[![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/data-diverse.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-diverse) [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/louispan/data-diverse.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/louispan/data-diverse) "Data.Diverse.Many" is an extensible record for any size encoded efficiently as (Seq Any). "Data.Diverse.Which" polymorphic variant of possibilities encoded as (Int, Any). Provides getters, setters, projection, injection, folds, and catamorphisms; accessed by type or index or label. Refer to [ManySpec.hs](https://github.com/louispan/data-diverse/blob/master/test/Data/Diverse/ManySpec.hs) and [WhichSpec.hs](https://github.com/louispan/data-diverse/blob/master/test/Data/Diverse/WhichSpec.hs) for example usages. Iso, Lens and Prisms are provided in [data-diverse-lens](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-diverse-lens) # Changelog * - Rerranged type variable for xxxL and xxxN functions so that the @x@ inferrred from label @l@ or index @n@ is after @proxy@. - This affects `fetch[L|N]`, `replace[L|N]`, `replace[L|N]'`, `pick[L|N]` - Depends on at least containers- for `Data.Sequence.insertAt` - Added splitting operations: `split[Before|After][|L|N]`, `inset[Before|After][|L|N]`, `insert[Before|After][|L|N]`, `remove[Before|After][|L|N]` - Renamed type function `Without` to `Remove` to be consistent with new `remove` method. * - Added `CaseFunc` and `CaseFunc'` which replaces `CaseTypeable` (eg `CaseFunc @Typeable`) - Replaced `IsAll` constraint with `AllConstrained`. * - Added `CaseTypeable'` as an example of polymorphic `Case` that doesn't change the type. * - The exposed api shouldn't break, but there are a lot of internal changes. - Added `AFunctor` which can map over the types in the 'Many' . - Added friendlier type synomyns `Collect` and `CollectN` for `collect` and `collectN` - Expose type of 'Collector' and 'CollectorN' - Replace type parameter `r` from `Case` typeclass with `CaseResult` type family. - Replaced `CasesResult` type function with `IsAll` and `CasesResults` type functions. - All `CaseXxx` type variables now end with r xs. - All `CaseXxxN` type variables now end with r n xs. * - Added `impossible` modelled after `Data.Void.absurd` - Removed `zilch` so `Which '[]` is uninhabited like `Data.Void.Void`, making 'impossible' safe to use. - Removed `Monoid` and changed `Show`, `Read` and `Generic` instances for `Which '[]` to be partial just like Data.Void.Void. - Added instance Reduce (Which '[]) (Switcher c '[] r), which follows from 'impossible'. * - Renamed `Switch` to `Switcher`. Switch is now a type synonym for `switch` constraints - Added CasesResult type family to help infer the result of `cases` - Added Semigroup and Monoid instances for all Many xs. - Added Maybe versions of trial, and reinterpret - Renamed `reinterpetN` to `reinterpretN'` - Renamed `impossible` to `zilch`. - Allowed `reintepret`ing and `diversify`ing `zilch` to `zilch` - Removed zipped type variable from `Amend` constraints. - Removed r type variable from `Reduce` typeclass. - Rearranged type variables in `fetch`, `replace`, `pick`, `trial`, `Diversify` type parameters, so the type variable ordering is consistently smaller to larger, ie. 'x', 'xs', 'branch', 'tree' - Added `diversify'` for allowing rearranging the types only. * - Fixed GHC 8.2.1 test failure due to changed TypeRep show instance. * - Breaking changes: Renamed Many.sliceL/R to Many.viewf/b - Renamed TypeLevel.Internal.MissingImpl to IsUniqueImpl. - Added postifx' with SnocUnique and append' with AppendUnique. - Added Semigroup & Monoid instances for `Many '[]` and `Which '[]` - Fixed GHC 8.2 compile error with importing GHC.Prim (Any) * - Added NFData instance for Which. - Forgot to expose Many.sliceL and Many.sliceR. * - Changed internal representation to (Data.Seq Any) for a further 2x append speedup. - Added NFData instance for Many. * - Removed NOINLINE pragmas. - Changed internal representation to (Int, Data.IntMap Any) for a 2.5x append speedup. * - Moved lens to data-diverse-lens * - Renamed type level functions module from Type to TypeLevel * - Removed Emit typeclass, breaking renames. Added label accessors. * - Initial version represented as (Int, Data.Map Int Any)