darcs-2.16.1: a distributed, interactive, smart revision control system

Safe HaskellNone




withManualRebaseUpdate :: forall rt p x wR wU wT1 wT2. (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => Repository rt p wR wU wT1 -> (Repository rt p wR wU wT1 -> IO (Repository rt p wR wU wT2, FL (RebaseFixup (PrimOf p)) wT2 wT1, x)) -> IO (Repository rt p wR wU wT2, x) Source #

rebaseJob :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => (Repository (RepoType IsRebase) p wR wU wR -> IO a) -> Repository (RepoType IsRebase) p wR wU wR -> IO a Source #

got a rebase operation to run where it is required that a rebase is already in progress

startRebaseJob :: (RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree) => (Repository (RepoType IsRebase) p wR wU wR -> IO a) -> Repository (RepoType IsRebase) p wR wU wR -> IO a Source #

Got a rebase operation to run where we may need to initialise the rebase state first. Make sure you have taken the lock before calling this.

maybeDisplaySuspendedStatus :: RepoPatch p => SRebaseType rebaseType -> Repository (RepoType rebaseType) p wR wU wR -> IO () Source #

Generic status display for non-rebase commands.

readTentativeRebase :: RepoPatch p => Repository rt p wR wU wT -> IO (Suspended p wT wT) Source #

writeTentativeRebase :: RepoPatch p => Repository rt p wR wU wT -> Suspended p wT wT -> IO () Source #

withTentativeRebase :: RepoPatch p => Repository rt p wR wU wT -> Repository rt p wR wU wY -> (Suspended p wT wT -> Suspended p wY wY) -> IO () Source #

createTentativeRebase :: RepoPatch p => Repository rt p wR wU wR -> IO () Source #

readRebase :: RepoPatch p => Repository rt p wR wU wR -> IO (Suspended p wR wR) Source #

commuteOutOldStyleRebase :: RepoPatch p => RL (PiaW rt p) wA wB -> Maybe ((RL (PiaW rt p) :> PiaW rt p) wA wB) Source #

checkOldStyleRebaseStatus :: RepoPatch p => SRebaseType rebaseType -> Repository (RepoType rebaseType) p wR wU wR -> IO () Source #