module Diplomacy.Occupation (
, emptyOccupation
, occupy
, occupier
, provinceOccupier
, occupies
, unitOccupies
, occupied
, zoneOccupied
, allSubjects
) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.MapUtil
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Diplomacy.Aligned
import Diplomacy.Unit
import Diplomacy.Province
import Diplomacy.Zone
import Diplomacy.Subject
import Diplomacy.GreatPower
type Occupation = M.Map Zone (Aligned Unit)
emptyOccupation :: Occupation
emptyOccupation = M.empty
occupy :: ProvinceTarget -> Maybe (Aligned Unit) -> Occupation -> Occupation
occupy pt maunit = M.alter (const maunit) (Zone pt)
occupier :: ProvinceTarget -> Occupation -> Maybe (Aligned Unit)
occupier pt occupation = case lookupWithKey (Zone pt) occupation of
Just (zone, value) ->
if zoneProvinceTarget zone == pt
then Just value
else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
provinceOccupier :: Province -> Occupation -> Maybe (Aligned Unit)
provinceOccupier pr occupation = case lookupWithKey (Zone (Normal pr)) occupation of
Just (zone, value) ->
if zoneProvinceTarget zone == Normal pr
then Just value
else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
occupies :: Aligned Unit -> ProvinceTarget -> Occupation -> Bool
occupies aunit pt = (==) (Just aunit) . occupier pt
unitOccupies :: Unit -> ProvinceTarget -> Occupation -> Bool
unitOccupies unit pt = (==) (Just unit) . fmap alignedThing . occupier pt
occupied :: ProvinceTarget -> Occupation -> Bool
occupied pt = isJust . occupier pt
zoneOccupied :: Zone -> Occupation -> Bool
zoneOccupied zone = isJust . M.lookup zone
allSubjects :: Maybe GreatPower -> Occupation -> [Subject]
allSubjects maybeGreatPower = M.foldWithKey f []
f zone aunit =
let subject = (alignedThing aunit, zoneProvinceTarget zone)
in if maybeGreatPower == Nothing || Just (alignedGreatPower aunit) == maybeGreatPower
then (:) subject
else id