{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}

module Data.Endian (
  ) where

import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Ptr (IntPtr, WordPtr)
import System.Posix.Types (CSsize)

#include <HsBaseConfig.h>

-- | Raw, endian-sensitive data
class EndianSensitive α where
  -- | Change the endianness of the argument
  swapEndian  α  α

-- | Convert from the native format to big-endian
toBigEndian       EndianSensitive α  α  α
-- | Convert from big-endian to the native format
fromBigEndian     EndianSensitive α  α  α
-- | Convert from the native format to little-endian
toLittleEndian    EndianSensitive α  α  α
-- | Convert from little-endian to the native format
fromLittleEndian  EndianSensitive α  α  α

toBigEndian      = id
toLittleEndian   = swapEndian
toBigEndian      = swapEndian
toLittleEndian   = id

fromBigEndian    = toBigEndian
fromLittleEndian = toLittleEndian

{-# INLINE toBigEndian #-}
{-# INLINE fromBigEndian #-}
{-# INLINE toLittleEndian #-}
{-# INLINE fromLittleEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive α  EndianSensitive [α] where
  swapEndian = map swapEndian

instance EndianSensitive Word16 where
  swapEndian = (`rotateR` 8)
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive Word32 where
  swapEndian x  =  (x                  `shiftR` 24)
               .|. ((x .&. 0x00FF0000) `shiftR` 8)
               .|. ((x .&. 0x0000FF00) `shiftL` 8)
               .|. (x                  `shiftL` 24)
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive Word64 where
  swapEndian x
    =  fromIntegral (swapEndian hi)
   .|. (fromIntegral (swapEndian lo) `shiftL` 32)
      where lo, hi  Word32
            lo = fromIntegral x
            hi = fromIntegral (x `shiftR` 32)
    =  (x                          `shiftR` 56)
   .|. ((x .&. 0x00FF000000000000) `shiftR` 40)
   .|. ((x .&. 0x0000FF0000000000) `shiftR` 24)
   .|. ((x .&. 0x000000FF00000000) `shiftR` 8)
   .|. ((x .&. 0x00000000FF000000) `shiftL` 8)
   .|. ((x .&. 0x0000000000FF0000) `shiftL` 24)
   .|. ((x .&. 0x000000000000FF00) `shiftL` 40)
   .|. (x                          `shiftL` 56)
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive Int16 where
  swapEndian = (`rotateR` 8)
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive Int32 where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral . (swapEndian  Word32  Word32) . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive Int64 where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral . (swapEndian  Word64  Word64) . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive CShort where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral
             . (swapEndian  HTYPE_SHORT  HTYPE_SHORT)
             . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive CUShort where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral
             . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive CInt where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral
             . (swapEndian  HTYPE_INT  HTYPE_INT)
             . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive CUInt where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral
             . (swapEndian  HTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT  HTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT)
             . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive CLong where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral
             . (swapEndian  HTYPE_LONG  HTYPE_LONG)
             . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive CULong where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral
             . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive CLLong where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral
             . (swapEndian  HTYPE_LONG_LONG  HTYPE_LONG_LONG)
             . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive CULLong where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral
             . (swapEndian  HTYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG
             . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive CSize where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral
             . (swapEndian  HTYPE_SIZE_T  HTYPE_SIZE_T)
             . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive CSsize where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral
             . (swapEndian  HTYPE_SSIZE_T  HTYPE_SSIZE_T)
             . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive CUIntPtr where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral
             . (swapEndian  HTYPE_UINTPTR_T  HTYPE_UINTPTR_T)
             . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive CIntPtr where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral
             . (swapEndian  HTYPE_INTPTR_T  HTYPE_INTPTR_T)
             . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive CPtrdiff where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral
             . (swapEndian  HTYPE_PTRDIFF_T  HTYPE_PTRDIFF_T)
             . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive CUIntMax where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral
             . (swapEndian  HTYPE_UINTMAX_T  HTYPE_UINTMAX_T)
             . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive CIntMax where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral
             . (swapEndian  HTYPE_INTMAX_T  HTYPE_INTMAX_T)
             . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive WordPtr where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral
             . (swapEndian  HTYPE_UINTPTR_T  HTYPE_UINTPTR_T)
             . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive IntPtr where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral
             . (swapEndian  HTYPE_INTPTR_T  HTYPE_INTPTR_T)
             . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive CWchar where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral
             . (swapEndian  HTYPE_WCHAR_T  HTYPE_WCHAR_T)
             . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}

instance EndianSensitive CWint where
  swapEndian = fromIntegral
             . (swapEndian  HTYPE_WINT_T  HTYPE_WINT_T)
             . fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE swapEndian #-}