CABAL := $(shell cabal-dev --version > /dev/null && echo cabal-dev || echo cabal)

all: build test

.PHONY: all build dist install clean doc p test ghci

build: dist/setup-config
	grep -E "$    " examples/ | sed 's/$     //' > examples/Memo.hs
	$(CABAL) build

dist: build
	cabal sdist

install: build
	cabal install

test: build
	$(CABAL) test

	$(CABAL) clean
	rm -rf cabal-dev/

dist/setup-config: daemons.cabal
# If you don't have all the necessary packages installed on the first
# run, run `cabal-dev install`.
	$(CABAL) configure --enable-tests || $(CABAL) install --enable-tests

doc: build
	$(CABAL) haddock

p: $(shell find src/ -name '*.hs') \
	             $(shell find test/ -name '*.hs') \
	             *.cabal \

ghci: build
	cabal-dev ghci