{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}

-- Copyright (C) 2009-2011 John Millikin <jmillikin@gmail.com>
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

module DBus.Client.Simple
	-- * Clients
	, connectSystem
	, connectSession
	, connectStarter
	, disconnect
	-- * Proxies
	, Proxy
	, proxy
	, call
	, DBus.Client.Simple.listen
	-- * Name reservation
	, RequestNameFlag(..)
	, RequestNameReply(..)
	, ReleaseNameReply(..)
	, requestName
	, releaseName
	-- * Exporting objects
	, Method
	, AutoSignature
	, AutoReply
	, method
	, export
	, throwError
	-- * Re-exported modules
	, module DBus.Types
	) where

import qualified Control.Exception
import           Data.Bits ((.|.))
import qualified Data.Text -- for haddock
import qualified Data.Set
import           Data.Word (Word32)

import           DBus.Address
import           DBus.Client hiding (call, method, export)
import qualified DBus.Client
import           DBus.Connection.Error
import           DBus.Constants (errorInvalidParameters)
import           DBus.Message hiding (errorName)
import           DBus.Types
import           DBus.Types.Internal (checkSignature)
import           DBus.Util (maybeIndex)

connectFirst :: [Address] -> IO Client
connectFirst addrs = loop addrs where
	loop [] = connectionError (concat
		[ "connectFirst: no usable"
		, " addresses in "
		, show addrs])
	loop (a:as) = Control.Exception.catch
		(DBus.Client.connect a)
		(\(ConnectionError _) -> loop as)

-- | Connect to the bus specified in the environment variable
-- @DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS@, which must be set.

connectSession :: IO Client
connectSession = do
	env <- DBus.Address.getSession
	case env of
		Nothing -> connectionError (concat
			[ "connectSession: DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS is"
			, " missing or invalid."
		Just addrs -> connectFirst addrs

-- | Connect to the bus specified in the environment variable
-- @unix:path=\/var\/run\/dbus\/system_bus_socket@ if @DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS@
-- is not set.

connectSystem :: IO Client
connectSystem = do
	env <- DBus.Address.getSystem
	case env of
		Nothing -> connectionError (concat
			[ "connectSession: DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS is"
			, " invalid."
		Just addrs -> connectFirst addrs

-- | Connect to the bus specified in the environment variable
-- @DBUS_STARTER_ADDRESS@, which must be set.

connectStarter :: IO Client
connectStarter = do
	env <- DBus.Address.getStarter
	case env of
		Nothing -> connectionError (concat
			[ "connectSession: DBUS_STARTER_BUS_ADDRESS is"
			, " missing or invalid."
		Just addrs -> connectFirst addrs

data Proxy = Proxy Client BusName ObjectPath

proxy :: Client -> BusName -> ObjectPath -> IO Proxy
proxy client dest path = return (Proxy client dest path)

call :: Proxy -> InterfaceName -> MemberName -> [Variant] -> IO [Variant]
call (Proxy client dest path) iface member body = do
	reply <- DBus.Client.call_ client $ MethodCall
		{ methodCallDestination = Just dest
		, methodCallMember = member
		, methodCallInterface = Just iface
		, methodCallPath = path
		, methodCallFlags = Data.Set.empty
		, methodCallBody = body
	return (methodReturnBody reply)

listen :: Proxy -> InterfaceName -> MemberName -> (BusName -> Signal -> IO ()) -> IO ()
listen (Proxy client dest path) iface member = DBus.Client.listen client (MatchRule
	{ matchSender = Just dest
	, matchInterface = Just iface
	, matchMember = Just member
	, matchPath = Just path
	, matchDestination = Nothing

data RequestNameFlag
	= AllowReplacement
	| ReplaceExisting
	| DoNotQueue
	deriving (Show)

data RequestNameReply
	= PrimaryOwner
	| InQueue
	| Exists
	| AlreadyOwner
	deriving (Show)

data ReleaseNameReply
	= Released
	| NonExistent
	| NotOwner
	deriving (Show)

encodeFlags :: [RequestNameFlag] -> Word32
encodeFlags = foldr (.|.) 0 . map flagValue where
	flagValue AllowReplacement = 0x1
	flagValue ReplaceExisting  = 0x2
	flagValue DoNotQueue       = 0x4

requestName :: Client -> BusName -> [RequestNameFlag] -> IO RequestNameReply
requestName client name flags = do
	bus <- proxy client "org.freedesktop.DBus" "/org/freedesktop/DBus"
	reply <- call bus "org.freedesktop.DBus" "RequestName"
		[ toVariant name
		, toVariant (encodeFlags flags)
	case (maybeIndex reply 0 >>= fromVariant :: Maybe Word32) of
		Just 1 -> return PrimaryOwner
		Just 2 -> return InQueue
		Just 3 -> return Exists
		Just 4 -> return AlreadyOwner
		_ -> connectionError "Call failed: received invalid reply"

releaseName :: Client -> BusName -> IO ReleaseNameReply
releaseName client name = do
	bus <- proxy client "org.freedesktop.DBus" "/org/freedesktop/DBus"
	reply <- call bus "org.freedesktop.DBus" "ReleaseName"
		[ toVariant name
	case (maybeIndex reply 0 >>= fromVariant :: Maybe Word32) of
		Just 1 -> return Released
		Just 2 -> return NonExistent
		Just 3 -> return NotOwner
		_ -> connectionError "Call failed: received invalid reply"

-- | Used to automatically generate method signatures for introspection
-- documents. To support automatic signatures, a method#8217;s parameters and
-- return value must all be instances of 'IsValue'.
-- This class maps Haskell idioms to D&#8208;Bus; it is therefore unable to
-- generate some signatures. In particular, it does not support methods
-- which accept/return a single structure, or single&#8208;element structures.
-- It also cannot generate signatures for methods with parameters or return
-- values which are only instances of 'IsVariant'. For these cases, please
-- use 'DBus.Client.method'.
-- To match common Haskell use, if the return value is a tuple, it will be
-- converted to a list of return values.

class AutoSignature a where
	funTypes :: a -> ([Type], [Type])

instance AutoSignature (IO ()) where
	funTypes _ = ([], [])

instance IsValue a => AutoSignature (IO a) where
	funTypes io = ([], case ioT io undefined of
		(_, t) -> case t of
			TypeStructure ts -> ts
			_ -> [t])

ioT :: IsValue a => IO a -> a -> (a, Type)
ioT _ a = (a, typeOf a)

instance (IsValue a, AutoSignature fun) => AutoSignature (a -> fun) where
	funTypes fn = case valueT undefined of
		(a, t) -> case funTypes (fn a) of
			(ts, ts') -> (t : ts, ts')

valueT :: IsValue a => a -> (a, Type)
valueT a = (a, typeOf a)

-- | Used to automatically generate a 'Reply' from a return value. See
-- 'AutoSignature' for some caveats about supported signatures.
-- To match common Haskell use, if the return value is a tuple, it will be
-- converted to a list of return values.

class AutoReply fun where
	apply :: fun -> [Variant] -> Maybe (IO [Variant])

instance AutoReply (IO ()) where
	apply io [] = Just (io >> return [])
	apply _ _ = Nothing

instance IsVariant a => AutoReply (IO a) where
	apply io [] = Just (do
		var <- fmap toVariant io
		case fromVariant var of
			Just struct -> return (structureItems struct)
			Nothing -> return [var])
	apply _ _ = Nothing

instance (IsVariant a, AutoReply fun) => AutoReply (a -> fun) where
	apply _ [] = Nothing
	apply fn (v:vs) = case fromVariant v of
		Just v' -> apply (fn v') vs
		Nothing -> Nothing

-- | Prepare a Haskell function for export. This automatically detects the
-- function#8217;s type signature; see 'AutoSignature' and 'AutoReply'.
-- To manage the type signature and marshaling yourself, use
-- 'DBus.Client.method' instead.

method :: (AutoSignature fun, AutoReply fun) => InterfaceName -> MemberName -> fun -> Method
method iface name fun = DBus.Client.method iface name inSig outSig io where
	(typesIn, typesOut) = funTypes fun
	inSig = case checkSignature typesIn of
		Just sig -> sig
		Nothing -> invalid "input"
	outSig = case checkSignature typesOut of
		Just sig -> sig
		Nothing -> invalid "output"
	io vs = case apply fun vs of
		Nothing -> return (ReplyError errorInvalidParameters [])
		Just io' -> fmap ReplyReturn io'
	invalid label = error (concat
		[ "Method "
		, Data.Text.unpack (interfaceNameText iface)
		, "."
		, Data.Text.unpack (memberNameText name)
		, " has an invalid "
		, label
		, " signature."])

-- | Export the given functions under the given 'ObjectPath' and
-- 'InterfaceName'. The functions may accept/return any types that are
-- instances of 'IsValue'; see 'AutoSignature'.
-- @
--sayHello :: Text -> IO Text
--sayHello name = return ('Data.Text.concat' [\"Hello \", name, \"!\"])
--export client \"/hello_world\"
--    [ 'method' \"com.example.HelloWorld\" \"Hello\" sayHello
--    ]
-- @

export :: Client -> ObjectPath -> [Method] -> IO ()
export = DBus.Client.export