module Darcs.Repository.Clone
( cloneRepository
, replacePristine
, writePatchSet
) where
import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude
import Control.Exception ( catch, SomeException )
import Control.Monad ( when )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Data.List( intercalate )
import Data.Maybe( catMaybes )
import System.FilePath( (</>) )
import System.Directory
( removeFile
, getDirectoryContents
import System.IO ( stderr )
import Darcs.Repository.Create
( EmptyRepository(..)
, createRepository
, writePristine
import Darcs.Repository.State ( invalidateIndex )
import Darcs.Repository.Pending ( tentativelyAddToPending )
import Darcs.Repository.Identify
( IdentifyRepo(..)
, identifyRepositoryFor
, maybeIdentifyRepository )
import Darcs.Repository.Hashed
( readRepo
, tentativelyRemovePatches
, finalizeRepositoryChanges
, createPristineDirectoryTree
, revertRepositoryChanges
import Darcs.Repository.Working
( setScriptsExecutable
, setScriptsExecutablePatches )
import Darcs.Repository.InternalTypes
( Repository
, repoLocation
, repoFormat
, repoCache
, modifyCache
, repoPatchType )
import Darcs.Repository.Job ( withUMaskFlag )
import Darcs.Repository.Cache
( unionRemoteCaches
, unionCaches
, fetchFileUsingCache
, speculateFileUsingCache
, HashedDir(..)
, Cache(..)
, CacheLoc(..)
, repo2cache
import qualified Darcs.Repository.Cache as DarcsCache
import qualified Darcs.Repository.Hashed as HashedRepo
import Darcs.Repository.ApplyPatches ( runDefault )
import Darcs.Repository.Hashed
( applyToTentativePristineCwd
, peekPristineHash
import Darcs.Repository.Format
( RepoProperty ( HashedInventory, Darcs2 )
, RepoFormat
, formatHas
, readProblem
import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( addRepoSource, deleteSources )
import Darcs.Repository.Match ( getOnePatchset )
import Darcs.Util.External
( copyFileOrUrl
, Cachable(..)
, gzFetchFilePS
import Darcs.Repository.PatchIndex
( doesPatchIndexExist
, createPIWithInterrupt
import Darcs.Repository.Packs
( fetchAndUnpackBasic
, fetchAndUnpackPatches
, packsDir
import Darcs.Util.Lock ( appendTextFile, withNewDirectory )
import Darcs.Repository.Flags
( UpdateWorking(..)
, UseCache(..)
, RemoteDarcs (..)
, remoteDarcs
, Compression (..)
, CloneKind (..)
, Verbosity (..)
, DryRun (..)
, UMask (..)
, SetScriptsExecutable (..)
, RemoteRepos (..)
, SetDefault (..)
, WithWorkingDir (..)
, ForgetParent (..)
, WithPatchIndex (..)
, PatchFormat (..)
import Darcs.Patch ( RepoPatch, IsRepoType, apply, invert, effect )
import Darcs.Patch.Depends ( findCommonWithThem, countUsThem )
import Darcs.Patch.Set ( Origin
, PatchSet
, patchSet2RL
, patchSet2FL
, progressPatchSet
import Darcs.Patch.Match ( MatchFlag(..), havePatchsetMatch )
import Darcs.Patch.Progress ( progressRLShowTags, progressFL )
import Darcs.Patch.Apply( ApplyState )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Sealed ( Sealed(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered
( (:>)(..)
, lengthFL
, mapFL_FL
, RL(..)
, bunchFL
, mapFL
, mapRL
, lengthRL
import Darcs.Patch.PatchInfoAnd ( PatchInfoAnd, extractHash, hopefully )
import Darcs.Util.Tree( Tree, emptyTree )
import Darcs.Util.Download ( maxPipelineLength )
import Darcs.Util.Exception ( catchall )
import Darcs.Util.English ( englishNum, Noun(..) )
import Darcs.Util.Global ( darcsdir )
import Darcs.Util.URL ( isValidLocalPath )
import Darcs.Util.SignalHandler ( catchInterrupt )
import Darcs.Util.Printer ( Doc, text, hPutDocLn, putDocLn, errorDoc )
import Darcs.Util.Progress
( debugMessage
, tediousSize
, beginTedious
, endTedious
joinUrl :: [String] -> String
joinUrl = intercalate "/"
cloneRepository ::
-> String
-> Verbosity -> UseCache
-> CloneKind
-> UMask -> RemoteDarcs
-> SetScriptsExecutable
-> RemoteRepos -> SetDefault
-> [MatchFlag]
-> RepoFormat
-> WithWorkingDir
-> WithPatchIndex
-> Bool
-> ForgetParent
-> IO ()
cloneRepository repodir mysimplename v useCache cloneKind um rdarcs sse remoteRepos
setDefault matchFlags rfsource withWorkingDir usePatchIndex usePacks
forget =
withUMaskFlag um $ withNewDirectory mysimplename $ do
let patchfmt = if formatHas Darcs2 rfsource then PatchFormat2 else PatchFormat1
EmptyRepository toRepo' <-
createRepository patchfmt withWorkingDir
(if cloneKind == LazyClone then NoPatchIndex else usePatchIndex) useCache
debugMessage "Finished initializing new repository."
addRepoSource repodir NoDryRun remoteRepos setDefault
debugMessage "Identifying and copying repository..."
fromRepo <- identifyRepositoryFor toRepo' useCache repodir
let fromLoc = repoLocation fromRepo
let rffrom = repoFormat fromRepo
case readProblem rffrom of
Just e -> fail $ "Incompatibility with repository " ++ fromLoc ++ ":\n" ++ e
Nothing -> return ()
debugMessage "Copying prefs..."
copyFileOrUrl (remoteDarcs rdarcs)
(joinUrl [fromLoc, darcsdir, "prefs", "prefs"])
(darcsdir </> "prefs/prefs") (MaxAge 600) `catchall` return ()
debugMessage "Copying sources..."
cache <- unionRemoteCaches (repoCache toRepo') (repoCache fromRepo) fromLoc
appendTextFile (darcsdir </> "prefs/sources")
(show $ repo2cache fromLoc `unionCaches` dropNonRepos cache)
debugMessage "Done copying and filtering sources."
let toRepo = modifyCache toRepo' (const $ cache `unionCaches` repo2cache fromLoc)
if formatHas HashedInventory rffrom then do
if usePacks && (not . isValidLocalPath) fromLoc
then copyBasicRepoPacked fromRepo toRepo v rdarcs withWorkingDir
else copyBasicRepoNotPacked fromRepo toRepo v rdarcs withWorkingDir
when (cloneKind /= LazyClone) $ do
when (cloneKind /= CompleteClone) $
putInfo v $ text "Copying patches, to get lazy repository hit ctrl-C..."
if usePacks && (not . isValidLocalPath) fromLoc
then copyCompleteRepoPacked fromRepo toRepo v cloneKind
else copyCompleteRepoNotPacked fromRepo toRepo v cloneKind
copyRepoOldFashioned fromRepo toRepo v withWorkingDir
when (sse == YesSetScriptsExecutable) setScriptsExecutable
when (havePatchsetMatch (repoPatchType toRepo) matchFlags) $ do
putInfo v $ text "Going to specified version..."
revertRepositoryChanges toRepo YesUpdateWorking
patches <- readRepo toRepo
Sealed context <- getOnePatchset toRepo matchFlags
when (snd (countUsThem patches context) > 0) $
errorDoc $ text "Missing patches from context!"
_ :> us' <- return $ findCommonWithThem patches context
let ps = mapFL_FL hopefully us'
putInfo v $ text $ "Unapplying " ++ show (lengthFL ps) ++ " " ++
englishNum (lengthFL ps) (Noun "patch") ""
invalidateIndex toRepo
_ <- tentativelyRemovePatches toRepo GzipCompression YesUpdateWorking us'
tentativelyAddToPending toRepo YesUpdateWorking $ invert $ effect us'
finalizeRepositoryChanges toRepo YesUpdateWorking GzipCompression
runDefault (apply (invert $ effect ps)) `catch` \(e :: SomeException) ->
fail ("Couldn't undo patch in working dir.\n" ++ show e)
when (sse == YesSetScriptsExecutable) $ setScriptsExecutablePatches (invert $ effect ps)
when (forget == YesForgetParent) deleteSources
dropNonRepos :: Cache -> Cache
dropNonRepos (Ca cache) = Ca $ filter notRepo cache where
notRepo xs = case xs of
Cache DarcsCache.Directory _ _ -> False
Cache DarcsCache.Repo DarcsCache.Writable _ -> False
_ -> True
putInfo :: Verbosity -> Doc -> IO ()
putInfo Quiet _ = return ()
putInfo _ d = hPutDocLn stderr d
putVerbose :: Verbosity -> Doc -> IO ()
putVerbose Verbose d = putDocLn d
putVerbose _ _ = return ()
copyBasicRepoNotPacked :: forall rt p wR wU wT.
Repository rt p wR wU wT
-> Repository rt p wR wU wT
-> Verbosity
-> RemoteDarcs
-> WithWorkingDir
-> IO ()
copyBasicRepoNotPacked fromRepo toRepo verb rdarcs withWorkingDir = do
putVerbose verb $ text "Copying hashed inventory from remote repo..."
HashedRepo.copyHashedInventory toRepo rdarcs (repoLocation fromRepo)
putVerbose verb $ text "Writing pristine and working directory contents..."
createPristineDirectoryTree toRepo "." withWorkingDir
copyCompleteRepoNotPacked :: forall rt p wR wU wT. (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
=> Repository rt p wR wU wT
-> Repository rt p wR wU wT
-> Verbosity
-> CloneKind
-> IO ()
copyCompleteRepoNotPacked _ toRepo verb cloneKind = do
let cleanup = putInfo verb $ text "Using lazy repository."
allowCtrlC cloneKind cleanup $ do
fetchPatchesIfNecessary toRepo
pi <- doesPatchIndexExist (repoLocation toRepo)
ps <- readRepo toRepo
when pi $ createPIWithInterrupt toRepo ps
copyBasicRepoPacked ::
forall rt p wR wU wT.
Repository rt p wR wU wT
-> Repository rt p wR wU wT
-> Verbosity
-> RemoteDarcs
-> WithWorkingDir
-> IO ()
copyBasicRepoPacked fromRepo toRepo verb rdarcs withWorkingDir =
do let fromLoc = repoLocation fromRepo
let hashURL = joinUrl [fromLoc, darcsdir, packsDir, "pristine"]
mPackHash <- (Just <$> gzFetchFilePS hashURL Uncachable) `catchall` (return Nothing)
let hiURL = joinUrl [fromLoc, darcsdir, "hashed_inventory"]
i <- gzFetchFilePS hiURL Uncachable
let currentHash = BC.pack $ peekPristineHash i
let copyNormally = copyBasicRepoNotPacked fromRepo toRepo verb rdarcs withWorkingDir
case mPackHash of
Just packHash | packHash == currentHash
-> ( copyBasicRepoPacked2 fromRepo toRepo verb withWorkingDir
`catch` \(e :: SomeException) ->
do putStrLn ("Exception while getting basic pack:\n" ++ show e)
_ -> do putVerbose verb $ text "Remote repo has no basic pack or outdated basic pack, copying normally."
copyBasicRepoPacked2 ::
forall rt p wR wU wT.
Repository rt p wR wU wT
-> Repository rt p wR wU wT
-> Verbosity
-> WithWorkingDir
-> IO ()
copyBasicRepoPacked2 fromRepo toRepo verb withWorkingDir = do
putVerbose verb $ text "Cloning packed basic repository."
cleanDir $ darcsdir </> "pristine.hashed"
removeFile $ darcsdir </> "hashed_inventory"
fetchAndUnpackBasic (repoCache toRepo) (repoLocation fromRepo)
putInfo verb $ text "Done fetching and unpacking basic pack."
createPristineDirectoryTree toRepo "." withWorkingDir
copyCompleteRepoPacked ::
forall rt p wR wU wT. (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
=> Repository rt p wR wU wT
-> Repository rt p wR wU wT
-> Verbosity
-> CloneKind
-> IO ()
copyCompleteRepoPacked from to verb cloneKind =
copyCompleteRepoPacked2 from to verb cloneKind
\(e :: SomeException) -> do
putStrLn ("Exception while getting patches pack:\n" ++ show e)
putVerbose verb $ text "Problem while copying patches pack, copying normally."
copyCompleteRepoNotPacked from to verb cloneKind
copyCompleteRepoPacked2 ::
forall rt p wR wU wT. (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
=> Repository rt p wR wU wT
-> Repository rt p wR wU wT
-> Verbosity
-> CloneKind
-> IO ()
copyCompleteRepoPacked2 fromRepo toRepo verb cloneKind = do
us <- readRepo toRepo
let cleanup = putInfo verb $ text "Using lazy repository."
allowCtrlC cloneKind cleanup $ do
putVerbose verb $ text "Using patches pack."
fetchAndUnpackPatches (mapRL hashedPatchFileName $ patchSet2RL us)
(repoCache toRepo) (repoLocation fromRepo)
pi <- doesPatchIndexExist (repoLocation toRepo)
when pi $ createPIWithInterrupt toRepo us
cleanDir :: FilePath -> IO ()
cleanDir d = mapM_ (\x -> removeFile $ d </> x) .
filter (\x -> head x /= '.') =<< getDirectoryContents d
copyRepoOldFashioned :: forall rt p wR wU wT. (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree)
=> Repository rt p wR wU wT
-> Repository rt p wR wU wT
-> Verbosity
-> WithWorkingDir
-> IO ()
copyRepoOldFashioned fromrepository toRepo verb withWorkingDir = do
patches <- readRepo fromrepository
let k = "Copying patch"
beginTedious k
tediousSize k (lengthRL $ patchSet2RL patches)
let patches' = progressPatchSet k patches
HashedRepo.writeTentativeInventory (repoCache toRepo) GzipCompression patches'
endTedious k
HashedRepo.finalizeTentativeChanges toRepo GzipCompression
local_patches <- readRepo toRepo
replacePristine toRepo emptyTree
let patchesToApply = progressFL "Applying patch" $ patchSet2FL local_patches
sequence_ $ mapFL applyToTentativePristineCwd $ bunchFL 100 patchesToApply
finalizeRepositoryChanges toRepo YesUpdateWorking GzipCompression
putVerbose verb $ text "Writing pristine and working directory contents..."
createPristineDirectoryTree toRepo "." withWorkingDir
fetchPatchesIfNecessary :: forall rt p wR wU wT. (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p)
=> Repository rt p wR wU wT
-> IO ()
fetchPatchesIfNecessary toRepo =
do ps <- readRepo toRepo
pipelineLength <- maxPipelineLength
let patches = patchSet2RL ps
ppatches = progressRLShowTags "Copying patches" patches
(first, other) = splitAt (pipelineLength 1) $ tail $ hashes patches
speculate | pipelineLength > 1 = [] : first : map (:[]) other
| otherwise = []
mapM_ fetchAndSpeculate $ zip (hashes ppatches) (speculate ++ repeat [])
where hashes :: forall wX wY . RL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wY -> [String]
hashes = catMaybes . mapRL (either (const Nothing) Just . extractHash)
fetchAndSpeculate :: (String, [String]) -> IO ()
fetchAndSpeculate (f, ss) = do
_ <- fetchFileUsingCache c HashedPatchesDir f
mapM_ (speculateFileUsingCache c HashedPatchesDir) ss
c = repoCache toRepo
writePatchSet :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p)
=> PatchSet rt p Origin wX
-> UseCache
-> IO (Repository rt p wR wU wT)
writePatchSet patchset useCache = do
maybeRepo <- maybeIdentifyRepository useCache "."
let repo =
case maybeRepo of
GoodRepository r -> r
BadRepository e -> bug ("Current directory is a bad repository in writePatchSet: " ++ e)
NonRepository e -> bug ("Current directory not a repository in writePatchSet: " ++ e)
debugMessage "Writing inventory"
HashedRepo.writeTentativeInventory (repoCache repo) GzipCompression patchset
HashedRepo.finalizeTentativeChanges repo GzipCompression
return repo
replacePristine :: Repository rt p wR wU wT -> Tree IO -> IO ()
replacePristine = writePristine . repoLocation
allowCtrlC :: CloneKind -> IO () -> IO () -> IO ()
allowCtrlC CompleteClone _ action = action
allowCtrlC _ cleanup action = action `catchInterrupt` cleanup
hashedPatchFileName :: PatchInfoAnd rt p wA wB -> String
hashedPatchFileName x = case extractHash x of
Left _ -> fail "unexpected unhashed patch"
Right h -> h