[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/diagrams/diagrams-pandoc.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/diagrams/diagrams-pandoc) A [pandoc](http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/) filter to express diagrams inline using the haskell EDSL [diagrams](http://projects.haskell.org/diagrams/). ## Usage Create an input file called `demo.md` with the following text: ``` markdown This is how to draw a circle: ~~~ diagram example = circle 1 ~~~ ``` Install diagrams-pandoc, then run pandoc as follows: ``` shell pandoc -t html demo.md --filter diagrams-pandoc -o demo.html -s ``` The file demo.html should now have an img tag pointing at a PNG of a circle. ## Details `diagrams-pandoc` compiles code blocks containing diagrams expressions and includes the resulting images in the pandoc markup. It is meant to be run as a [pandoc filter](http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/scripting.html) as shown above. `diagrams-pandoc` is aware of two code block classes. A block with the `diagram` class will be replaced by the resulting image---the code will not appear in the output. A block with the `diagram-haskell` class will produce both an image and a (syntax highlighted) code block. The input block is replaced by image appears before the code block, and the `diagram-haskell` class is replaced by the `haskell` class, so that pandoc can perform syntax highlighting as usual. I have only tested with pandoc's markdown reader. In particular, the rst reader does not attach classes to code blocks, only to Div elements. ## Installing `diagrams-pandoc` is on Hackage. To install, run `cabal install diagrams-pandoc` ## TODO * use pandoc output type to pick an image file format * for formats which are more human-readable (eg, markdown, rst), leave code block alone? * provide command-line flags to override default behavior * add Backends besides Cairo * Support RST by handling `Div class=diagram [CodeBlock foo bar]` the same as `CodeBlock class=diagram bar` * Alternate install directions using `stack`