{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Brett Lajzer
-- See LICENSE for license information.

-- | Module that exposes all of the various 'GatherStrategy' types and functions
-- for dealing with them.
module Dib.Gatherers(

import Control.Monad
import Dib.Types
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified System.Directory as D
import System.FilePath

instance GatherStrategy SingleFileGatherer where
  gather = singleFileGatherFunc

instance GatherStrategy DirectoryGatherer where
  gather = directoryGathererFunc

instance GatherStrategy FileTreeGatherer where
  gather = fileTreeGatherFunc

instance GatherStrategy CommandGatherer where
  gather = commandGatherFunc

-- | Runs a list of 'Gatherer's and returns the concatenation of their output.
runGatherers :: [Gatherer] -> IO [T.Text]
runGatherers gs = mapM (\(Gatherer s) -> gather s) gs >>= \x -> foldM (\a b -> return (a ++ b)) [] x

-- | Convenience function to turn a 'GatherStrategy' into a 'Gatherer'.
wrapGatherStrategy :: GatherStrategy s => s -> Gatherer
wrapGatherStrategy = Gatherer

-- | Constructs a 'Gatherer' that returns a single file.
makeSingleFileGatherer :: T.Text -> Gatherer
makeSingleFileGatherer = wrapGatherStrategy.SingleFileGatherer

-- | Constructs a 'Gatherer' that returns all files in a directory (but not its
-- subdirectories) that match a given filter.
makeDirectoryGatherer :: T.Text -> FilterFunc -> Gatherer
makeDirectoryGatherer d = wrapGatherStrategy.DirectoryGatherer d

-- | Constructs a 'Gatherer' that returns all files in a directory tree that
-- match a given filter.
makeFileTreeGatherer :: T.Text -> FilterFunc -> Gatherer
makeFileTreeGatherer d = wrapGatherStrategy.FileTreeGatherer d

-- | Constructs a 'Gatherer' that runs an arbitrary 'IO' action.
makeCommandGatherer :: IO () -> Gatherer
makeCommandGatherer = wrapGatherStrategy.CommandGatherer

singleFileGatherFunc :: SingleFileGatherer -> IO [T.Text]
singleFileGatherFunc (SingleFileGatherer f) = do
  exists <- D.doesFileExist $ T.unpack f
  return [f | exists]

directoryGathererFunc :: DirectoryGatherer -> IO [T.Text]
directoryGathererFunc (DirectoryGatherer d f) = do
  let unpackedDir = T.unpack d
  contents <- D.getDirectoryContents unpackedDir
  filtContents <- mapM filePathDeterminer $ fixFilePaths unpackedDir $ filePathFilter contents
  let (_, files) = directorySplitter filtContents
  return $ filter f $ map T.pack files

fileTreeGatherFunc :: FileTreeGatherer -> IO [T.Text]
fileTreeGatherFunc (FileTreeGatherer d f) = do
  files <- rGetFilesInDir $ T.unpack d
  return $ filter f $ map T.pack files

commandGatherFunc :: CommandGatherer -> IO [T.Text]
commandGatherFunc (CommandGatherer f) = do
  return []

-- functions to handle recursively spidering a directory
filePathDeterminer :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath, Bool)
filePathDeterminer f = D.doesDirectoryExist f >>= \d -> return (f, d)

filePathFilter :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath]
filePathFilter = filter noSpecialOrHiddenDirs
    where noSpecialOrHiddenDirs (x:_) = x /= '.'
          noSpecialOrHiddenDirs [] = False

directorySplitter :: [(FilePath, Bool)] -> ([FilePath], [FilePath])
directorySplitter = foldl' splitter ([], [])
    where splitter (d, f) (path, dir) = if dir then (d ++ [path], f) else (d, f ++ [path])

fixFilePaths :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> [FilePath]
fixFilePaths root = map (root </>)

-- | Recursively gets all files in the given directory and its subdirectories.
rGetFilesInDir :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
rGetFilesInDir dir = do
    contents <- D.getDirectoryContents dir
    filtContents <- mapM filePathDeterminer $ fixFilePaths dir $ filePathFilter contents
    let (dirs, files) = directorySplitter filtContents
    spideredDirs <- mapM rGetFilesInDir dirs
    return $ concat spideredDirs ++ files

-- | Filter function that returns all files.
matchAll :: FilterFunc
matchAll _ = True

-- | Filter function that returns files with a given extension.
matchExtension :: T.Text -> FilterFunc
matchExtension = T.isSuffixOf

-- | Filter function that returns files that match any of a list of extensions.
matchExtensions :: [T.Text] -> FilterFunc
matchExtensions exts file = foldl' foldFunc False exts
  where foldFunc True _ = True
        foldFunc False e = e `T.isSuffixOf` file

-- | Filter function that returns files with a given extension that don't match exclusion rules.
matchExtensionExcluded :: T.Text -> [T.Text -> Bool] -> FilterFunc
matchExtensionExcluded ext rules file = T.isSuffixOf ext file && (not.or $ map (\r -> r file) rules)

-- | Filter function that returns files that match any of a list of extensions, but don't match the exclusion rules.
matchExtensionsExcluded :: [T.Text] -> [T.Text -> Bool] -> FilterFunc
matchExtensionsExcluded exts rules file = foldl' foldFunc False exts
  where foldFunc True _ = True
        foldFunc False e = (e `T.isSuffixOf` file) && (not.or $ map (\r -> r file) rules)