{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies              #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Diagrams.TwoD.Arrowheads
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013 diagrams-lib team (see LICENSE)
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  diagrams-discuss@googlegroups.com
-- Standard arrowheads and tails. Each arrowhead or tail is designed
-- to be drawn filled, with a line width of 0, and is normalized to
-- fit inside a circle of diameter 1.

module Diagrams.TwoD.Arrowheads
       -- * Arrowheads
       -- ** Standard arrowheads
       , dart
       , spike
       , thorn
       , lineHead
       , noHead

       -- ** Configurable arrowheads
       -- | Creates arrowheads of the same shape as the standard heads but
       --   where the angle parameter is used to specify the angle to the top
       --   left point of the arrowhead.
       , arrowheadTriangle
       , arrowheadDart
       , arrowheadSpike
       , arrowheadThorn

       -- * Arrow tails
       -- ** Standard arrow tails
       , tri'
       , dart'
       , spike'
       , thorn'
       , lineTail
       , noTail
       , quill
       , block

       -- ** Configurable arrow tails

       , arrowtailQuill
       , arrowtailBlock

       -- * Internals
       , ArrowHT
       ) where

import           Control.Lens            ((&), (.~), (^.))
import           Data.AffineSpace
import           Data.Default.Class
import           Data.Monoid             (mempty, (<>))
import           Data.VectorSpace

import           Diagrams.Angle
import           Diagrams.Core

import           Diagrams.Coordinates    ((^&))
import           Diagrams.Path
import           Diagrams.Segment
import           Diagrams.Trail
import           Diagrams.TrailLike      (fromOffsets)
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Align
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Arc       (arc')
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Path      ()
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Polygons
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Shapes
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Transform
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Types
import           Diagrams.TwoD.Vector    (fromDirection, direction, unit_X)
import           Diagrams.Util           (( # ))


type ArrowHT = Double -> Double -> (Path R2, Path R2)

closedPath :: (Floating (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v), InnerSpace v) => Trail v -> Path v
closedPath = pathFromTrail . closeTrail

-- Heads ------------------------------------------------------------------
--   > drawHead h = arrowAt' (with & arrowHead .~ h & shaftStyle %~ lw none)
--   >         origin (r2 (0.001, 0))
--   >      <> square 0.5 # alignL # lw none

-- | Isoceles triangle style. The above example specifies an angle of `2/5 Turn`.

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_tri25Ex.svg#diagram=tri25Ex&width=120>>

--   > tri25Ex = arrowAt' (with & arrowHead .~ arrowheadTriangle (2/5 @@ turn) & shaftStyle %~ lw none)
--   >           origin (r2 (0.001, 0))
--   >        <> square 0.6 # alignL # lw none
arrowheadTriangle :: Angle -> ArrowHT
arrowheadTriangle theta = aHead
    aHead len _ = (p, mempty)
        psi = pi - (theta ^. rad)
        r = len / (1 + cos psi)
        p = polygon (def & polyType .~ PolyPolar [theta, (negateV 2 *^ theta)]
            (repeat r) & polyOrient .~ NoOrient)  # alignL

-- | Isoceles triangle with linear concave base. Inkscape type 1 - dart like.
arrowheadDart :: Angle -> ArrowHT
arrowheadDart theta len shaftWidth = (hd # scale size, jt)
    hd = snugL . pathFromTrail . glueTrail $ fromOffsets [t1, t2, b2, b1]
    jt = pathFromTrail . glueTrail $ j <> reflectY j
    j = closeTrail $ fromOffsets [(-jLength ^& 0), (0 ^& shaftWidth / 2)]
    v = fromDirection theta
    (t1, t2) = (unit_X ^+^ v, (-0.5 ^& 0) ^-^ v)
    [b1, b2] = map (reflectY . negateV) [t1, t2]
    psi = pi - (direction . negateV $ t2) ^. rad
    jLength = shaftWidth / (2 * tan psi)

    -- If the shaft if too wide, set the size to a default value of 1.
    size = max 1 ((len - jLength) / (1.5))

-- | Isoceles triangle with curved concave base. Inkscape type 2.
arrowheadSpike :: Angle -> ArrowHT
arrowheadSpike theta len shaftWidth  = (hd # scale r, jt # scale r)
    hd = snugL . closedPath $ l1 <> c <> l2
    jt = alignR . centerY . pathFromTrail
                . closeTrail $ arc' 1 (negateV phi) phi
    l1 = trailFromSegments [straight $ unit_X ^+^ v]
    l2 = trailFromSegments [reverseSegment . straight $ (unit_X ^+^ (reflectY v))]
    c = reflectX $ arc' 1 theta (negateV theta)
    v = fromDirection theta

    -- The length of the head without its joint is, -2r cos theta and
    -- the length of the joint is r - sqrt (r^2 - y^2). So the total
    -- length of the arrow head is given by r(1 - 2 cos theta)-sqrt (r^2-y^2).
    -- Solving the quadratic gives two roots, we want the larger one.

    -- 1/4 turn < theta < 2/3 turn.
    a = 1 - 2 * cos (theta ^. rad)
    y = shaftWidth / 2

    -- If the shaft is too wide for the head, we default the radius r to
    -- 2/3 * len by setting d=1 and phi=pi/2.
    d = max 1 (len**2 + (1 - a**2) * y**2)
    r = (a * len + sqrt d) / (a**2 -1)
    phi = asin (min 1 (y/r)) @@ rad

-- | Curved sides, linear concave base. Illustrator CS5 #3
arrowheadThorn :: Angle -> ArrowHT
arrowheadThorn theta len shaftWidth = (hd # scale size, jt)
    hd = snugL . pathFromTrail . glueTrail $ hTop <> reflectY hTop
    hTop = closeTrail . trailFromSegments $ [c, l]
    jt = pathFromTrail . glueTrail $ j <> reflectY j
    j = closeTrail $ fromOffsets [(-jLength ^& 0), (0 ^& shaftWidth / 2)]
    c = curvedSide theta
    v = fromDirection theta
    l = reverseSegment . straight $ t
    t = v ^-^ (-0.5 ^& 0)
    psi = pi - (direction . negateV $ t) ^. rad
    jLength = shaftWidth / (2 * tan psi)

    -- If the shaft if too wide, set the size to a default value of 1.    
    size = max 1 ((len - jLength) / (1.5))

-- | Make a side for the thorn head.
curvedSide :: Angle -> Segment Closed R2
curvedSide theta = bezier3 ctrl1 ctrl2 end
    v0    = unit_X
    v1    = fromDirection theta
    ctrl1 = v0
    ctrl2 = v0 ^+^ v1
    end   = v0 ^+^ v1

-- Standard heads ---------------------------------------------------------
-- | A line the same width as the shaft.
lineHead :: ArrowHT
lineHead s w = (square 1 # scaleX s # scaleY w # alignL, mempty)

noHead :: ArrowHT
noHead _ _ = (mempty, mempty)

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_triEx.svg#diagram=triEx&width=100>>

--   > triEx = drawHead tri
tri :: ArrowHT
tri = arrowheadTriangle (1/3 @@ turn)

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_spikeEx.svg#diagram=spikeEx&width=100>>

--   > spikeEx = drawHead spike
spike :: ArrowHT
spike = arrowheadSpike (3/8 @@ turn)

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_thornEx.svg#diagram=thornEx&width=100>>

--   > thornEx = drawHead thorn
thorn :: ArrowHT
thorn = arrowheadThorn (3/8 @@ turn) 

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_dartEx.svg#diagram=dartEx&width=100>>

--   > dartEx = drawHead dart
dart :: ArrowHT
dart = arrowheadDart (2/5 @@ turn)

-- Tails ------------------------------------------------------------------
--   > drawTail t = arrowAt' (with  & arrowTail .~ t & shaftStyle %~ lw none & arrowHead .~ noHead)
--   >         origin (r2 (0.001, 0))
--   >      <> square 0.5 # alignL # lw none

-- | Utility function to convert any arrowhead to an arrowtail, i.e.
--   attached at the start of the trail.
headToTail :: ArrowHT -> ArrowHT
headToTail hd = tl
    tl size shaftWidth = (t, j)
        (t', j') = hd size shaftWidth
        t = reflectX t'
        j = reflectX j'

arrowtailBlock :: Angle -> ArrowHT
arrowtailBlock theta = aTail
   aTail len _ = (t, mempty)
        t = rect len (len * x) # alignR
        a'  = fromDirection theta
        a = a' ^-^ (reflectY a')
        x = magnitude a

-- | The angle is where the top left corner intersects the circle.
arrowtailQuill :: Angle -> ArrowHT
arrowtailQuill theta = aTail
   aTail len shaftWidth = (t, j)
        t = ( closedPath $ trailFromVertices [v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v0] )
            # scale size # alignR
        size = len / 0.6
        v0 = p2 (0.5, 0)
        v2 = p2 (unr2 $ fromDirection theta # scale 0.5)
        v1 = v2 # translateX (5/8)
        v3 = p2 (-0.1, 0)
        v4 = v2 # reflectY
        v5 = v4 # translateX (5/8)
        s = 1 - shaftWidth / magnitude (v1 .-. v5)
        n1 = v0 # translateY (0.5 * shaftWidth)
        n2 = v1 .-^ ((v1 .-. v0) # scale s)
        n3 = v5 .-^ ((v5 .-. v0) # scale s)
        n4 = n1 # reflectY
        j = ( closedPath $ trailFromVertices
                [ v0, n1, n2, v0, n3, n4, v0 ])

-- Standard tails ---------------------------------------------------------
-- | A line the same width as the shaft.
lineTail :: ArrowHT
lineTail s w = (square 1 # scaleY w # scaleX s # alignR, mempty)

noTail :: ArrowHT
noTail _ _ = (mempty, mempty)

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_tri'Ex.svg#diagram=tri'Ex&width=100>>

--   > tri'Ex = drawTail tri'
tri' :: ArrowHT
tri' = headToTail tri

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_spike'Ex.svg#diagram=spike'Ex&width=100>>

--   > spike'Ex = drawTail spike'
spike' :: ArrowHT
spike' = headToTail spike

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_thorn'Ex.svg#diagram=thorn'Ex&width=100>>

--   > thorn'Ex = drawTail thorn'
thorn' :: ArrowHT
thorn' = headToTail thorn

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_dart'Ex.svg#diagram=dart'Ex&width=100>>

--   > dart'Ex = drawTail dart'
dart' :: ArrowHT
dart' = headToTail dart

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_quillEx.svg#diagram=quillEx&width=100>>

--   > quillEx = drawTail quill
quill :: ArrowHT
quill = arrowtailQuill (2/5 @@ turn)

-- | <<diagrams/src_Diagrams_TwoD_Arrowheads_blockEx.svg#diagram=blockEx&width=100>>

--   > blockEx = drawTail block
block :: ArrowHT
block = arrowtailBlock (7/16 @@ turn)