Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- getRecordedUpToMatch :: (ApplyMonad (ApplyState p) DefaultIO, IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository rt p wR wU wT -> PatchSetMatch -> IO ()
- getOnePatchset :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p) => Repository rt p wR wU wR -> PatchSetMatch -> IO (SealedPatchSet rt p Origin)
getRecordedUpToMatch :: (ApplyMonad (ApplyState p) DefaultIO, IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository rt p wR wU wT -> PatchSetMatch -> IO () Source #
Create a new pristine and working tree in the current working directory,
corresponding to the state of the PatchSet
returned by getOnePatchSet
for the same PatchSetMatch
getOnePatchset :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p) => Repository rt p wR wU wR -> PatchSetMatch -> IO (SealedPatchSet rt p Origin) Source #