module Darcs.Repository.Merge
( tentativelyMergePatches
, considerMergeToWorking
) where
import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude
import Control.Monad ( when )
import Darcs.Util.Tree( Tree )
import Darcs.Util.External ( backupByCopying )
import Darcs.Repository.Flags
( UseIndex
, ScanKnown
, AllowConflicts (..)
, Reorder (..)
, UpdateWorking (..)
, ExternalMerge (..)
, Verbosity (..)
, Compression (..)
, WantGuiPause (..)
, DiffAlgorithm (..)
import Darcs.Patch ( RepoPatch, IsRepoType, PrimOf, merge, listTouchedFiles,
fromPrims, effect )
import Darcs.Patch.Apply ( ApplyState )
import Darcs.Patch.Depends( merge2FL )
import Darcs.Patch.Named.Wrapped ( activecontents, anonymous )
import Darcs.Patch.PatchInfoAnd ( PatchInfoAnd, n2pia, hopefully )
import Darcs.Patch.Progress( progressFL )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered
( FL(..), (:\/:)(..), (:/\:)(..), (+>+),
mapFL_FL, concatFL )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Sealed( Sealed(Sealed), seal )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Unsafe ( unsafeCoercePEnd )
import Darcs.Repository.InternalTypes( Repository(..) )
import Darcs.Repository.State( unrecordedChanges, readUnrecorded )
import Darcs.Repository.Resolution ( standardResolution, externalResolution )
import Darcs.Repository.Internal ( announceMergeConflicts,
checkUnrecordedConflicts, MakeChanges(..),
setTentativePending, tentativelyAddPatch_,
UpdatePristine(..) )
import Darcs.Util.Progress( debugMessage )
tentativelyMergePatches_ :: forall rt p wR wU wT wY wX
. (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree, ApplyState (PrimOf p) ~ Tree)
=> MakeChanges
-> Repository rt p wR wU wT -> String
-> AllowConflicts -> UpdateWorking
-> ExternalMerge -> WantGuiPause
-> Compression -> Verbosity -> Reorder
-> ( UseIndex, ScanKnown, DiffAlgorithm )
-> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wT
-> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wY
-> IO (Sealed (FL (PrimOf p) wU))
tentativelyMergePatches_ mc r cmd allowConflicts updateWorking externalMerge wantGuiPause
compression verbosity reorder diffingOpts@(_, _, dflag) usi themi = do
let us = mapFL_FL hopefully usi
them = mapFL_FL hopefully themi
((pc :: FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wT wMerged) :/\: us_merged)
<- return $ merge2FL (progressFL "Merging us" usi)
(progressFL "Merging them" themi)
pend <- unrecordedChanges diffingOpts r Nothing
anonpend <- n2pia `fmap` anonymous (fromPrims pend)
pend' :/\: pw <- return $ merge (pc :\/: anonpend :>: NilFL)
let pwprim = concatFL $ progressFL "Examining patches for conflicts" $
mapFL_FL (activecontents . hopefully) pw
Sealed standard_resolved_pw <- return $ standardResolution pwprim
debugMessage "Checking for conflicts..."
when (allowConflicts == YesAllowConflictsAndMark) $
mapM_ backupByCopying $ listTouchedFiles standard_resolved_pw
debugMessage "Announcing conflicts..."
have_conflicts <- announceMergeConflicts cmd allowConflicts externalMerge standard_resolved_pw
debugMessage "Checking for unrecorded conflicts..."
have_unrecorded_conflicts <- checkUnrecordedConflicts updateWorking $
mapFL_FL hopefully pc
debugMessage "Reading working directory..."
working <- readUnrecorded r Nothing
debugMessage "Working out conflicts in actual working directory..."
let haveConflicts = have_conflicts || have_unrecorded_conflicts
Sealed pw_resolution <-
case (externalMerge , haveConflicts) of
(NoExternalMerge, _) -> return $ if allowConflicts == YesAllowConflicts
then seal NilFL
else seal standard_resolved_pw
(_, False) -> return $ seal standard_resolved_pw
(YesExternalMerge c, True) -> externalResolution dflag working c wantGuiPause
(effect us +>+ pend) (effect them) pwprim
debugMessage "Applying patches to the local directories..."
when (mc == MakeChanges) $ do
let doChanges :: FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wT -> IO (Repository rt p wR wU wMerged)
doChanges NilFL = applyps r (unsafeCoercePEnd themi)
doChanges _ = applyps r pc
r' <- doChanges usi
setTentativePending r' updateWorking (effect pend' +>+ pw_resolution)
when (reorder == Reorder) $
tentativelyReplacePatches r' compression YesUpdateWorking verbosity us_merged
return $ seal (effect pwprim +>+ pw_resolution)
mapAdd :: Repository rt p wM wL wI -> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wI wJ
-> IO (Repository rt p wM wL wJ)
mapAdd repo NilFL = return repo
mapAdd repo (a:>:as) = do
repo' <- tentativelyAddPatch_ DontUpdatePristine repo
compression verbosity updateWorking a
mapAdd repo' as
applyps :: Repository rt p wM wL wI -> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wI wJ
-> IO (Repository rt p wM wL wJ)
applyps repo ps = do
debugMessage "Adding patches to inventory..."
repo' <- mapAdd repo ps
debugMessage "Applying patches to pristine..."
applyToTentativePristine repo verbosity ps
return repo'
tentativelyMergePatches :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree, ApplyState (PrimOf p) ~ Tree)
=> Repository rt p wR wU wT -> String
-> AllowConflicts -> UpdateWorking
-> ExternalMerge -> WantGuiPause
-> Compression -> Verbosity -> Reorder
-> ( UseIndex, ScanKnown, DiffAlgorithm )
-> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wT
-> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wY
-> IO (Sealed (FL (PrimOf p) wU))
tentativelyMergePatches = tentativelyMergePatches_ MakeChanges
considerMergeToWorking :: (IsRepoType rt, RepoPatch p, ApplyState p ~ Tree, ApplyState (PrimOf p) ~ Tree)
=> Repository rt p wR wU wT -> String
-> AllowConflicts -> UpdateWorking
-> ExternalMerge -> WantGuiPause
-> Compression -> Verbosity -> Reorder
-> ( UseIndex, ScanKnown, DiffAlgorithm )
-> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wT
-> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wY
-> IO (Sealed (FL (PrimOf p) wU))
considerMergeToWorking = tentativelyMergePatches_ DontMakeChanges