{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
module Data.GADT.Compare.TH
    ( DeriveGEQ(..)
    , DeriveGCompare(..)
    , GComparing, runGComparing, geq', compare'
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.GADT.Compare
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Extras

-- A type class purely for overloading purposes
class DeriveGEQ t where
    deriveGEq :: t -> Q [Dec]

instance DeriveGEQ Name where
    deriveGEq typeName = do
        typeInfo <- reify typeName
        case typeInfo of
            TyConI dec -> deriveGEq dec
            _ -> fail "deriveGEq: the name of a type constructor is required"

instance DeriveGEQ Dec where
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
    deriveGEq (InstanceD overlaps cxt (AppT instType dataType) decs)
    deriveGEq (InstanceD cxt (AppT instType dataType) decs)
        | headOfType instType == ''GEq = do
            let dataTypeName = headOfType dataType
            dataTypeInfo <- reify dataTypeName
            case dataTypeInfo of
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
                TyConI (DataD dataCxt name bndrs _ cons _) -> do
                TyConI (DataD dataCxt name bndrs cons _) -> do
                    geqDec <- geqFunction bndrs cons
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
                    return [InstanceD overlaps cxt (AppT instType dataType) [geqDec]]
                    return [InstanceD cxt (AppT instType dataType) [geqDec]]
                _ -> fail "deriveGEq: the name of an algebraic data type constructor is required"
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
    deriveGEq (DataD dataCxt name bndrs _ cons _) = return <$> inst
    deriveGEq (DataD dataCxt name bndrs cons _) = return <$> inst
            inst = instanceD (cxt (map return dataCxt)) (appT (conT ''GEq) (conT name)) [geqDec]
            geqDec = geqFunction bndrs cons
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 612
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
    deriveGEq (DataInstD dataCxt name tyArgs _ cons _) = return <$> inst
    deriveGEq (DataInstD dataCxt name tyArgs cons _) = return <$> inst
            inst = instanceD (cxt (map return dataCxt)) (appT (conT ''GEq) (foldl1 appT (map return $ (ConT name : init tyArgs)))) [geqDec]
            -- TODO: figure out proper number of family parameters vs instance parameters
            bndrs = [PlainTV v | VarT v <- tail tyArgs ]
            geqDec = geqFunction bndrs cons

instance DeriveGEQ t => DeriveGEQ [t] where
    deriveGEq [it] = deriveGEq it
    deriveGEq _ = fail "deriveGEq: [] instance only applies to single-element lists"

instance DeriveGEQ t => DeriveGEQ (Q t) where
    deriveGEq = (>>= deriveGEq)

geqFunction bndrs cons = funD 'geq 
    (  map (geqClause bndrs) cons
    ++  [ clause [wildP, wildP] (normalB [| Nothing |]) [] 
        | length cons /= 1

geqClause bndrs con = do
    let argTypes = argTypesOfCon con
        needsGEq argType = any ((`occursInType` argType) . nameOfBinder) (bndrs ++ varsBoundInCon con)
        nArgs = length argTypes
    lArgNames <- replicateM nArgs (newName "x")
    rArgNames <- replicateM nArgs (newName "y")
    clause [ conP conName (map varP lArgNames)
           , conP conName (map varP rArgNames)
        ( normalB $ doE 
            (  [ if needsGEq argType
                    then bindS (conP 'Refl []) [| geq $(varE lArg) $(varE rArg) |]
                    else noBindS [| guard ($(varE lArg) == $(varE rArg)) |]
               | (lArg, rArg, argType) <- zip3 lArgNames rArgNames argTypes
            ++ [ noBindS [| return Refl |] ]
        ) []
    where conName = nameOfCon con

-- A monad allowing gcompare to be defined in the same style as geq
newtype GComparing a b t = GComparing (Either (GOrdering a b) t)

instance Functor (GComparing a b) where fmap f (GComparing x) = GComparing (either Left (Right . f) x)
instance Monad (GComparing a b) where
    return = GComparing . Right
    GComparing (Left  x) >>= f = GComparing (Left x)
    GComparing (Right x) >>= f = f x
instance Applicative (GComparing a b) where
    pure = return
    (<*>) = ap 

geq' :: GCompare t => t a -> t b -> GComparing x y (a := b)
geq' x y = GComparing (case gcompare x y of
    GLT -> Left GLT
    GEQ -> Right Refl
    GGT -> Left GGT)

compare' x y = GComparing $ case compare x y of
    LT -> Left GLT
    EQ -> Right ()
    GT -> Left GGT

runGComparing (GComparing x) = either id id x

class DeriveGCompare t where
    deriveGCompare :: t -> Q [Dec]

instance DeriveGCompare Name where
    deriveGCompare typeName = do
        typeInfo <- reify typeName
        case typeInfo of
            TyConI dec -> deriveGCompare dec
            _ -> fail "deriveGCompare: the name of a type constructor is required"

instance DeriveGCompare Dec where
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
    deriveGCompare (InstanceD overlaps cxt (AppT instType dataType) decs)
    deriveGCompare (InstanceD cxt (AppT instType dataType) decs)
        | headOfType instType == ''GCompare = do
            let dataTypeName = headOfType dataType
            dataTypeInfo <- reify dataTypeName
            case dataTypeInfo of
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
                TyConI (DataD dataCxt name bndrs _ cons _) -> do
                TyConI (DataD dataCxt name bndrs cons _) -> do
                    gcompareDec <- gcompareFunction bndrs cons
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
                    return [InstanceD overlaps cxt (AppT instType dataType) [gcompareDec]]
                    return [InstanceD cxt (AppT instType dataType) [gcompareDec]]
                _ -> fail "deriveGCompare: the name of an algebraic data type constructor is required"
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
    deriveGCompare (DataD dataCxt name bndrs _ cons _) = return <$> inst
    deriveGCompare (DataD dataCxt name bndrs cons _) = return <$> inst
            inst = instanceD (cxt (map return dataCxt)) (appT (conT ''GCompare) (conT name)) [gcompareDec]
            gcompareDec = gcompareFunction bndrs cons
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 612
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
    deriveGCompare (DataInstD dataCxt name tyArgs _ cons _) = return <$> inst
    deriveGCompare (DataInstD dataCxt name tyArgs cons _) = return <$> inst
            inst = instanceD (cxt (map return dataCxt)) (appT (conT ''GCompare) (foldl1 appT (map return $ (ConT name : init tyArgs)))) [gcompareDec]
            -- TODO: figure out proper number of family parameters vs instance parameters
            bndrs = [PlainTV v | VarT v <- tail tyArgs ]
            gcompareDec = gcompareFunction bndrs cons

instance DeriveGCompare t => DeriveGCompare [t] where
    deriveGCompare [it] = deriveGCompare it
    deriveGCompare _ = fail "deriveGCompare: [] instance only applies to single-element lists"

instance DeriveGCompare t => DeriveGCompare (Q t) where
    deriveGCompare = (>>= deriveGCompare)

gcompareFunction boundVars cons
    | null cons = funD 'gcompare [clause [] (normalB [| \x y -> seq x (seq y undefined) |]) []]
    | otherwise = funD 'gcompare (concatMap gcompareClauses cons)
        -- for every constructor, first check for equality (recursively comparing 
        -- arguments) then add catch-all cases; all not-yet-matched patterns are
        -- "greater than" the constructor under consideration.
        gcompareClauses con = 
            [ mainClause con
            , clause [recP conName [], wildP] (normalB [| GLT |]) []
            , clause [wildP, recP conName []] (normalB [| GGT |]) []
            ] where conName = nameOfCon con
        needsGCompare argType con = any ((`occursInType` argType) . nameOfBinder) (boundVars ++ varsBoundInCon con)
        -- main clause; using the 'GComparing' monad, compare all arguments to the 
        -- constructor recursively, attempting to unify type variables by recursive 
        -- calls to gcompare whenever needed (that is, whenever a constructor argument's
        -- type contains a variable bound in the data declaration or in the constructor's
        -- type signature)
        mainClause con = do
            let conName = nameOfCon con
                argTypes = argTypesOfCon con
                nArgs = length argTypes
            lArgNames <- replicateM nArgs (newName "x")
            rArgNames <- replicateM nArgs (newName "y")
            clause [ conP conName (map varP lArgNames)
                   , conP conName (map varP rArgNames)
                ( normalB
                    [| runGComparing $ 
                            (  [ if needsGCompare argType con
                                    then bindS (conP 'Refl []) [| geq' $(varE lArg) $(varE rArg) |]
                                    else noBindS [| compare' $(varE lArg) $(varE rArg) |]
                               | (lArg, rArg, argType) <- zip3 lArgNames rArgNames argTypes
                            ++ [ noBindS [| return GEQ |] ]
                ) []