-- Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Brett Lajzer
-- See LICENSE for license information.

-- | A builder for C/C++ code.
module Dib.Builders.C (
  CTargetInfo(CTargetInfo, outputName, targetName, srcDir, outputLocation, compiler, linker, archiver, inFileOption, outFileOption, compileFlags, linkFlags, archiverFlags, includeDirs, extraCompileDeps, extraLinkDeps, exclusions, staticLibrary),
  BuildLocation(InPlace, BuildDir, ObjAndBinDirs),
  ) where

import Dib.Gatherers
import Dib.Target
import Dib.Types
import Dib.Scanners.CDepScanner

import Data.List as L
import Data.Word
import System.Process (system)
import System.Directory as D
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath as F

import qualified Data.Digest.CRC32 as Hash
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE

-- | The record type that is used to pass configuration info for the C builder.
data CTargetInfo = CTargetInfo {
  -- | The name of the output file.
  outputName :: T.Text,
  -- | The name of the 'Target'. Should be unique among all 'Target's in a given build.
  targetName :: T.Text,
  -- | The directory containing the source for this target.
  srcDir :: T.Text,
  -- | A 'BuildLocation' that defines where the object and executable files go.
  outputLocation :: BuildLocation,
  -- | The compiler executable.
  compiler :: T.Text,
  -- | The linker executable.
  linker :: T.Text,
  -- | The archiver executable.
  archiver :: T.Text,
  -- | The command line option for the input file.
  inFileOption :: T.Text,
  -- | The command line option for the output file.
  outFileOption :: T.Text,
  -- | The compiler's include option
  includeOption :: T.Text,
  -- | Compiler flags.
  compileFlags :: T.Text,
  -- | Linker flags.
  linkFlags :: T.Text,
  -- | Archiver flags.
  archiverFlags :: T.Text,
  -- | A list of directories where include files can be found. Used for
  -- dependency scanning and automatically appended to the compile line.
  includeDirs :: [T.Text],
  -- | Extra compilation dependencies.
  extraCompileDeps :: [T.Text],
  -- | Extra linking dependencies.
  extraLinkDeps :: [T.Text],
  -- | Files to exclude from the build.
  exclusions :: [T.Text],
  -- | Whether or not to build a static lib (using the archiver)
  staticLibrary :: Bool

-- | Given a 'CTargetInfo' and a 'Target', produces a checksum
cTargetHash :: CTargetInfo -> Target -> Word32
cTargetHash info _ =
  let textHash = TE.encodeUtf8 $ T.intercalate "^" [
        srcDir info,
        compiler info,
        linker info,
        archiver info,
        inFileOption info,
        outFileOption info,
        includeOption info,
        compileFlags info,
        linkFlags info,
        archiverFlags info,
        T.intercalate "^^" $ includeDirs info,
        T.intercalate "^^" $ extraCompileDeps info,
        T.intercalate "^^" $ extraLinkDeps info,
        T.intercalate "^^" $ exclusions info,
        if staticLibrary info then "True" else "False"

  in Hash.crc32 textHash

-- | The data type for specifying where built files end up.
data BuildLocation =
  -- | Specifies that object files will end up adjacent to their source files
  -- and the executable will be in the same directory as the dib.hs file.
  -- | Specifies that the object files and executable will go in a certain directory.
  | BuildDir T.Text
  -- | Specifies that the object files will go in the first directory and the
  -- executable in the second directory.
  | ObjAndBinDirs T.Text T.Text

-- | An empty configuration.
emptyConfig :: CTargetInfo
emptyConfig = CTargetInfo {
  outputName = "",
  targetName = "",
  srcDir = "",
  outputLocation = InPlace,
  compiler = "",
  linker = "",
  archiver = "",
  inFileOption = "",
  outFileOption = "",
  includeOption = "",
  compileFlags = "",
  linkFlags = "",
  archiverFlags = "",
  includeDirs = [],
  extraCompileDeps = [],
  extraLinkDeps = [],
  exclusions = [],
  staticLibrary = False

-- | A default configuration for gcc.
defaultGCCConfig :: CTargetInfo
defaultGCCConfig = emptyConfig {
  compiler = "gcc",
  linker = "gcc",
  archiver = "ar",
  inFileOption = "-c",
  outFileOption = "-o",
  includeOption = "-I",
  archiverFlags = "rs"

-- | A default configuration for g++.
defaultGXXConfig :: CTargetInfo
defaultGXXConfig = defaultGCCConfig {
  compiler = "g++",
  linker = "g++"

-- | A default configuration for clang.
defaultClangConfig :: CTargetInfo
defaultClangConfig = defaultGCCConfig {
  compiler = "clang",
  linker = "clang"

massageFilePath :: T.Text -> T.Text
massageFilePath p = T.replace "\\" "_" $ T.replace "/" "_" p

remapObjFile :: BuildLocation -> T.Text -> T.Text
remapObjFile InPlace f = f
remapObjFile (BuildDir d) f = d `T.snoc` F.pathSeparator `T.append` massageFilePath f
remapObjFile (ObjAndBinDirs d _) f = d `T.snoc` F.pathSeparator `T.append` massageFilePath f

remapBinFile :: BuildLocation -> T.Text -> T.Text
remapBinFile InPlace f = f
remapBinFile (BuildDir d) f = d `T.snoc` F.pathSeparator `T.append` f
remapBinFile (ObjAndBinDirs _ d) f = d `T.snoc` F.pathSeparator `T.append` f

-- | Given a 'CTargetInfo', will make the directories required to build the project.
makeBuildDirs :: CTargetInfo -> IO ()
makeBuildDirs info = do
  let helper InPlace = return ()
      helper (BuildDir d) = D.createDirectoryIfMissing True (T.unpack d)
      helper (ObjAndBinDirs d d2) = D.createDirectoryIfMissing True (T.unpack d) >> D.createDirectoryIfMissing True (T.unpack d2)
  helper (outputLocation info)
  return ()

excludeFiles :: [T.Text] -> T.Text -> Bool
excludeFiles excl file = L.any (`T.isSuffixOf` file) excl

-- | Given a 'CTargetInfo', produces a 'Target'
makeCTarget :: CTargetInfo -> Target
makeCTarget info =
  let includeDirString = includeOption info `T.append` T.intercalate (" " `T.append` includeOption info) (includeDirs info)
      makeBuildString s t = T.unpack $ T.concat [compiler info, " ", inFileOption info, " ", s, " ", outFileOption info, " ", t, " ", includeDirString, " ", compileFlags info]
      makeLinkString ss t = T.unpack $ T.concat [linker info, " ", T.unwords ss, " ", outFileOption info, " ", t, " ", linkFlags info]
      makeArchiveString ss t = T.unpack $ T.concat [archiver info, " ", archiverFlags info, " ", t, " ", T.unwords ss]

      buildCmd (ManyToOne ss t) = do
        let sourceFile = head ss
        let buildString = makeBuildString sourceFile t
        putStrLn $ "Building: " ++ T.unpack sourceFile
        exitCode <- system buildString
        handleExitCode exitCode t buildString
      buildCmd _ = return $ Right "Unhandled SrcTransform."

      linkCmd (ManyToOne ss t) = do
        let linkString = makeLinkString ss t
        putStrLn $ "Linking: " ++ T.unpack t
        exitCode <- system linkString
        handleExitCode exitCode t linkString
      linkCmd _ = return $ Right "Unhandled SrcTransform."

      archiveCmd (ManyToOne ss t) = do
        let archiveString = makeArchiveString ss t
        putStrLn $ "Archiving: " ++ T.unpack t
        exitCode <- system archiveString
        handleExitCode exitCode t archiveString
      archiveCmd _ = return $ Right "Unhandled SrcTransform."

      buildDirGatherer = makeCommandGatherer $ makeBuildDirs info
      cppStage = Stage "compile" (map (changeExt "o" (outputLocation info))) (cDepScanner (map T.unpack $ includeDirs info)) (extraCompileDeps info) buildCmd
      linkStage = Stage "link" (combineTransforms (remapBinFile (outputLocation info) $ outputName info)) return (extraLinkDeps info) linkCmd
      archiveStage = Stage "archive" (combineTransforms (remapBinFile (outputLocation info) $ outputName info)) return [] archiveCmd
  in Target (targetName info) (cTargetHash info) [] [cppStage, if staticLibrary info then archiveStage else linkStage] [buildDirGatherer, makeFileTreeGatherer (srcDir info) (matchExtensionsExcluded [".cpp", ".c"] [excludeFiles $ exclusions info])]

changeExt :: T.Text -> BuildLocation -> SrcTransform -> SrcTransform
changeExt newExt b (OneToOne l _) = OneToOne l $ remapObjFile b $ T.append (T.dropWhileEnd (/='.') l) newExt
changeExt _ _ _ = undefined

handleExitCode :: ExitCode -> T.Text -> String -> IO (Either SrcTransform T.Text)
handleExitCode ExitSuccess t _ = return $ Left $ OneToOne t ""
handleExitCode (ExitFailure _) _ e = return $ Right $ T.pack (show e)

combineTransforms :: T.Text -> [SrcTransform] -> [SrcTransform]
combineTransforms t st = [ManyToOne sources t]
  where sources = foldl' (\l (OneToOne s _) -> l ++ [s]) [] st

-- | Given a 'CTargetInfo', produces a 'Target' that will clean the project.
makeCleanTarget :: CTargetInfo -> Target
makeCleanTarget info =
  let cleanCmd (OneToOne s _) = do
        putStrLn $ "removing: " ++ T.unpack s
        D.removeFile (T.unpack s)
        return $ Left $ OneToOne "" ""
      cleanCmd _ = error "Should never hit this."

      objDir InPlace = srcDir info
      objDir (BuildDir d) = d
      objDir (ObjAndBinDirs d _) = d

      programFile InPlace = outputName info
      programFile (BuildDir d) = d `T.snoc` F.pathSeparator `T.append` outputName info
      programFile (ObjAndBinDirs _ d) = d `T.snoc` F.pathSeparator `T.append` outputName info

      cleanStage = Stage "clean" id return [] cleanCmd
      objectGatherer = makeFileTreeGatherer (objDir $ outputLocation info) (matchExtension ".o")
      programGatherer = makeSingleFileGatherer (programFile $ outputLocation info)
  in Target ("clean-" `T.append` targetName info) (const 0) [] [cleanStage] [objectGatherer, programGatherer]