    Print the class format


Wed May 26 10:24:58 BOT 2010
    Added support for program counter in the attribute code, now all code is well enumerated.

module Jvm.PrettyClass where
import Jvm.Data.ClassFormat

import UU.Pretty
import Data.Bits

instance PP ClassFile where
    pp cf =  pp (magic cf) 
         >-< pp (minver cf) 
         >-< pp (maxver cf)
         >-< text "Constant_Pool ->" >-< pp_brackets (foldr (\cp -> (>-<) (pp cp)) empty (array_cp cf))
         >-< text "AccessFlag ->" >#< pp (acfg cf)
         >-< pp (this cf)
         >-< pp (super cf)
         >-< pAttr "length_interfaces" (pp (count_interfaces cf))
         >-< text "Interfaces ->" >-< pp_brackets (foldr (\cp -> (>-<) (pp cp)) empty (array_interfaces cf))
         >-< pAttr "length_fields" (pp (count_fields cf))
         >-< text "Fields ->" >-< pp_brackets (foldr (\cp -> (>-<) (pp cp)) empty (array_fields cf))
         >-< pAttr "length_methods" (pp (count_methods cf))
         >-< text "Methods ->" >-< pp_brackets (foldr (\cp -> (>-<) (pp cp)) empty (array_methods cf))
         >-< pAttr "length_attributes" (pp (count_attributes cf))
         >-< text "Attributes ->" >-< pp_brackets (foldr (\cp -> (>-<) (pp cp)) empty (array_attributes cf))

pAttr name pvalue = text name >#< text "=" >#< pvalue

instance PP Magic where
    pp mg = text "Magic -> " >|< text "0xcafe 0xbabe"

instance PP MinorVersion where
    pp mv = text "Minor_Version -> " >|< pp (numMinVer mv)

instance PP MajorVersion where
    pp mv = text "Major_Version -> " >|< pp (numMaxVer mv)

instance PP CP_Info where
    pp (Class_Info tag index _)
        = let ptag = pAttr "Tag" (pp tag)
              picp = pAttr "index_cp" (pp index)
          in indent 3 (pp_block "{" "}" ", " [ptag, picp])
    pp (FieldRef_Info tag ind1 ind2 _)
        = let ptag  = pAttr "Tag" (pp tag)
              picp1 = pAttr "index_cp" (pp ind1)
              picp2 = pAttr "index_NameAndType_cp" (pp ind2)
          in indent 3 (pp_block "{" "}" ", " [ptag, picp1, picp2])
    pp (MethodRef_Info tag ind1 ind2 _)
        = let ptag  = pAttr "Tag" (pp tag)
              picp1 = pAttr "index_cp" (pp ind1)
              picp2 = pAttr "index_NameAndType_cp" (pp ind2)
          in indent 3 (pp_block "{" "}" ", " [ptag, picp1, picp2])

    pp (InterfaceMethodRef_Info tag ind1 ind2 _)
        = let ptag  = pAttr "Tag" (pp tag)
              picp1 = pAttr "index_cp" (pp ind1)
              picp2 = pAttr "index_NameAndType_cp" (pp ind2)
          in indent 3 (pp_block "{" "}" ", " [ptag, picp1, picp2])

    pp (String_Info tag index _)
        = let ptag = pAttr "Tag" (pp tag)
              picp = pAttr "index_cp" (pp index)
          in indent 3 (pp_block "{" "}" ", " [ptag, picp])

    pp (Float_Info tag float _)
        = let ptag = pAttr "Tag" (pp tag)
              pfloat = pAttr "Value" (pp float)
          in indent 3 (pp_block "{" "}" ", " [ptag, pfloat])

    pp (Long_Info tag int1 int2 _)
        = let ptag = pAttr "Tag" (pp tag)
              pint1 = pAttr "Value_1" (pp int1)
              pint2 = pAttr "Value_2" (pp int2)
          in indent 3 (pp_block "{" "}" ", " [ptag, pint1, pint2])

    pp (Double_Info tag int1 int2 _)
        = let ptag = pAttr "Tag" (pp tag)
              pint1 = pAttr "Value_1" (pp int1)
              pint2 = pAttr "Value_2" (pp int2)
          in indent 3 (pp_block "{" "}" ", " [ptag, pint1, pint2])

    pp (NameAndType_Info tag ind1 ind2 _)
        = let ptag  = pAttr "Tag" (pp tag)
              picp1 = pAttr "index_cp" (pp ind1)
              picp2 = pAttr "index_desc_cp" (pp ind2)
          in indent 3 (pp_block "{" "}" ", " [ptag, picp1, picp2])

    pp (Utf8_Info tag tam str _)
        = let ptag = pAttr "Tag" (pp tag)
              plen = pAttr "length" (pp tam)
              pstr = pAttr "Value" (text str)
          in indent 3 (pp_block "{" "}" ", " [ptag, plen, pstr])

instance PP Tag where
    pp (TagClass)               = text "Class"
    pp (TagFieldRef)            = text "FieldRef"
    pp (TagMethodRef)           = text "MethodRef"
    pp (TagInterfaceMethodRef)  = text "InterfaceMethodRef"
    pp (TagString)              = text "String"
    pp (TagInteger)             = text "Integer"
    pp (TagFloat)               = text "Float"
    pp (TagLong)                = text "Long"
    pp (TagDouble)              = text "Double"
    pp (TagNameAndType)         = text "NameAndType"
    pp (TagUtf8)                = text "Utf8"

instance PP AccessFlags where
    pp (AccessFlags lst) = hlist $ map showFlag lst
     where showFlag fg
            | fg == acc_Public     = text "Public"
            | fg == acc_Private    = text "Private"
            | fg == acc_Protected  = text "Protected"
            | fg == acc_Static     = text "Static"
            | fg == acc_Final      = text "Final"
            | fg == acc_Super_Synchronized = text "Super"
            | fg == acc_Volatile_Bridge    = text "Volatile"
            | fg == acc_Transient_Varargs  = text "Transient"
            | fg == acc_Native     = text "Native"
            | fg == acc_Interface  = text "Interface"
            | fg == acc_Abstract   = text "Abstract"
            | fg == acc_Strict     = text "Strict"
            | fg == acc_Synthetic  = text "Synthetic"
            | fg == acc_Enum       = text "Enum"
            | otherwise            = text "No Spec"

instance PP ThisClass where
    pp tc = text "ThisClass_index_cp -> " >|< pp (index_th tc)

instance PP SuperClass where
    pp tc = text "SuperClass_index_cp -> " >|< pp (index_sp tc)

instance PP Interface where
    pp iif = text "Interface_index_cp -> " >|< pp (index_if iif)

instance PP Field_Info where 
    pp fdi = let fg = pp (af_fi fdi)
                 ind1 = pAttr "index_name_cp" (pp (index_name_fi fdi))
                 ind2 = pAttr "index_desc_cp" (pp (index_descr_fi fdi))
                 tam  = pAttr "length" (pp (tam_fi fdi))
                 lst  = text "Constant_Pool ->" >-< pp_brackets (foldr (\at -> (>-<) (pp at)) empty (array_attr_fi fdi))
             in text "Field_Info" >-< pp_block "{" "}" ", " [fg, ind1, ind2, tam, lst]

instance PP Method_Info where 
    pp mth = let fg   = pp_mth (af_mi mth)
                 ind1 = pAttr "index_name_cp" (pp (index_name_mi mth))
                 ind2 = pAttr "index_desc_cp" (pp (index_descr_mi mth))
                 tam  = pAttr "length_Attr" (pp (tam_mi mth))
                 lst  = text "Attributes ->" >-< pp_brackets (foldr (\at -> (>-<) (pp at)) empty (array_attr_mi mth))
             in text "Method_Info" >-< pp_block "{" "}" ", " [fg, ind1, ind2, tam, lst]
     where pp_mth (AccessFlags lst) = hlist $ map showFlag lst
           showFlag fg
            | fg == acc_Public     = text "Public"
            | fg == acc_Private    = text "Private"
            | fg == acc_Protected  = text "Protected"
            | fg == acc_Static     = text "Static"
            | fg == acc_Final      = text "Final"
            | fg == acc_Super_Synchronized = text "Synchronized"
            | fg == acc_Volatile_Bridge    = text "Bridge"
            | fg == acc_Transient_Varargs  = text "Varargs"
            | fg == acc_Native     = text "Native"
            | fg == acc_Interface  = text "Interface"
            | fg == acc_Abstract   = text "Abstract"
            | fg == acc_Strict     = text "Strict"
            | fg == acc_Synthetic  = text "Synthetic"
            | fg == acc_Enum       = text "Enum"
            | otherwise            = text "No Spec" 

instance PP Attribute_Info where
    pp (AttributeGeneric inam tam rest)
        = let pinam = pAttr "index_name" (pp inam)
              plen  = pAttr "length" (pp tam)
              prest = pAttr "Rest" (text (show rest))
          in indent 3 (text "AttributeGeneric" >-< pp_block "{" "}" ", " [pinam, plen, prest])
    pp (AttributeConstantValue inam tam ivalue)
        = let pinam   = pAttr "index_name" (pp inam)
              plen    = pAttr "length" (pp tam)
              pivalue = pAttr "index_value" (pp ivalue)
          in indent 3 (text "AttributeConstantValue" >-< pp_block "{" "}" ", " [pinam, plen, pivalue])

    pp (AttributeCode inam tama lens lenl tamc lstc tame lste tamat lstat)
        = let pinam  = pAttr "index_name" (pp inam)
              plen1  = pAttr "length" (pp tama)
              plen2  = pAttr "length_stack" (pp lens)
              plen3  = pAttr "length_local" (pp lenl)
              plen4  = pAttr "length_code" (pp tamc)
              --listc  = indent 2 (vlist (map (text ">" >#<) (instruction2pp lstc))) --c) lstc))
              listc  = indent 2 $ vlist $ instruction2pp lstc 0
              plen5  = pAttr "length_exeptions" (pp tame)
              liste  = pp_brackets (foldr (>-<) empty (map (\(a,b,c,d) -> indent 2 (pp_block "{" "}" ", " [pAttr "start_counter" (pp a),pAttr "end_counter" (pp b),pAttr "handler_counter" (pp c),pAttr "catch_type" (pp d)])) lste))
              plen6  = pAttr "length_attributes" (pp tamat)
              listat = text "Attributes ->" >-< pp_brackets (foldr (\at -> (>-<) (pp at)) empty lstat)
          in indent 3 (text "AttributeCode" >-< pp_block "{" "}" ", " [pinam, plen1, plen2, plen3, plen4, listc, plen5, liste, plen6, listat])

    pp (AttributeSourceFile inam tam idesc)
        = let pinam = pAttr "index_name" (pp inam)
              ptam  = pAttr "length" (pp tam)
              pidesc = pAttr "index_desc" (pp idesc)
          in indent 3 (text "AttributeSourceFile" >-< pp_block "{" "}" ", " [pinam, ptam, pidesc])
    pp (AttributeLineNumberTable inam tam tamln lstln)
        = let pinam = pAttr "index_name" (pp inam)
              ptam = pAttr "length" (pp tam)
              ptamln = pAttr "length_linenumber" (pp tamln)
              listln = foldr (>-<) empty (map (\(a,b) -> indent 2 (pp_block "{" "}" ", " [pAttr "start_counter" (pp a),pAttr "line_number" (pp b)])) lstln)
          in indent 3 (text "AttributeLineNumberTable" >-< pp_block "{" "}" ", " [pinam, ptam, ptamln, listln])

    pp (AttributeLocalVariableTable inam tam tamlv lstlv)
        = let pinam = pAttr "index_name" (pp inam)
              ptam = pAttr "length" (pp tam)
              ptamlv = pAttr "length_linenumber" (pp tamlv)
              listln = foldr (>-<) empty (map (\(a,b,c,d,e) -> indent 2 (pp_block "{" "}" ", " [pAttr "start_counter" (pp a),pAttr "length" (pp b),pAttr "name_index" (pp c),pAttr "desc_index" (pp d), pAttr "index" (pp e)])) lstlv)
          in indent 3 (text "AttributeLocalVariableTable" >-< pp_block "{" "}" ", " [pinam, ptam, ptamlv, listln])

instruction2pp :: [Int] -> Int -> [PP_Doc]
instruction2pp [] counter = []
instruction2pp (inst:xs) counter = 
    case inst of
        0   -> (pp counter >#< text "nop"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        1   -> (pp counter >#< text "aconst_null"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        2   -> (pp counter >#< text "iconst_m1"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        3   -> (pp counter >#< text "iconst_0"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        4   -> (pp counter >#< text "iconst_1"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        5   -> (pp counter >#< text "iconst_2"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        6   -> (pp counter >#< text "iconst_3"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        7   -> (pp counter >#< text "iconst_4"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        8   -> (pp counter >#< text "iconst_5"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        9   -> (pp counter >#< text "lconst_0"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        10  -> (pp counter >#< text "lconst_1"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        11  -> (pp counter >#< text "fconst_0"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        12  -> (pp counter >#< text "fconst_1"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        13  -> (pp counter >#< text "fconst_2"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        14  -> (pp counter >#< text "dconst_0"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        15  -> (pp counter >#< text "dconst_1"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        16  -> (pp counter >#< text "bipush" >#< pp (take 1 xs)):instruction2pp (drop 1 xs) (counter + 2)
        17  -> (pp counter >#< text "sipush" >#< let [b1,b2] = take 2 xs in pp b1 >#< pp b2):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        18  -> (pp counter >#< text "ldc"    >#< pp (take 1 xs)):instruction2pp (drop 1 xs) (counter + 2)
        19  -> (pp counter >#< text "ldc_w"  >#< let [b1,b2] = take 2 xs in pp b1 >#< pp b2):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        20  -> (pp counter >#< text "ldc2_w" >#< let [b1,b2] = take 2 xs in pp b1 >#< pp b2):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        21  -> (pp counter >#< text "iload"  >#< pp (take 1 xs)):instruction2pp (drop 1 xs) (counter + 2)
        22  -> (pp counter >#< text "lload"  >#< pp (take 1 xs)):instruction2pp (drop 1 xs) (counter + 2)
        23  -> (pp counter >#< text "fload"  >#< pp (take 1 xs)):instruction2pp (drop 1 xs) (counter + 2)
        24  -> (pp counter >#< text "dload"  >#< pp (take 1 xs)):instruction2pp (drop 1 xs) (counter + 2)
        25  -> (pp counter >#< text "aload"  >#< pp (take 1 xs)):instruction2pp (drop 1 xs) (counter + 2)
        26  -> (pp counter >#< text "iload_0"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        27  -> (pp counter >#< text "iload_1"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        28  -> (pp counter >#< text "iload_2"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        29  -> (pp counter >#< text "iload_3"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        30  -> (pp counter >#< text "lload_0"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        31  -> (pp counter >#< text "lload_1"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        32  -> (pp counter >#< text "lload_2"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        33  -> (pp counter >#< text "lload_3"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        34  -> (pp counter >#< text "fload_0"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        35  -> (pp counter >#< text "fload_1"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        36  -> (pp counter >#< text "fload_2"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        37  -> (pp counter >#< text "fload_3"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        38  -> (pp counter >#< text "dload_0"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        39  -> (pp counter >#< text "dload_1"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        40  -> (pp counter >#< text "dload_2"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        41  -> (pp counter >#< text "dload_3"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        42  -> (pp counter >#< text "aload_0"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        43  -> (pp counter >#< text "aload_1"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        44  -> (pp counter >#< text "aload_2"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        45  -> (pp counter >#< text "aload_3"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        46  -> (pp counter >#< text "iaload"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        47  -> (pp counter >#< text "laload"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        48  -> (pp counter >#< text "faload"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        49  -> (pp counter >#< text "daload"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        50  -> (pp counter >#< text "aaload"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        51  -> (pp counter >#< text "baload"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        52  -> (pp counter >#< text "caload"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        53  -> (pp counter >#< text "saload"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        54  -> (pp counter >#< text "istore" >#< pp (take 1 xs)):instruction2pp (drop 1 xs) (counter + 2)
        55  -> (pp counter >#< text "lstore" >#< pp (take 1 xs)):instruction2pp (drop 1 xs) (counter + 2)
        56  -> (pp counter >#< text "fstore" >#< pp (take 1 xs)):instruction2pp (drop 1 xs) (counter + 2)
        57  -> (pp counter >#< text "dstore" >#< pp (take 1 xs)):instruction2pp (drop 1 xs) (counter + 2)
        58  -> (pp counter >#< text "astore" >#< pp (take 1 xs)):instruction2pp (drop 1 xs) (counter + 2)
        59  -> (pp counter >#< text "istore_0"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        60  -> (pp counter >#< text "istore_1"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        61  -> (pp counter >#< text "istore_2"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        62  -> (pp counter >#< text "istore_3"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        63  -> (pp counter >#< text "lstore_0"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        64  -> (pp counter >#< text "lstore_1"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        65  -> (pp counter >#< text "lstore_2"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        66  -> (pp counter >#< text "lstore_3"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        67  -> (pp counter >#< text "fstore_0"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        68  -> (pp counter >#< text "fstore_1"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        69  -> (pp counter >#< text "fstore_2"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        70  -> (pp counter >#< text "fstore_3"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        71  -> (pp counter >#< text "dstore_0"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        72  -> (pp counter >#< text "dstore_1"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        73  -> (pp counter >#< text "dstore_2"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        74  -> (pp counter >#< text "dstore_3"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        75  -> (pp counter >#< text "astore_0"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        76  -> (pp counter >#< text "astore_1"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        77  -> (pp counter >#< text "astore_2"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        78  -> (pp counter >#< text "astore_3"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        79  -> (pp counter >#< text "iastore"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        80  -> (pp counter >#< text "lastore"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        81  -> (pp counter >#< text "fastore"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        82  -> (pp counter >#< text "dastore"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        83  -> (pp counter >#< text "aastore"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        84  -> (pp counter >#< text "bastore"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        85  -> (pp counter >#< text "castore"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        86  -> (pp counter >#< text "sastore"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        87  -> (pp counter >#< text "pop"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        88  -> (pp counter >#< text "pop2"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        89  -> (pp counter >#< text "dup"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        90  -> (pp counter >#< text "dup_x1"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        91  -> (pp counter >#< text "dup_x2"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        92  -> (pp counter >#< text "dup2"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        93  -> (pp counter >#< text "dup2_x1"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        94  -> (pp counter >#< text "dup2_x2"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        95  -> (pp counter >#< text "swap"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        96  -> (pp counter >#< text "iadd"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        97  -> (pp counter >#< text "ladd"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        98  -> (pp counter >#< text "fadd"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        99  -> (pp counter >#< text "dadd"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        100 -> (pp counter >#< text "isub"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        101 -> (pp counter >#< text "lsub"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        102 -> (pp counter >#< text "fsub"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        103 -> (pp counter >#< text "dsub"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        104 -> (pp counter >#< text "imul"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        105 -> (pp counter >#< text "lmul"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        106 -> (pp counter >#< text "fmul"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        107 -> (pp counter >#< text "dmul"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        108 -> (pp counter >#< text "idiv"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        109 -> (pp counter >#< text "ldiv"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        110 -> (pp counter >#< text "fdiv"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        111 -> (pp counter >#< text "ddiv"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        112 -> (pp counter >#< text "irem"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        113 -> (pp counter >#< text "lrem"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        114 -> (pp counter >#< text "frem"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        115 -> (pp counter >#< text "drem"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        116 -> (pp counter >#< text "ineg"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        117 -> (pp counter >#< text "lneg"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        118 -> (pp counter >#< text "fneg"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        119 -> (pp counter >#< text "dneg"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        120 -> (pp counter >#< text "ishl"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        121 -> (pp counter >#< text "lshl"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        122 -> (pp counter >#< text "ishr"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        123 -> (pp counter >#< text "lshr"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        124 -> (pp counter >#< text "iushr"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        125 -> (pp counter >#< text "lushr"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        126 -> (pp counter >#< text "iand"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        127 -> (pp counter >#< text "land"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        128 -> (pp counter >#< text "ior"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        129 -> (pp counter >#< text "lor"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        130 -> (pp counter >#< text "ixor"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        131 -> (pp counter >#< text "lxor"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        132 -> (pp counter >#< text "iinc" >#< let [b1,b2] = take 2 xs in pp b1 >#< pp b2):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        133 -> (pp counter >#< text "i2l"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        134 -> (pp counter >#< text "i2f"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        135 -> (pp counter >#< text "i2d"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        136 -> (pp counter >#< text "l2i"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        137 -> (pp counter >#< text "l2f"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        138 -> (pp counter >#< text "l2d"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        139 -> (pp counter >#< text "f2i"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        140 -> (pp counter >#< text "f2l"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        141 -> (pp counter >#< text "f2d"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        142 -> (pp counter >#< text "d2i"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        143 -> (pp counter >#< text "d2l"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        144 -> (pp counter >#< text "d2f"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        145 -> (pp counter >#< text "i2b"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        146 -> (pp counter >#< text "i2c"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        147 -> (pp counter >#< text "i2s"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        148 -> (pp counter >#< text "lcmp"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        149 -> (pp counter >#< text "fcmpl"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        150 -> (pp counter >#< text "fcmpg"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        151 -> (pp counter >#< text "dcmpl"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        152 -> (pp counter >#< text "dcmpg"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        153 -> (pp counter >#< text "ifeq" >#< let n = fromBytes2Int (take 2 xs) in pp (getSignedInt (n+counter) 17)):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        154 -> (pp counter >#< text "ifne" >#< let n = fromBytes2Int (take 2 xs) in pp (getSignedInt (n+counter) 17)):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        155 -> (pp counter >#< text "iflt" >#< let n = fromBytes2Int (take 2 xs) in pp (getSignedInt (n+counter) 17)):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        156 -> (pp counter >#< text "ifge" >#< let n = fromBytes2Int (take 2 xs) in pp (getSignedInt (n+counter) 17)):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        157 -> (pp counter >#< text "ifgt" >#< let n = fromBytes2Int (take 2 xs) in pp (getSignedInt (n+counter) 17)):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        158 -> (pp counter >#< text "ifle" >#< let n = fromBytes2Int (take 2 xs) in pp (getSignedInt (n+counter) 17)):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        159 -> (pp counter >#< text "if_icmpeq" >#< let n = fromBytes2Int (take 2 xs) in pp (getSignedInt (n+counter) 17)):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        160 -> (pp counter >#< text "if_icmpne" >#< let n = fromBytes2Int (take 2 xs) in pp (getSignedInt (n+counter) 17)):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        161 -> (pp counter >#< text "if_icmplt" >#< let n = fromBytes2Int (take 2 xs) in pp (getSignedInt (n+counter) 17)):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        162 -> (pp counter >#< text "if_icmpge" >#< let n = fromBytes2Int (take 2 xs) in pp (getSignedInt (n+counter) 17)):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        163 -> (pp counter >#< text "if_icmpgt" >#< let n = fromBytes2Int (take 2 xs) in pp (getSignedInt (n+counter) 17)):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        164 -> (pp counter >#< text "if_icmple" >#< let n = fromBytes2Int (take 2 xs) in pp (getSignedInt (n+counter) 17)):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        165 -> (pp counter >#< text "if_acmpeq" >#< let n = fromBytes2Int (take 2 xs) in pp (getSignedInt (n+counter) 17)):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        166 -> (pp counter >#< text "if_acmpne" >#< let n = fromBytes2Int (take 2 xs) in pp (getSignedInt (n+counter) 17)):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        167 -> (pp counter >#< text "goto"      >#< let n = fromBytes2Int (take 2 xs) in pp (getSignedInt (n+counter) 17)):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        168 -> (pp counter >#< text "jsr"       >#< let n = fromBytes2Int (take 2 xs) in pp (getSignedInt (n+counter) 17)):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        169 -> (pp counter >#< text "ret"       >#< pp (take 1 xs)):instruction2pp (drop 1 xs) (counter + 2)
        170 -> let npad         = (counter + 1) `mod` 4
                   (bpad,  rs1) = splitAt npad xs
                   (defpos,rs2) = (fromBytes2Int $ take 4 rs1, drop 4 rs1)
                   (low,   rs3) = (fromBytes2Int $ take 4 rs1, drop 4 rs2)
                   (hight, rs4) = (fromBytes2Int $ take 4 rs1, drop 4 rs3)
                   (lstbr, rs5) = let n = 4*(hight-low+1) in (toInts (take n rs4), drop n rs4)
               in (pp counter >#< text "tableswitch" >#< text "[ hight :" >#< pp hight >#< text "low :" >#< pp low >#< text " ]" >-<
                  vlist ((map (\br -> text "->" >#< pp br) lstbr) ++ [text "-> default :" >#< pp defpos])) : instruction2pp rs5 (counter + npad + 12 + (hight-low+1)*4)
        171 -> let npad         = (counter+1) `mod` 4
                   (bpad,  rs1) = splitAt npad xs
                   (defpos,rs2) = (fromBytes2Int $ take 4 rs1, drop 4 rs1)
                   (npairs,rs3) = (fromBytes2Int $ take 4 rs2, drop 4 rs2)
                   (lstpairs, rs4) = (fromBytes2Tupla $ take (npairs*2*4) rs3, drop (npairs*2*4) rs3)
               in (pp counter >#< text "lookupswitch" >#< text "[ pad :" >#< pp npad >#< text ", ntable :" >#< pp npairs >#< text " ]" >-<
                  vlist ((map (\(n1,n2) -> pp n1 >#< text "->" >#< pp n2) lstpairs) ++ [text "default ->" >#< pp defpos])) : instruction2pp rs4 (counter + npad + 8 + npairs*2*4)
        172 -> (pp counter >#< text "ireturn"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        173 -> (pp counter >#< text "lreturn"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        174 -> (pp counter >#< text "freturn"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        175 -> (pp counter >#< text "dreturn"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        176 -> (pp counter >#< text "areturn"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        177 -> (pp counter >#< text "return"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        178 -> (pp counter >#< text "getstatic" >#< let [b1,b2] = take 2 xs in pp b1 >#< pp b2):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        179 -> (pp counter >#< text "putstatic" >#< let [b1,b2] = take 2 xs in pp b1 >#< pp b2):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        180 -> (pp counter >#< text "getfield" >#< let [b1,b2] = take 2 xs in pp b1 >#< pp b2):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        181 -> (pp counter >#< text "putfield" >#< let [b1,b2] = take 2 xs in pp b1 >#< pp b2):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        182 -> (pp counter >#< text "invokevirtual" >#< let [b1,b2] = take 2 xs in pp b1 >#< pp b2):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        183 -> (pp counter >#< text "invokespecial" >#< let [b1,b2] = take 2 xs in pp b1 >#< pp b2):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        184 -> (pp counter >#< text "invokestatic" >#< let [b1,b2] = take 2 xs in pp b1 >#< pp b2):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        185 -> (pp counter >#< text "invokeinterface" >#< let [b1,b2,b3,b4] = take 4 xs in pp b1 >#< pp b2 >#< pp b3 >#< pp b4):instruction2pp (drop 4 xs) (counter + 5)
        --186 (0xba)   xxxunusedxxx1
        187 -> (pp counter >#< text "new" >#< let [b1,b2] = take 2 xs in pp b1 >#< pp b2):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        188 -> (pp counter >#< text "newarray" >#< pp (take 1 xs)):instruction2pp (drop 1 xs) (counter + 2)
        189 -> (pp counter >#< text "anewarray" >#< let [b1,b2] = take 2 xs in pp b1 >#< pp b2):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        190 -> (pp counter >#< text "arraylength"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        191 -> (pp counter >#< text "athrow"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        192 -> (pp counter >#< text "checkcast" >#< let [b1,b2] = take 2 xs in pp b1 >#< pp b2):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        193 -> (pp counter >#< text "instanceof" >#< let [b1,b2] = take 2 xs in pp b1 >#< pp b2):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        194 -> (pp counter >#< text "monitorenter"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        195 -> (pp counter >#< text "monitorexit"):instruction2pp xs (counter + 1)
        196 -> let (vinstr, rs1) = (head xs, tail xs)
                   (vindex, rs2) = (fromBytes2Int (take 2 rs1), drop 2 rs1)
               in if (vinstr == 132) -- 132 == iinc
                  then let (vconst, rs3) = (fromBytes2Int (take 2 rs2), drop 2 rs2)
                       in (pp counter >#< text "wide" >#< toPP vinstr >#< text "index :" >#< pp vindex >#< text "const :" >#< pp vconst) : instruction2pp rs3 (counter + 6)
                  else (pp counter >#< text "wide"   >#< toPP vinstr >#< text "index :" >#< pp vindex) : instruction2pp rs2 (counter + 4)
        197 -> (pp counter >#< text "multianewarray" >#< let [b1,b2,b3] = take 3 xs in pp b1 >#< pp b2 >#< pp b3):instruction2pp (drop 3 xs) (counter + 4)
        198 -> (pp counter >#< text "ifnull"         >#< let n = fromBytes2Int (take 2 xs) in pp (getSignedInt (n+counter) 17)):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        199 -> (pp counter >#< text "ifnonnull"      >#< let n = fromBytes2Int (take 2 xs) in pp (getSignedInt (n+counter) 17)):instruction2pp (drop 2 xs) (counter + 3)
        200 -> (pp counter >#< text "goto_w"         >#< let n = fromBytes2Int (take 4 xs) in pp (getSignedInt (n+counter) 33)):instruction2pp (drop 4 xs) (counter + 5)
        201 -> (pp counter >#< text "jsr_w"          >#< let n = fromBytes2Int (take 4 xs) in pp (getSignedInt (n+counter) 33)):instruction2pp (drop 4 xs) (counter + 5)
        --Reserved ocounterodes:
        --202 (0xca)   breakpoint
        --254 (0xfe)   impdep1
        --255 (0xff)   impdep2

-- Auxiliar functions
toPP :: Int -> PP_Doc
toPP i = case i of
            21 -> text "iload"
            22 -> text "lload"
            23 -> text "fload"
            24 -> text "dload"
            25 -> text "aload"
            54 -> text "istore"
            55 -> text "lstore"
            56 -> text "fstore"
            57 -> text "dstore"
            58 -> text "astore"
            169 -> text "ret"
            139 -> text "iinc"

fromBytes2Tupla :: [Int] -> [(Int, Int)]
fromBytes2Tupla = entuplar . toInts

entuplar [] = []
entuplar (x:y:zs) = (x,y) : entuplar zs

fromBytes2Tupla xs = (\(_, lst1, lst2) -> zip lst1 lst2) $ foldr cons nil (toInts xs)
    where nil = (0, [], [])
          cons b (v, lst1, lst2) = if odd v then (v+1, lst1, b:lst2) else (v+1, b:lst1, lst2)

toInts :: [Int] -> [Int]
toInts [] = []
toInts xs = let v = fromBytes2Int $ take 4 xs
            in v : (toInts $ drop 4 xs)

fromBytes2Int :: [Int] -> Int
fromBytes2Int xs = fst $ foldr cons nil xs
    where nil          = (0, -8)
          cons n (v,c) = (n =<<= (c+8) =|= v, c+8)

infixl 5 =<<=, =|=

(=<<=) :: Int -> Int -> Int
a =<<= b = a `shiftL` b

(=|=) :: Int -> Int -> Int
a =|= b = a .|. b

getSignedInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
getSignedInt n t = let (l:ls) = reverse $ toBinary n
                       (xs, ys) = if length (l:ls) == t then span (== 0) (if l == 1 then ls else l:ls) else ([], l:ls)
                   in toInt ys (length ys - 1)
    where toBinary :: Int -> [Int]
          toBinary 0 = []
          toBinary n = (n `mod` 2) : (toBinary (n `div` 2))

          toInt :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
          toInt [] c = 0
          toInt (n:ns) c = n * (2 ^ c) + toInt ns (c-1)