{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

{- |
  Module     : Data.StringMap.Strict
  Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Uwe Schmidt, Sebastian Philipp (sebastian@spawnhost.de)
  License    : MIT

  Maintainer : Uwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)
  Stability  : experimental
  Portability: not portable

  An efficient implementation of maps from strings to arbitrary values.

  Values can be associated with an arbitrary [Char] key. Searching for keys is very fast.
  The main differences to Data.Map and Data.IntMap are the special
  'prefixFind' functions, which can be used to perform prefix queries. The interface is
  heavily borrowed from "Data.Map" and "Data.IntMap".

  Most other function names clash with "Prelude" names, therefore this module is usually
  imported @qualified@, e.g.

  > import           Data.StringMap (StringMap)
  > import qualified Data.StringMap as M

  Many functions have a worst-case complexity of /O(min(n,L))/. This means that the operation
  can become linear with the number of elements with a maximum of /L/, the length of the
  key (the number of bytes in the list). The functions for searching a prefix have a worst-case
  complexity of /O(max(L,R))/. This means that the operation can become linear with
  /R/, the number of elements found for the prefix, with a minimum of /L/.


-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

module Data.StringMap.Base
        -- * Map type
          StringMap (..) -- the constructors are exported for pattern matching only
                         -- use cases occur in Data.StringMap.Strict
        , Key
        , Key1(..)

        -- * Operators
        , (!)

        -- * Query
        , value
        , valueWithDefault
        , null
        , size
        , member
        , lookup
        , findWithDefault
        , prefixFind
        , prefixFindWithKey
        , prefixFindWithKeyBF
        , lookupGE
        , lookupLE
        , lookupRange

        -- * Construction
        , empty
        , singleton

        -- ** Insertion
        , insert
        , insertWith
        , insertWithKey

        -- ** Delete\/Update
        , adjust
        , adjustWithKey
        , delete
        , update
        , updateWithKey

        -- * Combine
        -- ** Union
        , union
        , unionWith
        , unionMapWith
        , unionWithKey

        -- ** Difference
        , difference
        , differenceWith
        , differenceWithKey

        -- ** Interset
        , intersection
        , intersectionWith

        -- * Traversal
        -- ** Map
        , map
        , mapWithKey
        , mapM
        , mapWithKeyM
        , mapMaybe

        -- * Folds
        , fold
        , foldWithKey
        , foldl
        , foldlWithKey
        , foldr
        , foldrWithKey

        -- * Conversion
        , keys
        , elems

        -- ** Lists
        , fromList
        , toList
        , toListShortestFirst

        -- ** Maps
        , fromMap
        , toMap

        -- * Internal
        , cutPx'
        , cutAllPx'
        , branch
        , val
        , siseq
        , fromKey
        , toKey
        , norm
        , normError'
        , unNorm
        , deepUnNorm
        , deepNorm
        , visit
        , StringMapVisitor(..)

import           Prelude                  hiding (foldl, foldr, lookup, map,
                                           mapM, null, succ)

import           Control.Applicative      (pure, (<$>), (<*>))
import           Control.Arrow
import           Control.DeepSeq

import           Data.Binary
import qualified Data.Foldable            as F
import qualified Data.List                as L
import qualified Data.Map                 as M
import           Data.Maybe               hiding (mapMaybe)
import           Data.StringMap.StringSet
import           Data.StringMap.Types
import qualified Data.Traversable         as T
import           Data.Typeable

#if sizeable
import           Data.Size

-- ----------------------------------------

data StringMap v       = Empty
                        | Val    { value' ::   v
                                 , tree   :: ! (StringMap v)
                        | Branch { sym    :: {-# UNPACK #-}
                                             ! Sym
                                 , child  :: ! (StringMap v)
                                 , next   :: ! (StringMap v)

                        -- the space optimisation nodes, these
                        -- will be normalized during access into
                        -- the three constructors Empty, Val and Branch

                        | Leaf   { value' ::   v                -- a value at a leaf of the tree
                        | Last   { sym    :: {-# UNPACK #-}
                                             ! Sym              -- the last entry in a branch list
                                 , child  :: ! (StringMap v)    -- or no branch but a single child
                        | LsSeq  { syms  :: ! Key1              -- a sequence of single childs
                                 , child :: ! (StringMap v)     -- in a last node
                        | BrSeq  { syms  :: ! Key1              -- a sequence of single childs
                                 , child :: ! (StringMap v)     -- in a branch node
                                 , next  :: ! (StringMap v)
                        | LsSeL  { syms   :: ! Key1             -- a sequence of single childs
                                 , value' ::   v                -- with a leaf
                        | BrSeL  { syms   :: ! Key1             -- a sequence of single childs
                                 , value' ::   v                -- with a leaf in a branch node
                                 , next   :: ! (StringMap v)
                        | BrVal  { sym    :: {-# UNPACK #-}
                                             ! Sym              -- a branch with a single char
                                 , value' ::   v                -- and a value
                                 , next   :: ! (StringMap v)
                        | LsVal  { sym    :: {-# UNPACK #-}
                                              ! Sym             -- a last node with a single char
                                 , value' ::   v                -- and a value
                          deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable)

-- ----------------------------------------

-- | strict list of chars with unpacked fields
-- and packing of 2 or 3 chars into a single object
-- for internal use in prefix tree to optimize space efficiency

data Key1               = Nil
                        | S1 {-# UNPACK #-} ! Sym
                        | S2 {-# UNPACK #-} ! Sym  {-# UNPACK #-} ! Sym
                        | S3 {-# UNPACK #-} ! Sym  {-# UNPACK #-} ! Sym  {-# UNPACK #-} ! Sym
                        | S4 {-# UNPACK #-} ! Sym  {-# UNPACK #-} ! Sym  {-# UNPACK #-} ! Sym  {-# UNPACK #-} ! Sym
                        | C1 {-# UNPACK #-} ! Sym
                                            ! Key1
                        | C2 {-# UNPACK #-} ! Sym  {-# UNPACK #-} ! Sym
                                            ! Key1
                        | C3 {-# UNPACK #-} ! Sym  {-# UNPACK #-} ! Sym  {-# UNPACK #-} ! Sym
                                            ! Key1
                        | C4 {-# UNPACK #-} ! Sym  {-# UNPACK #-} ! Sym  {-# UNPACK #-} ! Sym  {-# UNPACK #-} ! Sym
                                            ! Key1
                          deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)

instance Show Key1 where
    show k = show (toKey k)

mk1                     :: Sym -> Key1
mk1 s1                  = S1 s1

mk2                     :: Sym -> Sym -> Key1
mk2 s1 s2               = S2 s1 s2

mk3                     :: Sym -> Sym -> Sym -> Key1
mk3 s1 s2 s3            = S3 s1 s2 s3

mk4                     :: Sym -> Sym -> Sym -> Sym -> Key1
mk4 s1 s2 s3 s4         = S4 s1 s2 s3 s4

cons1                           :: Sym -> Key1 -> Key1
cons1 s Nil                     = mk1 s
cons1 s (S1 s2)                 = mk2 s s2
cons1 s (S2 s2 s3)              = mk3 s s2 s3
cons1 s (S3 s2 s3 s4)           = mk4 s s2 s3 s4
cons1 s (C1 s2 k2)              = C2 s s2 k2
cons1 s (C2 s2 s3 k3)           = C3 s s2 s3 k3
cons1 s (C3 s2 s3 s4 k4)        = C4 s s2 s3 s4 k4
cons1 s k                       = C1 s    k

uncons1                         :: Key1 -> (Sym, Key1)
uncons1 (S1 s)                  = (s, Nil)
uncons1 (S2 s s2)               = (s, mk1 s2)
uncons1 (S3 s s2 s3)            = (s, mk2 s2 s3)
uncons1 (S4 s s2 s3 s4)         = (s, mk3 s2 s3 s4)
uncons1 (C1 s k1)               = (s, k1)
uncons1 (C2 s s2 k1)            = (s, C1 s2 k1)
uncons1 (C3 s s2 s3 k1)         = (s, C2 s2 s3 k1)
uncons1 (C4 s s2 s3 s4 k1)      = (s, C3 s2 s3 s4 k1)
uncons1 Nil                     = error "uncons1 with Nil"

{-# INLINE mk1 #-}
{-# INLINE mk2 #-}
{-# INLINE mk3 #-}
{-# INLINE mk4 #-}
{-# INLINE cons1 #-}
{-# INLINE uncons1 #-}

toKey                           :: Key1 -> Key
toKey (S2 s1 s2      )          = s1 : s2           : []
toKey (S3 s1 s2 s3   )          = s1 : s2 : s3      : []
toKey (S4 s1 s2 s3 s4)          = s1 : s2 : s3 : s4 : []
toKey (S1 s1         )          = s1                : []
toKey (C1 s1          k)        = s1                : toKey k
toKey (C2 s1 s2       k)        = s1 : s2           : toKey k
toKey (C3 s1 s2 s3    k)        = s1 : s2 : s3      : toKey k
toKey (C4 s1 s2 s3 s4 k)        = s1 : s2 : s3 : s4 : toKey k
toKey Nil                       = []

fromKey                         :: Key -> Key1
fromKey k1                      = L.foldr cons1 Nil k1

-- ----------------------------------------

-- smart constructors

-- | Creates an empty string map
-- > null $ empty == True
empty                           :: StringMap v
empty                           = Empty

{-# INLINE empty #-}

val                             :: v -> StringMap v -> StringMap v
val v Empty                     = Leaf v
val v t                         = Val v t

{-# INLINE val #-}

branch                          :: Sym -> StringMap v -> StringMap v -> StringMap v
branch !_k Empty        n       = n

branch !k (Leaf   v   ) Empty   = LsVal  k     v
branch !k (LsVal  k1 v) Empty   = LsSeL (mk2 k k1) v
branch !k (LsSeL  ks v) Empty   = LsSeL (cons1 k ks) v
branch !k (Last   k1 c) Empty   = lsseq (mk2 k k1) c
branch !k (LsSeq  ks c) Empty   = lsseq (cons1 k ks) c
branch !k            c  Empty   = Last k c

branch !k (Leaf   v   ) n       = BrVal  k     v n
branch !k (LsVal  k1 v) n       = BrSeL (mk2 k k1) v n
branch !k (LsSeL  ks v) n       = BrSeL (cons1 k ks) v n
branch !k (Last   k1 c) n       = brseq (mk2 k k1) c n
branch !k (LsSeq  ks c) n       = brseq (cons1 k ks) c n
branch !k            c  n       = Branch k c n

lsseq                           :: Key1 -> StringMap v -> StringMap v
lsseq !k (Leaf v)               = LsSeL k v
lsseq !k c                      = LsSeq k c

{-# INLINE lsseq #-}

brseq                           :: Key1 -> StringMap v -> StringMap v -> StringMap v
brseq !k (Leaf v) n             = BrSeL k v n
brseq !k c        n             = BrSeq k c n

{-# INLINE brseq #-}

siseq                           :: Key1 -> StringMap v -> StringMap v
siseq Nil   c                   = c
siseq k     c                   = case uncons1 k of
                                    (k1, Nil) -> Last  k1 c
                                    _         -> LsSeq k  c
{-# INLINE siseq #-}

anyseq                          :: Key1 -> StringMap v -> StringMap v
anyseq Nil   c                  = c
anyseq k     (Leaf v)           = case uncons1 k of
                                   (k1, Nil) -> LsVal k1 v
                                   _         -> LsSeL k  v
anyseq k     c                  = case uncons1 k of
                                   (k1, Nil) -> Last  k1 c
                                   _         -> LsSeq k  c
{-# INLINE anyseq #-}

-- smart selectors

norm                            :: StringMap v -> StringMap v
norm (Leaf v)                   = Val v empty
norm (Last k c)                 = Branch k c empty
norm (LsSeq k' c)               = case uncons1 k' of
                                    (k, Nil) -> Branch k c            empty
                                    (k, ks)  -> Branch k (siseq ks c) empty
norm (BrSeq k' c n)             = case uncons1 k' of
                                    (k, Nil) -> Branch k c            n
                                    (k, ks)  -> Branch k (siseq ks c) n
norm (LsSeL    ks  v)           = norm (LsSeq ks  (val v empty))
norm (BrSeL    ks  v n)         = norm (BrSeq ks  (val v empty) n)
norm (LsVal    k   v)           = norm (LsSeq (mk1 k) (val v empty))
norm (BrVal    k   v n)         = norm (BrSeq (mk1 k) (val v empty) n)
norm t                          = t

-- ----------------------------------------

unNorm                          :: StringMap v -> StringMap v
unNorm t                        = case norm t of
                                    (Branch k c n) -> branch k c n
                                    (Val v t')     -> val v t'
                                    t'             -> t'

deepUnNorm                      :: StringMap v -> StringMap v
deepUnNorm t                    = case norm t of
                                    (Branch k c n) -> branch k (deepUnNorm c) (deepUnNorm n)
                                    (Val v t')     -> val v (deepUnNorm t')
                                    t'             -> t'

-- ----------------------------------------

deepNorm                :: StringMap v -> StringMap v
deepNorm t0
    = case norm t0 of
      Empty             -> Empty
      Val v t           -> Val v (deepNorm t)
      Branch c s n      -> Branch c (deepNorm s) (deepNorm n)
      _                 -> normError "deepNorm"

-- ----------------------------------------

normError'              :: String -> String -> a
normError' m f          = error (m ++ "." ++ f ++ ": pattern match error, prefix tree not normalized")

normError               :: String -> a
normError               = normError' "Data.StringMap.Base"

-- ----------------------------------------

-- | /O(1)/ Is the map empty?

null                    :: StringMap a -> Bool
null Empty              = True
null _                  = False

{-# INLINE null #-}

-- | /O(1)/ Create a map with a single element.

singleton               :: Key -> a -> StringMap a
singleton k v           = anyseq (fromKey k) (val v empty)

{-# INLINE singleton #-}

-- | /O(1)/ Extract the value of a node (if there is one)

value                   :: Monad m => StringMap a -> m a
value t                 = case norm t of
                          Val v _       -> return v
                          _             -> fail "StringMap.value: no value at this node"

{-# INLINE value #-}

-- | /O(1)/ Extract the value of a node or return a default value if no value exists.

valueWithDefault        :: a -> StringMap a -> a
valueWithDefault d t    = fromMaybe d . value $ t

{- not yet used
-- | /O(1)/ Extract the successors of a node

succ                    :: StringMap a -> StringMap a
succ t                  = case norm t of
                          Val _ t'      -> succ t'
                          t'            -> t'
{-# INLINE succ #-}
-- -}
-- ----------------------------------------

-- | /O(min(n,L))/ Find the value associated with a key. The function will @return@ the result in
-- the monad or @fail@ in it if the key isn't in the map.

lookup                          :: Monad m => Key -> StringMap a -> m a
lookup k t                      = case lookup' k t of
                                  Just v  -> return v
                                  Nothing -> fail "StringMap.lookup: Key not found"
{-# INLINE lookup #-}

-- | /O(min(n,L))/ Find the value associated with a key. The function will @return@ the result in
-- the monad or @fail@ in it if the key isn't in the map.

findWithDefault                 :: a -> Key -> StringMap a -> a
findWithDefault v0 k            = fromMaybe v0 . lookup' k

{-# INLINE findWithDefault #-}

-- | /O(min(n,L))/ Is the key a member of the map?

member                          :: Key -> StringMap a -> Bool
member k                        = isJust . lookup k

{-# INLINE member #-}

-- | /O(min(n,L))/ Find the value at a key. Calls error when the element can not be found.

(!)                             :: StringMap a -> Key -> a
(!)                             = flip $ findWithDefault (error "StringMap.! : element not in the map")

-- | /O(min(n,L))/ Insert a new key and value into the map. If the key is already present in
-- the map, the associated value will be replaced with the new value.

insert                          :: Key -> a -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
insert                          = insertWith const

{-# INLINE insert #-}

-- | /O(min(n,L))/ Insert with a combining function. If the key is already present in the map,
-- the value of @f new_value old_value@ will be inserted.

insertWith                      :: (a -> a -> a) -> Key -> a -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
insertWith f                    = flip $ insert' f

{-# INLINE insertWith #-}

-- | /O(min(n,L))/ Insert with a combining function. If the key is already present in the map,
-- the value of @f key new_value old_value@ will be inserted.

insertWithKey                   :: (Key -> a -> a -> a) -> Key -> a -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
insertWithKey f k               = insertWith (f k) k

{-# INLINE insertWithKey #-}

-- | /O(min(n,L))/ Updates a value at a given key (if that key is in the trie) or deletes the
-- element if the result of the updating function is 'Nothing'. If the key is not found, the trie
-- is returned unchanged.

update                          :: (a -> Maybe a) -> Key -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
update                          = update'

{-# INLINE update #-}

-- | /O(min(n,L))/ Updates a value at a given key (if that key is in the trie) or deletes the
-- element if the result of the updating function is 'Nothing'. If the key is not found, the trie
-- is returned unchanged.

updateWithKey                   :: (Key -> a -> Maybe a) -> Key -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
updateWithKey f k               = update' (f k) k

{-# INLINE updateWithKey #-}

-- | /O(min(n,L))/ Delete an element from the map. If no element exists for the key, the map
-- remains unchanged.

delete                          :: Key -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
delete                          = update' (const Nothing)

{-# INLINE delete #-}

adjust                          :: (a -> a) -> Key -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
adjust f                        = update' (Just . f)

{-# INLINE adjust #-}

adjustWithKey                   :: (Key -> a -> a) -> Key -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
adjustWithKey f k               = update' (Just . f k) k

{-# INLINE adjustWithKey #-}

-- ----------------------------------------

lookupPx'                       :: Key -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
lookupPx' k0                    = look k0 . norm
    look [] t                   = t
    look k@(c : k1) (Branch c' s' n')
        | c <  c'               = empty
        | c == c'               = lookupPx' k1 s'
        | otherwise             = lookupPx' k  n'
    look _          Empty       = empty
    look k         (Val _v' t') = lookupPx' k t'

    look _ _                    = normError "lookupPx'"

-- Internal lookup function

lookup'                         :: Key -> StringMap a -> Maybe a
lookup' k t
    = case lookupPx' k t of
      Val v _                   -> Just v
      _                         -> Nothing

-- ----------------------------------------

-- | remove all entries from the map with key less than the argument key

lookupGE                        :: Key -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
lookupGE k0                     = look k0 . norm
    look [] t                   = t
    look k@(c : k1) t@(Branch c' s' n')
        | c <  c'               = t
        | c == c'               = branch c' (lookupGE k1 s') n'
        | otherwise             = lookupGE k n'
    look _          Empty       = empty
    look k         (Val _v' t') = lookupGE k t'

    look _ _                    = normError "lookupGE"

-- | remove all entries from the map with keys not having the argument key
-- as prefix and are larger than the argument key

lookupLE                        :: Key -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
lookupLE k0                     = look k0 . norm
    look [] (Val v' _t')        = (Val v' empty)
    look [] _t                  = empty
    look k@(c : k1) (Branch c' s' n')
        | c <  c'               = empty
        | c == c'               = branch c' (lookupLE k1 s') empty
        | otherwise             = branch c' s' (lookupLE k n')
    look _          Empty       = empty
    look k         (Val v' t')  = val v' (lookupLE k t')

    look _ _                    = normError "lookupLE"

-- | Combination of 'lookupLE' and 'lookupGE'
-- > keys $ lookupRange "a" "b" $ fromList $ zip ["", "a", "ab", "b", "ba", "c"] [1..] = ["a","ab","b"]
-- For all keys in @k = keys $ lookupRange lb ub m@, this property holts true: @k >= ub && k <= lb@

lookupRange                     :: Key -> Key -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
lookupRange lb ub               = lookupLE ub . lookupGE lb

-- ----------------------------------------

-- | /O(max(L,R))/ Find all values where the string is a prefix of the key.

prefixFind                      :: Key -> StringMap a -> [a]
prefixFind k                    = elems . lookupPx' k

-- | /O(max(L,R))/ Find all values where the string is a prefix of the key and include the keys
-- in the result.

prefixFindWithKey               :: Key -> StringMap a -> [(Key, a)]
prefixFindWithKey k             = fmap (first (k ++)) . toList . lookupPx' k

{-# DEPRECATED prefixFindWithKey "use @ 'toList' . 'prefixFilter' @ instead" #-}

-- ----------------------------------------

insert'                         :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Key -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
insert' f v k0                  = ins k0 . norm
    ins'                        = insert' f v

    ins k (Branch c' s' n')
        = case k of
          []                    -> val v (branch c' s' n')
          (c : k1)
              | c <  c'         -> branch c (singleton k1 v) (branch c' s' n')
              | c == c'         -> branch c (ins' k1 s')                   n'
              | otherwise       -> branch c'         s'            (ins' k n')

    ins k  Empty                = singleton k v

    ins k (Val v' t')
        = case k of
          []                    -> val (f v v') t'
          _                     -> val      v'  (ins' k t')

    ins _ _                     = normError "insert'"

-- ----------------------------------------

update'                         :: (a -> Maybe a) -> Key -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
update' f k0                    = upd k0 . norm
    upd'                        = update' f

    upd k (Branch c' s' n')
        = case k of
          []                    -> branch c' s' n'
          (c : k1)
              | c <  c'         -> branch c' s' n'
              | c == c'         -> branch c (upd' k1 s')            n'
              | otherwise       -> branch c'         s'     (upd' k n')

    upd _ Empty                 = empty

    upd k (Val v' t')
        = case k of
          []                    -> maybe t' (flip val t') $ f v'
          _                     -> val v' (upd' k t')

    upd _ _                     = normError "update'"

-- ----------------------------------------

-- | /O(n+m)/ Left-biased union of two maps. It prefers the first map when duplicate keys are
-- encountered, i.e. ('union' == 'unionWith' 'const').

union                           :: StringMap a -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
union                           = union' const

{-# INLINE union #-}

-- | /O(n+m)/ 'union' with a combining function.

unionWith                       :: (a -> a -> a) -> StringMap a -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
unionWith                       = union'

{-# INLINE unionWith #-}

union'                                          :: (a -> a -> a) -> StringMap a -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
union' f pt1 pt2                                = uni (norm pt1) (norm pt2)
    uni' t1' t2'                                = union' f (norm t1') (norm t2')

    uni     Empty                Empty          = empty
    uni     Empty               (Val v2 t2)     = val v2 t2
    uni     Empty               (Branch c2 s2 n2)
                                                = branch c2 s2 n2

    uni    (Val v1 t1)           Empty          = val    v1     t1
    uni    (Val v1 t1)          (Val v2 t2)     = val (f v1 v2) (uni' t1 t2)
    uni    (Val v1 t1)       t2@(Branch _ _ _)  = val    v1     (uni' t1 t2)

    uni    (Branch c1 s1 n1)     Empty          = branch c1 s1 n1
    uni t1@(Branch _  _  _ )    (Val v2 t2)     = val v2 (uni' t1 t2)
    uni t1@(Branch c1 s1 n1) t2@(Branch c2 s2 n2)
        | c1 <  c2                              = branch c1       s1     (uni' n1 t2)
        | c1 >  c2                              = branch c2          s2  (uni' t1 n2)
        | otherwise                             = branch c1 (uni' s1 s2) (uni' n1 n2)
    uni _                    _                  = normError "union'"

-- ----------------------------------------

-- | Generalisation of 'unionWith'. The second map may have another attribute type than the first one.
-- Conversion and merging of the maps is done in a single step.
-- This is much more efficient than mapping the second map and then call 'unionWith'
-- @unionWithConf to (\ x y -> x `op` to y) m1 m2 = unionWith op m1 (fmap to m2)@

unionMapWith                                   :: (b -> a) -> (a -> b -> a) -> StringMap a -> StringMap b -> StringMap a
unionMapWith                                   = unionG'

unionG'                                         :: (b -> a) -> (a -> b -> a) -> StringMap a -> StringMap b -> StringMap a
unionG' to f pt1 pt2                            = uni (norm pt1) (norm pt2)
    uni' t1' t2'                                = unionG' to f (norm t1') (norm t2')

    uni     Empty                Empty          = empty
    uni     Empty               (Val v2 t2)     = val (to v2) (map to t2)
    uni     Empty               (Branch c2 s2 n2)
                                                = branch c2 (map to s2) (map to n2)

    uni    (Val v1 t1)           Empty          = val    v1     t1
    uni    (Val v1 t1)          (Val v2 t2)     = val (f v1 v2) (uni' t1 t2)
    uni    (Val v1 t1)       t2@(Branch _ _ _)  = val    v1     (uni' t1 t2)

    uni    (Branch c1 s1 n1)     Empty          = branch c1 s1 n1
    uni t1@(Branch _  _  _ )    (Val v2 t2)     = val (to v2) (uni' t1 t2)
    uni t1@(Branch c1 s1 n1) t2@(Branch c2 s2 n2)
        | c1 <  c2                              = branch c1       s1     (uni' n1 t2)
        | c1 >  c2                              = branch c2 (map to s2)  (uni' t1 n2)
        | otherwise                             = branch c1 (uni' s1 s2) (uni' n1 n2)
    uni _                    _                  = normError "union'"

-- ----------------------------------------

-- | /O(n+m)/ 'union' with a combining function, including the key.

unionWithKey                                    :: (Key -> a -> a -> a) -> StringMap a -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
unionWithKey f                                  = union'' f id

union''                                         :: (Key -> a -> a -> a) -> (Key -> Key) -> StringMap a -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
union'' f kf pt1 pt2                            = uni (norm pt1) (norm pt2)
    uni' t1' t2'                                = union'' f kf (norm t1') (norm t2')

    uni     Empty                Empty          = empty
    uni     Empty               (Val v2 t2)     = val v2 t2
    uni     Empty               (Branch c2 s2 n2)
                                                = branch c2 s2 n2

    uni    (Val v1 t1)           Empty          = val            v1           t1
    uni    (Val v1 t1)          (Val v2 t2)     = val (f (kf []) v1 v2) (uni' t1 t2)
    uni    (Val v1 t1)       t2@(Branch _ _ _)  = val            v1     (uni' t1 t2)

    uni    (Branch c1 s1 n1)     Empty          = branch c1 s1 n1
    uni t1@(Branch _  _  _ )    (Val v2 t2)     = val v2 (uni' t1 t2)
    uni t1@(Branch c1 s1 n1) t2@(Branch c2 s2 n2)
        | c1 <  c2                              = branch c1                         s1     (uni' n1 t2)
        | c1 >  c2                              = branch c2                            s2  (uni' t1 n2)
        | otherwise                             = branch c1 (union'' f (kf . (c1:)) s1 s2) (uni' n1 n2)

    uni _                    _                  = normError "union''"

-- ----------------------------------------
-- | /(O(min(n,m))/ Difference between two string maps (based on keys).

difference                      :: StringMap a -> StringMap b -> StringMap a
difference                      = differenceWith (const (const Nothing))

-- | /(O(min(n,m))/ 'difference' with a combining function. If the combining function always returns
-- 'Nothing', this is equal to proper set difference.

differenceWith                  :: (a -> b -> Maybe a) -> StringMap a -> StringMap b -> StringMap a
differenceWith f                = differenceWithKey (const f)

-- | /O(min(n,m))/ 'difference' with a combining function, including the key. If two equal keys are
-- encountered, the combining function is applied to the key and both values. If it returns
-- 'Nothing', the element is discarded, if it returns 'Just' a value, the element is updated
-- with the new value.

differenceWithKey               :: (Key -> a -> b -> Maybe a) -> StringMap a -> StringMap b -> StringMap a
differenceWithKey f             = diff'' f id

diff''                          :: (Key -> a -> b -> Maybe a) ->
                                   (Key -> Key) ->
                                   StringMap a -> StringMap b -> StringMap a
diff'' f kf pt1 pt2             = dif (norm pt1) (norm pt2)
    dif' t1' t2'                = diff'' f kf (norm t1') (norm t2')

    dif     Empty               _               = empty

    dif    (Val v1 t1)           Empty          = val  v1       t1
    dif    (Val v1 t1)          (Val v2 t2)     =
        case f (kf []) v1 v2 of
                             Nothing            ->         dif' t1 t2
                             Just nv            -> val nv (dif' t1 t2)
    dif    (Val v1 t1)       t2@(Branch _ _ _)  =  val v1 (dif' t1 t2)

    dif    (Branch c1 s1 n1)     Empty          = branch c1 s1 n1
    dif t1@(Branch _  _  _ )    (Val _  t2)     = dif' t1 t2
    dif t1@(Branch c1 s1 n1) t2@(Branch c2 s2 n2)
        | c1 <  c2                              = branch c1                        s1       (dif' n1 t2)
        | c1 >  c2                              =                                            dif' t1 n2
        | otherwise                             = branch c1 (diff'' f (kf . (c1:)) s1 s2)   (dif' n1 n2)
    dif _                    _                  = normError "diff''"

-- ----------------------------------------
-- | /O(min(n,m))/ intersection is required to allow all major set operations:
--    AND = 'intersection'
--    OR = 'union'
--    AND NOT = 'difference'

intersection                     :: StringMap a -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
intersection t1 t2               = intersectionWith const t1 t2

-- | /O(min(n,m))/ 'intersection' with a modification function

intersectionWith                 :: (a -> b -> c) -> StringMap a -> StringMap b -> StringMap c
intersectionWith f tree1 tree2   = intersection' (norm tree1) (norm tree2)
    intersection'' t1' t2'                      = intersection' (norm t1') (norm t2')

    intersection' Empty _                       = empty
    intersection' _ Empty                       = empty

    intersection' (Val v1 t1) (Val v2 t2)       = val (f v1 v2) $ intersection'' t1 t2
    intersection' (Val _ t1) t2@(Branch _ _ _)  = intersection'' t1 t2
    intersection' t1@(Branch _ _ _) (Val _ t2)  = intersection'' t1 t2
    intersection' t1@(Branch c1 s1 n1) t2@(Branch c2 s2 n2)
        | c1 <  c2                              = intersection'' n1 t2
        | c1 >  c2                              = intersection'' t1 n2
        | otherwise                             = branch c1 (intersection'' s1 s2) (intersection'' n1 n2)
    intersection' _                    _        = normError "intersectionWith"

-- ----------------------------------------

-- | cut off all branches from a tree @t2@ that are not part of set @t1@
-- the following laws must holds
-- @lookup' k' . cutPx' (singlePS k) $ t == lookup' k t@ for every @k'@ with @k@ prefix of @k'@
-- @lookup' k' . cutPx' (singlePS k) $ t == Nothing@ for every @k'@ with @k@ not being a prefix of @k'@

cutPx''                         :: (StringMap a -> StringMap a) -> StringSet -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
cutPx'' cf s1' t2'              = cut s1' (norm t2')
    cut     PSempty           _t2               = empty
    cut    (PSelem _s1)       t2                = cf t2
    cut    (PSnext _  _  _ )  Empty             = empty
    cut t1@(PSnext _  _  _ ) (Val _ t2)         = cut t1 (norm t2)
    cut t1@(PSnext c1 s1 n1) t2@(Branch c2 s2 n2)
        | c1 <  c2                              = cut n1 t2
        | c1 >  c2                              = cut t1 (norm n2)
        | otherwise                             = branch c1 (cutPx'' cf s1 s2) (cutPx'' cf n1 n2)
    cut _                    _                  = normError "cutPx''"

{-# INLINE cutPx'' #-}

cutPx'                          :: StringSet -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
cutPx'                          = cutPx'' id

{-# INLINE cutPx' #-}

cutAllPx'                       :: StringSet -> StringMap a -> StringMap a
cutAllPx'                       = cutPx'' (cv . norm)
    cv (Val v _)                = val v empty
    cv _                        = empty

{-# INLINE cutAllPx' #-}

-- ----------------------------------------

-- | /O(n)/ Map a function over all values in the string map.

map                             :: (a -> b) -> StringMap a -> StringMap b
map f                           = mapWithKey (const f)

{-# INLINE map #-}

-- | /O(n)/ Same as 'map', but with an additional paramter

mapWithKey                      :: (Key -> a -> b) -> StringMap a -> StringMap b
mapWithKey f                    = map' f id

{-# INLINE mapWithKey #-}

map'                            :: (Key -> a -> b) -> (Key -> Key) -> StringMap a -> StringMap b
map' f                          = mp'
    mp' k                       = mp
        f'                      = f (k [])

        mp (Empty)              = Empty
        mp (Val v t)            = Val       (f' v)                      (mp t)
        mp (Branch c s n)       = Branch c  (mp' ((c :) . k)   s)       (mp n)
        mp (Leaf v)             = Leaf      (f' v)
        mp (Last c s)           = Last   c  (mp' ((c :)   . k) s)
        mp (LsSeq cs s)         = LsSeq  cs (mp' ((toKey cs ++) . k) s)
        mp (BrSeq cs s n)       = BrSeq  cs (mp' ((toKey cs ++) . k) s) (mp n)
        mp (LsSeL cs v)         = LsSeL  cs (f' v)
        mp (BrSeL cs v n)       = BrSeL  cs (f' v)                      (mp n)
        mp (LsVal c  v)         = LsVal  c  (f' v)
        mp (BrVal c  v n)       = BrVal  c  (f' v)                      (mp n)

{-# INLINE map' #-}

-- | /O(n)/ Updates a value or deletes the element,
-- if the result of the updating function is 'Nothing'.

mapMaybe                          :: (a -> Maybe b) -> StringMap a -> StringMap b
mapMaybe                          = mapMaybe'

{-# INLINE mapMaybe #-}

mapMaybe'                       :: (a -> Maybe b) -> StringMap a -> StringMap b
mapMaybe' f                     = upd . norm
    upd'                        = mapMaybe' f

    upd (Branch c' s' n')       = branch c' (upd' s') (upd' n')
    upd Empty                   = empty
    upd (Val v' t')             = maybe t (flip val t) $ f v'
        where t = upd' t'
    upd _                       = normError "update'"

{-# INLINE mapMaybe' #-}

-- ----------------------------------------
{- not yet used

-- | Variant of map that works on normalized trees

mapN                            :: (a -> b) -> StringMap a -> StringMap b
mapN f                          = mapWithKeyN (const f)

mapWithKeyN                     :: (Key -> a -> b) -> StringMap a -> StringMap b
mapWithKeyN f                   = map'' f id

map''                           :: (Key -> a -> b) -> (Key -> Key) -> StringMap a -> StringMap b
map'' f k                       = mapn . norm
    mapn Empty                  = empty
    mapn (Val v t)              = val (f (k []) v) (map'' f k t)
    mapn (Branch c s n)         = branch c (map'' f ((c :) . k) s) (map'' f k n)
    mapn _                      = normError "map''"
-- -}

-- ----------------------------------------

-- | Monadic 'map'

mapM                            :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> StringMap a -> m (StringMap b)
mapM f                          = mapWithKeyM (const f)

-- | Monadic 'mapWithKey'

mapWithKeyM                     :: Monad m => (Key -> a -> m b) -> StringMap a -> m (StringMap b)
mapWithKeyM f                   = mapM'' f id

mapM''                          :: Monad m => (Key -> a -> m b) -> (Key -> Key) -> StringMap a -> m (StringMap b)
mapM'' f k                      = mapn . norm
    mapn Empty                  = return $ empty
    mapn (Val v t)              = do
                                  v' <- f (k []) v
                                  t' <- mapM'' f k t
                                  return $ val v' t'
    mapn (Branch c s n)         = do
                                  s' <- mapM'' f ((c :) . k) s
                                  n' <- mapM'' f          k  n
                                  return $ branch c s' n'
    mapn _                      = normError "mapM''"

-- ----------------------------------------
-- A string map visitor

data StringMapVisitor a b      = PTV
    { v_empty  :: b
    , v_val    :: a    -> b -> b
    , v_branch :: Sym  -> b -> b -> b
    , v_leaf   :: a    -> b
    , v_last   :: Sym  -> b -> b
    , v_lsseq  :: Key1 -> b -> b
    , v_brseq  :: Key1 -> b -> b -> b
    , v_lssel  :: Key1 -> a -> b
    , v_brsel  :: Key1 -> a -> b -> b
    , v_lsval  :: Sym  -> a -> b
    , v_brval  :: Sym  -> a -> b -> b

visit                   :: StringMapVisitor a b -> StringMap a -> b

visit v (Empty)         = v_empty  v
visit v (Val v' t)      = v_val    v v' (visit v t)
visit v (Branch c s n)  = v_branch v c  (visit v s) (visit v n)
visit v (Leaf v')       = v_leaf   v v'
visit v (Last c s)      = v_last   v c  (visit v s)
visit v (LsSeq cs s)    = v_lsseq  v cs (visit v s)
visit v (BrSeq cs s n)  = v_brseq  v cs (visit v s) (visit v n)
visit v (LsSeL cs v')   = v_lssel  v cs v'
visit v (BrSeL cs v' n) = v_brsel  v cs v'          (visit v n)
visit v (LsVal c  v')   = v_lsval  v c  v'
visit v (BrVal c  v' n) = v_brval  v c  v'          (visit v n)

-- ----------------------------------------

-- | /O(n)/ Fold over all key\/value pairs in the map.

foldWithKey                     :: (Key -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> StringMap a -> b
foldWithKey f e                 = rfold' f e id

{-# DEPRECATED foldWithKey "use @foldrWithKey@ instead" #-}

-- | /O(n)/ Right fold over all keys and values in the map.

foldrWithKey                    :: (Key -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> StringMap a -> b
foldrWithKey f e                = rfold' f e id

{-# INLINE foldrWithKey #-}

-- | /O(n)/ Fold over all values in the map.

fold                            :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> StringMap a -> b
fold f                          = foldWithKey $ const f

{-# DEPRECATED fold "use @foldr@ instead" #-}

-- | /O(n)/ Right fold over all values in the map.

foldr                           :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> StringMap a -> b
foldr f = foldrWithKey $ const f

{-# INLINE foldr #-}

rfold'                          :: (Key -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> (Key -> Key) -> StringMap a -> b
rfold' f r k0                   = fo k0 . norm
    fo kf (Branch c' s' n')     = let r' = rfold' f r kf n' in rfold' f r' (kf . (c':)) s'
    fo _  (Empty)               = r
    fo kf (Val v' t')           = let r' = rfold' f r kf t' in f (kf []) v' r'
    fo _  _                     = normError "rfold'"

{-# INLINE rfold' #-}

-- | /O(n)/ Left fold over all values in the map.

foldl                           :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> StringMap a -> b
foldl f                         = foldlWithKey $ \ x -> const (f x)

{-# INLINE foldl #-}

-- | /O(n)/ Left fold over all keys and values in the map.

foldlWithKey                    :: (b -> Key -> a -> b) -> b -> StringMap a -> b
foldlWithKey f e                = lfold' f e id

{-# INLINE foldlWithKey #-}

lfold'                          :: (b -> Key -> a -> b) -> b -> (Key -> Key) -> StringMap a -> b
lfold' f r k0                   = fo k0 . norm
    fo kf (Branch c' s' n')     = let r' = lfold' f r (kf . (c':)) s' in lfold' f r' kf n'
    fo _  (Empty)               = r
    fo kf (Val v' t')           = let r' = f r (kf []) v' in lfold' f r' kf t'
    fo _  _                     = normError "lfold'"

{-# INLINE lfold' #-}

{- not yet used

foldTopDown                     :: (Key -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> (Key -> Key) -> StringMap a -> b
foldTopDown f r k0              = fo k0 . norm
    fo kf (Branch c' s' n')     = let r' = foldTopDown f r ((c' :) . kf) s' in foldTopDown f r' kf n'
    fo _ (Empty)                = r
    fo kf (Val v' t')           = let r' = f (kf []) v' r                   in foldTopDown f r' kf t'
    fo _  _                     = normError "foldTopDown"
-- -}

-- | /O(n)/ Convert into an ordinary map.

toMap                           :: StringMap a -> M.Map Key a
toMap                           = foldWithKey M.insert M.empty

-- | /O(n)/ Convert an ordinary map into a string map

fromMap                         :: M.Map Key a -> StringMap a
fromMap                         = M.foldrWithKey insert empty

-- | /O(n)/ Returns all elements as list of key value pairs,

toList                          :: StringMap a -> [(Key, a)]
toList                          = foldWithKey (\k v r -> (k, v) : r) []

-- | /O(n)/ Creates a string map from a list of key\/value pairs.

fromList                        :: [(Key, a)] -> StringMap a
fromList                        = L.foldl' (\p (k, v) -> insert k v p) empty

-- | /O(n)/ The number of elements.
size                            :: StringMap a -> Int
size                            = fold (const (+1)) 0

-- | /O(n)/ Returns all values.
elems                           :: StringMap a -> [a]
elems                           = fold (:) []

-- | /O(n)/ Returns all keys.
keys                            :: StringMap a -> [Key]
keys                            = foldWithKey (\ k _v r -> k : r) []

-- ----------------------------------------

-- | returns all key-value pairs in breadth first order (short words first)
-- this enables prefix search with upper bounds on the size of the result set
-- e.g. @ search ... >>> toListShortestFirst >>> take 1000 @ will give the 1000 shortest words
-- found in the result set and will ignore all long words
-- toList is derived from the following code found in the net when searching haskell breadth first search
-- Haskell Standard Libraray Implementation
-- > br :: Tree a -> [a]
-- > br t = map rootLabel $
-- >        concat $
-- >        takeWhile (not . null) $
-- >        iterate (concatMap subForest) [t]

toListShortestFirst              :: StringMap v -> [(Key, v)]
toListShortestFirst              = (\ t0 -> [(id, t0)])
                                   iterate (concatMap (second norm >>> uncurry subForest))
                                   takeWhile (not . L.null)
                                   concatMap (second norm >>> uncurry rootLabel)

rootLabel                       :: (Key -> Key) -> StringMap v -> [(Key, v)]
rootLabel kf (Val v _)          = [(kf [], v)]
rootLabel _  _                  = []

subForest                       :: (Key -> Key) -> StringMap v -> [(Key -> Key, StringMap v)]
subForest kf (Branch c s n)     = (kf . (c:), s) : subForest kf (norm n)
subForest _  Empty              = []
subForest kf (Val _ t)          = subForest kf (norm t)
subForest _  _                  = error "StringMap.Base.subForest: Pattern match failure"

-- ----------------------------------------

-- | /O(max(L,R))/ Find all values where the string is a prefix of the key and include the keys
-- in the result. The result list contains short words first

prefixFindWithKeyBF             :: Key -> StringMap a -> [(Key, a)]
prefixFindWithKeyBF k           = fmap (first (k ++)) . toListShortestFirst . lookupPx' k

{-# DEPRECATED prefixFindWithKeyBF "use @ 'toListShortestFirst' . 'prefixFilter' @ instead" #-}

-- ----------------------------------------

instance Functor StringMap where
  fmap = map

instance F.Foldable StringMap where
  foldr = fold

instance T.Traversable StringMap where
    traverse _ (Empty)         = pure Empty
    traverse f (Val    v t)    = Val      <$> f v            <*> T.traverse f t
    traverse f (Branch c s n)  = Branch c <$> T.traverse f s <*> T.traverse f n
    traverse f (Leaf   v)      = Leaf     <$> f v
    traverse f (Last   c  s)   = Last   c <$> T.traverse f s
    traverse f (LsSeq  ks s)   = LsSeq ks <$> T.traverse f s
    traverse f (BrSeq  ks s n) = BrSeq ks <$> T.traverse f s <*> T.traverse f n
    traverse f (LsSeL  ks v)   = LsSeL ks <$> f v
    traverse f (BrSeL  ks v n) = BrSeL ks <$> f v            <*> T.traverse f n
    traverse f (LsVal  k  v)   = LsVal  k <$> f v
    traverse f (BrVal  k  v n) = BrVal  k <$> f v            <*> T.traverse f n

{- for debugging not yet enabled

instance Show a => Show (StringMap a) where
  showsPrec d m   = showParen (d > 10) $
    showString "fromList " . shows (toList m)

-- -}

-- ----------------------------------------

instance Read a => Read (StringMap a) where
  readsPrec p = readParen (p > 10) $
    \ r -> do
           ("fromList",s) <- lex r
           (xs,t) <- reads s
           return (fromList xs,t)

-- ----------------------------------------

instance NFData a => NFData (StringMap a) where
    rnf (Empty)         = ()
    rnf (Val v t)       = rnf v `seq` rnf t
    rnf (Branch _c s n) = rnf s `seq` rnf n
    rnf (Leaf v)        = rnf v
    rnf (Last _c s)     = rnf s
    rnf (LsSeq _ks s)   = rnf s
    rnf (BrSeq _ks s n) = rnf s `seq` rnf n
    rnf (LsSeL _ks v)   = rnf v
    rnf (BrSeL _ks v n) = rnf v `seq` rnf n
    rnf (LsVal k  v)    = rnf k `seq` rnf v
    rnf (BrVal k  v n)  = rnf k `seq` rnf v `seq` rnf n

-- ----------------------------------------
-- Provide native binary serialization (not via to-/fromList).

instance (Binary a) => Binary (StringMap a) where
    put (Empty)         = put (0::Word8)
    put (Val v t)       = put (1::Word8)  >> put v >> put t
    put (Branch c s n)  = put (2::Word8)  >> put c >> put s >> put n
    put (Leaf v)        = put (3::Word8)  >> put v
    put (Last c s)      = put (4::Word8)  >> put c >> put s
    put (LsSeq k s)     = put (5::Word8)  >> put (toKey k) >> put s
    put (BrSeq k s n)   = put (6::Word8)  >> put (toKey k) >> put s >> put n
    put (LsSeL k v)     = put (7::Word8)  >> put (toKey k) >> put v
    put (BrSeL k v n)   = put (8::Word8)  >> put (toKey k) >> put v >> put n
    put (LsVal k v)     = put (9::Word8)  >> put k >> put v
    put (BrVal k v n)   = put (10::Word8) >> put k >> put v >> put n

    get = do
          !tag <- getWord8
          case tag of
                   0 -> return Empty
                   1 -> do
                        !v <- get
                        !t <- get
                        return $! Val v t
                   2 -> do
                        !c <- get
                        !s <- get
                        !n <- get
                        return $! Branch c s n
                   3 -> do
                        !v <- get
                        return $! Leaf v
                   4 -> do
                        !c <- get
                        !s <- get
                        return $! Last c s
                   5 -> do
                        !k <- get
                        !s <- get
                        return $! LsSeq (fromKey k) s
                   6 -> do
                        !k <- get
                        !s <- get
                        !n <- get
                        return $! BrSeq (fromKey k) s n
                   7 -> do
                        !k <- get
                        !v <- get
                        return $! LsSeL (fromKey k) v
                   8 -> do
                        !k <- get
                        !v <- get
                        !n <- get
                        return $! BrSeL (fromKey k) v n
                   9 -> do
                        !k <- get
                        !v <- get
                        return $! LsVal k v
                   10 -> do
                        !k <- get
                        !v <- get
                        !n <- get
                        return $! BrVal k v n
                   _ -> fail "StringMap.get: error while decoding StringMap"

-- ----------------------------------------
#if sizeable
-- space statistics

instance Sizeable Key1 where
    dataOf x
        = case x of
            Nil             -> dataOfSingleton
            (S1 _)          ->       dataOfChar
            (S2 _ _)        -> 2 .*. dataOfChar
            (S3 _ _ _)      -> 3 .*. dataOfChar
            (S4 _ _ _ _)    -> 4 .*. dataOfChar
            (C1 _ _k)       ->       dataOfChar <> dataOfPtr
            (C2 _ _ _k)     -> 2 .*. dataOfChar <> dataOfPtr
            (C3 _ _ _ _k)   -> 3 .*. dataOfChar <> dataOfPtr
            (C4 _ _ _ _ _k) -> 4 .*. dataOfChar <> dataOfPtr

    statsOf x
        = case x of
            Nil             -> constrStats "Nil" x
            (S1 _)          -> constrStats "S1"  x
            (S2 _ _)        -> constrStats "S2"  x
            (S3 _ _ _)      -> constrStats "S3"  x
            (S4 _ _ _ _)    -> constrStats "S4"  x
            (C1 _ k1)       -> constrStats "C1"  x <> statsOf k1
            (C2 _ _ k1)     -> constrStats "C2"  x <> statsOf k1
            (C3 _ _ _ k1)   -> constrStats "C3"  x <> statsOf k1
            (C4 _ _ _ _ k1) -> constrStats "C4"  x <> statsOf k1

instance (Sizeable v, Typeable v) => Sizeable (StringMap v) where
    dataOf x
        = case x of
            Empty            -> dataOfSingleton
            (Val      _v _t) ->               2 .*. dataOfPtr
            (Branch _ _c _n) -> dataOfChar <> 2 .*. dataOfPtr
            (Leaf     _v   ) ->                     dataOfPtr
            (Last  _  _c   ) -> dataOfChar <>       dataOfPtr
            (LsSeq _k _c   ) ->               2 .*. dataOfPtr
            (BrSeq _k _c _n) ->               3 .*. dataOfPtr
            (LsSeL _k _v   ) ->               2 .*. dataOfPtr
            (BrSeL _k _v _n) ->               3 .*. dataOfPtr
            (BrVal _  _v _n) -> dataOfChar <> 2 .*. dataOfPtr
            (LsVal _  _v   ) -> dataOfChar <>       dataOfPtr

    statsOf x
        = case x of
            Empty          -> constrStats "Empty"  x
            (Val v t)      -> constrStats "Val"    x <> statsOf v <> statsOf t
            (Branch _ c n) -> constrStats "Branch" x <> statsOf c <> statsOf n
            (Leaf v)       -> constrStats "Leaf"   x <> statsOf v
            (Last _ c)     -> constrStats "Last"   x <> statsOf c
            (LsSeq k c)    -> constrStats "LsSeq"  x <> statsOf k <> statsOf c
            (BrSeq k c n)  -> constrStats "BrSeq"  x <> statsOf k <> statsOf c <> statsOf n
            (LsSeL k v)    -> constrStats "LsSeL"  x <> statsOf k <> statsOf v
            (BrSeL k v n)  -> constrStats "BrSeL"  x <> statsOf k <> statsOf v <> statsOf n
            (BrVal _ v n)  -> constrStats "BrVal"  x <> statsOf v <> statsOf n
            (LsVal _ v)    -> constrStats "LsVal"  x <> statsOf v
-- ----------------------------------------