module Darcs.Patch.ReadMonads (ParserM, Darcs.Patch.ReadMonads.take,
parse, parseStrictly, char, int,
option, choice, skipSpace, skipWhile, string,
lexChar, lexString, lexEof, takeTillChar,
myLex', anyChar, endOfInput, takeTill,
linesStartingWith, linesStartingWithEndingWith) where
import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude
import Darcs.Util.ByteString ( dropSpace, breakSpace, breakFirstPS,
readIntPS, breakLastPS )
import qualified Data.ByteString as B (null, drop, length, tail, empty,
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC ( uncons, dropWhile, break
, splitAt, length, head )
import Control.Applicative ( Alternative(..) )
import Data.Foldable ( asum )
import Control.Monad ( MonadPlus(..) )
lexChar :: ParserM m => Char -> m ()
lexChar c = do
char c
return ()
lexString :: ParserM m => B.ByteString -> m ()
lexString str = work
$ \s -> case myLex s of
Just (xs :*: ys) | xs == str -> Just (() :*: ys)
_ -> Nothing
string :: ParserM m => B.ByteString -> m ()
string str = work
$ \s -> case BC.splitAt (BC.length str) s of
(h, t) | h == str -> Just (() :*: t)
_ -> Nothing
lexEof :: ParserM m => m ()
lexEof = work
$ \s -> if B.null (dropSpace s)
then Just (() :*: B.empty)
else Nothing
myLex :: B.ByteString -> Maybe (ParserState B.ByteString)
myLex s = let s' = dropSpace s
in if B.null s'
then Nothing
else Just $ stuple $ breakSpace s'
myLex' :: ParserM m => m B.ByteString
myLex' = work myLex
anyChar :: ParserM m => m Char
anyChar = work $ \s -> stuple <$> BC.uncons s
endOfInput :: ParserM m => m ()
endOfInput = work $ \s -> if B.null s
then Just (() :*: s)
else Nothing
char :: ParserM m => Char -> m ()
char c = work $ \s ->
case BC.uncons s of
Just (c', s') | c == c' -> Just (() :*: s')
_ -> Nothing
int :: ParserM m => m Int
int = work $ \s -> stuple <$> readIntPS s
skipSpace :: ParserM m => m ()
skipSpace = alterInput dropSpace
skipWhile :: ParserM m => (Char -> Bool) -> m ()
skipWhile p = alterInput (BC.dropWhile p)
takeTill :: ParserM m => (Char -> Bool) -> m B.ByteString
takeTill p = work $ \s -> Just $ stuple (BC.break p s)
takeTillChar :: ParserM m => Char -> m B.ByteString
takeTillChar c = work $ \s -> Just $ stuple (BC.break (==c) s)
take :: ParserM m => Int -> m B.ByteString
take n = work $ \s -> if B.length s >= n
then Just $ stuple $ BC.splitAt n s
else Nothing
linesStartingWith :: ParserM m => Char -> m [B.ByteString]
linesStartingWith c = work $ linesStartingWith' c
linesStartingWith' :: Char -> B.ByteString -> Maybe (ParserState [B.ByteString])
linesStartingWith' c thes =
Just (lsw [] thes)
where lsw acc s | B.null s || BC.head s /= c = reverse acc :*: s
lsw acc s = let s' = B.tail s
in case breakFirstPS '\n' s' of
Just (l, r) -> lsw (l:acc) r
Nothing -> reverse (s':acc) :*: B.empty
linesStartingWithEndingWith :: ParserM m => Char -> Char -> m [B.ByteString]
linesStartingWithEndingWith st en = work $ linesStartingWithEndingWith' st en
linesStartingWithEndingWith' :: Char -> Char -> B.ByteString
-> Maybe (ParserState [B.ByteString])
linesStartingWithEndingWith' st en = lswew
lswew x
| B.null x = Nothing
| BC.head x == en = Just $ [] :*: B.tail x
| BC.head x /= st = Nothing
| otherwise = case BC.break ('\n' ==) $ B.tail x of
(l,r) -> case lswew $ B.tail r of
Just (ls :*: r') -> Just ((l:ls) :*: r')
Nothing ->
case breakLastPS en l of
Just (l2,_) ->
Just ([l2] :*: B.drop (B.length l2+2) x)
Nothing -> Nothing
alterInput :: ParserM m
=> (B.ByteString -> B.ByteString) -> m ()
alterInput f = work (\s -> Just (() :*: f s))
option :: Alternative f => a -> f a -> f a
option x p = p <|> pure x
choice :: Alternative f => [f a] -> f a
choice = asum
checkConsumes :: ParserM m => m a -> m a
checkConsumes parser = do
x <- B.length <$> peekInput
res <- parser
x' <- B.length <$> peekInput
if x' < x then return res else mzero
class (Functor m, Applicative m, Alternative m, Monad m, MonadPlus m) => ParserM m where
work :: (B.ByteString -> Maybe (ParserState a)) -> m a
peekInput :: m B.ByteString
parse :: m a -> B.ByteString -> Maybe (a, B.ByteString)
parseStrictly :: SM a -> B.ByteString -> Maybe (a, B.ByteString)
parseStrictly (SM f) s = case f s of
Just (a :*: r) -> Just (a, r)
_ -> Nothing
data ParserState a = !a :*: !B.ByteString
stuple :: (a, B.ByteString) -> ParserState a
stuple (a, b) = a :*: b
newtype SM a = SM (B.ByteString -> Maybe (ParserState a))
bindSM :: SM a -> (a -> SM b) -> SM b
bindSM (SM m) k = SM $ \s -> case m s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (x :*: s') ->
case k x of
SM y -> y s'
returnSM :: a -> SM a
returnSM x = SM (\s -> Just (x :*: s))
failSM :: String -> SM a
failSM _ = SM (\_ -> Nothing)
instance Monad SM where
(>>=) = bindSM
return = returnSM
fail = failSM
instance ParserM SM where
work = SM
peekInput = SM $ \s -> Just (s :*: s)
parse = parseStrictly
instance MonadPlus SM where
mzero = failSM ""
mplus (SM a) (SM b) = SM $ \s ->
case a s of
Nothing -> b s
r -> r
instance Functor SM where
fmap f m = m `bindSM` (returnSM . f)
instance Applicative SM where
pure = returnSM
a <*> b =
a `bindSM` \c ->
b `bindSM` \d ->
returnSM (c d)
instance Alternative SM where
empty = failSM ""
(<|>) = mplus