module DDC.Core.Salt.Transfer
import DDC.Core.Salt.Convert.Base
import DDC.Core.Salt.Runtime
import DDC.Core.Salt.Name
import DDC.Core.Salt.Env
import DDC.Core.Predicates
import DDC.Core.Compounds
import DDC.Core.Module
import DDC.Core.Exp
import DDC.Core.Check           (AnTEC(..))
import Data.Map                 (Map)
import qualified Data.Map       as Map

-- | Add control transfer primops to function bodies.
--   For example:
--   @
--      fun \[x : Int32\#\] : Int32\#
--         = case ... of
--                 ...      -> add\# \[Int32\] ...
--                 ...      -> fun x
--   => fun \[x : Int32\#\] : Int32\#
--         = case ... of
--                 ...      -> return\# \[Int32\#] (add\# \[Int32\] ...)
--                 ...      -> tailcall1\# \[Int32\#] \[Int32\#\] fun x
--  @
--  The control primops return# and tailcall1# tell us how to transfer control
--  after we've finished with the current function.
        :: Module (AnTEC a Name) Name 
        -> Either (Error  (AnTEC a Name))
                  (Module (AnTEC a Name) Name)

transferModule mm@ModuleCore{}
        | XLet a (LRec bxs) x1  <- moduleBody mm
        = let bxs'        = map transLet bxs
          in  Right $ mm { moduleBody = XLet a (LRec bxs') x1 }

        | otherwise
        = Left (ErrorNoTopLevelLetrec mm)

-- Let ------------------------------------------------------------------------
transLet :: (Bind Name, Exp (AnTEC a Name) Name)
         -> (Bind Name, Exp (AnTEC a Name) Name)

transLet (BName n t, x)
 = let  tails   = Map.singleton n t
        x'      = transSuper tails x
   in   (BName n t, x')

transLet tup
        = tup

-- Super ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        :: Map Name (Type Name)         -- ^ Tail-callable supers, with types.
        -> Exp (AnTEC a Name) Name 
        -> Exp (AnTEC a Name) Name

transSuper tails xx
 = let down = transSuper tails
   in  case xx of
        -- Return the value bound to a var.
        XVar a _        -> xReturn a (annotType a) xx

        -- Return a constructor value.
        XCon a _        -> xReturn a (annotType a) xx

        XLAM  a b x     -> XLAM  a b $ down x
        XLam  a b x     -> XLam  a b $ down x

        -- Tail-call a supercombinator.
        --   The super must have its arguments in standard order,
        --   being type arguments, then witness arguments, then value arguments.
        --   We need this so we can split off just the value arguments and 
        --   pass them to the appropriate tailcallN# primitive.
         | Just (xv@(XVar a (UName n)), args) <- takeXApps xx
         , Just tF                  <- Map.lookup n tails

         -- Split off args and check they are in standard order.
         , (xsArgsType, xsArgsMore) <- span isXType    args
         , (xsArgsWit,  xsArgsVal)  <- span isXWitness xsArgsMore
         , not $ any isXType    xsArgsVal
         , not $ any isXWitness xsArgsVal

         -- Get the types of the value parameters.
         , (_, tsValArgs, tResult)  <- takeTFunWitArgResult $ eraseTForalls tF

         -> let arity   = length xsArgsVal
                p       = PrimCallTail arity
                u       = UPrim (NamePrimOp (PrimCall p)) (typeOfPrimCall p)
            in  xApps a (XVar a u) 
                        $  (map XType (tsValArgs ++ [tResult])) 
                        ++ [xApps a xv (xsArgsType ++ xsArgsWit)] 
                        ++ xsArgsVal

        -- Return the result of this application.
        XApp  a x1 x2   
         -> let x1'     = transX tails x1
                x2'     = transX tails x2
            in  addReturnX a (annotType a) (XApp a x1' x2')

        XLet  a lts x   -> XLet  a (transL tails lts) (down x)
        XCase a x alts  -> XCase a (transX tails x) (map (transA tails) alts)
        XCast a c x     -> XCast a c (transSuper tails x)
        XType{}         -> xx
        XWitness{}      -> xx

-- | Add a statment to return this value, 
--   but don't wrap existing control transfer operations.
addReturnX :: a          -> Type Name
           -> Exp a Name -> Exp a Name
addReturnX a t xx

        -- If there is already a control transfer primitive here then
        -- don't add another one.
        | Just (NamePrimOp p, _)  <- takeXPrimApps xx
        , PrimControl{}           <- p
        = xx

        -- Wrap the final expression in a return primitive.
        | otherwise
        = xReturn a t xx

-- Let ------------------------------------------------------------------------
transL  :: Map Name (Type Name)         -- ^ Tail-callable supers, with types.
        -> Lets (AnTEC a Name) Name
        -> Lets (AnTEC a Name) Name

transL tails lts
 = case lts of
        LLet mode b x   -> LLet mode b (transX tails x)
        LRec bxs        -> LRec [(b, transX tails x) | (b, x) <- bxs]
        LLetRegions{}   -> lts
        LWithRegion{}   -> lts

-- Alt ------------------------------------------------------------------------
transA  :: Map Name (Type Name)         -- ^ Tail-callable supers, with types.
        -> Alt (AnTEC a Name) Name
        -> Alt (AnTEC a Name) Name

transA tails aa
 = case aa of
        AAlt p x        -> AAlt p (transSuper tails x)

-- Exp ------------------------------------------------------------------------
transX  :: Map Name (Type Name)         -- ^ Tail-callable supers, with types.
        -> Exp (AnTEC a Name) Name 
        -> Exp (AnTEC a Name) Name 

transX tails xx
 = let down     = transX tails
   in case xx of
        XVar{}          -> xx
        XCon{}          -> xx
        XLAM{}          -> xx
        XLam{}          -> xx 
        XApp  a x1 x2   -> XApp  a (down x1) (down x2)
        XLet{}          -> xx 
        XCase{}         -> xx
        XCast{}         -> xx
        XType{}         -> xx
        XWitness{}      -> xx