{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {- | Module : Data.RTree.MBB Copyright : Copyright (c) 2014, Birte Wagner, Sebastian Philipp License : MIT Maintainer : Birte Wagner, Sebastian Philipp (sebastian@spawnhost.de) Stability : experimental Portability: not portable This module provides a minimal bounding box. -} module Data.RTree.MBB ( MBB (..), mbb, area, containsMBB, unionMBB, unionsMBB, intersectMBB ) where import Data.Binary import Data.Monoid import GHC.Generics (Generic) -- | Minimal bounding box data MBB = MBB {getUlx :: {-# UNPACK #-} ! Double, getUly :: {-# UNPACK #-} ! Double, getBrx :: {-# UNPACK #-} ! Double, getBry :: {-# UNPACK #-} ! Double} deriving (Eq, Generic) -- | created a minimal bounding box (or a rectangle) -- The first point must be smaller, than the second one. This is unchecked. mbb :: Double -- ^ x - coordinate of first point -> Double -- ^ y - coordinate of first point -> Double -- ^ x - coordinate of second point -> Double -- ^ x - coordinate of second point -> MBB mbb = MBB -- | internal only. unionsMBB :: [MBB] -> MBB unionsMBB [] = error "unionsMBB': []" unionsMBB xs = foldr1 unionMBB xs -- | unifies two MBBs into one unionMBB :: MBB -> MBB -> MBB unionMBB (MBB ulx uly brx bry) (MBB ulx' uly' brx' bry') = MBB (min ulx ulx') (min uly uly') (max brx brx') (max bry bry') -- | calculates the area of the rect area :: MBB -> Double area (MBB ulx uly brx bry) = (brx - ulx) * (bry - uly) -- | returns True, when the first mbb contains the secons containsMBB :: MBB -> MBB -> Bool containsMBB (MBB x11 y11 x12 y12) (MBB x21 y21 x22 y22) = x11 <= x21 && y11 <= y21 && x12 >= x22 && y12 >= y22 -- | returns the intersection of both mbbs. Returns Nothing, if they don't intersect. intersectMBB :: MBB -> MBB -> Maybe MBB intersectMBB (MBB ulx uly brx bry) (MBB ulx' uly' brx' bry') | ulx'' <= brx'' && uly'' <= bry'' = Just $ MBB ulx'' uly'' brx'' bry'' | otherwise = Nothing where ulx'' = max ulx ulx' uly'' = max uly uly' brx'' = min brx brx' bry'' = min bry bry' instance Show MBB where show (MBB ulx uly brx bry) = concat ["mbb ", show ulx, " ", show uly, " ", show brx, " ", show bry] instance Binary MBB -- | mconcat will fail for empty lists. instance Monoid MBB where mempty = MBB 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 mappend = unionMBB mconcat = unionsMBB