module Darcs.Patch.Summary
( plainSummary, plainSummaryPrim, plainSummaryPrims,
xmlSummary )
import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude
import Darcs.Util.Path ( fn2fp )
import Darcs.Patch.Conflict ( Conflict(..), IsConflictedPrim(IsC), ConflictState(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Format ( FileNameFormat(UserFormat) )
import Darcs.Patch.Prim.Class ( PrimDetails(..), PrimPatchBase )
import Darcs.Patch.Show ( formatFileName )
import Darcs.Patch.SummaryData ( SummDetail(..), SummOp(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered ( FL, mapFL )
import Darcs.Util.Printer ( Doc, empty, vcat,
minus, plus, ($$), (<+>)
plainSummaryPrim :: PrimDetails prim => prim wX wY -> Doc
plainSummaryPrim = vcat . map (summChunkToLine False) . genSummary . (:[]) . IsC Okay
plainSummaryPrims :: PrimDetails prim => Bool -> FL prim wX wY -> Doc
plainSummaryPrims machineReadable =
vcat . map (summChunkToLine machineReadable) . genSummary . mapFL (IsC Okay)
plainSummary :: (Conflict e, PrimPatchBase e) => e wX wY -> Doc
plainSummary = vcat . map (summChunkToLine False) . genSummary . conflictedEffect
xmlSummary :: (Conflict p, PrimPatchBase p) => p wX wY -> Doc
xmlSummary p = text ""
$$ (vcat . map summChunkToXML . genSummary . conflictedEffect $ p)
$$ text ""
-- Yuck duplicated code below...
escapeXML :: String -> Doc
escapeXML = text . strReplace '\'' "'" . strReplace '"' """ .
strReplace '>' ">" . strReplace '<' "<" . strReplace '&' "&"
strReplace :: Char -> String -> String -> String
strReplace _ _ [] = []
strReplace x y (z:zs)
| x == z = y ++ strReplace x y zs
| otherwise = z : strReplace x y zs
-- end yuck duplicated code.
-- | High-level representation of a piece of patch summary
data SummChunk = SummChunk SummDetail ConflictState
deriving (Ord, Eq)
genSummary :: forall p . PrimDetails p => [IsConflictedPrim p] -> [SummChunk]
genSummary p
= combine $ concatMap s2 p
where s2 :: IsConflictedPrim p -> [SummChunk]
s2 (IsC c x) = map (`SummChunk` c) $ summarizePrim x
combine (x1@(SummChunk d1 c1) : x2@(SummChunk d2 c2) : ss)
= case combineDetail d1 d2 of
Nothing -> x1 : combine (x2:ss)
Just d3 -> combine $ SummChunk d3 (combineConflictStates c1 c2) : ss
combine (x:ss) = x : combine ss
combine [] = []
combineDetail (SummFile o1 f1 r1 a1 x1) (SummFile o2 f2 r2 a2 x2) | f1 == f2 =
do o3 <- combineOp o1 o2
return $ SummFile o3 f1 (r1 + r2) (a1 + a2) (x1 + x2)
combineDetail _ _ = Nothing
combineConflictStates Conflicted _ = Conflicted
combineConflictStates _ Conflicted = Conflicted
combineConflictStates Duplicated _ = Duplicated
combineConflictStates _ Duplicated = Duplicated
combineConflictStates Okay Okay = Okay
-- Don't combine AddFile and RmFile: (maybe an old revision of) darcs
-- allows a single patch to add and remove the same file, see issue 185
combineOp SummAdd SummRm = Nothing
combineOp SummRm SummAdd = Nothing
combineOp SummAdd _ = Just SummAdd
combineOp _ SummAdd = Just SummAdd
combineOp SummRm _ = Just SummRm
combineOp _ SummRm = Just SummRm
combineOp SummMod SummMod = Just SummMod
summChunkToXML :: SummChunk -> Doc
summChunkToXML (SummChunk detail c) =
case detail of
SummRmDir f -> xconf c "remove_directory" (xfn f)
SummAddDir f -> xconf c "add_directory" (xfn f)
SummFile SummRm f _ _ _ -> xconf c "remove_file" (xfn f)
SummFile SummAdd f _ _ _ -> xconf c "add_file" (xfn f)
SummFile SummMod f r a x -> xconf c "modify_file" $ xfn f <> xrm r <> xad a <> xrp x
SummMv f1 f2 -> text " xfn f1
<> text "\" to=\"" <> xfn f2 <> text"\"/>"
SummNone -> empty
xconf Okay t x = text ('<':t++">") $$ x $$ text (""++t++">")
xconf Conflicted t x = text ('<':t++" conflict='true'>") $$ x $$ text (""++t++">")
xconf Duplicated t x = text ('<':t++" duplicate='true'>") $$ x $$ text (""++t++">")
xfn = escapeXML . dropDotSlash . fn2fp
xad 0 = empty
xad a = text ""
xrm 0 = empty
xrm a = text ""
xrp 0 = empty
xrp a = text ""
summChunkToLine :: Bool -> SummChunk -> Doc
summChunkToLine machineReadable (SummChunk detail c) =
case detail of
SummRmDir f -> lconf c "R" $ formatFileName UserFormat f <> text "/"
SummAddDir f -> lconf c "A" $ formatFileName UserFormat f <> text "/"
SummFile SummRm f _ _ _ -> lconf c "R" $ formatFileName UserFormat f
SummFile SummAdd f _ _ _ -> lconf c "A" $ formatFileName UserFormat f
SummFile SummMod f r a x
| machineReadable -> lconf c "M" $ formatFileName UserFormat f
| otherwise -> lconf c "M" $ formatFileName UserFormat f <+> rm r <+> ad a <+> rp x
SummMv f1 f2
| machineReadable -> text "F " <> formatFileName UserFormat f1
$$ text "T " <> formatFileName UserFormat f2
| otherwise -> text " " <> formatFileName UserFormat f1
<> text " -> " <> formatFileName UserFormat f2
SummNone -> case c of
Okay -> empty
_ -> lconf c "" empty
lconf Okay t x = text t <+> x
lconf Conflicted t x = text (t ++ "!") <+> x
lconf Duplicated t x
| machineReadable = text t <+> x
| otherwise = text t <+> x <+> text "duplicate"
ad 0 = empty
ad a = plus <> text (show a)
rm 0 = empty
rm a = minus <> text (show a)
rp 0 = empty
rp a = text "r" <> text (show a)
dropDotSlash :: FilePath -> FilePath
dropDotSlash ('.':'/':str) = dropDotSlash str
dropDotSlash str = str