{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} module Darcs.Test.Repository.Inventory where import Darcs.Prelude import Darcs.Repository.Inventory ( Inventory(..) , HeadInventory , ValidHash , InventoryHash , PatchHash , PristineHash , parseInventory , showInventory , skipPristineHash , peekPristineHash , pokePristineHash , prop_inventoryParseShow , prop_peekPokePristineHash , prop_skipPokePristineHash ) import Darcs.Patch.Info ( rawPatchInfo ) import Darcs.Util.Hash ( sha256strict ) import Darcs.Util.Printer ( renderPS ) import Darcs.Util.ValidHash ( decodeValidHash, fromHash, fromSizeAndHash ) import Darcs.Test.Patch.Info () import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import Data.Maybe ( fromJust ) import Test.Framework ( Test, testGroup ) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit ( testCase ) import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 ( testProperty ) import Test.HUnit ( Assertion, (@=?) ) import Test.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck.Instances.ByteString () testSuite :: Test testSuite = testGroup "Darcs.Repository.Inventory" [ testProperty "parse/show roundtrips" prop_inventoryParseShow , testProperty "peek gets back what we poked" prop_peekPokePristineHash , testProperty "skip/poke roundtrips" prop_skipPokePristineHash , testCase "example1" (testInventory rawHeadInv1 headInv1) , testCase "example2" (testInventory rawHeadInv2 headInv2) ] instance Arbitrary Inventory where arbitrary = uncurry Inventory <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary InventoryHash where arbitrary = arbitraryHash instance Arbitrary PatchHash where arbitrary = arbitraryHash instance Arbitrary PristineHash where arbitrary = arbitraryHash arbitraryHash :: ValidHash h => Gen h arbitraryHash = do content <- arbitrary size_prefixed <- arbitrary let size = B.length content hash = sha256strict content if size_prefixed && size < 1000000000 then return (fromSizeAndHash size hash) else return (fromHash hash) testInventory :: B.ByteString -> HeadInventory -> Assertion testInventory raw (hash,inv) = do hash @=? peekPristineHash raw let rest = skipPristineHash raw Right inv @=? parseInventory rest rest @=? renderPS (showInventory inv) raw @=? renderPS (pokePristineHash hash rest) mkValidHash :: ValidHash a => String -> a mkValidHash = fromJust . decodeValidHash headInv1 :: HeadInventory headInv1 = ( mkValidHash "57fb9c1abbed1c0b880e2fffebe32a2163762b87e67e9bf4dcd3168e5abcad83" , Inventory { inventoryParent = Nothing , inventoryPatches = [ ( rawPatchInfo "20180311141206" "Add d/f and e." "tester" [ "Ignore-this: b541ff7ea385297c8ad07fe58016efa8" ] False , mkValidHash "0000000154-703d7811c2e3f1e1aa81e4be5fab31a291cc18158ec8a75733b6faa5fb406286" ) , ( rawPatchInfo "20180311141206" "Move d/f to e/f." "tester" [ "Ignore-this: b71452c8a91c573f7e7fa2e8eb34afd1" ] False , mkValidHash "0000000106-4b1bc6db02d2eea04efe888b64ce853a416c14ae1ae43550b0137f11a8a8dfee" ) ] } ) rawHeadInv1 :: B.ByteString rawHeadInv1 = BC.pack "pristine:57fb9c1abbed1c0b880e2fffebe32a2163762b87e67e9bf4dcd3168e5abcad83\n\ \[Add d/f and e.\n\ \tester**20180311141206\n\ \ Ignore-this: b541ff7ea385297c8ad07fe58016efa8\n\ \] \n\ \hash: 0000000154-703d7811c2e3f1e1aa81e4be5fab31a291cc18158ec8a75733b6faa5fb406286\n\ \[Move d/f to e/f.\n\ \tester**20180311141206\n\ \ Ignore-this: b71452c8a91c573f7e7fa2e8eb34afd1\n\ \] \n\ \hash: 0000000106-4b1bc6db02d2eea04efe888b64ce853a416c14ae1ae43550b0137f11a8a8dfee\n\ \" headInv2 :: HeadInventory headInv2 = ( mkValidHash "f2f70f1326252fc53077d7cd71769f405618829ba40a8f00f112ac97213f5f4b" , Inventory { inventoryParent = Just (mkValidHash "0000220070-6ef010a955c38fc4301787092979994bafd366eb50152b66e089deff649d35da") , inventoryPatches = [ ( rawPatchInfo "20160429142058" "TAG 2.12.0" "Guillaume Hoffmann " [ "Ignore-this: 5c8cbe0424942686a2168f9e6fd8e35d" ] False , mkValidHash "0000088075-e1cc4489099cfff1df5875a8146dc012110c156f3dad839f4632d62ee2331e43" ) , ( rawPatchInfo "20160429143015" "bump version to 2.13.0" "Guillaume Hoffmann " [ "Ignore-this: 7468e30e96f3bf833f4e374e9cc7e515" ] False , mkValidHash "0000000198-0f5455b7c229e132a2fc2173dcce2b567f806c1d3eb1c37fd9fe8d8e42ef4fc9" ) ] } ) rawHeadInv2 :: B.ByteString rawHeadInv2 = BC.pack "pristine:f2f70f1326252fc53077d7cd71769f405618829ba40a8f00f112ac97213f5f4b\n\ \Starting with inventory:\n\ \0000220070-6ef010a955c38fc4301787092979994bafd366eb50152b66e089deff649d35da\n\ \[TAG 2.12.0\n\ \Guillaume Hoffmann **20160429142058\n\ \ Ignore-this: 5c8cbe0424942686a2168f9e6fd8e35d\n\ \] \n\ \hash: 0000088075-e1cc4489099cfff1df5875a8146dc012110c156f3dad839f4632d62ee2331e43\n\ \[bump version to 2.13.0\n\ \Guillaume Hoffmann **20160429143015\n\ \ Ignore-this: 7468e30e96f3bf833f4e374e9cc7e515\n\ \] \n\ \hash: 0000000198-0f5455b7c229e132a2fc2173dcce2b567f806c1d3eb1c37fd9fe8d8e42ef4fc9\n\ \"