{-# LANGUAGE GADTs               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                 #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} 

-- |
-- Module : Data.Store
-- Copyright : (c) Petr Pilar 2012
-- License : BSD-style
-- Dictionary with multidimensional keys and type-safe interface.
-- These modules are intended to be imported qualified to avoid name
-- clashes with prelude, e.g.:
-- > import qualified Data.Store as S
-- > import           Data.Store (M, O, (.:), (.:.), (:.), (.<), (.<=), (.>), (.>=), (./=), (.==), (.&&), (.||))
-- Throughout out the documentation, the examples will be based on this
-- code:
-- > {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-- > 
-- > module Example01
-- > where
-- > 
-- > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- > import           Control.Applicative
-- > import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
-- > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- > import qualified Data.Store as S
-- > import           Data.Store (M, O, (.:), (.:.), (:.)(..), (.<), (.<=), (.>), (.>=), (./=), (.==), (.&&), (.||))
-- > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- > 
-- > data Content = Content
-- >     { contentName :: String  
-- >     , contentBody :: String  
-- >     , contentTags :: [String]
-- >     , contentRating :: Double
-- >     }
-- > 
-- > type ContentID = Int
-- > 
-- > -- Content has one ID, only one content can have a given ID.
-- > -- Content has one name, only one content can have a given name.
-- > -- Content has one body, many contents can have the same content.
-- > -- Content has many tags, many contents can have the same tag.
-- > -- Content has one rating, many contents can have the same rating.
-- > 
-- > data ContentStoreTag = ContentStoreTag
-- > 
-- > type ContentStoreTS  = ContentID :. String :. String :. String :. Double
-- > type ContentStoreKRS = O         :. O      :. O      :. M      :. O
-- > type ContentStoreIRS = O         :. O      :. M      :. M      :. M
-- > type ContentStore = S.Store ContentStoreTag ContentStoreKRS ContentStoreIRS ContentStoreTS Content
-- > type ContentStoreKey = S.Key ContentStoreKRS ContentStoreTS
-- > type ContentStoreSelection = S.Selection ContentStoreTag ContentStoreKRS ContentStoreIRS ContentStoreTS
-- > 
-- > sContentID :: (ContentStoreTag, S.N0)
-- > sContentID = (ContentStoreTag, S.n0)
-- > 
-- > sContentName :: (ContentStoreTag, S.N1)
-- > sContentName = (ContentStoreTag, S.n1)
-- > 
-- > sContentBody :: (ContentStoreTag, S.N2)
-- > sContentBody = (ContentStoreTag, S.n2)
-- > 
-- > sContentTag :: (ContentStoreTag, S.N3)
-- > sContentTag = (ContentStoreTag, S.n3)
-- > 
-- > sContentRating :: (ContentStoreTag, S.N4)
-- > sContentRating = (ContentStoreTag, S.n4)
-- Glossary
-- * Key (type/value) -- refers either to the type or value of a key of the
-- store.
-- * Key dimension -- refers to one dimension of a key (e.g.: article's
-- author, article's tag). Refers to the dimension as a whole, together
-- with its properties, etc.
-- * Key dimension value -- refers to some concrete value from the domain of the
-- dimension.
-- * Element (type/value) -- refers either to the type or value of the elements
-- (in literature, the term \"value\" is usually used, be here it would
-- clash far too often) of the store.
-- The implementation is based on "Data.Map", "Data.Set", "Data.IntMap" and
-- "Data.IntSet".
-- The following variables and constants are used in Big-O notation:
-- * /W/ -- the (constant) number of bits of "Int" (32 or 64).
-- * /d/ -- the (constant) number of dimensions of the store.
-- * /k/ -- the (variable) number of key dimensions values of a key (or
-- maximum of key dimension values over all keys in case of for example
-- @'Data.Store.update'@).
-- * /s/ -- the (variable) size of the output of the operation or the
-- (variable) number of elements affected by the operation. This is
-- of then the number of key-element pairs that correspond to a selection.
-- * /s(sel)/ -- the (variable) number of key-element pairs that correspond
-- to a selection /sel/ if /sel/ would otherwise be ambigious.
-- * /c/ -- the (variable) complexity of selection.
-- * /c/ -- the (variable) complexity of selection /sel/ if /sel/
-- would otherwise be ambiguous.
module Data.Store
  -- * Types
, I.Key
, I.KeyDimension
, I.RawKey
, I.M
, I.O
, (I.:.)(..)
, I.Auto

  -- * Creating
, I.empty
, singleton

  -- * Inserting
, insert
, insert'
, unsafeInsert

  -- * Updating
, updateWithKey
, updateWithKey'
, update
, update'
, updateElements
, delete

  -- * Traversing
, map

  -- * Folding
, foldr
, foldrWithKey

, foldl
, foldlWithKey

  -- * List
, toList
, elements
, keys
, fromList
, fromList'
, unsafeFromList

  -- * Querying
, size
, lookup

  -- ** Selection
  -- $selection
, Selection
, not
, (.<)
, (.<=)
, (.>)
, (.>=)
, (./=)
, (.==)
, (.&&)
, (.||)

  -- * Constructing Key
  -- $constructing-key
, dimA
, dimO
, dimM
, (.:)
, (.:.)

  -- * Utility
, I.S(..)
, I.Z
, I.N0
, I.N1
, I.N2
, I.N3
, I.N4
, I.N5
, I.N6
, I.N7
, I.N8
, I.N9
, I.N10
, I.n0
, I.n1
, I.n2
, I.n3
, I.n4
, I.n5
, I.n6
, I.n7
, I.n8
, I.n9
, I.n10

  -- * Debugging
, showIndex
, printIndex
, moduleName
) where

import           Prelude hiding (lookup, map, foldr, foldl, not)
import           Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Functor.Identity
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as Data.IntMap
import qualified Data.List
import qualified Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.Store.Internal.Type     as I
import qualified Data.Store.Internal.Function as I
import           Data.Store.Selection 

-- | The name of this module.
moduleName :: String
moduleName = "Data.Store"
{-# INLINE moduleName #-}


-- $selection
-- Functions from this category are used to create selections.
-- Example:
-- > -- Select any content with rating between 3 and 4.
-- > let sel1 = sContentRating .> 3
-- >
-- > -- Select any content that is tagged with "haskell" or "category-theory"
-- > -- and is not tagged with "fluff".
-- > let sel2 = (sContentTag .== "haskell" .|| sContentTag .== "category-theory") .&& not' (sContentTag .== "fluff")
-- >
-- > -- Selection that is intersection of sel1 and sel2.
-- > let sel3 = sel1 .&& sel2
-- These selections can be then used in functions like lookup, update,
-- delete, etc.
-- >>> lookup sel3 store
-- > -- key-element pairs that match the selection
-- >>> delete (not' sel3) store
-- > -- store with the key-element pairs that do not match the selection
-- >>> updateElements (\v -> Just v { contentRating = 5 }) sel3 store
-- > -- store with the selected key-element pairs updated 

-- $constructing-key
-- Functions from this category are used to create a key for your store. Function for
-- creating a key for our @Content@ data type could look like this:
-- > makeContentKey :: ContentID -> String -> String -> [String] -> Double -> ContentStoreKey
-- > makeContentKey cid cn cb cts cr =
-- >    S.dimO cid .: S.dimO cn .: S.dimO cb .: S.dimM cts .:. S.dimO cr
-- Notice that this function allows you to specify all the dimensions of
-- the key, including the ID dimension. Usually we do not need this level
-- of flexibility a would use function like this instead:
-- > contentKey :: Content -> ContentStoreKey
-- > contentKey (Content cn cb cts cr) =
-- >    S.dimA .: S.dimO cn .: S.dimO cb .: S.dimM cts .:. S.dimO cr
-- This function creates a key for given element of type @Content@ (element), the ID
-- dimension is "automatic", which means that the assigned ID will be @succ
-- max@ where @max@ is the value of the maximum ID in the store when
-- inserting.
-- See also:
-- * 'Data.Store.Storable.Storable'

-- | Function for creating an auto-increment dimension. Can be used instead
-- of (@dimO x@) if the type is an instance of the
-- @'Data.Store.Internal.Auto'@ type-class.
dimA :: I.Auto t => I.KeyDimension I.O t
dimA = I.KeyDimensionA
{-# INLINE dimA #-}

-- | Function for creating dimensions with the relation
-- \"one-<anything>\".
dimO :: Ord t => t -> I.KeyDimension I.O t
dimO = I.KeyDimensionO
{-# INLINE dimO #-}

-- | Function for creating dimensions with the relation
-- \"many-<anything>\".
dimM :: Ord t => [t] -> I.KeyDimension I.M t
dimM = I.KeyDimensionM
{-# INLINE dimM #-}

-- | Function for connecting one dimension and rest of the key.
(.:) :: dim r t
     -> I.GenericKey dim rs1 ts1 
     -> I.GenericKey dim (r I.:. rs1) (t I.:. ts1)
(.:) = I.KN
{-# INLINE (.:) #-}
infixr 3 .:

-- | Function for connecting one dimensions with another (most often the
-- last dimension of the key).
(.:.) :: dim r1 t1
      -> dim r2 t2
      -> I.GenericKey dim (r1 I.:. r2) (t1 I.:. t2)
(.:.) d1 d2 = I.KN d1 (I.K1 d2)
{-# INLINE (.:.) #-}
infixr 3 .:.


-- | The expression (@'Data.Store.singleton' k v@) is store that contains
-- only the @(k, v)@ as a key-element pair.
singleton :: I.Empty (I.Index irs ts)
          => I.Key krs ts -> v -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v
singleton k v = snd . fromJust $ insert k v I.empty
{-# INLINE singleton #-}


-- | The expression (@'Data.Store.insert' k e old@) is either
-- @Nothing@ if inserting the @(k, e)@ key-element pair would cause
-- a collision or (@Just (rk, new)@), where @rk@ is the raw key of
-- @k@ and @new@ is store containing the same key-element pairs as @old@ plus
-- @(k, e)@. 
-- Examples:
-- >>> let content = Content "name" "body" ["t1", "t2"] 0.5
-- >>> insert (contentKey content) content store
-- > Just (1 :. "name" :. "body" :. ["t1", "t2"] :. 0.5, <updated_store>)
-- See also:
-- * 'Data.Store.insert''
-- * 'Data.Store.Internal.Type.Key'
-- * 'Data.Store.Internal.Type.RawKey'
insert :: I.Key krs ts
       -> v
       -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v
       -> Maybe (I.RawKey krs ts, I.Store tag krs irs ts v)
insert k v old@(I.Store _ index _) =
    (\res -> (I.keyInternalToRaw internal, res)) <$> I.genericInsert I.indexInsertID internal v old
      internal = I.keyToInternal index k

-- | The expression (@'Data.Store.insert'' k v old@) is @(rk, new)@,
-- where @rk@ is the raw key of @k@ and @new@ is a store that contains
-- the same key-element pairs as @old@ plus @(k, e)@.
-- Any key-value pairs from @old@ colliding with @(k, e)@ are not included in @new@.
-- See also:
-- * 'Data.Store.insert'
-- * 'Data.Store.Internal.Type.Key'
-- * 'Data.Store.Internal.Type.RawKey'
insert' :: I.Key krs ts
        -> e
        -> I.Store tag krs irs ts e
        -> (I.RawKey krs ts, I.Store tag krs irs ts e)
insert' k e old@(I.Store _ index _) =
    (I.keyInternalToRaw internal, runIdentity $! I.genericInsert I.indexInsertID' internal e old)
      internal = I.keyToInternal index k
{-# INLINE insert' #-}

-- | UNSAFE! This function can corrupt the store.
-- The expression (@'Data.Store.unsafeInsert' k v old@) is @(rk, new)@,
-- where @rk@ is the raw key of @k@ and @new@ is a store that contains
-- the same key-element pairs as @old@ plus @(k, e)@.
-- Any key-value pairs from @old@ colliding with @(k, e)@ will cause UNDEFINED BEHAVIOUR.
-- See also:
-- * 'Data.Store.insert'
-- * 'Data.Store.insert''
-- * 'Data.Store.Internal.Type.Key'
-- * 'Data.Store.Internal.Type.RawKey'
unsafeInsert :: I.Key krs ts
             -> e
             -> I.Store tag krs irs ts e
             -> (I.RawKey krs ts, I.Store tag krs irs ts e)
unsafeInsert k e old@(I.Store _ index _) =
    (I.keyInternalToRaw internal, runIdentity $! I.genericInsert I.indexInsertID'' internal e old)
      internal = I.keyToInternal index k
{-# INLINE unsafeInsert #-}


-- | The expression @('Data.Store.map' tr old@) is store where every element of
-- @old@ was transformed using the function @tr@.
map :: (v1 -> v2) -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v1 -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v2
map tr store@(I.Store vs _ _) = store
    { I.storeV = Data.IntMap.map (\(ik, v) -> (ik, tr v)) vs
{-# INLINE map #-}


-- | The expression (@'Data.Store.Selection.lookup' sel store@) is
-- list of (raw key)-element pairs that match the selection.
-- Complexity: /O(c + s * min(n, W))/
lookup :: IsSelection sel => sel tag krs irs ts -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v -> [(I.RawKey krs ts, v)]
lookup sel s = I.genericLookup (resolve sel s) s
{-# INLINE lookup #-}

-- | The expression (@'Data.Store.size' store@) is the number of elements
-- in @store@. 
size :: I.Store tag krs irs ts v -> Int
size (I.Store vs _ _) = Data.IntMap.size vs
{-# INLINE size #-}


-- | The expression (@'Data.Store.updateWithKey' tr sel old@)
-- is (@Just new@) where @new@ is a store containing the same key-element
-- pairs as @old@ except for any key-element pairs @(k, e)@ that match the
-- selection @sel@, those are updated as follows:
-- * If @(tr k e)@ is @Nothing@ the pair is not included in @new@.
-- * If @(tr k e)@ is (@Just (e', Nothing)@) the pair is replaced by pair @(k, e')@.
-- * If @(tr k e)@ is (@Just (e', Just k')@) the pair is replaced by pair @(k', e')@.
-- If any of the updated key-element pairs would cause a collision, the
-- result is @Nothing@.
-- Complexity: /O(c + s * (min(n, W) + q * log n))/
-- See also:
--   * 'Data.Store.updateWithKey''
updateWithKey :: IsSelection sel
              => (I.RawKey krs ts -> v -> Maybe (v, Maybe (I.Key krs ts)))
              -> sel tag krs irs ts
              -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v
              -> Maybe (I.Store tag krs irs ts v)
updateWithKey tr sel s = I.genericUpdateWithKey I.indexInsertID tr (resolve sel s) s
{-# INLINE updateWithKey #-}

-- | The expression (@'Data.Store.updateWithKey'' tr sel old@)
-- is @new@ where @new@ is a store containing the same key-element
-- pairs as @old@ except for any key-element pairs @(k, e)@ that match the
-- selection @sel@, those are updated as follows:
-- * If @(tr k e)@ is @Nothing@ the pair is not included in @new@.
-- * If @(tr k e)@ is (@Just (e', Nothing)@) the pair is replaced by pair @(k, e')@.
-- * If @(tr k e)@ is (@Just (e', Just k')@) the pair is replaced by pair @(k', e')@.
-- Any pairs of the original store @old@ that would, after the update, cause collisons
-- are not included in @new@. 
-- Complexity: /O(c + d * s * (min(n, W) + q * log n))/
-- See also:
--   * 'Data.Store.updateWithKey'
updateWithKey' :: IsSelection sel
               => (I.RawKey krs ts -> v -> Maybe (v, Maybe (I.Key krs ts)))
               -> sel tag krs irs ts
               -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v
               -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v
updateWithKey' tr sel s = runIdentity $! I.genericUpdateWithKey I.indexInsertID' tr (resolve sel s) s
{-# INLINE updateWithKey' #-}

-- | The expression (@'Data.Store.update' tr sel s@) is equivalent
-- to (@'Data.Store.Selection.updateWithKey' tr' sel s@) where
-- (@tr' = (\_ v -> tr v) = const tr@).
-- Complexity: /O(c + s * (min(n, W) + q * log n))/ 
update :: IsSelection sel
       => (v -> Maybe (v, Maybe (I.Key krs ts)))
       -> sel tag krs irs ts
       -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v
       -> Maybe (I.Store tag krs irs ts v)
update tr = updateWithKey (const tr)
{-# INLINE update #-}

-- | The expression (@'Data.Store.update'' tr sel s@) is equivalent
-- to (@'Data.Store.Selection.updateWithKey'' tr' sel s@) where
-- (@tr' = (\_ v -> tr v) = const tr@).
-- Complexity: /O(c + d * s * (min(n, W) + q * log n))/ 
update' :: IsSelection sel
        => (v -> Maybe (v, Maybe (I.Key krs ts)))
        -> sel tag krs irs ts
        -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v
        -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v
update' tr = updateWithKey' (const tr)
{-# INLINE update' #-}

-- | The expression (@'Data.Store.updateElements' tr sel s@) is equivalent
-- to (@'Data.Store.Selection.update' tr' sel s@) where
-- (@tr' = (maybe Nothing (\v -> Just (v, Nothing)) . tr)@).
-- Complexity: /O(c + s * min(n, W))/ 
updateElements :: IsSelection sel
               => (v -> Maybe v)
               -> sel tag krs irs ts
               -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v
               -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v
updateElements tr sel s =
  runIdentity $! I.genericUpdateWithKey I.indexInsertID'' tr' (resolve sel s) s
    tr' _ = maybe Nothing (\v -> Just (v, Nothing)) . tr
    {-# INLINE tr' #-}
{-# INLINE updateElements #-}             

-- | The expression (@'Data.Store.Selection.delete' sel old@) is
-- equivalent to
-- (@'Data.Store.fromJust' $ 'Data.Store.Selection.update' (const Nothing) sel old@).
-- Complexity: /O(c + s * (min(n, W) + q * log n)/ 
delete :: IsSelection sel
       => sel tag krs irs ts
       -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v
       -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v
delete sel s =
  runIdentity $! I.genericUpdateWithKey I.indexInsertID'' (\_ _ -> Nothing) (resolve sel s) s
{-# INLINE delete #-}


-- | The expression (@'Data.Store.foldrWithKey' f z s@) folds the store
-- using the given right-associative operator.
foldrWithKey :: (I.RawKey krs ts -> v -> b -> b)
             -> b
             -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v
             -> b
foldrWithKey accum start (I.Store vs _ _) =
    Data.IntMap.foldr (\(ik, v) b -> accum (I.keyInternalToRaw ik) v b) start vs
{-# INLINE foldrWithKey #-}

-- | The expression (@'Data.Store.foldr' f z s@) folds the store
-- using the given right-associative binary operator.
foldr :: (v -> b -> b)
      -> b
      -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v
      -> b
foldr accum start (I.Store vs _ _) =
    Data.IntMap.foldr (\(_, v) b -> accum v b) start vs
{-# INLINE foldr #-}

-- | The expression (@'Data.Store.foldlWithKey' f z s@) folds the store
-- using the given left-associative operator.
foldlWithKey :: (b -> I.RawKey krs ts -> v -> b)
              -> b 
              -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v
              -> b
foldlWithKey accum start (I.Store vs _ _) =
    Data.IntMap.foldl (\b (ik, v) -> accum b (I.keyInternalToRaw ik) v) start vs
{-# INLINE foldlWithKey #-}

-- | The expression (@'Data.Store.foldl' f z s@) folds the store
-- using the given left-associative binary operator.
foldl :: (b -> v -> b)
      -> b
      -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v
      -> b
foldl accum start (I.Store vs _ _) =
    Data.IntMap.foldl (\b (_, v) -> accum b v) start vs
{-# INLINE foldl #-}


-- | The expression (@'Data.Store.toList' store@) is a list of key-element pairs that are stored in @store@.
toList :: I.Store tag krs irs ts v -> [(I.RawKey krs ts, v)]
toList (I.Store vs _ _) = Data.List.map (\(ik, v) -> (I.keyInternalToRaw ik, v)) $ Data.IntMap.elems vs
{-# INLINE toList #-}

-- | The expression (@'Data.Store.elements' store@) is a list of elements that
-- are stored in @store@.
elements :: I.Store tag krs irs ts v -> [v]
elements (I.Store vs _ _) = Data.List.map snd $ Data.IntMap.elems vs
{-# INLINE elements #-}

-- | The expression (@'Data.Store.keys' store@) is a list of pairs raw
-- keys that are stored in @store@.
keys :: I.Store tag krs irs ts v -> [I.RawKey krs ts]
keys (I.Store vs _ _) = Data.List.map (I.keyInternalToRaw . fst) $ Data.IntMap.elems vs
{-# INLINE keys #-}

-- | The expression (@'Data.Store.fromList' kvs@) is either
-- a) (@Just store@) where @store@ is a store containing exactly the given
-- key-element pairs or;
-- b) @Nothing@ if inserting any of the key-element pairs would
-- cause a collision.
-- See also:
-- * 'Data.Store.fromList''
fromList :: I.Empty (I.Index irs ts) => [(I.Key krs ts, v)] -> Maybe (I.Store tag krs irs ts v)
fromList = Data.Foldable.foldlM (\s (k, v) -> snd <$> insert k v s) I.empty 
{-# INLINE fromList #-}

-- | The expression (@'Data.Store.fromList'' kvs@) is @store@
-- containing the given key-element pairs (colliding pairs are not included).
-- See also:
-- * 'Data.Store.fromList'
fromList' :: I.Empty (I.Index irs ts) => [(I.Key krs ts, v)] -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v
fromList' = Data.List.foldl' (\s (k, v) -> snd $! insert' k v $! s) I.empty 
{-# INLINE fromList' #-}

-- | UNSAFE! This function can corrupt the store.
-- The expression (@'Data.Store.fromList'' kvs@) is @store@
-- containing the given key-element pairs (colliding pairs cause UNDEFINED BEHAVIOUR).
-- See also:
-- * 'Data.Store.fromList'
-- * 'Data.Store.fromList'
unsafeFromList :: I.Empty (I.Index irs ts) => [(I.Key krs ts, v)] -> I.Store tag krs irs ts v
unsafeFromList = Data.Foldable.foldl (\s (k, v) -> snd $ unsafeInsert k v s) I.empty 
{-# INLINE unsafeFromList #-}


instance Functor (I.Store tag krs irs ts) where
    fmap = map
    {-# INLINE fmap #-}

instance I.Empty (I.Index irs ts) => Monoid (I.Store tag krs irs ts v) where
    mempty = I.empty
    {-# INLINE mempty #-}

    mappend oldl (I.Store kes _ _) =
      Data.IntMap.foldl (\acc (ik, e) -> runIdentity $! I.genericInsert I.indexInsertID' ik e acc) oldl kes


showIndex :: Show (I.Index irs ts) => I.Store tag krs irs ts v -> String
showIndex (I.Store _ i _) = show i
{-# INLINE showIndex #-}

printIndex :: Show (I.Index irs ts) => I.Store tag krs irs ts v -> IO ()
printIndex = putStrLn . showIndex
{-# INLINE printIndex #-}