-- | Adding code to initialise the runtime system. module DDC.Core.Salt.Convert.Init (initRuntime) where import DDC.Core.Salt.Compounds import DDC.Core.Salt.Runtime import DDC.Core.Salt.Name import DDC.Core.Module import DDC.Core.Exp.Annot import Data.List -- | If this it the Main module, then insert a main function for the posix -- entry point that initialises the runtime system and calls the real main function. -- -- Returns Nothing if this is the Main module, -- but there is no main function. initRuntime :: Config -> Module a Name -> Maybe (Module a Name) initRuntime config mm@ModuleCore{} | isMainModule mm = case initRuntimeTopX config (moduleBody mm) of Nothing -> Nothing Just x' -> Just $ mm { moduleExportValues = patchMainExports (moduleExportValues mm) , moduleBody = x'} | otherwise = Just mm -- | Type of the POSIX main function. posixMainType :: Type Name posixMainType = tFun tInt (tFun (tPtr rTop (tWord 8)) tInt) -- | Patch the list of export definitions to export our wrapper instead -- of the original main function. patchMainExports :: [(Name, ExportSource Name)] -> [(Name, ExportSource Name)] patchMainExports xx = case xx of [] -> [] (x : xs) | (NameVar "main", ExportSourceLocal n _) <- x -> (NameVar "main", ExportSourceLocal n posixMainType) : xs | otherwise -> x : patchMainExports xs -- | Takes the top-level let-bindings of amodule -- and add code to initialise the runtime system. initRuntimeTopX :: Config -> Exp a Name -> Maybe (Exp a Name) initRuntimeTopX config xx | XLet a (LRec bxs) x2 <- xx , Just (bMainOrig, xMainOrig) <- find (isMainBind . fst) bxs , bxs_cut <- filter (not . isMainBind . fst) bxs , BName _ tMainOrig <- bMainOrig = let -- Rename the old main function to '_main' bMainOrig' = BName (NameVar "_main") $ tMainOrig -- The new entry point of the program is called 'main'. bMainEntry = BName (NameVar "main") $ posixMainType xMainEntry = makeMainEntryX config a in Just $ XLet a (LRec $ bxs_cut ++ [ (bMainOrig', xMainOrig) , (bMainEntry, xMainEntry)]) x2 -- This was supposed to be the main Module, -- but there was no 'main' function for the program entry point. | otherwise = Nothing -- | Check whether this is the bind for the 'main' function. isMainBind :: Bind Name -> Bool isMainBind bb = case bb of (BName (NameVar "main") _) -> True _ -> False -- | Make the posix main function, -- which is the entry point to the executable. makeMainEntryX :: Config -> a -> Exp a Name makeMainEntryX config a = XLam a (BName (NameVar "argc") tInt) $ XLam a (BName (NameVar "argv") (tPtr rTop (tWord 8))) $ XLet a (LLet (BNone tVoid) (xCreate a (xNat a (configHeapSize config)))) $ XLet a (LLet (BNone (tBot kData)) (xApps a (XVar a (UName (NameVar "_main"))) [xU])) (xInt a 0) where xU = xAllocBoxed a rTop 0 (xNat a 0)