module Diagrams.ThreeD.Shapes
Ellipsoid(..), sphere
, Box(..), cube
, Frustum(..) , frustum, cone, cylinder
) where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens (review, (^.), _1)
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Semigroup
import Diagrams.Angle
import Diagrams.Core
import Diagrams.Points
import Diagrams.Solve.Polynomial
import Diagrams.ThreeD.Types
import Diagrams.ThreeD.Vector
import Linear.Affine
import Linear.Metric
import Linear.Vector
data Ellipsoid n = Ellipsoid (Transformation V3 n)
deriving Typeable
type instance V (Ellipsoid n) = V3
type instance N (Ellipsoid n) = n
instance Fractional n => Transformable (Ellipsoid n) where
transform t1 (Ellipsoid t2) = Ellipsoid (t1 <> t2)
instance Fractional n => Renderable (Ellipsoid n) NullBackend where
render _ _ = mempty
sphere :: (Typeable n, OrderedField n, Renderable (Ellipsoid n) b) => QDiagram b V3 n Any
sphere = mkQD (Prim $ Ellipsoid mempty)
(mkEnvelope sphereEnv)
(mkTrace sphereTrace)
(Query sphereQuery)
sphereEnv v = 1 / norm v
sphereTrace (P p) v = mkSortedList $ quadForm a b c
a = v `dot` v
b = 2 * (p `dot` v)
c = p `dot` (p 1)
sphereQuery v = Any $ quadrance (v .-. origin) <= 1
data Box n = Box (Transformation V3 n)
deriving Typeable
type instance V (Box n) = V3
type instance N (Box n) = n
instance Fractional n => Transformable (Box n) where
transform t1 (Box t2) = Box (t1 <> t2)
instance Fractional n => Renderable (Box n) NullBackend where
render _ _ = mempty
cube :: (Typeable n, OrderedField n, Renderable (Box n) b) => QDiagram b V3 n Any
cube = mkQD (Prim $ Box mempty)
(mkEnvelope boxEnv)
(mkTrace boxTrace)
(Query boxQuery)
corners = mkR3 <$> [0,1] <*> [0,1] <*> [0,1]
boxEnv v = maximum (map (v `dot`) corners) / quadrance v
boxTrace p v = mkSortedList . filter (range . atT) $ ts where
(x0, y0, z0) = unp3 p
(vx, vy, vz) = unr3 v
intersections f d = case d of
0 -> []
_ -> [f/d, (1f)/d]
ts = concat $ zipWith intersections [x0,y0,z0] [vx,vy,vz]
atT t = p .+^ (t*^v)
range u = and [x >= 0, x <= 1, y >= 0, y <= 1, z >= 0, z <= 1] where
(x, y, z) = unp3 u
boxQuery = Any . range
data Frustum n = Frustum n n (Transformation V3 n)
deriving Typeable
type instance V (Frustum n) = V3
type instance N (Frustum n) = n
instance Fractional n => Transformable (Frustum n) where
transform t1 (Frustum r0 r1 t2) = Frustum r0 r1 (t1 <> t2)
instance Fractional n => Renderable (Frustum n) NullBackend where
render _ _ = mempty
frustum :: (TypeableFloat n, Renderable (Frustum n) b) => n -> n -> QDiagram b V3 n Any
frustum r0 r1 = mkQD (Prim $ Frustum r0 r1 mempty)
(mkEnvelope frEnv)
(mkTrace frTrace)
(Query frQuery)
projectXY u = u ^-^ project unitZ u
frQuery p = Any $ x >= 0 && x <= 1 && a <= r where
(x, _, z) = unp3 p
r = r0 + (r1 r0)*z
v = p .-. origin
a = norm $ projectXY v
frEnv v = maximum . map (norm . project v . review r3CylindricalIso) $ corners
θ = v ^. _theta
corners = [(r1,θ,1), (r1,θ,1), (r0,θ,0), (r0,θ,0)]
frTrace p v = mkSortedList $ filter zbounds (quadForm a b c) ++ ends
(px, py, pz) = unp3 p
(vx, vy, vz) = unr3 v
ray t = p .+^ t *^ v
dr = r1 r0
a = vx**2 + vy**2 vz**2 * dr**2
b = 2 * (px * vx + py * vy (r0+pz*dr) * dr * vz)
c = px**2 + py**2 (r0 + dr*pz)**2
zbounds t = ray t ^. _z >= 0
&& ray t ^. _z <= 1
ends = concatMap cap [0,1]
cap z = [ t | ray t ^. lensP . r3CylindricalIso . _1 < r0 + z * dr ]
t = (z pz) / vz
cone :: (TypeableFloat n, Renderable (Frustum n) b) => QDiagram b V3 n Any
cone = frustum 1 0
cylinder :: (TypeableFloat n, Renderable (Frustum n) b) => QDiagram b V3 n Any
cylinder = frustum 1 1