-- | Definition of the store.
--   This implements the store in terms of the operational semantics of the
--   core language, and isn't intended to be efficient in a practical sense.
--   If we cared about runtime performance we'd want to use an IOArray or
--   some other mutable structure to hold the bindings, instead of a Data.Map.
module DDC.Core.Eval.Store
        ( Store  (..)
        , Loc    (..)
        , Rgn    (..)
        , SBind  (..)
        -- * Operators
        , initial
        , locUnit,      isUnitOrLocX
        , newLoc,       newLocs
        , newRgn,       newRgns
        , delRgn
        , hasRgn
        , setGlobal
        , addBind
        , allocBind,    allocBinds
        , lookupBind
        , lookupTypeOfLoc
        , lookupRegionTypeBind)
import DDC.Core.Exp
import DDC.Core.DaCon
import DDC.Core.Eval.Name
import DDC.Type.Compounds
import Control.Monad
import DDC.Core.Pretty          hiding (empty)
import Data.Map                 (Map)
import Data.Set                 (Set)
import qualified Data.Map       as Map
import qualified Data.Set       as Set

data Store
        = Store 
        { -- | Next store location to allocate.
          storeNextLoc          :: Int

          -- | Next region handle to allocate.
        , storeNextRgn          :: Int

          -- | Region handles already allocated.
        , storeRegions          :: Set Rgn

          -- | Regions that are marked as global, and are not
          --   deallocated with a stack discipline.
        , storeGlobal           :: Set Rgn

          -- | Map of locations to store bindings,
          --   their types, 
          --   and the handle for the regions they're in.
        , storeBinds            :: Map Loc (Rgn, Type Name, SBind) }
        deriving Show

-- | Store binding.
--   These are naked objects that can be allocated directly into the heap.
data SBind 
        -- | An algebraic data constructor.
        = SObj
        { sbindDataTag          :: DaCon Name
        , sbindDataArgs         :: [Loc] }

        -- | Lambda abstraction, used for recursive bindings.
        --   The flag indicates whether each binder is level-1 (True) or level-0 (False).
        | SLams
        { sbindLamBinds         :: [(Bool, Bind Name)]
        , sbindLamBody          :: Exp () Name }

        -- | A thunk, used for lazy evaluation.
        | SThunk
        { sbindThunkExp         :: Exp () Name }
        deriving (Eq, Show)

-- Pretty ---------------------------------------------------------------------
instance Pretty Store where
 ppr (Store nextLoc nextRgn regions global binds)
  = vcat
  [ text "* STORE"
  , text "  NextLoc: " <> text (show nextLoc)
  , text "  NextRgn: " <> text (show nextRgn)

  , text "  Regions: " <> braces (sep  $ punctuate comma 
                                      $ map ppr $ Set.toList regions)

  , text "  Global:  " <> braces (sep  $ punctuate comma
                                      $ map ppr $ Set.toList global)
  , text ""
  , text "  Binds:"
  , vcat $ [  text "   " <> ppr l <> colon <> ppr r <> text " -> " <> ppr sbind 
           <> line
           <> text "      :: " <> ppr t
                | (l, (r, t, sbind)) <- Map.toList binds] ]

instance Pretty SBind where
 ppr (SObj tag [])
  = text "OBJ"   <+> ppr tag

 ppr (SObj tag svs)    
  = text "OBJ"   <+> ppr tag
                 <+> (sep $ map ppr svs)
 ppr (SLams fbs x)    
  = text "LAMS"  <+> sep (map (parens . ppr) fbs)
                 <>  text "."
                 <>  text (renderPlain $ ppr x)

 ppr (SThunk x)
  = text "THUNK" <+> text (renderPlain $ ppr x)

-- Constructors ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Initial store containing the preallocated regions and bindings.
initial :: Store
initial = Store
        { storeNextLoc  = 1
        , storeNextRgn  = 1

        , storeRegions  
           = Set.fromList [Rgn 0]

        , storeGlobal   
           = Set.fromList [Rgn 0]

        , storeBinds    
           = Map.fromList 
                [ (Loc 0, (Rgn 0, tUnit, SObj dcUnit []))]

-- | Location of the static unit object.
locUnit :: Loc
locUnit = Loc 0

-- | Check whether an expression is the unit constructor, 
--   or its static heap location.
isUnitOrLocX :: Exp a Name -> Bool
isUnitOrLocX (XCon _ dc)
 = case daConName dc of
        DaConUnit               -> True
        DaConNamed (NameLoc l)  -> l == locUnit
        _                       -> False
isUnitOrLocX _                  = False

-- Locations ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Create a new location in the store.
newLoc  :: Store -> (Store, Loc)
newLoc store
 = let  loc     = storeNextLoc store
        store'  = store { storeNextLoc  = loc + 1 }
   in   (store', Loc loc)

-- | Create several new locations in the store.
newLocs :: Int -> Store -> (Store, [Loc])
newLocs n store
 = let  lFirst  = storeNextLoc store
        lLast   = lFirst + n
        locs    = [lFirst .. lLast]
        store'  = store { storeNextLoc = lLast + 1 }
    in  (store', map Loc locs)

-- Regions  -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Create a new region in the store.
newRgn  :: Store -> (Store, Rgn)
newRgn store
 = let  rgn     = storeNextRgn store
        store'  = store { storeNextRgn  = rgn + 1 
                        , storeRegions  = Set.insert (Rgn rgn) (storeRegions store) }
   in   (store', Rgn rgn)

-- | Create several new regions in the store
newRgns :: Int -> Store -> (Store, [Rgn])
newRgns 0     store     = (store, [])
newRgns count store
 = let  rgns    = map Rgn $ [ storeNextRgn store .. storeNextRgn store + count - 1]
        store'  = store { storeNextRgn  = storeNextRgn store + count 
                        , storeRegions  = Set.union (Set.fromList rgns) (storeRegions store) }
   in   (store', rgns)

-- | Delete a region, removing all its bindings.
delRgn :: Rgn -> Store -> Store
delRgn rgn store
 = let  binds'   = [x | x@(_, (r, _, _)) <- Map.toList $ storeBinds store
                      , r /= rgn ]  
   in   store   { storeBinds    = Map.fromList binds' 
                , storeRegions  = Set.delete rgn (storeRegions store)
                , storeGlobal   = Set.delete rgn (storeGlobal  store) }

-- | Check whether a store contains the given region.
hasRgn :: Store -> Rgn -> Bool
hasRgn store rgn
        = Set.member rgn (storeRegions store)

-- | Set a region as being global.
setGlobal :: Rgn -> Store -> Store
setGlobal rgn store
        = store
        { storeGlobal   = Set.insert rgn (storeGlobal store) }

-- Bindings -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Add a store binding to the store, at the given location.
addBind :: Loc -> Rgn -> Type Name -> SBind -> Store -> Store
addBind loc rgn t sbind store
        = store 
        { storeBinds    = Map.insert loc (rgn, t, sbind) (storeBinds store) }

-- | Allocate a new binding into the given region,
--    returning the new location.
allocBind :: Rgn -> Type Name -> SBind -> Store -> (Store, Loc)
allocBind rgn t sbind store
 = let  (store1, loc)   = newLoc store
        store2          = addBind loc rgn t sbind store1
   in   (store2, loc)

-- | Alloc some recursive bindings into the given region, 
--     returning the new locations.
allocBinds :: ([[Loc] -> (Rgn, Type Name, SBind)]) -> Store -> (Store, [Loc])
allocBinds mkSBinds store
 = let  n               = length mkSBinds
        (store1, locs)  = newLocs n store
        rgnBinds        = map (\mk -> mk locs) mkSBinds
        store2          = foldr (\(l, (r, t, b)) -> addBind l r t b) store1
                        $ zip locs rgnBinds 
   in   (store2, locs)

-- | Lookup a the binding for a location.
lookupBind :: Loc -> Store -> Maybe SBind
lookupBind loc store
        = liftM (\(_, _, sb) -> sb) 
        $ Map.lookup loc (storeBinds store)

-- | Lookup the type of a store location.
lookupTypeOfLoc :: Loc -> Store -> Maybe (Type Name)
lookupTypeOfLoc loc store
 = case Map.lookup loc (storeBinds store) of
        Nothing         -> Nothing
        Just (_, t, _)  -> Just t

-- | Lookup the region handle, type and binding for a location.
lookupRegionTypeBind :: Loc -> Store -> Maybe (Rgn, Type Name, SBind)
lookupRegionTypeBind loc store
        = Map.lookup loc (storeBinds store)