposingSupports = foreignSupport resolution (alignedGreatPower aunit) (alignedThing asubj) target
thisSupports = support resolution (alignedThing aunit, zoneProvinceTarget zoneFrom) (zoneProvinceTarget zoneTo)
in alignedGreatPower aunit /= alignedGreatPower asubj
&& length opposingSupports > length thisSupports
_ -> False
thisClassification = classify resolution zoneFrom (aunit, object)
zoneTo = Zone (moveTarget object)
type CompetingMoves = [(Aligned Subject, ProvinceTarget)]
:: TypicalResolutionOutput
-> Zone
-> Zone
-> CompetingMoves
competingMoves resolution zoneFrom zoneTo = M.foldWithKey selector [] (dropAssumptionTags resolution')
resolution' = M.delete zoneFrom resolution
:: Zone
-> (Aligned Unit, SomeResolved OrderObject Typical)
-> CompetingMoves
-> CompetingMoves
selector zone (aunit, SomeResolved (object, _)) b = case object of
MoveObject movingTo ->
if zone == zoneFrom
|| Zone movingTo /= zoneTo
|| isConvoyMoveWithNoConvoyRoute thisClassification
|| isMoveDislodgedFromAttackedZone resolution' zone (aunit, object)
then b
else let subject = (alignedThing aunit, zoneProvinceTarget zone)
asubject = align subject (alignedGreatPower aunit)
in (asubject, movingTo) : b
thisClassification = classify resolution' zone (aunit, object)
_ -> b
data WouldSucceed
= WouldSucceed
| WouldNotSucceed
deriving (Show)
data Incumbant
= ComplementaryMove WouldSucceed (Aligned Subject) ProvinceTarget
| ReturningMove (Aligned Subject) ProvinceTarget
| Stationary (Aligned Subject)
| NoIncumbant
deriving (Show)
:: TypicalResolutionOutput
-> Zone
-> Zone
-> Incumbant
incumbant resolution zoneFrom zoneTo = case lookupWithKey zoneTo resolution' of
Just (zoneTo', (aunit, SomeResolved (object, res))) -> case object of
MoveObject pt ->
if Zone pt == zoneTo
then Stationary (align (alignedThing aunit, zoneProvinceTarget zoneTo') (alignedGreatPower aunit))
else if Zone pt == zoneFrom
then case res of
Nothing -> ComplementaryMove WouldSucceed (align (alignedThing aunit, zoneProvinceTarget zoneTo') (alignedGreatPower aunit)) pt
Just _ -> ComplementaryMove WouldNotSucceed (align (alignedThing aunit, zoneProvinceTarget zoneTo') (alignedGreatPower aunit)) pt
else case res of
Nothing -> NoIncumbant
Just _ -> ReturningMove (align (alignedThing aunit, pt) (alignedGreatPower aunit)) (zoneProvinceTarget zoneTo')
_ -> Stationary (align (alignedThing aunit, zoneProvinceTarget zoneTo') (alignedGreatPower aunit))
_ -> NoIncumbant
resolutionThisSucceeds = typicalResolutionAssuming (assumeSucceeds zoneFrom (preserveAssumptions resolution))
resolution' = dropAssumptionTags resolutionThisSucceeds
data MoveClassification
= Hold CompetingMoves
| NotHold RequiresConvoy ConvoyRoutes CompetingMoves Incumbant
deriving (Show)
:: TypicalResolutionOutput
-> Zone
-> (Aligned Unit, OrderObject Typical Move)
-> MoveClassification
classify resolution zone (aunit, MoveObject movingTo) =
if zone == Zone movingTo
then Hold (holdCompetingMoves resolution zone (Zone movingTo))
else let power = alignedGreatPower aunit
unit = alignedThing aunit
pt = zoneProvinceTarget zone
asubject = align (unit, pt) power
in classifyNonHold resolution asubject movingTo
:: TypicalResolutionOutput
-> Zone
-> Zone
-> CompetingMoves
holdCompetingMoves resolution zoneFrom zoneTo = theseCompetingMoves
theseCompetingMoves = competingMoves resolution zoneFrom zoneTo
:: TypicalResolutionOutput
-> Aligned Subject
-> ProvinceTarget
-> MoveClassification
classifyNonHold resolution asubject pt =
NotHold thisRequiresConvoy theseConvoyRoutes theseCompetingMoves thisIncumbant
thisRequiresConvoy =
if moveRequiresConvoy (zoneProvinceTarget zoneFrom) (zoneProvinceTarget zoneTo)
then RequiresConvoy
else DoesNotRequireConvoy
theseConvoyRoutes = convoyRoutes (dropAssumptionTags resolution) (alignedThing asubject) pt
theseCompetingMoves = competingMoves resolution zoneFrom zoneTo
thisIncumbant = incumbant resolution zoneFrom zoneTo
zoneFrom = Zone (subjectProvinceTarget (alignedThing asubject))
zoneTo = Zone pt
:: Resolution Typical
-> Subject
-> ProvinceTarget
-> [ConvoyRoute]
rawConvoyRoutes resolution (unit, ptFrom) ptTo =
(fmap . fmap) tagWithChange routes
routes :: [[Province]]
routes = fmap (\(_, y, ys) -> y : init ys) discoveredPaths
discoveredPaths :: [((), Province, [Province])]
discoveredPaths = paths ((flip S.member) viableConvoyProvinces) (\p -> if p == ptProvince ptTo then Just () else Nothing) [ptProvince ptFrom]
tagWithChange :: Province -> (Zone, Maybe (Aligned Subject))
tagWithChange pr = (Zone (Normal pr), typicalChange resolution (Zone (Normal pr)))
viableConvoyProvinces :: S.Set Province
viableConvoyProvinces = S.fromList (fmap (ptProvince . zoneProvinceTarget) (M.keys (M.filter isViableConvoy resolution)))
:: (Aligned Unit, SomeResolved OrderObject Typical)
-> Bool
isViableConvoy (aunit, SomeResolved (object, _)) = case object of
ConvoyObject (unit', convoyingFrom) convoyingTo ->
unit == unit'
&& ptFrom == convoyingFrom
&& ptTo == convoyingTo
_ -> False
:: Resolution Typical
-> Subject
-> ProvinceTarget
-> ConvoyRoutes
convoyRoutes resolution subject pt =
let routes = rawConvoyRoutes resolution subject pt
(paradox, nonParadox) = partition (isParadoxRoute resolution pt . fmap fst) routes
in ConvoyRoutes paradox nonParadox
:: Resolution Typical
-> Subject
-> ProvinceTarget
-> Bool
isVoidConvoy resolution subject convoyingTo = case M.lookup convoyingFrom resolution of
Nothing -> True
Just (aunit, SomeResolved (MoveObject movingTo, _)) ->
convoyingUnit /= alignedThing aunit
|| convoyingTo /= movingTo
convoyingFrom :: Zone
convoyingFrom = Zone (snd subject)
convoyingUnit :: Unit
convoyingUnit = fst subject
:: Resolution Typical
-> ProvinceTarget
-> [Zone]
-> Bool
isParadoxRoute resolution destination convoyZones = case M.lookup (Zone destination) resolution of
Just (_, SomeResolved (SupportObject _ supportTarget, _)) ->
if any ((==) (Zone supportTarget)) convoyZones
then True
else case M.lookup (Zone supportTarget) resolution of
Just (_, SomeResolved (ConvoyObject convoySubject convoyTarget, _)) ->
let nextRoutes = rawConvoyRoutes resolution convoySubject convoyTarget
(maybeParadoxical, others) = partition (any ((==) (Zone supportTarget)) . fmap fst) nextRoutes
successfulOthers = filter isSuccessfulConvoyRoute others
in not (isVoidConvoy resolution convoySubject convoyTarget)
&& null successfulOthers
&& isParadoxRoute (M.delete (Zone destination) resolution) convoyTarget convoyZones
_ -> False
_ -> False
:: TypicalResolutionOutput
-> Zone
-> Maybe (OrderObject Typical Support)
paradoxInducingSupport resolution zone =
case M.lookup zone (dropAssumptionTags resolution) of
Just (aunit, SomeResolved (s@(SupportObject _ _), _)) -> Just s
_ -> Nothing
:: TypicalResolutionOutput
-> Zone
-> Maybe Zone
paradoxInducingConvoyZone resolution =
fmap (Zone . supportTarget) . paradoxInducingSupport resolution
successfulConvoyRoutes :: ConvoyRoutes -> [ConvoyRoute]
successfulConvoyRoutes = filter isSuccessfulConvoyRoute . convoyRoutesNonParadox
isSuccessfulConvoyRoute :: ConvoyRoute -> Bool
isSuccessfulConvoyRoute = all (isNothing . snd)
:: TypicalResolutionOutput
-> Zone
-> (Aligned Unit, SomeOrderObject Typical)
-> SomeResolved OrderObject Typical
resolveSomeOrderTypical resolution zone (aunit, SomeOrderObject object) =
let thisResolution :: SomeResolved OrderObject Typical
thisResolution = case object of
MoveObject _ -> SomeResolved (object, resolveMove object)
SupportObject _ _ -> SomeResolved (object, resolveSupport object)
ConvoyObject _ _ -> SomeResolved (object, resolveConvoy object)
resolveMove :: OrderObject Typical Move -> Maybe (FailureReason Typical Move)
resolveMove moveObject = case classify resolution zone (aunit, moveObject) of
Hold theseCompetingMoves -> case dominator of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (x, ss) ->
if length ss <= length thisSupports
then Nothing
else Just (MoveOverpowered (AtLeast (VCons x VNil) []))
dominator = case sortedOpposingSupports of
[] -> Nothing
[x] -> Just x
x : y : _ -> if length (snd x) > length (snd y)
then Just x
else Nothing
sortedOpposingSupports = sortBy comparator opposingSupports
comparator :: (Aligned Subject, Supports) -> (Aligned Subject, Supports) -> Ordering
comparator (_, xs) (_, ys) = Down (length xs) `compare` Down (length ys)
opposingSupports :: [(Aligned Subject, Supports)]
opposingSupports = fmap (\x -> (fst x, calculateOpposingSupports x)) foreignCompetingMoves
calculateOpposingSupports :: (Aligned Subject, ProvinceTarget) -> Supports
calculateOpposingSupports (asubj, pt) = foreignSupport resolution (alignedGreatPower aunit) (alignedThing asubj) pt
foreignCompetingMoves :: CompetingMoves
foreignCompetingMoves = filter (\(asubj, _) -> alignedGreatPower asubj /= alignedGreatPower aunit) theseCompetingMoves
thisSupports :: Supports
thisSupports = support resolution (alignedThing aunit, zoneProvinceTarget zone) (zoneProvinceTarget zone)
NotHold requiresConvoy theseConvoyRoutes theseCompetingMoves thisIncumbant ->
case (checkConvoy, checkCompeting, checkIncumbant) of
(Nothing, x@(Just (MoveBounced _)), y@(Just (MoveOverpowered _))) -> y
(Nothing, x@(Just (MoveBounced _)), y@(Just (MoveBounced _))) -> y
(Nothing, x@(Just (MoveOverpowered _)), y@(Just (MoveBounced _))) -> x
(Nothing, x@(Just (MoveOverpowered _)), y@(Just (MoveOverpowered _))) -> y
(x, y, z) -> x <|> y <|> z
checkConvoy = case requiresConvoy of
RequiresConvoy ->
if null (successfulConvoyRoutes theseConvoyRoutes)
then if null (convoyRoutesParadox theseConvoyRoutes)
then Just MoveNoConvoy
else Just MoveConvoyParadox
else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
checkCompeting = case sortedOpposingSupports of
[] -> Nothing
((x, ss) : xs) ->
if length ss == length thisSupports
then Just (MoveBounced (AtLeast (VCons x VNil) equallySupported))
else if length ss > length thisSupports
then Just (MoveOverpowered (AtLeast (VCons x VNil) equallySupported))
else Nothing
equallySupported = fmap fst (filter (\(x, ss') -> length ss' == length ss) xs)
sortedOpposingSupports = sortBy comparator opposingSupports
comparator :: (Aligned Subject, Supports) -> (Aligned Subject, Supports) -> Ordering
comparator (_, xs) (_, ys) = Down (length xs) `compare` Down (length ys)
opposingSupports :: [(Aligned Subject, Supports)]
opposingSupports = fmap (\x -> (fst x, calculateOpposingSupports x)) theseCompetingMoves
calculateOpposingSupports :: (Aligned Subject, ProvinceTarget) -> Supports
calculateOpposingSupports (asubj, pt) = support resolution (alignedThing asubj) pt
thisSupports :: Supports
thisSupports = support resolution (alignedThing aunit, zoneProvinceTarget zone) (moveTarget moveObject)
checkIncumbant = case thisIncumbant of
NoIncumbant -> Nothing
Stationary asubj -> case sortedOpposingSupports of
[] -> Nothing
((x, ss) : xs) ->
if length ss == length thisSupports
then Just (MoveBounced (AtLeast (VCons x VNil) equallySupported))
else if length ss > length thisSupports
then Just (MoveOverpowered (AtLeast (VCons x VNil) equallySupported))
else if opposingPower == thisPower
then Just (MoveFriendlyDislodge (alignedThing aunit))
else Nothing
equallySupported = fmap fst (filter (\(x, ss') -> length ss' == length ss) xs)
thisSupports :: Supports
thisSupports = foreignSupport resolution opposingPower (alignedThing aunit, zoneProvinceTarget zone) (moveTarget moveObject)
sortedOpposingSupports = sortBy comparator opposingSupports
comparator :: (Aligned Subject, Supports) -> (Aligned Subject, Supports) -> Ordering
comparator (_, xs) (_, ys) = Down (length xs) `compare` Down (length ys)
opposingSupports :: [(Aligned Subject, Supports)]
opposingSupports = fmap (\x -> (fst x, calculateOpposingSupports x)) theseCompetingMovesWithStationary
calculateOpposingSupports :: (Aligned Subject, ProvinceTarget) -> Supports
calculateOpposingSupports (asubj, pt) = support resolution (alignedThing asubj) pt
theseCompetingMovesWithStationary = (asubj, subjectProvinceTarget thisSubject) : theseCompetingMoves
opposingSubject = alignedThing asubj
opposingPower = alignedGreatPower asubj
thisPower = alignedGreatPower aunit
thisSubject = alignedThing asubj
ReturningMove asubj pt -> case sortedOpposingSupports of
[] -> Nothing
((x, ss) : xs) ->
if length ss == length thisSupports
then Just (MoveBounced (AtLeast (VCons x VNil) equallySupported))
else if length ss > length thisSupports
then Just (MoveOverpowered (AtLeast (VCons x VNil) equallySupported))
else if opposingPower == thisPower
then Just (MoveFriendlyDislodge (subjectUnit (alignedThing asubj)))
else Nothing
equallySupported = fmap fst (filter (\(x, ss') -> length ss' == length ss) xs)
thisSupports :: Supports
thisSupports = foreignSupport resolution (alignedGreatPower asubj) (alignedThing aunit, zoneProvinceTarget zone) (moveTarget moveObject)
sortedOpposingSupports = sortBy comparator ((align (opposingUnit, pt) opposingPower, []) : opposingSupports)
comparator :: (Aligned Subject, Supports) -> (Aligned Subject, Supports) -> Ordering
comparator (_, xs) (_, ys) = Down (length xs) `compare` Down (length ys)
opposingSupports :: [(Aligned Subject, Supports)]
opposingSupports = fmap (\x -> (fst x, calculateOpposingSupports x)) theseCompetingMoves
calculateOpposingSupports :: (Aligned Subject, ProvinceTarget) -> Supports
calculateOpposingSupports (asubj, pt) = support resolution (alignedThing asubj) pt
opposingSubject = alignedThing asubj
opposingUnit = subjectUnit opposingSubject
opposingPower = alignedGreatPower asubj
thisPower = alignedGreatPower aunit
ComplementaryMove WouldNotSucceed asubj target -> case sortedOpposingSupports of
[] -> Nothing
((x, ss) : xs) ->
if length ss > length thisSupports && opposingPower /= thisPower
then Just (MoveOverpowered (AtLeast (VCons x VNil) equallySupported))
else if length thisSupports > length ss && opposingPower == thisPower
then Just (MoveFriendlyDislodge opposingUnit)
else if length ss == length thisSupports
then Just (MoveBounced (AtLeast (VCons x VNil) equallySupported))
else Nothing
equallySupported = fmap fst (filter (\(x, ss') -> length ss' == length ss) xs)
sortedOpposingSupports = sortBy comparator ((asubj, complementarySupports) : opposingSupports)
comparator :: (Aligned Subject, Supports) -> (Aligned Subject, Supports) -> Ordering
comparator (_, xs) (_, ys) = Down (length xs) `compare` Down (length ys)
opposingSupports :: [(Aligned Subject, Supports)]
opposingSupports = fmap (\x -> (fst x, calculateOpposingSupports x)) theseCompetingMoves
calculateOpposingSupports :: (Aligned Subject, ProvinceTarget) -> Supports
calculateOpposingSupports (asubj, pt) = support resolution (alignedThing asubj) pt
complementarySupports :: Supports
complementarySupports = foreignSupport resolution thisPower opposingSubject target
thisSupports :: Supports
thisSupports = foreignSupport resolution opposingPower (alignedThing aunit, zoneProvinceTarget zone) (moveTarget moveObject)
opposingPower = alignedGreatPower asubj
opposingSubject = alignedThing asubj
opposingUnit = subjectUnit opposingSubject
thisPower = alignedGreatPower aunit
ComplementaryMove WouldSucceed asubj target ->
if not (null opposingSuccessfulConvoyRoutes)
|| not (null thisSuccessfulConvoyRoutes)
then Nothing
else case sortedOpposingSupports of
[] -> Nothing
((x, ss) : xs) ->
if length ss > length thisSupports && opposingPower /= thisPower
then Just (MoveOverpowered (AtLeast (VCons x VNil) equallySupported))
else if length thisSupports > length ss && opposingPower == thisPower
then Just (MoveFriendlyDislodge opposingUnit)
else if length ss == length thisSupports
then Just (MoveBounced (AtLeast (VCons x VNil) equallySupported))
else Nothing
equallySupported = fmap fst (filter (\(x, ss') -> length ss' == length ss) xs)
sortedOpposingSupports = sortBy comparator ((asubj, complementarySupports) : opposingSupports)
comparator :: (Aligned Subject, Supports) -> (Aligned Subject, Supports) -> Ordering
comparator (_, xs) (_, ys) = Down (length xs) `compare` Down (length ys)
opposingSupports :: [(Aligned Subject, Supports)]
opposingSupports = fmap (\x -> (fst x, calculateOpposingSupports x)) theseCompetingMoves
calculateOpposingSupports :: (Aligned Subject, ProvinceTarget) -> Supports
calculateOpposingSupports (asubj, pt) = support resolution (alignedThing asubj) pt
complementarySupports :: Supports
complementarySupports = foreignSupport resolution thisPower opposingSubject target
thisSupports :: Supports
thisSupports = foreignSupport resolution opposingPower (alignedThing aunit, zoneProvinceTarget zone) (moveTarget moveObject)
opposingSuccessfulConvoyRoutes :: [ConvoyRoute]
opposingSuccessfulConvoyRoutes = successfulConvoyRoutes opposingConvoyRoutes
thisSuccessfulConvoyRoutes :: [ConvoyRoute]
thisSuccessfulConvoyRoutes = successfulConvoyRoutes theseConvoyRoutes
opposingConvoyRoutes :: ConvoyRoutes
opposingConvoyRoutes = convoyRoutes (dropAssumptionTags resolution) opposingSubject target
opposingPower = alignedGreatPower asubj
opposingSubject = alignedThing asubj
opposingUnit = subjectUnit opposingSubject
thisPower = alignedGreatPower aunit
:: OrderObject Typical Support
-> Maybe (FailureReason Typical Support)
resolveSupport supportObject =
supportVoid supportObject
<|> supportCut supportObject
<|> supportDislodged supportObject
:: OrderObject Typical Support
-> Maybe (FailureReason Typical Support)
supportVoid (SupportObject supportingSubject supportingTo) =
case M.lookup supportingFrom (dropAssumptionTags resolution) of
Nothing -> Just SupportVoid
Just (aunit, SomeResolved (object, _)) ->
if supportingUnit == alignedThing aunit
&& supportingTo == destination
then Nothing
else Just SupportVoid
destination = case object of
MoveObject pt -> pt
_ -> zoneProvinceTarget supportingFrom
supportingFrom :: Zone
supportingFrom = Zone (snd supportingSubject)
supportingUnit :: Unit
supportingUnit = fst supportingSubject
:: OrderObject Typical Support
-> Maybe (FailureReason Typical Support)
supportCut (SupportObject supportingSubject supportingTo) =
case filter issuedByOtherGreatPower offendingMoves of
[] -> Nothing
x : xs -> Just (SupportCut (AtLeast (VCons x VNil) xs))
issuedByOtherGreatPower :: Aligned Subject -> Bool
issuedByOtherGreatPower x = alignedGreatPower aunit /= alignedGreatPower x
supportingFrom :: Zone
supportingFrom = zone
offendingMoves :: [Aligned Subject]
offendingMoves = M.elems (M.mapMaybeWithKey pickOffendingMove (dropAssumptionTags resolution))
:: Zone
-> (Aligned Unit, SomeResolved OrderObject Typical)
-> Maybe (Aligned Subject)
pickOffendingMove zone (aunit', SomeResolved (object, _)) =
case object of
MoveObject movingTo ->
if Zone movingTo == supportingFrom
&& Zone supportingTo /= zone
&& not (isConvoyMoveWithNoConvoyRoute thisClassification)
then Just $ align (alignedThing aunit', zoneProvinceTarget zone) (alignedGreatPower aunit')
else Nothing
thisClassification = classify resolution zone (aunit', object)
_ -> Nothing
:: OrderObject Typical Support
-> Maybe (FailureReason Typical Support)
supportDislodged _ = case typicalChange (dropAssumptionTags resolution) zone of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just dislodger -> Just (SupportDislodged dislodger)
:: OrderObject Typical Convoy
-> Maybe (FailureReason Typical Convoy)
resolveConvoy convoyObject =
convoyVoid convoyObject
<|> convoyNoRoute convoyObject
:: OrderObject Typical Convoy
-> Maybe (FailureReason Typical Convoy)
convoyVoid (ConvoyObject subject target) =
if isVoidConvoy (dropAssumptionTags resolution) subject target
then Just ConvoyVoid
else Nothing
:: OrderObject Typical Convoy
-> Maybe (FailureReason Typical Convoy)
convoyNoRoute (ConvoyObject convoyingSubject convoyingTo) =
case routesParticipatedIn of
[] -> Just ConvoyNoRoute
_ -> fmap ConvoyRouteCut cuttingSet
routes :: [[(Zone, Maybe (Aligned Subject))]]
routes = rawConvoyRoutes (dropAssumptionTags resolution) convoyingSubject convoyingTo
routesParticipatedIn :: [[(Zone, Maybe (Aligned Subject))]]
routesParticipatedIn = filter participates routes
participates = any (\(z, _) -> z == zone)
cuttingSet :: Maybe [(Zone, Aligned Subject)]
cuttingSet | length cutRoutes == length routesParticipatedIn = Just (nub (concat cutRoutes))
| otherwise = Nothing
cutRoutes :: [[(Zone, Aligned Subject)]]
cutRoutes = filter (not . null) (fmap cutRoute routesParticipatedIn)
:: [(Zone, Maybe (Aligned Subject))]
-> [(Zone, Aligned Subject)]
cutRoute = mapMaybe pickCutRoute
:: (Zone, Maybe (Aligned Subject))
-> Maybe (Zone, Aligned Subject)
pickCutRoute (z, m) = fmap ((,) z) m
in thisResolution
typicalChange :: Resolution Typical -> Zone -> Maybe (Aligned Subject)
typicalChange res zone = M.foldWithKey folder Nothing res
:: Zone
-> (Aligned Unit, SomeResolved OrderObject Typical)
-> Maybe (Aligned Subject)
-> Maybe (Aligned Subject)
folder zone' (aunit, SomeResolved (object, resolution)) b = case object of
MoveObject movingTo ->
if Zone movingTo /= zone
|| Zone movingTo == zone'
then b
else case resolution of
Nothing -> let power = alignedGreatPower aunit
unit = alignedThing aunit
subj = align (unit, zoneProvinceTarget zone') power
in Just subj
_ -> b
_ -> b
:: M.Map Zone (Aligned Unit, SomeOrderObject Typical)
-> Resolution Typical
typicalResolution = dropAssumptionTags . typicalResolutionAssuming . noAssumptions
:: M.Map Zone (Aligned Unit, SomeOrderObject Retreat)
-> Resolution Retreat
retreatResolution zonedOrders = M.mapWithKey (resolveRetreat zonedWithdraws) zonedOrders
zonedWithdraws :: M.Map Zone [Aligned Subject]
zonedWithdraws = M.foldWithKey folder M.empty zonedOrders
:: Zone
-> (Aligned Unit, SomeOrderObject Retreat)
-> M.Map Zone [Aligned Subject]
-> M.Map Zone [Aligned Subject]
folder zone (aunit, SomeOrderObject object) b = case object of
WithdrawObject withdrawingTo -> M.alter alteration (Zone withdrawingTo) b
subject = align (alignedThing aunit, zoneProvinceTarget zone) (alignedGreatPower aunit)
alteration x = case x of
Nothing -> Just [subject]
Just ys -> Just (subject : ys)
_ -> b
:: M.Map Zone [Aligned Subject]
-> Zone
-> (Aligned Unit, SomeOrderObject Retreat)
-> (Aligned Unit, SomeResolved OrderObject Retreat)
resolveRetreat zonedWithdraws zone (aunit, SomeOrderObject object) = case object of
SurrenderObject -> (aunit, SomeResolved (object, Nothing))
WithdrawObject _ -> (aunit, SomeResolved (object, resolution))
resolution :: Maybe (FailureReason Retreat Withdraw)
resolution = case fmap (filter (/= thisSubject)) (M.lookup (Zone (withdrawTarget object)) zonedWithdraws) of
Just [] -> Nothing
Just (x : xs) -> Just (WithdrawCollision (AtLeast (VCons x VNil) xs))
_ -> Nothing
thisSubject = align (alignedThing aunit, zoneProvinceTarget zone) (alignedGreatPower aunit)
:: M.Map Zone (Aligned Unit, SomeOrderObject Adjust)
-> Resolution Adjust
adjustResolution = (\(aunit, SomeOrderObject object) -> (aunit, SomeResolved (object, Nothing)))
type Resolved (k :: Phase -> OrderType -> *) (phase :: Phase) (order :: OrderType) =
(k phase order, Maybe (FailureReason phase order))
data SomeResolved (k :: Phase -> OrderType -> *) phase where
SomeResolved :: Resolved k phase order -> SomeResolved k phase
deriving instance Show (SomeResolved OrderObject phase)
deriving instance Show (SomeResolved Order phase)
instance Eq (SomeResolved OrderObject phase) where
SomeResolved (object1, res1) == SomeResolved (object2, res2) =
object1 `orderObjectEqual` object2
&& case (res1, res2) of
(Just r1, Just r2) -> failureReasonEqual r1 r2
(Nothing, Nothing) -> True
_ -> False
:: (forall order . Resolved k phase order -> t) -> SomeResolved k phase -> t
withSomeResolved f term = case term of
SomeResolved x -> f x
data FailureReason (phase :: Phase) (order :: OrderType) where
MoveOverpowered :: AtLeast One (Aligned Subject) -> FailureReason Typical Move
MoveBounced :: AtLeast One (Aligned Subject) -> FailureReason Typical Move
MoveFriendlyDislodge :: Unit -> FailureReason Typical Move
MoveNoConvoy :: FailureReason Typical Move
MoveConvoyParadox :: FailureReason Typical Move
SupportVoid :: FailureReason Typical Support
SupportCut :: AtLeast One (Aligned Subject) -> FailureReason Typical Support
SupportDislodged :: Aligned Subject -> FailureReason Typical Support
ConvoyVoid :: FailureReason Typical Convoy
ConvoyNoRoute :: FailureReason Typical Convoy
ConvoyRouteCut :: [(Zone, Aligned Subject)] -> FailureReason Typical Convoy
WithdrawCollision :: AtLeast One (Aligned Subject) -> FailureReason Retreat Withdraw
deriving instance Show (FailureReason phase order)
deriving instance Eq (FailureReason phase order)
:: FailureReason phase order
-> FailureReason phase' order'
-> Bool
failureReasonEqual r1 r2 = case (r1, r2) of
(MoveOverpowered x, MoveOverpowered y) -> x == y
(MoveBounced x, MoveBounced y) -> x == y
(MoveFriendlyDislodge x, MoveFriendlyDislodge y) -> x == y
(MoveNoConvoy, MoveNoConvoy) -> True
(MoveConvoyParadox, MoveConvoyParadox) -> True
(SupportVoid, SupportVoid) -> True
(SupportCut x, SupportCut y) -> x == y
(SupportDislodged x, SupportDislodged y) -> x == y
(ConvoyVoid, ConvoyVoid) -> True
(ConvoyNoRoute, ConvoyNoRoute) -> True
(ConvoyRouteCut x, ConvoyRouteCut y) -> x == y
(WithdrawCollision x, WithdrawCollision y) -> x == y
_ -> False