(15 May 2014) ------------------------ - Allow `semigroups-0.14` (10 April 2014) ---------------------- - Allow `semigroups-0.13` (19 March 2014) ---------------------- - Allow `lens-4.1` (9 March 2014) ---------------------- - Allow `vector-space-points-0.2` 1.1.1 (8 March 2014) -------------------- - require `diagrams-core-1.1` and `diagrams-lib-1.1` (15 January 2014) ------------------------- - allow text-1.1 1.1 (1 January 2014) -------------------- - Switch to using lens for `SymmLayoutOpts` and `ForceLayoutTreeOpts` - Require `force-layout-0.3` (28 November 2013) -------------------------- - Allow semigroups-0.12 1.0: 25 November 2013 --------------------- * **New features** - New module `Diagrams.TwoD.Sunburst`, for drawing sunburst charts. - New module `Diagrams.TwoD.Path.Metafont`, for specifying trails/paths using an API inspired by Metafont. Like `cubicSpline` but gives you control over things like the tension/curvature or the tangent at a given point. - New module `Diagrams.TwoD.Path.Calligraphic` for making simple "calligraphic" strokes. - New module `Diagrams.Lens` with lenses for working with diagrams. * **Bug fixes** - `Diagrams.TwoD.Factorization.primeLayout` has been rewritten to avoid iterated transformations, giving a significant performance boost. 0.7: 9 August 2013 ------------------ * **New features** - New module `Diagrams.Color.HSV` with an `hsvBlend` function for blending colors in HSV space. - Diagrams logo code is now in `Diagrams.Example.Logo`. - New symmetric layout algorithm for binary trees in `Diagrams.TwoD.Layout.Tree`. * **Bug fixes** - Fix a bug in `Diagrams.TwoD.Path.Turtle` which sometimes caused it to output a doubled path (#13). 0.6.1 (23 March 2013) --------------------- * **New features** - New `Diagrams.TwoD.Path.IteratedSubset` module, for constructing paths using an "iterated subset" algorithm (repeatedly replacing segments with a given path). - New `Diagrams.TwoD.Layout.CirclePacking` module for circle-packing layout - New `Diagrams.TwoD.Factorization` module, for creating "factorization diagrams" as seen at http://mathlesstraveled.com/2012/11/05/more-factorization-diagrams/ and on the cover of Hacker Monthly (http://mathlesstraveled.com/2012/10/05/factorization-diagrams/). - `Diagrams.TwoD.Path.Turtle`: generalize `runTurtle` function, and add new functions `drawTurtle` and `sketchTurtle`. `drawTurtle` results in a diagram (like the old `runTurtle`), and `sketchTurtle` yields a path (ignoring pen style commands). * **Documentation** - Added lots of example images using `diagrams-haddock` (19 March 2013) ----------------------- * bump upper bound to allow QuickCheck-2.6 27 January 2013 ------------------------ * Switch to explicit import list for Control.Lens to avoid name conflicts 24 January 2013 ------------------------ * Require lens-3.8 17 December 2012 ------------------------- * Update dependencies of tests 0.6: 11 December 2012 --------------------- * **New features** - New pure implementation of Turtle library, in `Turtle.Internals` - `Diagrams.TwoD.Layout.Tree`: - New `renderTree'` function which gives the edge-drawing function access to the values stored at the nodes instead of just the node positions. - The type of `renderTree` is generalized to work with any `QDiagram b R2 m`. * **Bug fixes** - Tiling generation code in `Diagrams.TwoD.Tilings` wasn't actually checking whether vertexes had been already visited. * **Dependency/version changes** - Switch from `fclabels` to `lens` 13 May 2012 -------------------- * bump `mtl` (< 2.2) and `data-default` (< 0.5) upper bounds 16 March 2012 ---------------------- * Add Andrew Kennedy's symmetric rose tree layout algorithm to `Diagrams.TwoD.Layout.Tree` 9 March 2012 --------------------- Initial release, containing: * `Diagrams.Layout.Wrap`, for laying out diagrams "wrapped" inside an arbitrary region (Michael Sloan) * `Diagrams.TwoD.Tilings`, for generating various 2D regular tilings (Brent Yorgey) * `Diagrams.TwoD.Apollonian`, for generating Apollonian gaskets (Brent Yorgey) * `Diagrams.TwoD.Layout.Tree`, tree layout and drawing algorithms (Brent Yorgey) * `Diagrams.TwoD.Path.Turtle`, creation of 2D paths using a stateful "turtle" interface (Michael Sloan)