Name: dhall-nix Version: 1.0.6 Cabal-Version: >= Build-Type: Simple Tested-With: GHC == 8.0.1 License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Copyright: 2017 Gabriel Gonzalez Author: Gabriel Gonzalez Maintainer: Bug-Reports: Synopsis: Dhall to Nix compiler Description: Use this package if you want to compile Dhall expressions to the Nix language. You can use this package as a library or an executable: . * See the "Dhall.Nix" module if you want to use this package as a library . * Use the @dhall-to-nix@ program from this package if you want an executable . The "Dhall.Nix" module also contains instructions for how to use this package Category: Compiler Source-Repository head Type: git Location: Library Hs-Source-Dirs: src Build-Depends: base >= && < 5 , containers < 0.6 , data-fix < 0.1 , dhall >= 1.5.0 && < 1.7 , hnix >= 0.3.4 && < 0.4 , neat-interpolation < 0.4 , text >= && < 1.3 , vector >= 0.3 && < 0.13 Exposed-Modules: Dhall.Nix GHC-Options: -Wall Executable dhall-to-nix Hs-Source-Dirs: exec Main-Is: Main.hs Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5 , dhall >= 1.5.0 && < 1.7, dhall-nix , hnix >= 0.3.4 && < 0.4, optparse-generic >= 1.1.1 && < 1.3, text >= && < 1.3, trifecta >= 1.0 && < 1.8 GHC-Options: -Wall