module Numeric.Decimal.OperationSpec (spec) where import Test.Hspec import Numeric.Decimal import Numeric.Decimal.Arithmetic import qualified Numeric.Decimal.Operation as Op spec :: Spec spec = do describe "Special values" $ do it "Infinity + 1 = Infinity" $ op2 Op.add "Infinity" "1" `shouldBe` "Infinity" it "NaN + 1 = NaN" $ op2 Op.add "NaN" "1" `shouldBe` "NaN" it "NaN + Infinity = NaN" $ op2 Op.add "NaN" "Infinity" `shouldBe` "NaN" it "1 - Infinity = -Infinity" $ op2 Op.subtract "1" "Infinity" `shouldBe` "-Infinity" it "-1 * Infinity = -Infinity" $ op2 Op.multiply "-1" "Infinity" `shouldBe` "-Infinity" it "-0 - 0 = -0" $ op2 Op.subtract "-0" "0" `shouldBe` "-0" it "-1 * 0 = -0" $ op2 Op.multiply "-1" "0" `shouldBe` "-0" it "1 / 0 = Infinity" $ op2 Op.divide "1" "0" `shouldBe` "Infinity" it "1 / -0 = -Infinity" $ op2 Op.divide "1" "-0" `shouldBe` "-Infinity" it "-1 / 0 = -Infinity" $ op2 Op.divide "-1" "0" `shouldBe` "-Infinity" describe "add" $ do it "add('12', '7.00') ==> '19.00'" $ op2 Op.add "12" "7.00" `shouldBe` "19.00" it "add('1E+2', '1E+4') ==> '1.01E+4'" $ op2 Op.add "1E+2" "1E+4" `shouldBe` "1.01E+4" describe "subtract" $ do it "subtract('1.3', '1.07') ==> '0.23'" $ op2 Op.subtract "1.3" "1.07" `shouldBe` "0.23" it "subtract('1.3', '1.30') ==> '0.00'" $ op2 Op.subtract "1.3" "1.30" `shouldBe` "0.00" it "subtract('1.3', '2.07') ==> '-0.77'" $ op2 Op.subtract "1.3" "2.07" `shouldBe` "-0.77" describe "minus" $ do it "minus('1.3') ==> '-1.3'" $ op1 Op.minus "1.3" `shouldBe` "-1.3" it "minus('-1.3') ==> '1.3'" $ op1 Op.minus "-1.3" `shouldBe` "1.3" describe "plus" $ do it "plus('1.3') ==> '1.3'" $ op1 "1.3" `shouldBe` "1.3" it "plus('-1.3') ==> '-1.3'" $ op1 "-1.3" `shouldBe` "-1.3" describe "multiply" $ do it "multiply('1.20', '3') ==> '3.60'" $ op2 Op.multiply "1.20" "3" `shouldBe` "3.60" it "multiply('7', '3') ==> '21'" $ op2 Op.multiply "7" "3" `shouldBe` "21" it "multiply('0.9', '0.8') ==> '0.72'" $ op2 Op.multiply "0.9" "0.8" `shouldBe` "0.72" it "multiply('0.9', '-0') ==> '-0.0'" $ op2 Op.multiply "0.9" "-0" `shouldBe` "-0.0" it "multiply('654321', '654321') ==> '4.28135971E+11'" $ op2 Op.multiply "654321" "654321" `shouldBe` "4.28135971E+11" describe "exp" $ do it "exp('-Infinity') ==> '0'" $ op1 Op.exp "-Infinity" `shouldBe` "0" it "exp('-1') ==> '0.367879441'" $ op1 Op.exp "-1" `shouldBe` "0.367879441" it "exp('0') ==> '1'" $ op1 Op.exp "0" `shouldBe` "1" it "exp('1') ==> '2.71828183'" $ op1 Op.exp "1" `shouldBe` "2.71828183" it "exp('0.693147181') ==> '2.00000000'" $ op1 Op.exp "0.693147181" `shouldBe` "2.00000000" it "exp('+Infinity') ==> 'Infinity'" $ op1 Op.exp "+Infinity" `shouldBe` "Infinity" describe "fusedMultiplyAdd" $ do it ("fused-multiply-add('3', '5', '7') ==> " ++ "'22'") $ op3 Op.fusedMultiplyAdd "3" "5" "7" `shouldBe` "22" it ("fused-multiply-add('3', '-5', '7') ==> " ++ "'-8'") $ op3 Op.fusedMultiplyAdd "3" "-5" "7" `shouldBe` "-8" it ("fused-multiply-add('888565290', '1557.96930', '-86087.7578') ==> " ++ "'1.38435736E+12'") $ op3 Op.fusedMultiplyAdd "888565290" "1557.96930" "-86087.7578" `shouldBe` "1.38435736E+12" describe "ln" $ do it "ln('0') ==> '-Infinity'" $ op1 Op.ln "0" `shouldBe` "-Infinity" it "ln('1.000') ==> '0'" $ op1 Op.ln "1.000" `shouldBe` "0" it "ln('2.71828183') ==> '1.00000000'" $ op1 Op.ln "2.71828183" `shouldBe` "1.00000000" it "ln('10') ==> '2.30258509'" $ op1 Op.ln "10" `shouldBe` "2.30258509" it "ln('+Infinity') ==> 'Infinity'" $ op1 Op.ln "+Infinity" `shouldBe` "Infinity" describe "log10" $ do it "log10('0') ==> '-Infinity'" $ op1 Op.log10 "0" `shouldBe` "-Infinity" it "log10('0.001') ==> '-3'" $ op1 Op.log10 "0.001" `shouldBe` "-3" it "log10('1.000') ==> '0'" $ op1 Op.log10 "1.000" `shouldBe` "0" it "log10('2') ==> '0.301029996'" $ op1 Op.log10 "2" `shouldBe` "0.301029996" it "log10('10') ==> '1'" $ op1 Op.log10 "10" `shouldBe` "1" it "log10('70') ==> '1.84509804'" $ op1 Op.log10 "70" `shouldBe` "1.84509804" it "log10('+Infinity') ==> 'Infinity'" $ op1 Op.log10 "+Infinity" `shouldBe` "Infinity" describe "divide" $ do it "divide('1', '3' ) ==> '0.333333333'" $ op2 Op.divide "1" "3" `shouldBe` "0.333333333" it "divide('2', '3' ) ==> '0.666666667'" $ op2 Op.divide "2" "3" `shouldBe` "0.666666667" it "divide('5', '2' ) ==> '2.5'" $ op2 Op.divide "5" "2" `shouldBe` "2.5" it "divide('1', '10' ) ==> '0.1'" $ op2 Op.divide "1" "10" `shouldBe` "0.1" it "divide('12', '12') ==> '1'" $ op2 Op.divide "12" "12" `shouldBe` "1" it "divide('8.00', '2') ==> '4.00'" $ op2 Op.divide "8.00" "2" `shouldBe` "4.00" it "divide('2.400', '2.0') ==> '1.20'" $ op2 Op.divide "2.400" "2.0" `shouldBe` "1.20" it "divide('1000', '100') ==> '10'" $ op2 Op.divide "1000" "100" `shouldBe` "10" it "divide('1000', '1') ==> '1000'" $ op2 Op.divide "1000" "1" `shouldBe` "1000" it "divide('2.40E+6', '2') ==> '1.20E+6'" $ op2 Op.divide "2.40E+6" "2" `shouldBe` "1.20E+6" describe "abs" $ do it "abs('2.1') ==> '2.1'" $ op1 Op.abs "2.1" `shouldBe` "2.1" it "abs('-100') ==> '100'" $ op1 Op.abs "-100" `shouldBe` "100" it "abs('101.5') ==> '101.5'" $ op1 Op.abs "101.5" `shouldBe` "101.5" it "abs('-101.5') ==> '101.5'" $ op1 Op.abs "-101.5" `shouldBe` "101.5" describe "compare" $ do it "compare('2.1', '3') ==> '-1'" $ op2 compare' "2.1" "3" `shouldBe` "-1" it "compare('2.1', '2.1') ==> '0'" $ op2 compare' "2.1" "2.1" `shouldBe` "0" it "compare('2.1', '2.10') ==> '0'" $ op2 compare' "2.1" "2.10" `shouldBe` "0" it "compare('3', '2.1') ==> '1'" $ op2 compare' "3" "2.1" `shouldBe` "1" it "compare('2.1', '-3') ==> '1'" $ op2 compare' "2.1" "-3" `shouldBe` "1" it "compare('-3', '2.1') ==> '-1'" $ op2 compare' "-3" "2.1" `shouldBe` "-1" describe "max" $ do it "max('3', '2') ==> '3'" $ op2 Op.max "3" "2" `shouldBe` "3" it "max('-10', '3') ==> '3'" $ op2 Op.max "-10" "3" `shouldBe` "3" it "max('1.0', '1') ==> '1'" $ op2 Op.max "1.0" "1" `shouldBe` "1" it "max('7', 'NaN') ==> '7'" $ op2 Op.max "7" "NaN" `shouldBe` "7" describe "min" $ do it "min('3', '2') ==> '2'" $ op2 Op.min "3" "2" `shouldBe` "2" it "min('-10', '3') ==> '-10'" $ op2 Op.min "-10" "3" `shouldBe` "-10" it "min('1.0', '1') ==> '1.0'" $ op2 Op.min "1.0" "1" `shouldBe` "1.0" it "min('7', 'NaN') ==> '7'" $ op2 Op.min "7" "NaN" `shouldBe` "7" describe "power" $ do it "power('2', '3') ==> '8'" $ op2 Op.power "2" "3" `shouldBe` "8" it "power('-2', '3') ==> '-8'" $ op2 Op.power "-2" "3" `shouldBe` "-8" it "power('2', '-3') ==> '0.125'" $ op2 Op.power "2" "-3" `shouldBe` "0.125" it "power('1.7', '8') ==> '69.7575744'" $ op2 Op.power "1.7" "8" `shouldBe` "69.7575744" it "power('10', '0.301029996') ==> '2.00000000'" $ op2 Op.power "10" "0.301029996" `shouldBe` "2.00000000" it "power('Infinity', '-1') ==> '0'" $ op2 Op.power "Infinity" "-1" `shouldBe` "0" it "power('Infinity', '0') ==> '1'" $ op2 Op.power "Infinity" "0" `shouldBe` "1" it "power('Infinity', '1') ==> 'Infinity'" $ op2 Op.power "Infinity" "1" `shouldBe` "Infinity" it "power('-Infinity', '-1') ==> '-0'" $ op2 Op.power "-Infinity" "-1" `shouldBe` "-0" it "power('-Infinity', '0') ==> '1'" $ op2 Op.power "-Infinity" "0" `shouldBe` "1" it "power('-Infinity', '1') ==> '-Infinity'" $ op2 Op.power "-Infinity" "1" `shouldBe` "-Infinity" it "power('-Infinity', '2') ==> 'Infinity'" $ op2 Op.power "-Infinity" "2" `shouldBe` "Infinity" it "power('0', '0') ==> 'NaN'" $ op2 Op.power "0" "0" `shouldBe` "NaN" describe "quantize" $ do it "quantize('2.17', '0.001') ==> '2.170'" $ op2 Op.quantize "2.17" "0.001" `shouldBe` "2.170" it "quantize('2.17', '0.01') ==> '2.17'" $ op2 Op.quantize "2.17" "0.01" `shouldBe` "2.17" it "quantize('2.17', '0.1') ==> '2.2'" $ op2 Op.quantize "2.17" "0.1" `shouldBe` "2.2" it "quantize('2.17', '1e+0') ==> '2'" $ op2 Op.quantize "2.17" "1e+0" `shouldBe` "2" it "quantize('2.17', '1e+1') ==> '0E+1'" $ op2 Op.quantize "2.17" "1e+1" `shouldBe` "0E+1" it "quantize('-Inf' 'Infinity') ==> '-Infinity'" $ op2 Op.quantize "-Inf" "Infinity" `shouldBe` "-Infinity" it "quantize('2', 'Infinity') ==> 'NaN'" $ op2 Op.quantize "2" "Infinity" `shouldBe` "NaN" it "quantize('-0.1', '1' ) ==> '-0'" $ op2 Op.quantize "-0.1" "1" `shouldBe` "-0" it "quantize('-0', '1e+5') ==> '-0E+5'" $ op2 Op.quantize "-0" "1e+5" `shouldBe` "-0E+5" it "quantize('+35236450.6', '1e-2') ==> 'NaN'" $ op2 Op.quantize "+35236450.6" "1e-2" `shouldBe` "NaN" it "quantize('-35236450.6', '1e-2') ==> 'NaN'" $ op2 Op.quantize "-35236450.6" "1e-2" `shouldBe` "NaN" it "quantize('217', '1e-1') ==> '217.0'" $ op2 Op.quantize "217" "1e-1" `shouldBe` "217.0" it "quantize('217', '1e+0') ==> '217'" $ op2 Op.quantize "217" "1e+0" `shouldBe` "217" it "quantize('217', '1e+1') ==> '2.2E+2'" $ op2 Op.quantize "217" "1e+1" `shouldBe` "2.2E+2" it "quantize('217', '1e+2') ==> '2E+2'" $ op2 Op.quantize "217" "1e+2" `shouldBe` "2E+2" describe "reduce" $ do it "reduce('2.1') ==> '2.1'" $ op1 Op.reduce "2.1" `shouldBe` "2.1" it "reduce('-2.0') ==> '-2'" $ op1 Op.reduce "-2.0" `shouldBe` "-2" it "reduce('1.200') ==> '1.2'" $ op1 Op.reduce "1.200" `shouldBe` "1.2" it "reduce('-120') ==> '-1.2E+2'" $ op1 Op.reduce "-120" `shouldBe` "-1.2E+2" it "reduce('120.00') ==> '1.2E+2'" $ op1 Op.reduce "120.00" `shouldBe` "1.2E+2" it "reduce('0.00') ==> '0'" $ op1 Op.reduce "0.00" `shouldBe` "0" describe "roundToIntegralExact" $ do it "round-to-integral-exact('2.1') ==> '2'" $ op1 Op.roundToIntegralExact "2.1" `shouldBe` "2" it "round-to-integral-exact('100') ==> '100'" $ op1 Op.roundToIntegralExact "100" `shouldBe` "100" it "round-to-integral-exact('100.0') ==> '100'" $ op1 Op.roundToIntegralExact "100.0" `shouldBe` "100" it "round-to-integral-exact('101.5') ==> '102'" $ op1 Op.roundToIntegralExact "101.5" `shouldBe` "102" it "round-to-integral-exact('-101.5') ==> '-102'" $ op1 Op.roundToIntegralExact "-101.5" `shouldBe` "-102" it "round-to-integral-exact('10E+5') ==> '1.0E+6'" $ op1 Op.roundToIntegralExact "10E+5" `shouldBe` "1.0E+6" it "round-to-integral-exact('7.89E+77') ==> '7.89E+77'" $ op1 Op.roundToIntegralExact "7.89E+77" `shouldBe` "7.89E+77" it "round-to-integral-exact('-Inf') ==> '-Infinity'" $ op1 Op.roundToIntegralExact "-Inf" `shouldBe` "-Infinity" describe "squareRoot" $ do it "square-root('0') ==> '0'" $ op1 Op.squareRoot "0" `shouldBe` "0" it "square-root('-0') ==> '-0'" $ op1 Op.squareRoot "-0" `shouldBe` "-0" -- The following example is a corrected version of that found in the -- specification; confirmed with Mike Cowlishaw on 2016-08-02. it "square-root('0.39') ==> '0.624499800'" $ op1 Op.squareRoot "0.39" `shouldBe` "0.624499800" it "square-root('100') ==> '10'" $ op1 Op.squareRoot "100" `shouldBe` "10" it "square-root('1') ==> '1'" $ op1 Op.squareRoot "1" `shouldBe` "1" it "square-root('1.0') ==> '1.0'" $ op1 Op.squareRoot "1.0" `shouldBe` "1.0" it "square-root('1.00') ==> '1.0'" $ op1 Op.squareRoot "1.00" `shouldBe` "1.0" it "square-root('7') ==> '2.64575131'" $ op1 Op.squareRoot "7" `shouldBe` "2.64575131" it "square-root('10') ==> '3.16227766'" $ op1 Op.squareRoot "10" `shouldBe` "3.16227766" describe "and" $ do it "and('0', '0') ==> '0'" $ op2 Op.and "0" "0" `shouldBe` "0" it "and('0', '1') ==> '0'" $ op2 Op.and "0" "1" `shouldBe` "0" it "and('1', '0') ==> '0'" $ op2 Op.and "1" "0" `shouldBe` "0" it "and('1', '1') ==> '1'" $ op2 Op.and "1" "1" `shouldBe` "1" it "and('1100', '1010') ==> '1000'" $ op2 Op.and "1100" "1010" `shouldBe` "1000" it "and('1111', '10') ==> '10'" $ op2 Op.and "1111" "10" `shouldBe` "10" describe "or" $ do it "or('0', '0') ==> '0'" $ op2 Op.or "0" "0" `shouldBe` "0" it "or('0', '1') ==> '1'" $ op2 Op.or "0" "1" `shouldBe` "1" it "or('1', '0') ==> '1'" $ op2 Op.or "1" "0" `shouldBe` "1" it "or('1', '1') ==> '1'" $ op2 Op.or "1" "1" `shouldBe` "1" it "or('1100', '1010') ==> '1110'" $ op2 Op.or "1100" "1010" `shouldBe` "1110" it "or('1110', '10') ==> '1110'" $ op2 Op.or "1110" "10" `shouldBe` "1110" describe "xor" $ do it "xor('0', '0') ==> '0'" $ op2 Op.xor "0" "0" `shouldBe` "0" it "xor('0', '1') ==> '1'" $ op2 Op.xor "0" "1" `shouldBe` "1" it "xor('1', '0') ==> '1'" $ op2 Op.xor "1" "0" `shouldBe` "1" it "xor('1', '1') ==> '0'" $ op2 Op.xor "1" "1" `shouldBe` "0" it "xor('1100', '1010') ==> '110'" $ op2 Op.xor "1100" "1010" `shouldBe` "110" it "xor('1111', '10') ==> '1101'" $ op2 Op.xor "1111" "10" `shouldBe` "1101" describe "invert" $ do it "invert('0') ==> '111111111'" $ op1 Op.invert "0" `shouldBe` "111111111" it "invert('1') ==> '111111110'" $ op1 Op.invert "1" `shouldBe` "111111110" it "invert('111111111') ==> '0'" $ op1 Op.invert "111111111" `shouldBe` "0" it "invert('101010101') ==> '10101010'" $ op1 Op.invert "101010101" `shouldBe` "10101010" describe "canonical" $ it "canonical('2.50') ==> '2.50'" $ op1 Op.canonical "2.50" `shouldBe` "2.50" describe "class'" $ do it "class('Infinity') ==> \"+Infinity\"" $ op1 Op.class' "Infinity" `shouldBe` "+Infinity" it "class('1E-10') ==> \"+Normal\"" $ op1 Op.class' "1E-10" `shouldBe` "+Normal" it "class('2.50') ==> \"+Normal\"" $ op1 Op.class' "2.50" `shouldBe` "+Normal" it "class('0.1E-999') ==> \"+Subnormal\"" $ op1 Op.class' "0.1E-999" `shouldBe` "+Subnormal" it "class('0') ==> \"+Zero\"" $ op1 Op.class' "0" `shouldBe` "+Zero" it "class('-0') ==> \"-Zero\"" $ op1 Op.class' "-0" `shouldBe` "-Zero" it "class('-0.1E-999') ==> \"-Subnormal\"" $ op1 Op.class' "-0.1E-999" `shouldBe` "-Subnormal" it "class('-1E-10') ==> \"-Normal\"" $ op1 Op.class' "-1E-10" `shouldBe` "-Normal" it "class('-2.50') ==> \"-Normal\"" $ op1 Op.class' "-2.50" `shouldBe` "-Normal" it "class('-Infinity') ==> \"-Infinity\"" $ op1 Op.class' "-Infinity" `shouldBe` "-Infinity" it "class('NaN') ==> \"NaN\"" $ op1 Op.class' "NaN" `shouldBe` "NaN" it "class('-NaN') ==> \"NaN\"" $ op1 Op.class' "-NaN" `shouldBe` "NaN" it "class('sNaN') ==> \"sNaN\"" $ op1 Op.class' "sNaN" `shouldBe` "sNaN" describe "compareTotal" $ do it "compare-total('12.73', '127.9') ==> '-1'" $ op2 compareTotal' "12.73" "127.9" `shouldBe` "-1" it "compare-total('-127', '12') ==> '-1'" $ op2 compareTotal' "-127" "12" `shouldBe` "-1" it "compare-total('12.30', '12.3') ==> '-1'" $ op2 compareTotal' "12.30" "12.3" `shouldBe` "-1" it "compare-total('12.30', '12.30') ==> '0'" $ op2 compareTotal' "12.30" "12.30" `shouldBe` "0" it "compare-total('12.3', '12.300') ==> '1'" $ op2 compareTotal' "12.3" "12.300" `shouldBe` "1" it "compare-total('12.3', 'NaN') ==> '-1'" $ op2 compareTotal' "12.3" "NaN" `shouldBe` "-1" describe "copy" $ do it "copy('2.1') ==> '2.1'" $ op1 Op.copy "2.1" `shouldBe` "2.1" it "copy('-1.00') ==> '-1.00'" $ op1 Op.copy "-1.00" `shouldBe` "-1.00" describe "copyAbs" $ do it "copy-abs('2.1') ==> '2.1'" $ op1 Op.copyAbs "2.1" `shouldBe` "2.1" it "copy-abs('-100') ==> '100'" $ op1 Op.copyAbs "-100" `shouldBe` "100" describe "copyNegate" $ do it "copy-negate('101.5') ==> '-101.5'" $ op1 Op.copyNegate "101.5" `shouldBe` "-101.5" it "copy-negate('-101.5') ==> '101.5'" $ op1 Op.copyNegate "-101.5" `shouldBe` "101.5" describe "copySign" $ do it "copy-sign( '1.50', '7.33') ==> '1.50'" $ op2 Op.copySign "1.50" "7.33" `shouldBe` "1.50" it "copy-sign('-1.50', '7.33') ==> '1.50'" $ op2 Op.copySign "-1.50" "7.33" `shouldBe` "1.50" it "copy-sign( '1.50', '-7.33') ==> '-1.50'" $ op2 Op.copySign "1.50" "-7.33" `shouldBe` "-1.50" it "copy-sign('-1.50', '-7.33') ==> '-1.50'" $ op2 Op.copySign "-1.50" "-7.33" `shouldBe` "-1.50" describe "isCanonical" $ it "is-canonical('2.50') ==> '1'" $ pred1 Op.isCanonical "2.50" `shouldBe` "1" describe "isFinite" $ do it "is-finite('2.50') ==> '1'" $ pred1 Op.isFinite "2.50" `shouldBe` "1" it "is-finite('-0.3') ==> '1'" $ pred1 Op.isFinite "-0.3" `shouldBe` "1" it "is-finite('0') ==> '1'" $ pred1 Op.isFinite "0" `shouldBe` "1" it "is-finite('Inf') ==> '0'" $ pred1 Op.isFinite "Inf" `shouldBe` "0" it "is-finite('NaN') ==> '0'" $ pred1 Op.isFinite "NaN" `shouldBe` "0" describe "isInfinite" $ do it "is-infinite('2.50') ==> '0'" $ pred1 Op.isInfinite "2.50" `shouldBe` "0" it "is-infinite('-Inf') ==> '1'" $ pred1 Op.isInfinite "-Inf" `shouldBe` "1" it "is-infinite('NaN') ==> '0'" $ pred1 Op.isInfinite "NaN" `shouldBe` "0" describe "isNaN" $ do it "is-NaN('2.50') ==> '0'" $ pred1 Op.isNaN "2.50" `shouldBe` "0" it "is-NaN('NaN') ==> '1'" $ pred1 Op.isNaN "NaN" `shouldBe` "1" it "is-NaN('-sNaN') ==> '1'" $ pred1 Op.isNaN "-sNaN" `shouldBe` "1" describe "isNormal" $ do it "is-normal('2.50') ==> '1'" $ pred1 Op.isNormal "2.50" `shouldBe` "1" it "is-normal('0.1E-999') ==> '0'" $ pred1 Op.isNormal "0.1E-999" `shouldBe` "0" it "is-normal('0.00') ==> '0'" $ pred1 Op.isNormal "0.00" `shouldBe` "0" it "is-normal('-Inf') ==> '0'" $ pred1 Op.isNormal "-Inf" `shouldBe` "0" it "is-normal('NaN') ==> '0'" $ pred1 Op.isNormal "NaN" `shouldBe` "0" describe "isQNaN" $ do it "is-qNaN('2.50') ==> '0'" $ pred1 Op.isQNaN "2.50" `shouldBe` "0" it "is-qNaN('NaN') ==> '1'" $ pred1 Op.isQNaN "NaN" `shouldBe` "1" it "is-qNaN('sNaN') ==> '0'" $ pred1 Op.isQNaN "sNaN" `shouldBe` "0" describe "isSigned" $ do it "is-signed('2.50') ==> '0'" $ pred1 Op.isSigned "2.50" `shouldBe` "0" it "is-signed('-12') ==> '1'" $ pred1 Op.isSigned "-12" `shouldBe` "1" it "is-signed('-0') ==> '1'" $ pred1 Op.isSigned "-0" `shouldBe` "1" describe "isSNaN" $ do it "is-sNaN('2.50') ==> '0'" $ pred1 Op.isSNaN "2.50" `shouldBe` "0" it "is-sNaN('NaN') ==> '0'" $ pred1 Op.isSNaN "NaN" `shouldBe` "0" it "is-sNaN('sNaN') ==> '1'" $ pred1 Op.isSNaN "sNaN" `shouldBe` "1" describe "isSubnormal" $ do it "is-subnormal('2.50') ==> '0'" $ pred1 Op.isSubnormal "2.50" `shouldBe` "0" it "is-subnormal('0.1E-999') ==> '1'" $ pred1 Op.isSubnormal "0.1E-999" `shouldBe` "1" it "is-subnormal('0.00') ==> '0'" $ pred1 Op.isSubnormal "0.00" `shouldBe` "0" it "is-subnormal('-Inf') ==> '0'" $ pred1 Op.isSubnormal "-Inf" `shouldBe` "0" it "is-subnormal('NaN') ==> '0'" $ pred1 Op.isSubnormal "NaN" `shouldBe` "0" describe "isZero" $ do it "is-zero('0') ==> '1'" $ pred1 Op.isZero "0" `shouldBe` "1" it "is-zero('2.50') ==> '0'" $ pred1 Op.isZero "2.50" `shouldBe` "0" it "is-zero('-0E+2') ==> '1'" $ pred1 Op.isZero "-0E+2" `shouldBe` "1" describe "logb" $ do it "logb('250') ==> '2'" $ op1 Op.logb "250" `shouldBe` "2" it "logb('2.50') ==> '0'" $ op1 Op.logb "2.50" `shouldBe` "0" it "logb('0.03') ==> '-2'" $ op1 Op.logb "0.03" `shouldBe` "-2" it "logb('0') ==> '-Infinity'" $ op1 Op.logb "0" `shouldBe` "-Infinity" describe "scaleb" $ do it "scaleb('7.50', '-2') ==> '0.0750'" $ op2 Op.scaleb "7.50" "-2" `shouldBe` "0.0750" it "scaleb('7.50', '0') ==> '7.50'" $ op2 Op.scaleb "7.50" "0" `shouldBe` "7.50" it "scaleb('7.50', '3') ==> '7.50E+3'" $ op2 Op.scaleb "7.50" "3" `shouldBe` "7.50E+3" describe "radix" $ it "radix() ==> '10'" $ op0 Op.radix `shouldBe` "10" describe "sameQuantum" $ do it "samequantum('2.17', '0.001') ==> '0'" $ pred2 Op.sameQuantum "2.17" "0.001" `shouldBe` "0" it "samequantum('2.17', '0.01') ==> '1'" $ pred2 Op.sameQuantum "2.17" "0.01" `shouldBe` "1" it "samequantum('2.17', '0.1') ==> '0'" $ pred2 Op.sameQuantum "2.17" "0.1" `shouldBe` "0" it "samequantum('2.17', '1') ==> '0'" $ pred2 Op.sameQuantum "2.17" "1" `shouldBe` "0" it "samequantum('Inf', '-Inf') ==> '1'" $ pred2 Op.sameQuantum "Inf" "-Inf" `shouldBe` "1" it "samequantum('NaN', 'NaN') ==> '1'" $ pred2 Op.sameQuantum "NaN" "NaN" `shouldBe` "1" describe "shift" $ do it "shift('34', '8') ==> '400000000'" $ op2 Op.shift "34" "8" `shouldBe` "400000000" it "shift('12', '9') ==> '0'" $ op2 Op.shift "12" "9" `shouldBe` "0" it "shift('123456789', '-2') ==> '1234567'" $ op2 Op.shift "123456789" "-2" `shouldBe` "1234567" it "shift('123456789', '0') ==> '123456789'" $ op2 Op.shift "123456789" "0" `shouldBe` "123456789" it "shift('123456789', '+2') ==> '345678900'" $ op2 Op.shift "123456789" "+2" `shouldBe` "345678900" describe "rotate" $ do it "rotate('34', '8') ==> '400000003'" $ op2 Op.rotate "34" "8" `shouldBe` "400000003" it "rotate('12', '9') ==> '12'" $ op2 Op.rotate "12" "9" `shouldBe` "12" it "rotate('123456789', '-2') ==> '891234567'" $ op2 Op.rotate "123456789" "-2" `shouldBe` "891234567" it "rotate('123456789', '0') ==> '123456789'" $ op2 Op.rotate "123456789" "0" `shouldBe` "123456789" it "rotate('123456789', '+2') ==> '345678912'" $ op2 Op.rotate "123456789" "+2" `shouldBe` "345678912" exceptionError :: Exception p r -> a exceptionError = error . show . exceptionSignal type BasicArith = Arith P9 RoundHalfUp pred1 :: (BasicDecimal -> BasicArith Bool) -> String -> String pred1 op x = either exceptionError (show . fromBool) $ evalArith arith newContext where arith = op (read x) pred2 :: (BasicDecimal -> BasicDecimal -> BasicArith Bool) -> String -> String -> String pred2 op x y = either exceptionError (show . fromBool) $ evalArith arith newContext where arith = op (read x) (read y) op0 :: Show a => BasicArith a -> String op0 op = either exceptionError show $ evalArith op newContext op1 :: Show a => (BasicDecimal -> BasicArith a) -> String -> String op1 op x = either exceptionError show $ evalArith arith newContext where arith = op (read x) op2 :: Show a => (BasicDecimal -> BasicDecimal -> BasicArith a) -> String -> String -> String op2 op x y = either exceptionError show $ evalArith arith newContext where arith = read x `op` read y op3 :: Show a => (BasicDecimal -> BasicDecimal -> BasicDecimal -> BasicArith a) -> String -> String -> String -> String op3 op x y z = either exceptionError show $ evalArith arith newContext where arith = op (read x) (read y) (read z) compare' :: Decimal a b -> Decimal c d -> Arith p r (Decimal p r) compare' x y = either id fromOrdering <$> x y compareTotal' :: Decimal a b -> Decimal c d -> Arith p r (Decimal p r) compareTotal' x y = fromOrdering <$> Op.compareTotal x y