-- Copyright (C) 2002-2003 David Roundy
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-- any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-- the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
module Darcs.Patch.Info
( PatchInfo(..) -- constructor and fields exported *only for tests*
, rawPatchInfo -- exported *only for tests*
, patchinfo
, invertName
, addJunk
, makePatchname
, readPatchInfo
, justName
, justAuthor
, justLog
, displayPatchInfo
, toXml
, toXmlShort
, piDate
, setPiDate
, piDateString
, piName
, piRename
, piAuthor
, piTag
, piLog
, showPatchInfo
, isTag
, escapeXML
, validDate
, validLog
, validAuthor
, validDatePS
, validLogPS
, validAuthorPS
) where
import Prelude ( (^) )
import Darcs.Prelude
import Data.Char ( isAscii )
import System.Random ( randomRIO )
import Numeric ( showHex )
import Control.Monad ( when, unless, void )
import Darcs.Util.ByteString
( decodeLocale
, packStringToUTF8
, unlinesPS
, unpackPSFromUTF8
import qualified Darcs.Patch.ReadMonads as RM ( take )
import Darcs.Patch.ReadMonads as RM ( skipSpace, char,
takeTill, anyChar, ParserM,
import Darcs.Patch.Show ( ShowPatchFor(..) )
import qualified Data.ByteString as B (length, splitAt, null
,isPrefixOf, tail, concat
,empty, head, cons, append
,ByteString )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
( index, head, notElem, all, unpack, pack )
import Data.List( isPrefixOf )
import Darcs.Util.Printer ( Doc, packedString,
empty, ($$), (<>), (<+>), vcat, text, cyanText, blueText, prefix )
import Darcs.Util.IsoDate ( readUTCDate )
import System.Time ( CalendarTime, calendarTimeToString, toClockTime,
toCalendarTime )
import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
import Darcs.Util.Hash ( sha1PS, SHA1 )
import Darcs.Util.Prompt ( promptYorn )
import Darcs.Util.Show ( appPrec )
-- | A PatchInfo value contains the metadata of a patch. The date, name, author
-- and log fields are UTF-8 encoded text in darcs 2.4 and later, and just
-- sequences of bytes (decoded with whatever is the locale when displayed) in
-- earlier darcs.
-- The members with names that start with '_' are not supposed to be used
-- directly in code that does not care how the patch info is stored.
data PatchInfo = PatchInfo { _piDate :: !B.ByteString
, _piName :: !B.ByteString
, _piAuthor :: !B.ByteString
, _piLog :: ![B.ByteString]
, isInverted :: !Bool
deriving (Eq,Ord)
instance Show PatchInfo where
showsPrec d (PatchInfo date name author log inverted) =
showParen (d > appPrec) $
showString "rawPatchInfo " . showsPrec (appPrec + 1) date .
showString " " . showsPrec (appPrec + 1) name .
showString " " . showsPrec (appPrec + 1) author .
showString " " . showsPrec (appPrec + 1) log .
showString " " . showsPrec (appPrec + 1) inverted
-- Validation
-- We need these functions to ensure that we can parse the
-- result of showPatchInfo.
validDate :: String -> Bool
validDate = all validCharForDate
validDatePS :: B.ByteString -> Bool
validDatePS = BC.all validCharForDate
-- | The isAscii limitation is due to the use of BC.pack below.
validCharForDate :: Char -> Bool
validCharForDate c = isAscii c && c /= '\n' && c /= ']'
validLog :: String -> Bool
validLog = notElem '\n'
validLogPS :: B.ByteString -> Bool
validLogPS = BC.notElem '\n'
validAuthor :: String -> Bool
validAuthor = notElem '*'
validAuthorPS :: B.ByteString -> Bool
validAuthorPS = BC.notElem '*'
rawPatchInfo :: String -> String -> String -> [String] -> Bool -> PatchInfo
rawPatchInfo date name author log inverted =
PatchInfo { _piDate = BC.pack $ validateDate date
, _piName = packStringToUTF8 $ validateName name
, _piAuthor = packStringToUTF8 $ validateAuthor author
, _piLog = map (packStringToUTF8 . validateLog) log
, isInverted = inverted }
validateAuthor = validate validAuthor "author"
validateName = validate validLog "patch name"
validateLog = validate validLog "log line"
validateDate = validate validDate "date"
validate test meta x =
if test x then x else error (unwords ["invalid",meta,show x])
-- | @patchinfo date name author log@ constructs a new 'PatchInfo' value
-- with the given details, automatically assigning an Ignore-this header
-- to guarantee the patch is unique. The function does not verify
-- the date string's sanity.
patchinfo :: String -> String -> String -> [String] -> IO PatchInfo
patchinfo date name author log =
addJunk $ rawPatchInfo date name author log False
-- | addJunk adds a line that contains a random number to make the patch
-- unique.
addJunk :: PatchInfo -> IO PatchInfo
addJunk pinf =
do x <- randomRIO (0,2^(128 ::Integer) :: Integer)
when (_piLog pinf /= ignoreJunk (_piLog pinf)) $
do putStrLn $ "Lines beginning with 'Ignore-this: ' " ++
"will not be shown when displaying a patch."
confirmed <- promptYorn "Proceed? "
unless confirmed $ fail "User cancelled because of Ignore-this."
return $ pinf { _piLog = BC.pack (head ignored++showHex x ""):
_piLog pinf }
ignored :: [String] -- this is a [String] so we can change the junk header.
ignored = ["Ignore-this: "]
ignoreJunk :: [B.ByteString] -> [B.ByteString]
ignoreJunk = filter isnt_ignored
where isnt_ignored x = doesnt_start_with x (map BC.pack ignored) -- TODO
doesnt_start_with x ys = not $ any (`B.isPrefixOf` x) ys
-- * Patch info formatting
invertName :: PatchInfo -> PatchInfo
invertName pi = pi { isInverted = not (isInverted pi) }
-- | Get the name, including an "UNDO: " prefix if the patch is inverted.
justName :: PatchInfo -> String
justName pinf = if isInverted pinf then "UNDO: " ++ nameString
else nameString
where nameString = metadataToString (_piName pinf)
-- | Returns the author of a patch.
justAuthor :: PatchInfo -> String
justAuthor = metadataToString . _piAuthor
justLog :: PatchInfo -> String
justLog = unlines . map BC.unpack . _piLog
displayPatchInfo :: PatchInfo -> Doc
displayPatchInfo pi =
cyanText "patch " <> cyanText (show $ makePatchname pi)
$$ text "Author: " <> text (piAuthor pi)
$$ text "Date: " <> text (friendlyD $ _piDate pi)
$$ hfn (piName pi)
$$ vcat (map ((text " " <>) . text) (piLog pi))
where hfn x = case piTag pi of
Nothing -> inverted <+> text x
Just t -> text " tagged" <+> text t
inverted = if isInverted pi then text " UNDO:" else text " *"
-- | Returns the name of the patch. Unlike 'justName', it does not preprend
-- "UNDO: " to the name if the patch is inverted.
piName :: PatchInfo -> String
piName = metadataToString . _piName
piRename :: PatchInfo -> String -> PatchInfo
piRename x n = x { _piName = packStringToUTF8 n }
-- | Returns the author of a patch.
piAuthor :: PatchInfo -> String
piAuthor = metadataToString . _piAuthor
isTag :: PatchInfo -> Bool
isTag pinfo = "TAG " `isPrefixOf` justName pinfo
-- | Read the date from raw patch (meta) data and convert it to UTC.
-- The raw data may contain timezone info. This is for compatibiltity
-- with patches that were created before 2003-11, when darcs still
-- created patches that contained localized date strings.
readPatchDate :: B.ByteString -> CalendarTime
readPatchDate = readUTCDate . BC.unpack
piDate :: PatchInfo -> CalendarTime
piDate = readPatchDate . _piDate
piDateString :: PatchInfo -> String
piDateString = BC.unpack . _piDate
setPiDate :: String -> PatchInfo -> PatchInfo
setPiDate date pi = pi { _piDate = BC.pack date }
-- | Get the log message of a patch.
piLog :: PatchInfo -> [String]
piLog = map metadataToString . ignoreJunk . _piLog
-- | Get the tag name, if the patch is a tag patch.
piTag :: PatchInfo -> Maybe String
piTag pinf =
if l == t
then Just $ metadataToString r
else Nothing
where (l, r) = B.splitAt (B.length t) (_piName pinf)
t = BC.pack "TAG "
-- | Convert a metadata ByteString to a string. It first tries to convert
-- using UTF-8, and if that fails, tries the locale encoding.
-- We try UTF-8 first because UTF-8 is clearly recognizable, widely used,
-- and people may have UTF-8 patches even when UTF-8 is not their locale.
metadataToString :: B.ByteString -> String
metadataToString bs | '\xfffd' `notElem` bsUtf8 = bsUtf8
| otherwise = decodeLocale bs
where bsUtf8 = unpackPSFromUTF8 bs
friendlyD :: B.ByteString -> String
friendlyD d = unsafePerformIO $ do
ct <- toCalendarTime $ toClockTime $ readPatchDate d
return $ calendarTimeToString ct
toXml :: PatchInfo -> Doc
toXml = toXml' True
toXmlShort :: PatchInfo -> Doc
toXmlShort = toXml' False
toXml' :: Bool -> PatchInfo -> Doc
toXml' includeComments pi =
text " text "author='" <> escapeXMLByteString (_piAuthor pi) <> text "'"
<+> text "date='" <> escapeXMLByteString (_piDate pi) <> text "'"
<+> text "local_date='" <> escapeXML (friendlyD $ _piDate pi) <> text "'"
<+> text "inverted='" <> text (show $ isInverted pi) <> text "'"
<+> text "hash='" <> text (show $ makePatchname pi) <> text "'>"
$$ indent abstract
$$ text ""
indent = prefix " "
name = text "" <> escapeXMLByteString (_piName pi) <> text ""
abstract | includeComments = name $$ commentsAsXml (_piLog pi)
| otherwise = name
commentsAsXml :: [B.ByteString] -> Doc
commentsAsXml comments
| B.length comments' > 0 = text ""
<> escapeXMLByteString comments'
<> text ""
| otherwise = empty
where comments' = unlinesPS comments
-- escapeXML is duplicated in Patch.lhs and Annotate.lhs
-- It should probably be refactored to exist in one place.
escapeXML :: String -> Doc
escapeXML = text . strReplace '\'' "'" . strReplace '"' """ .
strReplace '>' ">" . strReplace '<' "<" . strReplace '&' "&"
-- Escape XML characters in a UTF-8 encoded ByteString, and turn it into a Doc.
-- The data will be in the Doc as a bytestring.
escapeXMLByteString :: B.ByteString -> Doc
escapeXMLByteString = packedString . bstrReplace '\'' "'"
. bstrReplace '"' """
. bstrReplace '>' ">"
. bstrReplace '<' "<"
. bstrReplace '&' "&"
strReplace :: Char -> String -> String -> String
strReplace _ _ [] = []
strReplace x y (z:zs)
| x == z = y ++ strReplace x y zs
| otherwise = z : strReplace x y zs
bstrReplace :: Char -> String -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
bstrReplace c s bs | B.null bs = B.empty
| otherwise = if BC.head bs == c
then B.append (BC.pack s)
(bstrReplace c s (B.tail bs))
else B.cons (B.head bs)
(bstrReplace c s (B.tail bs))
-- | Hash on patch metadata (patch name, author, date, log, and \"inverted\"
-- flag. Robust against context changes but does not garantee patch contents.
-- Usually used as matcher or patch identifier (see Darcs.Patch.Match).
makePatchname :: PatchInfo -> SHA1
makePatchname pi = sha1PS sha1_me
where b2ps True = BC.pack "t"
b2ps False = BC.pack "f"
sha1_me = B.concat [_piName pi,
_piAuthor pi,
_piDate pi,
B.concat $ _piLog pi,
b2ps $ isInverted pi]
showPatchInfo :: ShowPatchFor -> PatchInfo -> Doc
showPatchInfo ForDisplay = displayPatchInfo
showPatchInfo ForStorage = storePatchInfo
-- |Patch is stored between square brackets.
-- > [
-- > *
-- > (indented one)
-- >
-- >
-- >
-- > ]
-- note that below I assume the name has no newline in it.
-- See 'readPatchInfo' for the inverse operation.
-- There are more assumptions, see validation functions above.
storePatchInfo :: PatchInfo -> Doc
storePatchInfo pi =
blueText "[" <> packedString (_piName pi)
$$ packedString (_piAuthor pi) <> text inverted <> packedString (_piDate pi)
<> myunlines (_piLog pi) <> blueText "] "
where inverted = if isInverted pi then "*-" else "**"
myunlines [] = empty
myunlines xs =
foldr (\s -> ((text "\n " <> packedString s) <>)) (text "\n") xs
-- |Parser for 'PatchInfo' as stored in patch bundles and inventory files,
-- for example:
-- > [Document the foo interface
-- > John Doe **20110615084241
-- > Ignore-this: 85b94f67d377c4ab671101266ef9c229
-- > Nobody knows what a 'foo' is, so describe it.
-- > ]
-- See 'showPatchInfo' for the inverse operation.
readPatchInfo :: ParserM m => m PatchInfo
readPatchInfo = do
char '['
name <- takeTillChar '\n'
_ <- anyChar
author <- takeTillChar '*'
s2 <- RM.take 2
ct <- takeTill (\c->c==']'||c=='\n')
option () (void (char '\n')) -- consume newline char, if present
log <- linesStartingWithEndingWith ' ' ']'
return PatchInfo { _piDate = ct
, _piName = name
, _piAuthor = author
, _piLog = log
, isInverted = BC.index s2 1 /= '*'