{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances  #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Diagrams.Backend.SVG
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2011-2012 diagrams-svg team (see LICENSE)
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  diagrams-discuss@googlegroups.com
-- A full-featured rendering backend for diagrams producing SVG files,
-- implemented natively in Haskell (making it easy to use on any
-- platform).
-- To invoke the SVG backend, you have three options.
-- * You can use the "Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine" module to create
--   standalone executables which output SVG images when invoked.
-- * You can use the 'renderSVG' function provided by this module,
--   which gives you more flexible programmatic control over when and
--   how images are output (making it easy to, for example, write a
--   single program that outputs multiple images, or one that outputs
--   images dynamically based on user input, and so on).
-- * For the most flexibility (/e.g./ if you want access to the
--   resulting SVG value directly in memory without writing it to
--   disk), you can manually invoke the 'renderDia' method from the
--   'Diagrams.Core.Types.Backend' instance for @SVG@.  In particular,
--   'Diagrams.Core.Types.renderDia' has the generic type
-- > renderDia :: b -> Options b v -> QDiagram b v m -> Result b v
-- (omitting a few type class constraints).  @b@ represents the
-- backend type, @v@ the vector space, and @m@ the type of monoidal
-- query annotations on the diagram.  'Options' and 'Result' are
-- associated data and type families, respectively, which yield the
-- type of option records and rendering results specific to any
-- particular backend.  For @b ~ SVG@ and @v ~ R2@, we have
-- > data Options SVG R2 = SVGOptions
-- >                       { size :: SizeSpec2D   -- ^ The requested size.
-- >                       , svgDefinitions :: Maybe S.Svg
-- >                       -- ^ Custom definitions that will be added to the @defs@
-- >                       --  section of the output.
-- >                       }
-- @
-- data family Render SVG R2 = R 'SvgRenderM'
-- @
-- @
-- type family Result SVG R2 = 'Text.Blaze.Svg11.Svg'
-- @
-- So the type of 'renderDia' resolves to
-- @
-- renderDia :: SVG -> Options SVG R2 -> QDiagram SVG R2 m -> 'Text.Blaze.Svg11.Svg'
-- @
-- which you could call like @renderDia SVG (SVGOptions (Width 250))
-- myDiagram@.  (In some situations GHC may not be able to infer the
-- type @m@, in which case you can use a type annotation to specify
-- it; it may be useful to simply use the type synonym @Diagram SVG
-- R2 = QDiagram SVG R2 Any@.) This returns an
-- 'Text.Blaze.Svg11.Svg' value, which you can, /e.g./ render to a
-- 'ByteString' using 'Text.Blaze.Svg.Renderer.Utf8.renderSvg'.

module Diagrams.Backend.SVG
  ( SVG(..) -- rendering token
  , B
  , Options(..), size, svgDefinitions -- for rendering options specific to SVG

  , renderSVG
  ) where

-- for testing
import           Diagrams.Core.Compile
import           Data.Tree
import           Data.Foldable (foldMap)

-- from base
import           Control.Monad.State
import           Data.Typeable

-- from bytestring
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy         as BS

-- from lens
import           Control.Lens                 hiding ((#), transform)

-- from diagrams-lib
import           Diagrams.Prelude             hiding (view)
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Adjust         (adjustDia2D)
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Path           (Clip(Clip))
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Text

-- from blaze-svg
import           Text.Blaze.Svg.Renderer.Utf8 (renderSvg)
import           Text.Blaze.Svg11             ((!))
import qualified Text.Blaze.Svg11             as S
import qualified Text.Blaze.Svg.Renderer.String as StringSvg

-- from this package
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.SVG       as R

-- | @SVG@ is simply a token used to identify this rendering backend
--   (to aid type inference).
data SVG = SVG
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

type B = SVG

data SvgRenderState = SvgRenderState { _clipPathId :: Int, _ignoreFill :: Bool }

makeLenses ''SvgRenderState

initialSvgRenderState :: SvgRenderState
initialSvgRenderState = SvgRenderState 0 False

-- | Monad to keep track of state when rendering an SVG.
--   Currently just keeps a monotonically increasing counter
--   for assiging a unique clip path ID.
type SvgRenderM = State SvgRenderState S.Svg

instance Monoid (Render SVG R2) where
  mempty  = R $ return mempty
  (R r1) `mappend` (R r2_) =
    R $ do
      svg1 <- r1
      svg2 <- r2_
      return (svg1 `mappend` svg2)

-- XXX comment me
renderSvgWithClipping :: S.Svg             -- ^ Input SVG
                      -> Style v           -- ^ Styles
                      -> SvgRenderM        -- ^ Resulting svg
renderSvgWithClipping svg s =
  case (op Clip <$> getAttr s) of
    Nothing -> return $ svg
    Just paths -> renderClips paths
    renderClips :: [Path R2] -> SvgRenderM
    renderClips [] = return $ svg
    renderClips (p:ps) = do
      clipPathId += 1
      id_ <- use clipPathId
      R.renderClip p id_ <$> renderClips ps

-- | Convert an RTree to a renderable object. The unfrozen transforms have
--   been accumulated and are in the leaves of the RTree along with the Prims.
--   Frozen transformations have their own nodes and the styles have been
--   transfomed during the contruction of the RTree.
renderRTree :: RTree SVG R2 a -> Render SVG R2
renderRTree (Node (RPrim accTr p) _) = (render SVG (transform accTr p))
renderRTree (Node (RStyle sty) ts)
  = R $ do
      let R r = foldMap renderRTree ts
      ignoreFill .= False
      svg <- r
      ign <- use ignoreFill
      clippedSvg <- renderSvgWithClipping svg sty
      return $ (S.g ! R.renderStyles ign sty) clippedSvg
renderRTree (Node (RFrozenTr tr) ts)
  = R $ do
      let R r = foldMap renderRTree ts
      svg <- r
      return $ R.renderTransform tr svg
renderRTree (Node _ ts) = foldMap renderRTree ts

instance Backend SVG R2 where
  data Render  SVG R2 = R SvgRenderM
  type Result  SVG R2 = S.Svg
  data Options SVG R2 = SVGOptions
                        { _size :: SizeSpec2D   -- ^ The requested size.
                        , _svgDefinitions :: Maybe S.Svg
                          -- ^ Custom definitions that will be added to the @defs@
                          --   section of the output.

  doRender _ opts (R r) =
    evalState svgOutput initialSvgRenderState
    svgOutput = do
      svg <- r
      let (w,h) = case opts^.size of
                    Width w'   -> (w',w')
                    Height h'  -> (h',h')
                    Dims w' h' -> (w',h')
                    Absolute   -> (100,100)
      return $ R.svgHeader w h (opts^.svgDefinitions) $ svg

  adjustDia c opts d = adjustDia2D _size setSvgSize c opts
                         (d # reflectY
                            # recommendFillColor
                                (transparent :: AlphaColour Double)
    where setSvgSize sz o = o { _size = sz }

  renderData _ = renderRTree . toRTree

getSize :: Options SVG R2 -> SizeSpec2D
getSize (SVGOptions {_size = s}) = s

setSize :: Options SVG R2 -> SizeSpec2D -> Options SVG R2
setSize o s = o {_size = s}

size :: Lens' (Options SVG R2) SizeSpec2D
size = lens getSize setSize

getSVGDefs :: Options SVG R2 -> Maybe S.Svg
getSVGDefs (SVGOptions {_svgDefinitions = d}) = d

setSVGDefs :: Options SVG R2 -> Maybe S.Svg -> Options SVG R2
setSVGDefs o d = o {_svgDefinitions = d}

svgDefinitions :: Lens' (Options SVG R2) (Maybe S.Svg)
svgDefinitions = lens getSVGDefs setSVGDefs

instance Show (Options SVG R2) where
  show opts = concat $
            [ "SVGOptions { "
            , "size = "
            , show $ opts^.size
            , " , "
            , "svgDefinitions = "
            , case opts^.svgDefinitions of
                Nothing -> "Nothing"
                Just svg -> "Just " ++ StringSvg.renderSvg svg
            , " }"

instance Renderable (Segment Closed R2) SVG where
  render c = render c . (fromSegments :: [Segment Closed R2] -> Path R2) . (:[])

instance Renderable (Trail R2) SVG where
  render c = render c . pathFromTrail

instance Renderable (Path R2) SVG where
  render _ p = R $ do
    -- Don't fill lines.  diagrams-lib separates out lines and loops
    -- for us, so if we see one line, they are all lines.
    when (any (isLine . unLoc) . op Path $ p) $ (ignoreFill .= True)
    return (R.renderPath p)

instance Renderable Text SVG where
  render _ = R . return . R.renderText

-- TODO: instance Renderable Image SVG where

-- | Render a diagram as an SVG, writing to the specified output file
--   and using the requested size.
renderSVG :: FilePath -> SizeSpec2D -> Diagram SVG R2 -> IO ()
renderSVG outFile sizeSpec
  = BS.writeFile outFile
  . renderSvg
  . renderDia SVG (SVGOptions sizeSpec Nothing)