-- | Inline `ISet` meta-instructions, drop `INop` meta-instructions,
--   and propagate calling conventions from declarations to call sites.
--   This should all be part of the LLVM language itself, but it isn't.
module DDC.Llvm.Transform.Clean
import DDC.Llvm.Syntax
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Map                 (Map)
import qualified Data.Map       as Map
import qualified Data.Foldable  as Seq
import qualified Data.Sequence  as Seq

-- | Clean a module.
clean :: Module -> Module
clean mm
 = let  binds           = Map.empty
   in   mm { modFuncs   = map (cleanFunction mm binds) 
                        $ modFuncs mm }

-- | Clean a function.
        :: Module
        -> Map Var Exp          -- ^ Map of variables to their values.
        -> Function -> Function

cleanFunction mm binds fun
 = fun { funBlocks      = cleanBlocks mm binds Map.empty [] 
                        $ funBlocks fun }

-- | Clean set instructions in some blocks.
        :: Module
        -> Map Var Exp          -- ^ Map of variables to their values.
        -> Map Var Label        -- ^ Map of variables to the label 
                                --    of the block they were defined in.
        -> [Block] 
        -> [Block] 
        -> [Block]

cleanBlocks _mm _binds _defs acc []
        = reverse acc

cleanBlocks mm binds defs acc (Block label instrs : bs) 
 = let  (binds', defs', instrs2) 
                = cleanInstrs mm label binds defs [] 
                $ Seq.toList instrs

        instrs' = Seq.fromList instrs2
        block'  = Block label instrs'

   in   cleanBlocks mm binds' defs' (block' : acc) bs

-- | Clean set instructions in some instructions.
        :: Module
        -> Label                -- ^ Label of the current block.
        -> Map Var Exp          -- ^ Map of variables to their values.
        -> Map Var Label        -- ^ Map of variables to the label
                                --    of the block they were defined in.
        -> [AnnotInstr]
        -> [AnnotInstr] 
        -> (Map Var Exp, Map Var Label, [AnnotInstr])

cleanInstrs _mm _label binds defs acc []
        = (binds, defs, reverse acc)

cleanInstrs mm label binds defs acc (ins@(AnnotInstr i annots) : instrs)
  = let next binds' defs' acc' 
                = cleanInstrs mm label binds' defs' acc' instrs
        reAnnot i' = annotWith i' annots

        sub xx  
         = case xx of
                XVar v
                  | Just x' <- Map.lookup v binds
                  -> sub x'
                _ -> xx

    in case i of
         -> next binds defs (ins : acc)        

        -- The LLVM compiler doesn't support ISet instructions,
        --  so we inline them into their use sites.
        ISet v x                
         -> let binds'  = Map.insert v x binds
            in  next binds' defs acc

        -- The LLVM compiler doesn't support INop instructions,
        --  so we drop them out.         
         -> next binds defs acc

        -- At phi nodes, drop out joins of the 'undef' value.
        --  The converter adds these in rigtht before calling 'abort',
        --  so we can never arrive from one of those blocks.
        IPhi v xls
         -> let 
                -- Don't merge undef expressions in phi nodes.
                keepPair (XUndef _)  = False
                keepPair _           = True

                i'      = IPhi v [(sub x, l) 
                                        | (x, l) <- xls 
                                        , keepPair (sub x) ]

                defs'   = Map.insert v label defs
            in  next binds defs' $ (reAnnot i') : acc

        IReturn Nothing
         -> next binds defs $ ins                                       : acc

        IReturn (Just x)
         -> next binds defs $ (reAnnot $ IReturn (Just (sub x)))        : acc

         -> next binds defs $ ins                                       : acc

        IBranchIf x l1 l2
         -> next binds defs $ (reAnnot $ IBranchIf (sub x) l1 l2)       : acc

        ISwitch x def alts
         -> next binds defs $ (reAnnot $ ISwitch   (sub x) def alts)    : acc

         -> next binds defs $ ins                                       : acc

        IOp    v op x1 x2
         |  defs'        <- Map.insert v label defs
         -> next binds defs' $ (reAnnot $ IOp   v op (sub x1) (sub x2))  : acc

        IConv  v c x
         |  defs'        <- Map.insert v label defs
         -> next binds defs' $ (reAnnot $ IConv v c (sub x))             : acc

        ILoad  v x
         |  defs'        <- Map.insert v label defs
         -> next binds defs' $ (reAnnot $ ILoad v   (sub x))             : acc

        IStore x1 x2
         -> next binds defs  $ (reAnnot $ IStore    (sub x1) (sub x2))   : acc

        IICmp  v c x1 x2
         |  defs'        <- Map.insert v label defs
         -> next binds defs' $ (reAnnot $ IICmp v c (sub x1) (sub x2))   : acc

        IFCmp  v c x1 x2
         |  defs'        <- Map.insert v label defs
         -> next binds defs' $ (reAnnot $ IFCmp v c (sub x1) (sub x2))   : acc

        ICall  (Just v) ct mcc t n xs ats
         |  defs'        <- Map.insert v label defs
         -> let NameGlobal str  = n
                cc2             = fromMaybe (error $ "ddc-core-llvm: no forward decl for " ++ str)
                                $ lookupCallConv str mm
                cc'             = mergeCallConvs mcc cc2
            in  next binds defs' 
                        $ (reAnnot $ ICall (Just v) ct (Just cc') t n (map sub xs) ats) 
                        : acc

        ICall  Nothing ct mcc t n xs ats
         -> let NameGlobal str  = n
                cc2             = fromMaybe (error $ "ddc-core-llvm: no forward decl for " ++ str)
                                $ lookupCallConv str mm
                cc'             = mergeCallConvs mcc cc2
            in  next binds defs 
                        $ (reAnnot $ ICall Nothing  ct (Just cc') t n (map sub xs) ats) 
                        : acc

-- | If there is a calling convention attached directly to an ICall
--   instruction then it must match any we get from the environment.
mergeCallConvs :: Maybe CallConv -> CallConv -> CallConv
mergeCallConvs mc cc
 = case mc of
        Nothing         -> cc
        Just cc'        
         | cc == cc'    -> cc
         | otherwise    
         -> error $ unlines
                  [ "DDC.LLVM.Transform.Clean"
                  , "  Not overriding exising calling convention." ]