{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module Dhall.Kubernetes.Convert ( toTypes , toDefault , getImportsMap , mkImport , toDefinition , pathSplitter ) where import Control.Applicative (empty) import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser, parseMaybe) import Data.Bifunctor (first, second) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe) import Data.Scientific (Scientific) import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Text (Text) import Dhall.Kubernetes.Types import GHC.Generics (Generic, Rep) import qualified Data.Char as Char import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Data.Map import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Sort as Sort import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Tuple as Tuple import qualified Dhall.Core as Dhall import qualified Dhall.Map import qualified Dhall.Optics modelsToText :: ModelHierarchy -> [Text] modelsToText = List.map (\ (ModelName unModelName) -> unModelName) -- | Get all the required fields for a model -- See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/kubernetes-objects/#required-fields -- TLDR: because k8s API allows PUTS etc with partial data, -- it's not clear from the data types OR the API which -- fields are required for A POST... requiredFields :: ModelHierarchy -> Maybe (Set FieldName) -> Set FieldName requiredFields modelHierarchy required = Set.difference (List.foldr Set.union (fromMaybe Set.empty required) [alwaysRequired, toAdd]) toRemove where alwaysRequired = Set.fromList $ FieldName <$> [ "apiVersion", "kind", "metadata"] toAdd = fromMaybe Set.empty $ Data.Map.lookup modelHierarchy requiredConstraints toRemove = fromMaybe Set.empty $ Data.Map.lookup modelHierarchy notRequiredConstraints -- | Some models require keys that are not in the required set, -- but are in the docs or just work requiredConstraints = Data.Map.fromList [ ] -- | Some models should not require some keys, and this is not -- in the Swagger spec but just in the docs notRequiredConstraints = Data.Map.fromList [ ( [ModelName "io.k8s.api.core.v1.ObjectFieldSelector"] , Set.fromList [ FieldName "apiVersion" ] ) , ( [ModelName "io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.StatusDetails"] , Set.fromList [ FieldName "kind" ] ) , ( [ModelName "io.k8s.api.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaim"] , Set.fromList [ FieldName "apiVersion", FieldName "kind" ] ) , ( [ModelName "io.k8s.api.batch.v1beta1.JobTemplateSpec"] , Set.fromList [ FieldName "metadata" ] ) , ( [ModelName "io.k8s.api.batch.v2alpha1.JobTemplateSpec"] , Set.fromList [ FieldName "metadata" ] ) , ( [ModelName "io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodTemplateSpec"] , Set.fromList [ FieldName "metadata" ] ) ] -- | Get a filename from a Swagger ref pathFromRef :: Ref -> Text pathFromRef (Ref r) = (Text.split (== '/') r) List.!! 2 -- | Build an import from path components (note: they need to be in reverse order) -- and a filename mkImport :: Data.Map.Map Prefix Dhall.Import -> [Text] -> Text -> Dhall.Import mkImport prefixMap components file = case Data.Map.toList filteredPrefixMap of [] -> localImport xs -> (snd . head $ Sort.sortOn (Text.length . fst) xs) <> localImport where localImport = Dhall.Import{..} importMode = Dhall.Code importHashed = Dhall.ImportHashed{..} hash = Nothing importType = Dhall.Local Dhall.Here Dhall.File{..} directory = Dhall.Directory{..} filteredPrefixMap = Data.Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> Text.isPrefixOf k file) prefixMap -- | Get the namespaced object name if the Import points to it namespacedObjectFromImport :: Dhall.Import -> Maybe Text namespacedObjectFromImport Dhall.Import { importHashed = Dhall.ImportHashed { importType = Dhall.Local Dhall.Here Dhall.File { file = f } } } = Just $ Text.replace ".dhall" "" f namespacedObjectFromImport _ = Nothing -- | Get a Dhall Text literal from a lone string toTextLit :: Text -> Expr toTextLit str = Dhall.TextLit (Dhall.Chunks [] str) -- | Merge maps and error on conflicts mergeNoConflicts :: (Ord k, Eq a, Show a, Show k) => (a -> a -> Bool) -> Data.Map.Map k a -> Data.Map.Map k a -> Data.Map.Map k a mergeNoConflicts canMerge = Data.Map.unionWithKey (\key left right -> if canMerge left right then left else error ("Cannot merge differing values " ++ show left ++ " and " ++ show right ++ " for key " ++ show key)) {- | Extract the 'ModelName' to be used when splitting a definition. This is considered a guess as it does not work with all types. Currently it uses the first word from the description appended to the largest prefix before the last @.@ of the parent. -} guessModelNameForSplit :: ModelHierarchy -> Definition -> Maybe ModelName guessModelNameForSplit models definition = ModelName <$> ((<>) <$> toPrepend <*> firstWordOfDesc) where toPrepend :: Maybe Text.Text toPrepend = (Tuple.fst . Text.breakOnEnd (Text.pack ".") <$> (Maybe.listToMaybe $ modelsToText models)) firstWordOfDesc :: Maybe Text.Text firstWordOfDesc = (Text.words <$> (description definition) >>= Maybe.listToMaybe) {- | Given the @pathsAndModels@ Map provides a function to be used with 'toTypes' to split types at mostly arbitrary points The @pathsAndModels@ argument takes the form of a path to an optional 'ModelName'. Paths are of the format noted by 'modelsToPath'. If a 'ModelName' is provided as a value for the given path, it will be returned (to be then used as the 'ModelName' for the nested definition. If no 'ModelName' is provided, 'guessModelNameForSplit' will try to guess. If that fails, 'Nothing' will be returned such that no split will be done by 'toTypes' Currently not all split points in for nested definitions are supported (in fact only types with a properties attribute are currently supported). -} pathSplitter :: Data.Map.Map ModelHierarchy (Maybe ModelName) -> ModelHierarchy -> Definition -> Maybe ModelName pathSplitter pathsAndModels modelHierarchy definition | (Maybe.isJust $ properties definition) && Maybe.isJust model = model | otherwise = Nothing where model = case Data.Map.lookup modelHierarchy pathsAndModels of Just (Just m) -> Just m Just (Nothing) -> guessModelNameForSplit modelHierarchy definition Nothing -> Nothing {-| Converts all the Swagger definitions to Dhall Types Note: we cannot do 1-to-1 conversion and we need the whole Map because many types reference other types so we need to access them to decide things like "should this key be optional" -} toTypes :: Data.Map.Map Prefix Dhall.Import -> ([ModelName] -> Definition -> Maybe ModelName) -> Data.Map.Map ModelName Definition -> Data.Map.Map ModelName Expr toTypes prefixMap typeSplitter definitions = toTypes' prefixMap typeSplitter definitions Data.Map.empty toTypes' :: Data.Map.Map Prefix Dhall.Import -> ([ModelName] -> Definition -> Maybe ModelName) -> Data.Map.Map ModelName Definition -> Data.Map.Map ModelName Expr -> Data.Map.Map ModelName Expr toTypes' prefixMap typeSplitter definitions toMerge | Data.Map.null definitions = toMerge | otherwise = mergeNoConflicts (==) (toTypes' prefixMap typeSplitter newDefs modelMap) toMerge where -- some CRDs are equal all except for the top description. This is safe as the only usage of description -- is 'guessModelNameForSplit' which has already been called for the top definition equalsIgnoringDescription :: Definition -> Definition -> Bool equalsIgnoringDescription a b = a { description = description b } == b convertAndAccumWithKey :: ModelHierarchy -> Data.Map.Map ModelName Definition -> ModelName -> Definition -> (Data.Map.Map ModelName Definition, Expr) convertAndAccumWithKey modelHierarchy accDefs k v = (mergeNoConflicts equalsIgnoringDescription accDefs leftOverDefs, expr) where (expr, leftOverDefs) = convertToType (modelHierarchy ++ [k]) v (newDefs, modelMap) = Data.Map.mapAccumWithKey (convertAndAccumWithKey []) Data.Map.empty definitions kvList = Dhall.App Dhall.List $ Dhall.Record $ Dhall.Map.fromList [ ("mapKey", Dhall.makeRecordField Dhall.Text), ("mapValue", Dhall.makeRecordField Dhall.Text) ] intOrStringType = Dhall.Union $ Dhall.Map.fromList $ fmap (second Just) [ ("Int", Dhall.Integer), ("String", Dhall.Text) ] -- | Convert a single Definition to a Dhall Type, yielding any definitions to be split -- Note: model hierarchy contains the modelName of of the current definition as the last entry convertToType :: ModelHierarchy -> Definition -> (Expr, Data.Map.Map ModelName Definition) convertToType modelHierarchy definition | Just splitModelName <- typeSplitter modelHierarchy definition = ( Dhall.Embed $ mkImport prefixMap [] ((unModelName splitModelName) <> ".dhall"), Data.Map.singleton splitModelName definition) -- If we point to a ref we just reference it via Import | Just r <- ref definition = ( Dhall.Embed $ mkImport prefixMap [] (pathFromRef r <> ".dhall"), Data.Map.empty) | Just props <- properties definition = let shouldBeRequired :: ModelHierarchy -> FieldName -> Bool shouldBeRequired hierarchy field = Set.member field requiredNames where requiredNames = requiredFields hierarchy (required definition) (newPropDefs, propModelMap) = Data.Map.mapAccumWithKey (convertAndAccumWithKey modelHierarchy) Data.Map.empty props (required', optional') = Data.Map.partitionWithKey (\k _ -> shouldBeRequired modelHierarchy (FieldName (unModelName k))) -- TODO: labelize $ propModelMap allFields = Data.Map.toList required' <> fmap (second $ Dhall.App Dhall.Optional) (Data.Map.toList optional') adaptRecordList = Dhall.Map.mapMaybe (Just . Dhall.makeRecordField) in (Dhall.Record $ adaptRecordList $ Dhall.Map.fromList $ fmap (first $ unModelName) allFields, newPropDefs) -- This is another way to declare an intOrString | Maybe.isJust $ intOrString definition = (intOrStringType, Data.Map.empty) -- Otherwise - if we have a 'type' - it's a basic type | Just basic <- typ definition = case basic of "object" -> (kvList, Data.Map.empty) "array" | Just item <- items definition -> let (e, tm) = convertToType (modelHierarchy) item in (Dhall.App Dhall.List e, tm) "string" | format definition == Just "int-or-string" -> (intOrStringType, Data.Map.empty) "string" -> (Dhall.Text, Data.Map.empty) "boolean" -> (Dhall.Bool, Data.Map.empty) "integer" -> case (minimum_ definition, exclusiveMinimum definition) of (Just min_, Just True) | min_ >= -1 -> (Dhall.Natural, Data.Map.empty) (Just min_, _) | min_ >= 0 -> (Dhall.Natural, Data.Map.empty) _ -> (Dhall.Integer, Data.Map.empty) "number" -> (Dhall.Double, Data.Map.empty) other -> error $ "Found missing Swagger type: " <> Text.unpack other -- There are empty schemas that only have a description, so we return empty record | otherwise = (Dhall.Record mempty, Data.Map.empty) -- | Convert a Dhall Type to its default value toDefault :: Data.Map.Map Prefix Dhall.Import -- ^ Mapping of prefixes to import roots -> Data.Map.Map ModelName Definition -- ^ All the Swagger definitions -> ModelName -- ^ The name of the object we're converting -> Expr -- ^ The Dhall type of the object -> Maybe Expr toDefault prefixMap definitions modelName = go where go = \case -- If we have an import, we also import in the default e@(Dhall.Embed _) -> Just e -- For a sum type, there is no obvious default value Dhall.Union _ -> Nothing -- Dynamic records (i.e. List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text }) also -- don't have default Dhall.App Dhall.List _ -> Nothing -- Simple types should not have a default Dhall.Text -> Nothing Dhall.Natural -> Nothing -- But most of the times we are dealing with a record. -- Here we transform the record type in a value, transforming the keys in -- this way: -- -- * take the BaseData from definition and populate it -- * skip other required fields, except if they are records -- * set the optional fields to None and the lists to empty Dhall.Record kvsf -> let getBaseData :: Maybe Definition -> Dhall.Map.Map Text Expr getBaseData (Just Definition{ baseData = Just BaseData{..} }) = Dhall.Map.fromList [ ("apiVersion", toTextLit apiVersion) , ("kind" , toTextLit kind ) ] getBaseData _ = mempty baseData = getBaseData $ Data.Map.lookup modelName definitions -- | Given a Dhall type from a record field, figure out if and what -- default value it should have valueForField :: Expr -> Maybe Expr valueForField = \case Dhall.App Dhall.Optional _T -> do let expression = Dhall.App Dhall.None _T let adjustedExpression = Dhall.Optics.transformOf Dhall.subExpressions adjustImport expression return adjustedExpression _ -> do empty kvs = Dhall.Map.mapMaybe (Just . Dhall.recordFieldValue) kvsf adaptRecordMap = Dhall.Map.mapMaybe (Just . Dhall.makeRecordField) -- The main reason for adding this special case is so that the -- `apiVersion` and `kind` fields default to `Some …` instead of -- `None …`. combine l (Dhall.App Dhall.None _T) = Dhall.Some l combine _ r = r in Just $ Dhall.RecordLit $ adaptRecordMap $ Dhall.Map.unionWith combine baseData (Dhall.Map.mapMaybe valueForField kvs) -- We error out here because wildcards are bad, and we should know if -- we get something unexpected e -> error $ show modelName <> "\n\n" <> show e -- | The imports that we get from the types are referring to the local folder, -- but if we want to refer them from the defaults we need to adjust the path adjustImport :: Expr -> Expr adjustImport (Dhall.Embed imp) | Just file <- namespacedObjectFromImport imp = Dhall.Embed $ mkImport prefixMap ["types", ".."] (file <> ".dhall") adjustImport other = other -- | Get a Dhall.Map filled with imports, for creating giant Records or Unions of types or defaults getImportsMap :: Data.Map.Map Prefix Dhall.Import -- ^ Mapping of prefixes to import roots -> DuplicateHandler -- ^ Duplicate name handler -> [ModelName] -- ^ A list of all the object names -> Text -- ^ The folder we should get imports from -> [ModelName] -- ^ List of the object names we want to include in the Map -> Dhall.Map.Map Text Expr getImportsMap prefixMap duplicateNameHandler objectNames folder toInclude = Dhall.Map.fromList $ Data.Map.elems -- This intersection is here to "pick" common elements between "all the objects" -- and "objects we want to include", already associating keys to their import $ Data.Map.intersectionWithKey (\(ModelName name) key _ -> (key, Dhall.Embed $ mkImport prefixMap [folder] (name <> ".dhall"))) namespacedToSimple (Data.Map.fromList $ fmap (,()) toInclude) where -- | A map from namespaced names to simple ones (i.e. without the namespace) namespacedToSimple = Data.Map.fromList $ mapMaybe selectObject $ Data.Map.toList $ groupByObjectName objectNames -- | Given a list of fully namespaced objects, it will group them by the -- object name groupByObjectName :: [ModelName] -> Data.Map.Map Text [ModelName] groupByObjectName modelNames = Data.Map.unionsWith (<>) $ (\name -> Data.Map.singleton (getKind name) [name]) <$> modelNames where getKind (ModelName name) = let elems = Text.split (== '.') name in elems List.!! (length elems - 1) -- | There will be more than one namespaced object for a single object name -- (because different API versions, and objects move around packages but k8s -- cannot break compatibility so we have all of them), so we have to select one -- (and we error out if it's not so after the filtering) selectObject :: (Text, [ModelName]) -> Maybe (ModelName, Text) selectObject (kind, namespacedNames) = fmap (,kind) namespaced where filterFn (ModelName name) = not $ or -- The reason why we filter these two prefixes is that they are "internal" -- objects. I.e. they do not appear referenced in other objects, but are -- just in the Go source. E.g. see https://godoc.org/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core [ Text.isPrefixOf "io.k8s.kubernetes.pkg.api." name , Text.isPrefixOf "io.k8s.kubernetes.pkg.apis." name -- We keep a list of "old" objects that should not be preferred/picked ] namespaced = case filter filterFn namespacedNames of [name] -> Just name [] -> Nothing names -> duplicateNameHandler (kind, names) stripPrefix :: (Generic a, GFromJSON Zero (Rep a)) => Int -> Value -> Parser a stripPrefix n = genericParseJSON options where options = defaultOptions { fieldLabelModifier } removePrefix string = case drop n string of s : tring -> Char.toLower s : tring [] -> [] extensionRename string = case string of "IntOrString" -> "x-kubernetes-int-or-string" a -> a fieldLabelModifier = removePrefix . extensionRename data V1CustomResourceDefinition = V1CustomResourceDefinition { v1CustomResourceDefinitionSpec :: V1CustomResourceDefinitionSpec } deriving (Generic) instance FromJSON V1CustomResourceDefinition where parseJSON = stripPrefix 26 data V1CustomResourceDefinitionSpec = V1CustomResourceDefinitionSpec { v1CustomResourceDefinitionSpecGroup :: Text , v1CustomResourceDefinitionSpecNames :: V1CustomResourceDefinitionNames , v1CustomResourceDefinitionSpecVersions :: Maybe [V1CustomResourceDefinitionVersion] } deriving (Generic) instance FromJSON V1CustomResourceDefinitionSpec where parseJSON = stripPrefix 30 data V1CustomResourceDefinitionNames = V1CustomResourceDefinitionNames { v1CustomResourceDefinitionNamesKind :: Text } deriving (Generic) instance FromJSON V1CustomResourceDefinitionNames where parseJSON = stripPrefix 31 data V1CustomResourceValidation = V1CustomResourceValidation { v1CustomResourceValidationOpenAPIV3Schema :: Maybe V1JSONSchemaProps } deriving (Generic) instance FromJSON V1CustomResourceValidation where parseJSON = stripPrefix 26 data V1CustomResourceDefinitionVersion = V1CustomResourceDefinitionVersion { v1CustomResourceDefinitionVersionName :: Text , v1CustomResourceDefinitionVersionSchema :: Maybe V1CustomResourceValidation } deriving (Generic) instance FromJSON V1CustomResourceDefinitionVersion where parseJSON = stripPrefix 33 data V1JSONSchemaProps = V1JSONSchemaProps { v1JSONSchemaPropsRef :: Maybe Text , v1JSONSchemaPropsDescription :: Maybe Text , v1JSONSchemaPropsFormat :: Maybe Text , v1JSONSchemaPropsMinimum :: Maybe Scientific , v1JSONSchemaPropsExclusiveMinimum :: Maybe Bool , v1JSONSchemaPropsItems :: Maybe Value , v1JSONSchemaPropsProperties :: Maybe (Data.Map.Map String V1JSONSchemaProps) , v1JSONSchemaPropsRequired :: Maybe [Text] , v1JSONSchemaPropsType :: Maybe Text , v1JSONSchemaPropsIntOrString :: Maybe Bool } deriving (Generic) instance FromJSON V1JSONSchemaProps where parseJSON = stripPrefix 17 mkV1JSONSchemaProps :: V1JSONSchemaProps mkV1JSONSchemaProps = V1JSONSchemaProps { v1JSONSchemaPropsRef = Nothing , v1JSONSchemaPropsDescription = Nothing , v1JSONSchemaPropsFormat = Nothing , v1JSONSchemaPropsMinimum = Nothing , v1JSONSchemaPropsExclusiveMinimum = Nothing , v1JSONSchemaPropsItems = Nothing , v1JSONSchemaPropsProperties = Nothing , v1JSONSchemaPropsRequired = Nothing , v1JSONSchemaPropsType = Nothing , v1JSONSchemaPropsIntOrString = Nothing } orDie :: Maybe a -> e -> Either e a Just r `orDie` _ = Right r Nothing `orDie` l = Left l toDefinition :: V1CustomResourceDefinition -> Either Text (ModelName, Definition) toDefinition crd = fmap (\d -> (modelName, d)) definition where V1CustomResourceDefinition{..} = crd V1CustomResourceDefinitionSpec{..} = v1CustomResourceDefinitionSpec V1CustomResourceDefinitionNames{..} = v1CustomResourceDefinitionSpecNames modelName = ModelName (v1CustomResourceDefinitionSpecGroup <> "." <> v1CustomResourceDefinitionNamesKind) definition = do versions <- v1CustomResourceDefinitionSpecVersions `orDie` "The CustomResourceDefinitionSpec is missing the versions field" V1CustomResourceDefinitionVersion{..} <- case versions of [ version ] -> return version _ -> Left "This tool does not yet support more than one version for the versions field of the CustomResourceDefinitionSpec" V1CustomResourceValidation{..} <- v1CustomResourceDefinitionVersionSchema `orDie` "The CustomResourceDefinitionSpec is missing the schema field" openApiv3Schema <- v1CustomResourceValidationOpenAPIV3Schema `orDie` "The CustomResourceValidation is missing the openApiv3Schema field" let baseData = BaseData { kind = v1CustomResourceDefinitionNamesKind, apiVersion = v1CustomResourceDefinitionVersionName } let completeSchemaProperties = fmap (Data.Map.union ( Data.Map.fromList [ ("apiVersion", (mkV1JSONSchemaProps {v1JSONSchemaPropsType = Just "string"})) , ("kind", (mkV1JSONSchemaProps {v1JSONSchemaPropsType = Just "string"} )) , ("metadata", mkV1JSONSchemaProps {v1JSONSchemaPropsType = Just "object", v1JSONSchemaPropsRef = Just "#/definitions/io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta"} ) ] )) (v1JSONSchemaPropsProperties openApiv3Schema) let completeSchema = openApiv3Schema { v1JSONSchemaPropsProperties = completeSchemaProperties} pure $ propsToDefinition completeSchema (Just baseData) propsToDefinition :: V1JSONSchemaProps -> Maybe BaseData -> Definition propsToDefinition V1JSONSchemaProps{..} basedata = Definition { typ = v1JSONSchemaPropsType , ref = Ref <$> v1JSONSchemaPropsRef , format = v1JSONSchemaPropsFormat , minimum_ = v1JSONSchemaPropsMinimum , exclusiveMinimum = v1JSONSchemaPropsExclusiveMinimum , description = v1JSONSchemaPropsDescription , items = v1JSONSchemaPropsItems >>= parseMaybe parseJSON , properties = fmap toProperties v1JSONSchemaPropsProperties , required = fmap (Set.fromList . fmap FieldName) v1JSONSchemaPropsRequired , baseData = basedata , intOrString = v1JSONSchemaPropsIntOrString } toProperties :: Data.Map.Map String V1JSONSchemaProps -> Data.Map.Map ModelName Definition toProperties props = (Data.Map.fromList . fmap (\(k, p) -> ((ModelName . Text.pack) k, propsToDefinition p Nothing)) . Data.Map.toList) props