-- | General purpose tree walking boilerplate.
module DDC.Core.Transform.TransformUpX
        ( TransformUpMX(..)
        , transformUpX
        , transformUpX'

          -- * Via the Simple AST
        , transformSimpleUpMX
        , transformSimpleUpX
        , transformSimpleUpX')
import DDC.Core.Module
import DDC.Core.Exp.Annot
import DDC.Core.Transform.Annotate
import DDC.Core.Transform.Deannotate
import DDC.Type.Env             (KindEnv, TypeEnv)
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Control.Monad
import qualified DDC.Type.Env                   as Env
import qualified DDC.Core.Exp.Simple.Exp        as S

-- | Bottom up rewrite of all core expressions in a thing.
        :: forall (c :: * -> * -> *) a n
        .  (Ord n, TransformUpMX Identity c)
        => (KindEnv n -> TypeEnv n -> Exp a n -> Exp a n)       
                        -- ^ The worker function is given the current kind and type environments.
        -> KindEnv n    -- ^ Initial kind environment.
        -> TypeEnv n    -- ^ Initial type environment.
        -> c a n        -- ^ Transform this thing.
        -> c a n

transformUpX f kenv tenv xx
        = runIdentity 
        $ transformUpMX 
                (\kenv' tenv' x -> return (f kenv' tenv' x)) 
                kenv tenv xx

-- | Like transformUpX, but without using environments.
        :: forall (c :: * -> * -> *) a n
        .  (Ord n, TransformUpMX Identity c)
        => (Exp a n -> Exp a n)       
                        -- ^ The worker function is given the current
                        --      kind and type environments.
        -> c a n        -- ^ Transform this thing.
        -> c a n

transformUpX' f xx
        = transformUpX (\_ _ -> f) Env.empty Env.empty xx

class TransformUpMX m (c :: * -> * -> *) where
 -- | Bottom-up monadic rewrite of all core expressions in a thing.
        :: Ord n
        => (KindEnv n -> TypeEnv n -> Exp a n -> m (Exp a n))
                        -- ^ The worker function is given the current
                        --      kind and type environments.
        -> KindEnv n    -- ^ Initial kind environment.
        -> TypeEnv n    -- ^ Initial type environment.
        -> c a n        -- ^ Transform this thing.
        -> m (c a n)

instance Monad m => TransformUpMX m Module where
 transformUpMX f kenv tenv !mm
  = do  x'    <- transformUpMX f kenv tenv $ moduleBody mm
        return  $ mm { moduleBody = x' }

instance Monad m => TransformUpMX m Exp where
 transformUpMX f kenv tenv !xx
  = (f kenv tenv =<<)
  $ case xx of
        XVar{}          -> return xx
        XCon{}          -> return xx

        XLAM a b x1
         -> liftM3 XLAM (return a) (return b)
                        (transformUpMX f (Env.extend b kenv) tenv x1)

        XLam a b  x1    
         -> liftM3 XLam (return a) (return b) 
                        (transformUpMX f kenv (Env.extend b tenv) x1)

        XApp a x1 x2    
         -> liftM3 XApp (return a) 
                        (transformUpMX f kenv tenv x1) 
                        (transformUpMX f kenv tenv x2)

        XLet a lts x
         -> do  lts'      <- transformUpMX f kenv tenv lts
                let kenv' = Env.extends (specBindsOfLets lts')   kenv
                let tenv' = Env.extends (valwitBindsOfLets lts') tenv
                x'        <- transformUpMX f kenv' tenv' x
                return  $ XLet a lts' x'
        XCase a x alts
         -> liftM3 XCase (return a)
                         (transformUpMX f kenv tenv x)
                         (mapM (transformUpMX f kenv tenv) alts)

        XCast a c x       
         -> liftM3 XCast
                        (return a) (return c)
                        (transformUpMX f kenv tenv x)

        XType{}         -> return xx
        XWitness{}      -> return xx

instance Monad m => TransformUpMX m Lets where
 transformUpMX f kenv tenv xx
  = case xx of
        LLet b x
         -> liftM2 LLet (return b)
                        (transformUpMX f kenv tenv x)
        LRec bxs
         -> do  let (bs, xs) = unzip bxs
                let tenv'    = Env.extends bs tenv
                xs'          <- mapM (transformUpMX f kenv tenv') xs
                return       $ LRec $ zip bs xs'

        LPrivate{}      -> return xx

instance Monad m => TransformUpMX m Alt where
 transformUpMX f kenv tenv alt
  = case alt of
        AAlt p@(PData _ bsArg) x
         -> let tenv'   = Env.extends bsArg tenv
            in  liftM2  AAlt (return p) 
                        (transformUpMX f kenv tenv' x)

        AAlt PDefault x
         ->     liftM2  AAlt (return PDefault)
                        (transformUpMX f kenv tenv x) 

-- Simple ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Like `transformUpMX`, but the worker takes the Simple version of the AST.
--   * To avoid repeated conversions between the different versions of the AST,
--     the worker should return `Nothing` if the provided expression is unchanged.
        :: (Ord n, TransformUpMX m c, Monad m)
        => (KindEnv n -> TypeEnv n -> S.Exp a n -> m (Maybe (S.Exp a n)))
                        -- ^ The worker function is given the current
                        --     kind and type environments.
        -> KindEnv n    -- ^ Initial kind environment.
        -> TypeEnv n    -- ^ Initial type environment.
        -> c a n        -- ^ Transform thing thing.
        -> m (c a n)

transformSimpleUpMX f kenv0 tenv0 xx0
 = let  
        f' kenv tenv xx
         = do   let a    = annotOfExp xx
                let sxx  = deannotate (const Nothing) xx
                msxx'    <- f kenv tenv sxx
                case msxx' of
                     Nothing   -> return $ xx
                     Just sxx' -> return $ annotate a sxx'

   in   transformUpMX f' kenv0 tenv0 xx0

-- | Like `transformUpX`, but the worker takes the Simple version of the AST.
--   * To avoid repeated conversions between the different versions of the AST,
--     the worker should return `Nothing` if the provided expression is unchanged.
        :: forall (c :: * -> * -> *) a n
        .  (Ord n, TransformUpMX Identity c)
        => (KindEnv n -> TypeEnv n -> S.Exp a n -> Maybe (S.Exp a n))
                      -- ^ The worker function is given the current
                      --     kind and type environments.
        -> KindEnv n  -- ^ Initial kind environment.
        -> TypeEnv n  -- ^ Initial type environment.
        -> c a n      -- ^ Transform this thing.
        -> c a n

transformSimpleUpX f kenv tenv xx
        = runIdentity 
        $ transformSimpleUpMX 
                (\kenv' tenv' x -> return (f kenv' tenv' x)) 
                kenv tenv xx

-- | Like `transformUpX'`, but the worker takes the Simple version of the AST.
--   * To avoid repeated conversions between the different versions of the AST,
--     the worker should return `Nothing` if the provided expression is unchanged.
        :: forall (c :: * -> * -> *) a n
        .  (Ord n, TransformUpMX Identity c)
        => (S.Exp a n -> Maybe (S.Exp a n))
                        -- ^ The worker function is given the current
                        --      kind and type environments.
        -> c a n        -- ^ Transform this thing.
        -> c a n

transformSimpleUpX' f xx
        = transformSimpleUpX (\_ _ -> f) Env.empty Env.empty xx