module Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Dynamic
, demoteQuantity, promoteQuantity
, AnyUnit
, demoteUnit, promoteUnit
) where
import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Coercion
import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.UnitNames (UnitName, baseUnitName)
import Data.ExactPi
import Data.Proxy
data AnyQuantity v = AnyQuantity Dimension' v
deriving (Eq)
instance (Show v) => Show (AnyQuantity v) where
show (AnyQuantity d v) = (show v) ++ " " ++ (show . baseUnitName $ d)
instance HasDimension (AnyQuantity v) where
dimension (AnyQuantity d _) = d
demoteQuantity :: forall d v.(KnownDimension d) => Quantity d v -> AnyQuantity v
demoteQuantity (Quantity val) = AnyQuantity dim val
where dim = dimension (Proxy :: Proxy d)
promoteQuantity :: forall d v.(KnownDimension d) => AnyQuantity v -> Maybe (Quantity d v)
promoteQuantity (AnyQuantity dim val) | dim == dim' = Just . Quantity $ val
| otherwise = Nothing
dim' = dimension (Proxy :: Proxy d)
data AnyUnit = AnyUnit Dimension' (UnitName 'NonMetric) ExactPi
instance Show AnyUnit where
show (AnyUnit _ n e) = "1 " ++ (show n) ++ " =def= " ++ (show e) ++ " of the SI base unit"
instance HasDimension AnyUnit where
dimension (AnyUnit d _ _) = d
demoteUnit :: forall a d v.(KnownDimension d) => Unit a d v -> AnyUnit
demoteUnit u = AnyUnit dim (name $ weaken u) (exactValue u)
dim = dimension (Proxy :: Proxy d)
promoteUnit :: forall d.(KnownDimension d) => AnyUnit -> Maybe (Unit 'NonMetric d ExactPi)
promoteUnit (AnyUnit dim n e) | dim == dim' = Just $ mkUnitR n e siUnit
| otherwise = Nothing
dim' = dimension (Proxy :: Proxy d)