module DDC.Type.Collect
( freeT
, freeVarsT
, FreeVarConT (..)
, collectBound
, collectBinds
, BindTree (..)
, BindWay (..)
, BindStruct (..)
, BoundLevel (..)
, isBoundExpWit
, boundLevelOfBindWay
, bindDefT)
import DDC.Type.Exp
import DDC.Type.Collect.FreeT
import DDC.Type.Env (Env)
import qualified DDC.Type.Env as Env
import qualified DDC.Type.Sum as Sum
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)
freeT :: (BindStruct c, Ord n)
=> Env n -> c n -> Set (Bound n)
freeT tenv xx = Set.unions $ map (freeOfTreeT tenv) $ slurpBindTree xx
freeOfTreeT :: Ord n => Env n -> BindTree n -> Set (Bound n)
freeOfTreeT kenv tt
= case tt of
BindDef way bs ts
| BoundSpec <- boundLevelOfBindWay way
, kenv' <- Env.extends bs kenv
-> Set.unions $ map (freeOfTreeT kenv') ts
BindDef _ _ ts
-> Set.unions $ map (freeOfTreeT kenv) ts
BindUse BoundSpec u
| Env.member u kenv -> Set.empty
| otherwise -> Set.singleton u
_ -> Set.empty
collectBound :: (BindStruct c, Ord n) => c n -> Set (Bound n)
= Set.unions . map collectBoundOfTree . slurpBindTree
collectBoundOfTree :: Ord n => BindTree n -> Set (Bound n)
collectBoundOfTree tt
= case tt of
BindDef _ _ ts -> Set.unions $ map collectBoundOfTree ts
BindUse _ u -> Set.singleton u
BindCon _ u _ -> Set.singleton u
:: (BindStruct c, Ord n)
=> c n
-> ([Bind n], [Bind n])
collectBinds thing
= let tree = slurpBindTree thing
in ( concatMap collectSpecBindsOfTree tree
, concatMap collectExpBindsOfTree tree)
collectSpecBindsOfTree :: Ord n => BindTree n -> [Bind n]
collectSpecBindsOfTree tt
= case tt of
BindDef way bs ts
| BoundSpec <- boundLevelOfBindWay way
-> concat ( bs
: map collectSpecBindsOfTree ts)
| otherwise
-> concatMap collectSpecBindsOfTree ts
_ -> []
collectExpBindsOfTree :: Ord n => BindTree n -> [Bind n]
collectExpBindsOfTree tt
= case tt of
BindDef way bs ts
| BoundExp <- boundLevelOfBindWay way
-> concat ( bs
: map collectExpBindsOfTree ts)
| otherwise
-> concatMap collectExpBindsOfTree ts
_ -> []
data BindTree n
= BindDef BindWay [Bind n] [BindTree n]
| BindUse BoundLevel (Bound n)
| BindCon BoundLevel (Bound n) (Maybe (Kind n))
deriving (Eq, Show)
data BindWay
= BindForall
| BindLAM
| BindLam
| BindLet
| BindLetRec
| BindLetRegions
| BindLetRegionWith
| BindCasePat
deriving (Eq, Show)
data BoundLevel
= BoundSpec
| BoundExp
| BoundWit
deriving (Eq, Show)
isBoundExpWit :: BoundLevel -> Bool
isBoundExpWit BoundExp = True
isBoundExpWit BoundWit = True
isBoundExpWit _ = False
boundLevelOfBindWay :: BindWay -> BoundLevel
boundLevelOfBindWay way
= case way of
BindForall -> BoundSpec
BindLAM -> BoundSpec
BindLam -> BoundExp
BindLet -> BoundExp
BindLetRec -> BoundExp
BindLetRegions -> BoundSpec
BindLetRegionWith -> BoundExp
BindCasePat -> BoundExp
class BindStruct (c :: * -> *) where
slurpBindTree :: c n -> [BindTree n]
instance BindStruct Type where
slurpBindTree tt
= case tt of
TVar u -> [BindUse BoundSpec u]
TCon tc -> slurpBindTree tc
TForall b t -> [bindDefT BindForall [b] [t]]
TApp t1 t2 -> slurpBindTree t1 ++ slurpBindTree t2
TSum ts -> concatMap slurpBindTree $ Sum.toList ts
instance BindStruct TyCon where
slurpBindTree tc
= case tc of
TyConBound u k -> [BindCon BoundSpec u (Just k)]
_ -> []
bindDefT :: BindStruct c
=> BindWay -> [Bind n] -> [c n] -> BindTree n
bindDefT way bs xs
= BindDef way bs $ concatMap slurpBindTree xs