module DDC.Core.Flow.Transform.Schedule.Kernel
        ( scheduleKernel
        , Error         (..)
        , Lifting       (..))
import DDC.Core.Flow.Transform.Schedule.Nest
import DDC.Core.Flow.Transform.Schedule.Error
import DDC.Core.Flow.Transform.Schedule.Lifting
import DDC.Core.Flow.Transform.Schedule.Base
import DDC.Core.Flow.Process
import DDC.Core.Flow.Procedure
import DDC.Core.Flow.Compounds
import DDC.Core.Flow.Exp
import DDC.Core.Flow.Prim
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe

-- | Schedule a process kernel into a procedure.
--   A process kernel is a process with the following restricitions:
--    1) All input series have the same rate.
--    2) A kernel accumulates data into sinks, rather than allocating new values.
--    3) A kernel can be scheduled into a single loop.
---  The process kernel scheduler can produce code for
--    map, reduce, fill, gather, scatter
--   But not
--    fold   -- use reduce instead.
--    create -- use fill instead.
--    pack   -- we don't support SIMD masks.
scheduleKernel :: Lifting -> Process -> Either Error Procedure
       (Process { processName           = name
                , processParamTypes     = bsParamTypes
                , processParamValues    = bsParamValues
                , processOperators      = operators })
 = do   
        -- Check the parameter series all have the same rate.
        tK      <- slurpRateOfParamTypes (map typeOfBind bsParamValues)

        -- Check the primary rate variable matches the rates of the series.
        (case bsParamTypes of
          []            -> Left ErrorNoRateParameters
          BName n k : _ 
           | k == kRate
           , TVar (UName n) == tK -> return ()
          _             -> Left ErrorPrimaryRateMismatch)

        -- Lower rates of series parameters.
        let bsParamValues_lowered
                = map (\(BName n t) 
                        -> let t' = fromMaybe t $ lowerSeriesRate lifting t
                           in  BName n t')
                $ bsParamValues

        -- Create the initial loop nest of the process rate.
        let bsSeries    = [ b   | b <- bsParamValues
                                , isSeriesType (typeOfBind b) ]

        -- Body expressions that take the next vec of elements from each
        -- input series. If the type can't be lifted this will just throw
        -- a pattern match error.
        let c           = liftingFactor lifting
        let ssBody      = [ BodyStmt 
                                (BName (NameVarMod nS "elem") tElem_lifted)
                                (xNextC c tK tElem (XVar (UName nS)) (XVar uIndex))
                                | BName nS tS     <- bsSeries
                                , let Just tElem        = elemTypeOfSeriesType tS 
                                , let uIndex            = UIx 0 
                                , let Just tElem_lifted = liftType lifting tElem ]

        let nest0       = NestLoop 
                        { nestRate      = tDown c tK 
                        , nestStart     = []
                        , nestBody      = ssBody
                        , nestInner     = NestEmpty
                        , nestEnd       = []
                        , nestResult    = xUnit }

        nest'   <- foldM (scheduleOperator lifting bsParamValues) 
                         nest0 operators

        return  $ Procedure
                { procedureName         = name
                , procedureParamTypes   = bsParamTypes
                , procedureParamValues  = bsParamValues_lowered
                , procedureNest         = nest' }

-- | Schedule a single series operator into a loop nest.
        :: Lifting
        -> ScalarEnv
        -> Nest         -- ^ The current loop nest.
        -> Operator     -- ^ The operator to schedule.
        -> Either Error Nest

scheduleOperator lifting envScalar nest op
 -- Map -----------------------------------------
 | OpMap{}      <- op
 = do   let c           = liftingFactor lifting
        let tK          = opInputRate op
        let tK_down     = tDown c tK

        -- Bind for the result element.
        let Just bResultE =   elemBindOfSeriesBind (opResultSeries op)
                          >>= liftTypeOfBind lifting

        -- Bounds for all the input series.
        let Just usInput = sequence 
                         $ map elemBoundOfSeriesBound 
                         $ opInputSeriess op

        -- Bounds for the worker parameters, along with the lifted versions.
        let bsParam     = opWorkerParams op
        bsParam_lifted  <- mapM (liftTypeOfBindM lifting) bsParam
        let envLift     = zip bsParam bsParam_lifted

        xWorker_lifted  <- liftWorker lifting envScalar envLift
                        $  opWorkerBody op

        -- Expression to apply the inputs to the worker.
        let xBody       = foldl (\x (b, p) -> XApp (XLam b x) p)
                                [(b, XVar u) 
                                        | b <- bsParam_lifted
                                        | u <- usInput ]

        let Just nest2  = insertBody nest tK_down
                        $ [ BodyStmt bResultE xBody ]

        return nest2

 -- Fill ----------------------------------------
 | OpFill{}     <- op
 = do   let c           = liftingFactor lifting
        let tK          = opInputRate op
        let tK_down     = tDown c tK

        -- Bound for input element.
        let Just uInput = elemBoundOfSeriesBound 
                        $ opInputSeries op

        -- Write to target vector.
        let Just nest2  = insertBody nest tK_down
                        $ [ BodyStmt (BNone tUnit)
                                     (xWriteVectorC c
                                        (opElemType op)
                                        (XVar $ opTargetVector op)
                                        (XVar $ UIx 0)
                                        (XVar $ uInput)) ]

        -- Bind final unit value.
        let Just nest3  = insertEnds nest2 tK_down
                        $ [ EndStmt  (opResultBind op)
                                     xUnit ]

        return nest3

 -- Reduce --------------------------------------
 | OpReduce{}   <- op
 = do   let c           = liftingFactor lifting
        let tK          = opInputRate op
        let tK_down     = tDown c tK
        let tA          = typeOfBind $ opWorkerParamElem op

        -- Evaluate the zero value and initialize the vector accumulator.
        let UName nRef  = opTargetRef op
        let nAccZero    = NameVarMod nRef "zero"
        let bAccZero    = BName nAccZero tA
        let uAccZero    = UName nAccZero

        let nAccVec     = NameVarMod nRef "vec"
        let uAccVec     = UName nAccVec

        let Just nest2  
                = insertStarts nest tK_down
                $ [ StartStmt   bAccZero    (opZero op)
                  , StartAcc    nAccVec
                                (tVec c tA)
                                (xvRep c tA (XVar uAccZero)) ]

        -- Bound for input element.
        let Just uInput = elemBoundOfSeriesBound 
                        $ opInputSeries op

        -- Bound for intermediate accumulator value.
        let nAccVal     = NameVarMod nRef "val"
        let uAccVal     = UName nAccVal
        let bAccVal     = BName nAccVal (tVec c tA)

        -- Lift the worker function.
        let bsParam     = [ opWorkerParamAcc op, opWorkerParamElem op ]
        bsParam_lifted  <- mapM (liftTypeOfBindM lifting) bsParam
        let envLift     = zip bsParam bsParam_lifted

        xWorker_lifted  <- liftWorker lifting envScalar envLift 
                        $  opWorkerBody op

        -- Read the current accumulator value and update it with the worker.
        let xBody_lifted x1 x2
                = XApp (XApp ( XLam (opWorkerParamAcc   op)
                             $ XLam (opWorkerParamElem  op)

        let Just nest3  
                = insertBody nest2 tK_down
                $ [ BodyAccRead  nAccVec (tVec c tA) bAccVal
                  , BodyAccWrite nAccVec (tVec c tA) 
                                 (xBody_lifted (XVar uAccVal) (XVar uInput)) ]

        -- Read back the vector accumulator and to a final fold over its parts.
        let nAccResult  = NameVarMod nRef "res"
        let bAccResult  = BName nAccResult (tVec c tA)
        let uAccResult  = UName nAccResult
        let bPart (i :: Int) = BName (NameVarMod nAccResult (show i)) tA
        let uPart (i :: Int) = UName (NameVarMod nAccResult (show i))

        let nAccInit    = NameVarMod nRef "init"

        let xBody x1 x2
                = XApp (XApp ( XLam (opWorkerParamAcc op)
                             $ XLam (opWorkerParamElem op)
                                    (opWorkerBody op))

        let Just nest4  
                =  insertEnds nest3 tK_down
                $  [ EndStmt    bAccResult
                                (xRead (tVec c tA) (XVar uAccVec))

                   , EndStmt    (BName nAccInit tA)
                                (xRead tA (XVar $ opTargetRef op)) ]

                ++ [ EndStmt    (bPart 0)
                                (xBody  (XVar $ UName nAccInit)
                                        (xvProj c 0 tA (XVar uAccResult))) ]

                ++ [ EndStmt    (bPart i)
                                (xBody  (XVar (uPart (i - 1)))
                                        (xvProj c i tA (XVar uAccResult)))
                                | i <- [1.. c - 1]]

        -- Write final value to destination.
        let Just nest5  = insertEnds nest4 tK_down
                        $ [ EndStmt    (BNone tUnit)
                                       (xWrite tA (XVar $ opTargetRef op)
                                                  (XVar $ uPart (c - 1))) ]
        -- Bind final unit value.
        let Just nest6  
                = insertEnds nest5 tK_down
                $ [ EndStmt     (opResultBind op)
                                xUnit ]

        return $ nest6

 -- Gather --------------------------------------
 | OpGather{}   <- op
 = do   
        let c           = liftingFactor lifting
        let tK          = opInputRate op
        let tK_down     = tDown c tK

        -- Bind for result element.
        let Just bResultE =   elemBindOfSeriesBind (opResultBind op)
                          >>= liftTypeOfBind lifting

        -- Bound of source index.
        let Just uIndex = elemBoundOfSeriesBound (opSourceIndices op)

        -- Read from vector.
        let Just nest2  = insertBody nest tK_down
                        $ [ BodyStmt bResultE
                                (xvGather c 
                                        (opElemType      op)
                                        (XVar $ opSourceVector  op)
                                        (XVar $ uIndex)) ]

        return nest2

 -- Scatter -------------------------------------
 | OpScatter{}  <- op
 = do   
        let c           = liftingFactor lifting
        let tK          = opInputRate op
        let tK_down     = tDown c tK

        -- Bound of source index.
        let Just uIndex = elemBoundOfSeriesBound (opSourceIndices op)

        -- Bound of source elements.
        let Just uElem  = elemBoundOfSeriesBound (opSourceElems op)

        -- Read from vector.
        let Just nest2  = insertBody nest tK_down
                        $ [ BodyStmt (BNone tUnit)
                                (xvScatter c
                                        (opElemType op)
                                        (XVar $ opTargetVector op)
                                        (XVar $ uIndex) (XVar $ uElem)) ]

        -- Bind final unit value.
        let Just nest3  = insertEnds nest2 tK_down
                        $ [ EndStmt     (opResultBind op)
                                        xUnit ]

        return nest3

 -- Unsupported ---------------------------------
 | otherwise
 = Left $ ErrorUnsupported op

liftTypeOfBindM :: Lifting -> Bind Name -> Either Error (Bind Name)
liftTypeOfBindM lifting b
  = case liftTypeOfBind lifting b of
     Just b' -> return b'
     _       -> Left $ ErrorCannotLiftType (typeOfBind b)