{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module Data.Random.Dice where import Data.Random import Data.Random.Distribution.Uniform (integralUniform) import System.Random.Stateful import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Except import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.Ratio import Data.List import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language import Text.Printf ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- A simple expression language data Expr a = Const String a | Plus (Expr a) (Expr a) | Minus (Expr a) (Expr a) | Times (Expr a) (Expr a) | Divide (Expr a) (Expr a) -- Repeat :: Expr Int -> Expr a -> Expr [a] deriving Show instance Functor Expr where fmap f = foldExpr (\s x -> Const s (f x)) Plus Minus Times Divide foldExpr c (+) (-) (*) (/) {-(#)-} = fold where fold (Const s a) = c s a fold (Plus x y) = fold x + fold y fold (Minus x y) = fold x - fold y fold (Times x y) = fold x * fold y fold (Divide x y) = fold x / fold y -- fold (Repeat n y) = undefined # fold y evalExprWithDiv :: (Num a, Monad m) => (a -> a -> m a) -> Expr a -> m a evalExprWithDiv (/) = foldExpr (const return) (liftM2 (+)) (liftM2 (-)) (liftM2 (*)) divM -- (*) where divM x y = join (liftM2 (/) x y) evalFractionalExpr :: (Eq a, Fractional a, MonadError String m) => Expr a -> m a evalFractionalExpr = evalExprWithDiv divM where divM x 0 = throwError "Divide by zero!" divM x y = return (x / y) evalIntegralExpr :: (Integral a, MonadError String m) => Expr a -> m a evalIntegralExpr = evalExprWithDiv divM where divM x 0 = throwError "Divide by zero!" divM x y = return (div x y) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Commuting Expr with an arbitrary Monad m commute con x y = do x <- runExpr x y <- runExpr y return (con x y) runExpr :: Monad m => Expr (m a) -> m (Expr a) runExpr (Const s x) = x >>= return . Const s runExpr (Plus x y) = commute Plus x y runExpr (Minus x y) = commute Minus x y runExpr (Times x y) = commute Times x y runExpr (Divide x y) = commute Divide x y -- runExpr (Repeat x y) = commute Repeat x y ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pretty-printing 'Expr's fmtIntegralExpr :: (Show a, Integral a) => Expr a -> String fmtIntegralExpr (Const _ e) = show e fmtIntegralExpr e = showParen True (fmtExprPrec showScalarConst e 0) . showString " => " . showError (evalIntegralExpr e) $ "" fmtIntegralListExpr :: (Show a, Integral a) => Expr [a] -> String fmtIntegralListExpr (Const _ []) = "0" fmtIntegralListExpr (Const _ [e]) = show e fmtIntegralListExpr e = showParen True (fmtExprPrec showListConst e 0) . showString " => " . showError (evalIntegralExpr (fmap sum e)) $ "" fmtSimple :: (Integral a, Show a) => Expr [a] -> String fmtSimple (Const _ []) = "0" fmtSimple (Const _ [e]) = show e fmtSimple e = showParen False (fmtExprPrec showSimpleListConst e 0) . showString " => " . showError (evalIntegralExpr (fmap sum e)) $ "" fmtSimpleRational :: Expr [Integer] -> String fmtSimpleRational (Const _ []) = "0" fmtSimpleRational (Const _ [e]) = show e fmtSimpleRational e = showParen False (fmtExprPrec showSimpleListConst e 0) . showString " => " . showErrorWith showRationalWithDouble (evalFractionalExpr (fmap (fromInteger.sum) e)) $ "" showScalarConst d v p = showString d . showString "[" . shows v . showString "]" showListConst d v p = showString d . shows v showSimpleConst showsPrec d [v] p = showsPrec p v showSimpleConst showsPrec d v p = showParen (p > 0) (foldl1 (.) (intersperse (showChar '+') (map (showsPrec 6) v))) showSimpleListConst :: Show a => String -> [a] -> Int -> ShowS showSimpleListConst = showSimpleConst showsPrec showSimpleRationalConst = showSimpleConst showRational showError :: Show a => ExceptT String Identity a -> ShowS showError = showErrorWith shows showErrorWith f (ExceptT (Identity (Left e))) = showString e showErrorWith f (ExceptT (Identity (Right x))) = f x showDouble :: Double -> ShowS showDouble d = showString (trim (printf "%.04g" d)) where trim = reverse . dropWhile (=='0') . reverse showRational p d | denominator d == 1 = shows (numerator d) | otherwise = showParen (p > 7) ( shows (numerator d) . showChar '/' . shows (denominator d) ) showRationalWithDouble d | isInt = showRational 0 d | otherwise = showRational 0 d . showString " => " . showDouble (fromRational d) where isInt = denominator d == 1 fmtExprPrec :: (String -> a -> Int -> ShowS) -> Expr a -> Int -> ShowS fmtExprPrec showConst e = foldExpr (\d v p -> showConst d v p) (\x y p -> showParen (p > 6) (x 6 . showString " + " . y 6)) (\x y p -> showParen (p > 6) (x 6 . showString " - " . y 7)) (\x y p -> showParen (p > 7) (x 7 . showString " * " . y 7)) (\x y p -> showParen (p > 7) (x 7 . showString " / " . y 8)) e ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Rolling dice rollEm :: String -> IO (Either ParseError String) rollEm str = case parseExpr "rollEm" str of Left err -> return (Left err) Right ex -> do ex <- do g <- newIOGenM =<< newStdGen sampleFrom g (runExpr ex) return (Right (fmtSimpleRational (fmap (summarizeRollsOver 3) ex))) -- return (Right (fmtIntegralListExpr ex)) summarizeRollsOver :: Num a => Int -> [a] -> [a] summarizeRollsOver n xs | null (drop n xs) = xs | otherwise = [sum xs] roll :: (Integral a, UniformRange a) => a -> a -> RVar [a] roll count sides | count > 100 = do x <- stdNormal :: RVar Double let e = count*(sides+1)`div`2 e' = fromIntegral (count*(sides+1)`mod`2)/2 v = fromIntegral (sides*sides-1)/12 x' = e' + x * sqrt (fromIntegral count * v) return [e + round x'] | otherwise = do ls <- replicateM (fromIntegral count) (integralUniform 1 sides) return ls ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- The parser parseExpr :: (Integral a, UniformRange a) => String -> String -> Either ParseError (Expr (RVar [a])) parseExpr src str = runParser expr False src str -- a token-lexer thing diceLang :: TokenParser st diceLang = makeTokenParser (haskellStyle { reservedOpNames = ["*","/","+","-"{-,"#"-}] }) expr :: (Integral a, UniformRange a) => CharParser Bool (Expr (RVar [a])) expr = do whiteSpace diceLang e <- term eof hasRolls <- getState if hasRolls then return e else fail "no rolls in expression" term :: (Integral a, UniformRange a) => CharParser Bool (Expr (RVar [a])) term = buildExpressionParser table primExp where table = [ [binary "*" Times AssocLeft, binary "/" Divide AssocLeft ] , [binary "+" Plus AssocLeft, binary "-" Minus AssocLeft ] -- , [binary "#" Repeat AssocRight] ] binary name fun assoc = Infix (do{ reservedOp diceLang name; return fun }) assoc primExp :: (Integral a, UniformRange a) => CharParser Bool (Expr (RVar [a])) primExp = try dieExp <|> numExp <|> parens diceLang term dieExp :: (Integral a, UniformRange a) => CharParser Bool (Expr (RVar [a])) dieExp = do (cStr, count) <- option ("", 1) number (sStr, sides) <- char 'd' >> positiveNumber setState True return (Const (cStr ++ 'd' : sStr) (roll (fromInteger count) (fromInteger sides))) numExp :: Num a => CharParser st (Expr (RVar [a])) numExp = do (str, num) <- number return (Const str (return [fromInteger num])) number :: CharParser st (String, Integer) number = do n <- many1 digit "number" whiteSpace diceLang return (n, read n) positiveNumber :: CharParser st (String, Integer) positiveNumber = do (s,n) <- number guard (n>0) return (s,n)