About ----- [Darcs](http://darcs.net) is a distributed version control system written in Haskell. Building -------- To build and install the latest release, use ``` cabal update && cabal install darcs ``` with a recent cabal (version 3.2 or later is recommended). Any version of ghc from 8.2 up to 9.8 should work. From inside a clone or a source dist, use ``` > cabal build ``` Cabal will tell you where the resulting darcs binary is. If you'd rather use `cabal install` and you are in a clone (not a source dist), you first have to generate the version info, like this: ``` > runghc release/gen-version-info.hs > cabal install ``` Building/installing with stack used to work with a few tweaks, but is no longer officially supported due to lack of manpower. If this inconveniences you, consider contributing patches to maintain our stack.yaml. Testing ------- Running the test-suite is optional, of course, but useful if you want to help find bugs or before you contribute patches. The easiest and most flexible way to do this is ``` > cabal configure --enable-tests > cabal run darcs-test -- [options for darcs-test, try --help] ``` Using ----- To clone a repository via HTTP and send patches by mail: ``` > darcs clone --lazy http://darcs.net > # edit files... > darcs add my_new_file > darcs record -m "my changes" > darcs send ``` To clone via SSH and push patches: ``` > darcs clone user@hub.darcs.net:user/repo > # edit files... > darcs add my_new_file > darcs record -m "my changes" > darcs push ``` To create a project and start working: ``` > darcs init my_project > cd my_project > # create and edit files... > darcs add my_new_file > darcs record -m "initial version" ``` Pull new patches from upstream: ``` > darcs pull ``` Documentation ------------- Concise and up-to-date documentation is available from darcs itself: ``` > darcs help # list all commands > darcs help command # help for specific command > darcs command --help # dito ``` The complete documentation is available as a man page which can be generated using ``` darcs help manpage > darcs.1 ``` Reporting bugs -------------- Please send bug reports to . This will automatically add your report to the bug tracker. If you are unsure or just have a question or a comment, you can subscribe to darcs-users@darcs.net and post your question or comments there. See http://darcs.net/MailingLists for details. There is also an IRC channel named `#darcs` on freenode.net, where you can report problems or ask questions. Hacking ------- We are happy to receive patches and will try our best to review them in a timely fashion. Just record your patches in a clone of and `darcs send` them. You are encouraged, but not required, to look at for additional information. BTW, the wiki is a darcs repo, you can clone it with: ``` > darcs clone --lazy http://darcs.net/darcs-wiki ``` to edit the contents and send us patches.