-- | Convert appropriately annotated Code blocks to an image, with or -- without display of the code. Interpret the Code blocks as Haskell -- code using the Diagrams libraries. module Text.Pandoc.Diagrams where import Control.Monad (when) import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.List (delete) import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo.Internal import qualified Diagrams.Builder as DB import Diagrams.Prelude (centerXY, pad, (&), (.~)) import Diagrams.Size (dims) import Linear (V2 (..), zero) import System.Directory (createDirectory, doesDirectoryExist) import System.FilePath ((<.>), ()) import System.IO import Text.Pandoc.Definition -- TODO choose output format based on pandoc target backendExt :: String backendExt = "png" data Opts = Opts { _outFormat :: String, -- ^ Not currently used _outDir :: FilePath, _expression :: String } data Echo = Above | Below insertDiagrams :: Opts -> Block -> IO [Block] insertDiagrams opts (CodeBlock (ident, classes, attrs) code) | "diagram-haskell" `elem` classes = do i <- img return $ case echo of Above -> [bl', i] Below -> [i, bl'] | "diagram" `elem` classes = (:[]) <$> img where img = do d <- compileDiagram opts code return $ case d of Left _err -> Null -- TODO log an error here Right imgName -> Plain [Image [] (imgName,"")] -- no alt text, no title bl' = CodeBlock (ident, "haskell":delete "diagram-haskell" classes, attrs) code echo = readEcho attrs insertDiagrams _ block = return [block] -- Copied from https://github.com/diagrams/diagrams-doc/blob/master/doc/Xml2Html.hs -- With the CPP removed, thereby requiring Cairo -- TODO clean this up, move it into -builder somehow -- | Compile the literate source code of a diagram to a .png file with -- a file name given by a hash of the source code contents compileDiagram :: Opts -> String -> IO (Either String String) compileDiagram opts src = do ensureDir $ _outDir opts let bopts :: DB.BuildOpts Cairo V2 Double bopts = DB.mkBuildOpts Cairo zero (CairoOptions "default.png" (dims $ V2 500 200) PNG False) & DB.snippets .~ [src] & DB.imports .~ [ "Diagrams.TwoD.Types" -- WHY IS THIS NECESSARY =( , "Diagrams.Core.Points" -- GHC 7.2 bug? need V (Point R2) = R2 (see #65) , "Diagrams.Backend.Cairo" , "Diagrams.Backend.Cairo.Internal" , "Graphics.SVGFonts" , "Data.Typeable" ] & DB.pragmas .~ ["DeriveDataTypeable"] & DB.diaExpr .~ _expression opts & DB.postProcess .~ (pad 1.1 . centerXY) & DB.decideRegen .~ (DB.hashedRegenerate (\hash opts' -> opts' { _cairoFileName = mkFile hash }) (_outDir opts) ) res <- DB.buildDiagram bopts case res of DB.ParseErr err -> do hPutStrLn stderr ("\nError while parsing\n" ++ src) hPutStrLn stderr err return $ Left "Error while parsing" DB.InterpErr ierr -> do hPutStrLn stderr ("\nError while interpreting\n" ++ src) hPutStrLn stderr (DB.ppInterpError ierr) return $ Left "Error while interpreting" DB.Skipped hash -> do hPutStr stderr "." hFlush stderr return $ Right (mkFile (DB.hashToHexStr hash)) DB.OK hash out -> do hPutStr stderr "O" hFlush stderr fst out return $ Right (mkFile (DB.hashToHexStr hash)) where mkFile base = _outDir opts base <.> backendExt ensureDir dir = do b <- doesDirectoryExist dir when (not b) $ createDirectory dir readEcho :: [(String, String)] -> Echo readEcho attrs = case lookup "echo" attrs of Nothing -> Below Just v -> case map toLower v of "above" -> Above _ -> Below