{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.DeriveLiftedInstances.Internal
-- Copyright   :  (c) Sjoerd Visscher 2020
-- Maintainer  :  sjoerd@w3future.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
module Data.DeriveLiftedInstances.Internal where

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import Data.Char (isAlpha)
import Data.Data (Data, gmapQl, cast)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Traversable (for)

-- | To write your own `Derivator` you need to show how each part of a method gets lifted.
-- For example, when deriving an instance for type @a@ of the following methods:
-- @
-- meth0 :: a
-- meth1 :: Int -> a
-- meth2 :: a -> Either Bool a -> Int
-- meth3 :: Maybe [a] -> a
-- @
-- the resulting template haskell declarations are (pseudo code):
-- @
-- meth0 = $res ($op "meth0" meth0)
-- meth1 a = $res (($op "meth1" meth1) `$ap` ($arg Int a))
-- meth2 v0 v1 = (($op "meth2" meth2) `$ap` ($var fold0 v0)) `$ap` ($var fold1 v1)
--   where
--     fold0 _ f = f
--     fold1 map f = [| $map $f |]
-- meth3 v2 = $res (($op "meth2" meth2) `$ap` ($var fold2 v2))
--   where
--     fold2 map f = [| $map ($map $f) |]
-- @
data Derivator = Derivator {
  res :: Q Exp -> Q Exp, -- ^ Convert the result of the method
  op  :: Name -> Q Exp -> Q Exp, -- ^ Convert the method (still unapplied to any arguments)
  arg :: Type -> Q Exp -> Q Exp, -- ^ Convert an argument
  var :: (Q Exp -> Q Exp -> Q Exp) -> Q Exp -> Q Exp, -- ^ Convert a variable
  ap  :: Q Exp -> Q Exp -> Q Exp -- ^ Apply an argument or variable to the method

varExp :: Name -> Q Exp
varExp = pure . VarE

varPat :: Name -> Q Pat
varPat = pure . VarP

-- | The identity `Derivator`. Not useful on its own, but often used as input for other `Derivator`s.
idDeriv :: Derivator
idDeriv = Derivator {
  res  = id,
  op   = const id,
  arg  = const id,
  var  = const id,
  ap   = \f a -> [| $f $a |]

-- | Derive the instance with the given `Derivator` and the given instance head.
-- The instance head can be passed as a template haskell type quotation, for example:
-- @
-- {-\# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- [t| `Num` `ShowsPrec` |]
-- [t| forall a. `Num` a => `Num` [a] |]
-- [t| forall a b. (`Num` a, `Num` b) => `Num` (a, b) |]
-- @
deriveInstance :: Derivator -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]
deriveInstance deriv qtyp = do
  typ <- qtyp
  case typ of
    ForallT _ ctx (AppT (ConT className) typeName) ->
      deriveInstance' deriv ctx className typeName
    AppT (ConT className) typeName ->
      deriveInstance' deriv [] className typeName
    _ -> fail $ "No support for type: " ++ show typ

deriveInstance' :: Derivator -> Cxt -> Name -> Type -> Q [Dec]
deriveInstance' deriv ctx className typeName = do
  ClassI (ClassD _ _ [KindedTV tvn _] _ decs) _ <- reify className
  impl <- for decs $ \case
    SigD nm tp -> do
      dec <- reify nm
      case dec of
        ClassOpI{} -> do
          (argNames, body) <- buildOperation deriv tvn tp (op deriv nm (varExp nm))
          let args = map (\argName -> if contains argName body then VarP argName else WildP) argNames
          pure $ Just $ FunD nm [Clause args (NormalB body) []]
        _ -> fail $ "No support for declaration: " ++ show dec
    _ -> pure Nothing
  pure [InstanceD Nothing ctx (AppT (ConT className) typeName) $ catMaybes impl]

buildOperation :: Derivator -> Name -> Type -> Q Exp -> Q ([Name], Exp)
buildOperation d nm (AppT (AppT ArrowT h) t) e | hasVar nm h = do
  varNm <- newName "var"
  (args, rhs) <- buildOperation d nm t (ap d e (var d (buildArgument nm h) (varExp varNm)))
  pure (varNm : args, rhs)
buildOperation d nm (AppT (AppT ArrowT h) t) e = do
  varNm <- newName "arg"
  (args, rhs) <- buildOperation d nm t (ap d e (arg d h (varExp varNm)))
  pure (varNm : args, rhs)
buildOperation d nm (ForallT _ _ t) e = buildOperation d nm t e
buildOperation d nm t e | isVar nm t = ([],) <$> res d e
                        | otherwise = ([],) <$> e

buildArgument :: Name -> Type -> Q Exp -> Q Exp -> Q Exp
buildArgument nm (AppT h _) _ var | isVar nm h = var
buildArgument nm (AppT _ h) over var = [| $over $(buildArgument nm h over var) |]
buildArgument _ _ _ var = var

isVar :: Name -> Type -> Bool
isVar nm (VarT nm') = nm == nm'
isVar nm (AppT h _) = isVar nm h
isVar _ _ = False

hasVar :: Name -> Type -> Bool
hasVar nm (VarT nm') = nm == nm'
hasVar nm (AppT f a) = isVar nm f || hasVar nm a
hasVar _ _ = False

tvName :: TyVarBndr -> Name
tvName (PlainTV nm) = nm
tvName (KindedTV nm _) = nm

contains :: Data d => Name -> d -> Bool
contains nm = gmapQl (||) False (\d -> maybe (contains nm d) (== nm) $ cast d)

deriving instance Lift Fixity
deriving instance Lift FixityDirection

-- | Helper for showing infix expressions
data ShowsPrec = ShowsPrec (Int -> String -> String) | ShowOp2 Fixity (Int -> String -> String) | ShowOp1 Fixity (Int -> String -> String)
instance Show ShowsPrec where
  showsPrec d (ShowsPrec f) = f d
  showsPrec d (ShowOp2 (Fixity p _) f) = showParen (d > p) $ f 0
  showsPrec _ (ShowOp1 _ f) = showParen True $ f 0

showAp :: ShowsPrec -> ShowsPrec -> ShowsPrec
showAp (ShowsPrec f) (ShowsPrec g) = ShowsPrec $ \d -> showParen (d > 10) $ f 10 . showChar ' ' . g 11
showAp (ShowOp2 fx@(Fixity p i) f) (ShowsPrec g) = ShowOp1 fx $ \_ -> g (p + fromEnum (i /= InfixL)) . showChar ' ' . f 0
showAp (ShowOp1 (Fixity p i) f) (ShowsPrec g) = ShowsPrec $ \d -> showParen (d > p) (f 0 . showChar ' ' . g (p + fromEnum (i /= InfixR)))
showAp _ _ = error "Unexpected use of showAp"

-- | Derive instances for `ShowsPrec`. Example:
-- @
-- `deriveInstance` `showDeriv` [t| `Num` `ShowsPrec` |]
-- > `show` ((6 `*` 7) `^` 2 :: `ShowsPrec`)
-- "fromInteger 6 * fromInteger 7 * (fromInteger 6 * fromInteger 7)"
-- @
showDeriv :: Derivator
showDeriv = idDeriv {
  op = \nm _ -> let name = nameBase nm in if isOperator name
    then do
      fx <- fromMaybe defaultFixity <$> reifyFixity nm
      [| ShowOp2 fx $ const $ showString $(pure . LitE . StringL $ name) |]
      [| ShowsPrec  $ const $ showString $(pure . LitE . StringL $ name) |],
  arg = \case
    (VarT _) -> const [| ShowsPrec $ const (showString "#Unshowable#") |]
    _ -> \v -> [| ShowsPrec $ flip showsPrec $v |],
  var = \_ v ->  [| ShowsPrec $ flip showsPrec $v |],
  ap  = \f a -> [| showAp $f $a |]

isOperator :: String -> Bool
isOperator (c:_) = not (isAlpha c) && c /= '_'
isOperator _ = False