module DDC.Core.Flow.Transform.Concretize
import DDC.Core.Module
import DDC.Core.Flow.Compounds
import DDC.Core.Flow.Prim
import DDC.Core.Flow.Exp
import DDC.Core.Transform.TransformUpX
import qualified DDC.Type.Env           as Env
import qualified Data.Map               as Map

-- | Rewrite operators that use type level rates to ones that 
--   use value level ones.
concretizeModule :: Module () Name -> Module () Name
concretizeModule mm
        = transformSimpleUpX concretizeX Env.empty Env.empty mm

-- | Rewrite an expression to use concrete operators.
        :: KindEnvF -> TypeEnvF
        -> ExpF     -> Maybe ExpF

concretizeX _kenv tenv xx

        -- loop# -> loopn#
        -- using an existing RateNat in the environment.
        | Just ( NameOpControl OpControlLoop
               , [XType tK, xF]) <- takeXPrimApps xx
        , Just nRN               <- findRateNatWithRate tenv tK
        , xRN                    <- XVar (UName nRN)
        = Just
        $ xLoopN tK xRN xF

        -- loop# -> loopn#
        -- using the length of a series to get the rate.
        | Just ( NameOpControl OpControlLoop
               , [XType tK, xF]) <- takeXPrimApps xx
        , Just (nS, _, tA)       <- findSeriesWithRate tenv tK
        , xS                     <- XVar (UName nS)
        = Just 
        $ xLoopN 
                tK                              -- type level rate
                (xRateOfSeries tK tA xS)        -- 
                xF                              -- loop body

        -- newVectorR# -> newVector#
        | Just ( NameOpStore OpStoreNewVectorR
               , [XType tA, XType tK])  <- takeXPrimApps xx
        , Just (nS, _, tS)      <- findSeriesWithRate tenv tK
        , xS                    <- XVar (UName nS)
        = Just
        $ xNewVector
                (xNatOfRateNat tK $ xRateOfSeries tK tS xS)
        | otherwise
        = Nothing

-- | Search the given environment for the name of a RateNat with the
--   given rate parameter. We only look at named binders.
        :: TypeEnvF             -- ^ Type Environment.
        -> Type Name            -- ^ Rate type.
        -> Maybe Name
                                -- ^ RateNat name
findRateNatWithRate tenv tR
 = go (Map.toList (Env.envMap tenv))
 where  go []           = Nothing
        go ((n, tRN) : moar)
         | isRateNatTypeOfRate tR tRN = Just n
         | otherwise                  = go moar

-- | Check whether some type is a RateNat type of the given rate.
        :: Type Name -> Type Name 
        -> Bool

isRateNatTypeOfRate tR tRN
        | Just ( NameTyConFlow TyConFlowRateNat
               , [tR'])    <- takePrimTyConApps tRN
        , tR == tR'
        = True

        | otherwise
        = False

-- | Search the given environment for the name of a series with the
--   given rate parameter. We only look at named binders.
        :: TypeEnvF             -- ^ Type Environment.
        -> Type Name            -- ^ Rate type.
        -> Maybe (Name, Type Name, Type Name)
                                -- ^ Series name, rate type, element type.
findSeriesWithRate tenv tR
 = go (Map.toList (Env.envMap tenv))
 where  go []           = Nothing
        go ((n, tS) : moar)
         = case isSeriesTypeOfRate tR tS of
                Nothing         -> go moar
                Just (_, tA)    -> Just (n, tR, tA)

-- | Given a rate type and a stream type, check whether the stream
--   is of the given rate. If it is then return the rate and element
--   types, otherwise `Nothing`.
        :: Type Name -> Type Name 
        -> Maybe (Type Name, Type Name)

isSeriesTypeOfRate tR tS
        | Just ( NameTyConFlow TyConFlowSeries
               , [tR', tA])    <- takePrimTyConApps tS
        , tR == tR'
        = Just (tR, tA)

        | otherwise
        = Nothing