module Darcs.Repository.Test
( getTest
, runPosthook
, runPrehook
, testTentative
import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude
import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..) )
import System.Process ( system )
import System.IO ( hPutStrLn, stderr )
import Control.Monad ( when )
import Darcs.Util.File ( withCurrentDirectory )
import Darcs.Util.Path ( AbsolutePath )
import Darcs.Util.Prompt ( askUser )
import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( getPrefval )
import Darcs.Repository.Hashed ( withTentative )
import Darcs.Repository.Working ( setScriptsExecutable )
import Darcs.Repository.Flags
( LeaveTestDir(..)
, Verbosity(..)
, SetScriptsExecutable(..)
, RunTest (..)
, HookConfig (..)
import Darcs.Repository.InternalTypes
( Repository, repoLocation )
import Darcs.Util.Progress ( debugMessage )
import Darcs.Util.Lock
( withTempDir
, withPermDir
getTest :: Verbosity -> IO (IO ExitCode)
getTest verb =
let putInfo s = when (verb /= Quiet) $ putStr s
in do
testline <- getPrefval "test"
return $
case testline of
Nothing -> return ExitSuccess
Just testcode -> do
putInfo "Running test...\n"
runTest testcode putInfo
runPosthook :: HookConfig -> Verbosity -> AbsolutePath -> IO ExitCode
runPosthook (HookConfig mPostHook askPostHook) verb repodir
= do ph <- getPosthook mPostHook askPostHook
withCurrentDirectory repodir $ runHook verb "Posthook" ph
getPosthook :: Maybe String -> Bool -> IO (Maybe String)
getPosthook mPostHookCmd askPostHook =
case mPostHookCmd of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just command ->
if askPostHook
then do putStr ("\nThe following command is set to execute.\n"++
"Execute the following command now (yes or no)?\n"++
yorn <- askUser ""
case yorn of
('y':_) -> return $ Just command
_ -> putStrLn "Posthook cancelled..." >> return Nothing
else return $ Just command
runPrehook :: HookConfig -> Verbosity -> AbsolutePath -> IO ExitCode
runPrehook (HookConfig mPreHookCmd askPreHook) verb repodir =
do ph <- getPrehook mPreHookCmd askPreHook
withCurrentDirectory repodir $ runHook verb "Prehook" ph
getPrehook :: Maybe String -> Bool -> IO (Maybe String)
getPrehook mPreHookCmd askPreHook=
case mPreHookCmd of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just command ->
if askPreHook
then do putStr ("\nThe following command is set to execute.\n"++
"Execute the following command now (yes or no)?\n"++
yorn <- askUser ""
case yorn of
('y':_) -> return $ Just command
_ -> putStrLn "Prehook cancelled..." >> return Nothing
else return $ Just command
runHook :: Verbosity -> String -> Maybe String -> IO ExitCode
runHook _ _ Nothing = return ExitSuccess
runHook verb cname (Just command) =
do ec <- system command
when (verb /= Quiet) $
if ec == ExitSuccess
then putStrLn $ cname++" ran successfully."
else hPutStrLn stderr $ cname++" failed!"
return ec
testTentative :: Repository rt p wR wU wT
-> RunTest
-> LeaveTestDir
-> SetScriptsExecutable
-> Verbosity
-> IO ExitCode
testTentative = testAny withTentative
runTest :: String -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ExitCode
runTest testcode putInfo = do
ec <- system testcode
if ec == ExitSuccess
then putInfo "Test ran successfully.\n"
else putInfo "Test failed!\n"
return ec
testAny :: (Repository rt p wR wU wT
-> ((AbsolutePath -> IO ExitCode) -> IO ExitCode)
-> (AbsolutePath -> IO ExitCode) -> IO ExitCode
-> Repository rt p wR wU wT
-> RunTest
-> LeaveTestDir
-> SetScriptsExecutable
-> Verbosity
-> IO ExitCode
testAny withD repository doRunTest ltd sse verb =
debugMessage "Considering whether to test..." >>
if doRunTest == NoRunTest
then return ExitSuccess
else withCurrentDirectory (repoLocation repository) $ do
let putInfo = if verb == Quiet then const (return ()) else putStrLn
debugMessage "About to run test if it exists."
testline <- getPrefval "test"
case testline of
Nothing -> return ExitSuccess
Just testcode ->
withD repository (wd "testing") $ \_ ->
do putInfo "Running test...\n"
when (sse == YesSetScriptsExecutable) setScriptsExecutable
runTest testcode putInfo
where wd = if ltd == YesLeaveTestDir then withPermDir else withTempDir