{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module DBus.TH where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Monad
import DBus.Types
import Data.Singletons (SingI)
import Language.Haskell.TH

for :: Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
for = flip fmap

litStruct :: [ExpQ] -> ExpQ
litStruct xs = foldr cons (sing $ last xs) $ init xs
    sing nm = (appE (conE 'StructSingleton) nm)
    cons nm xs = (appE (appE (conE 'StructCons) nm) xs)

litStructPat :: [PatQ] -> PatQ
litStructPat xs = foldr cons (sing $ last xs) $ init xs
    sing ps = conP 'StructSingleton [ps]
    cons p ps = conP 'StructCons [p, ps]

caseMaybes :: [(Name, Name)] -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
caseMaybes [] e = e
caseMaybes ((tmp,x):xs) e =
   caseE (appE (varE 'fromRep) (varE tmp))
         [ match (conP 'Nothing []) (normalB $ conE 'Nothing) []
         , match (conP 'Just [varP x]) (normalB $ caseMaybes xs e) []

fromTyVarBndr (PlainTV n) = VarT n
fromTyVarBndr (KindedTV n k) = VarT n

fromConstr :: Con -> (Name, [Type])
fromConstr (NormalC n stps) = (n, map snd stps)
fromConstr (RecC n vstps)   = (n, map (\(_,_,t) -> t) vstps)

tyVarName :: TyVarBndr -> Name
tyVarName (PlainTV n) = n
tyVarName (KindedTV n _k) = n

promotedListT :: [TypeQ] -> TypeQ
promotedListT xs = foldr appT promotedNilT (map (appT promotedConsT)xs)

relevantTyVars :: [Con] -> [Name]
relevantTyVars constrs = concatMap tyVars constrs
    tyVars constr = concatMap tyVar . snd $ fromConstr constr
    tyVar (VarT n) = [n]
    tyVar _ = []

makeRepresentable name = do
    TyConI t <- reify name
    let (numTyParams, tyVarNames, cons) = case t of
            NewtypeD _ _ tvs c _ -> (length tvs, tyVarName <$> tvs, [c])
            DataD _ _ tvs cs _ -> (length tvs, tyVarName <$> tvs, cs)
        ctx1 = mapM (classP ''SingI . (:[]) . appT (conT ''RepType)) (varT <$> (relevantTyVars cons))
        ctx2 = mapM (classP ''Representable . (:[])) (varT <$> relevantTyVars cons)
        ctx = liftM2 (++) ctx1 ctx2
        fullType = (foldl appT (conT name) (varT <$> tyVarNames))
        iHead = appT (conT ''Representable) fullType
        cs = map fromConstr cons
    (repType, toClauses, fromClauses) <-  case all (null . snd) cs of
        True -> enumerate $ map fst cs
        False -> case map fromConstr cons of
            [] -> fail "Can't make representation of empty data type"
            cs | (all (null . snd) cs) -> enumerate $ map fst cs
            [(conName, fields)] -> oneCon conName fields
            cs -> multiCon cs
    inst <- instanceD ctx iHead
        [ tySynInstD ''RepType [fullType] repType
        , funD 'toRep toClauses
        , funD 'fromRep fromClauses
    return [inst]
    oneCon conName fieldTypes = do
          , (toPat, toBD)
          , (fromPat, fromBD)) <- singleConstructor conName fieldTypes
        return ( repType
               , [clause [toPat] (normalB toBD) []]
               , [clause [fromPat] (normalB fromBD) []]
    enumerate conNames
        = return ( [t| 'DBusSimpleType TypeByte |]
                 , for (zip conNames [0..]) $ \(cn, i) ->
                       (clause [conP cn []] (normalB . appE (conE 'DBVByte)
                                                     . litE $ integerL i) [])
                 , (for (zip conNames [0..]) $ \(cn, i) ->
                       (clause [(conP 'DBVByte) . (:[]) . litP $ integerL i] (normalB $ appE (conE 'Just)
                                                                   (conE cn)) []))
                   ++ [clause [wildP] (normalB $ conE 'Nothing) []]
    multiCon :: [(Name, [Type])] -> Q (TypeQ, [ClauseQ], [ClauseQ])
    multiCon cs = do
        clauses <- forM (zip [0..] cs) $ \(branch, (conName, ts)) -> do
             ( repType
               , (toPat, toBD)
               , (fromPat', fromBD')) <- singleConstructor conName ts
             let bd = appE (conE 'DBVStruct) $
                            litStruct [ (appE (conE 'DBVByte) .
                                              litE $ integerL branch)
                                      , appE (conE 'DBVVariant) toBD]
             varName <- newName "x"
             let fromPat = conP 'DBVStruct [
                             litStructPat [ conP 'DBVByte [litP $ integerL branch]
                                          , varP varName
                 fromBD = caseE [|fromVariant $(varE varName) :: Maybe (DBusValue $repType) |]
                             [ match (conP 'Nothing [])
                                     (normalB $ conE 'Nothing) []
                             , match (conP 'Just [fromPat'])
                                     (normalB $ fromBD') []

             return $ ( clause [toPat] (normalB bd) []
                      , clause [fromPat] (normalB fromBD) []

        return ( [t| TypeStruct '[ 'DBusSimpleType TypeByte, TypeVariant] |]
               , map fst clauses
               , map snd clauses
    singleConstructor conName [] = do
        var <- newName "x"
        return $ ( [t| 'DBusSimpleType TypeByte |]
                 , ( conP conName []
                   , [| DBVByte 0|]
                 , ( [p| DBVByte _ |]
                   , [| Just $(conE conName)|]
    singleConstructor conName [t] = do
        var <- newName "x"
        return $ ( [t| RepType $(return t) |]
                 , ( conP conName [varP var]
                   , [| toRep $(varE var)|]
                 , ( varP var
                   , [| $(conE conName) <$>fromRep $(varE var)|]

    singleConstructor conName ts = do
        (varNames, tmpNames) <- unzip <$> (forM ts $ \_ -> (,) <$> (newName "x")
                                                              <*> (newName "mbx"))

        return ( appT (promotedT 'TypeStruct) . promotedListT $
                             (map (appT (conT ''RepType) . return) ts)
               , let
                 pats = conP conName (map varP varNames)
                 bs = (appE (conE 'DBVStruct)
                               (litStruct $ map (appE (varE 'toRep) . varE) varNames))
                 in (pats, bs)
               , let
                 pats = conP 'DBVStruct [litStructPat $ varP <$> tmpNames]
                 bs = (caseMaybes (zip tmpNames varNames)
                                    (appE (conE 'Just)
                                $ foldl appE (conE conName) (varE <$> varNames)))
                  in (pats, bs)

-- TODO: Fold into makeRepresentable
makeRepresentableTuple :: Int -> Q Dec
makeRepresentableTuple num = do
    let names = take num $ map (varT . mkName . (:[])) ['a' .. 'z']
        ctx = sequence $ classP ''Representable . (:[]) <$> names
        tp = (foldl appT (tupleT num) names)
        iHead = appT (conT ''Representable)
                     (foldl appT (tupleT num) names)
        tpList = foldr (appT . appT promotedConsT) promotedNilT
                 (appT (conT ''RepType) <$> names)
        repTp = appT (promotedT 'TypeStruct) tpList
    varNames <- replicateM num (newName "x")
    tmpNames <- replicateM num (newName "mbx")
    instanceD ctx iHead
        [ tySynInstD ''RepType [tp] (appT (promotedT 'TypeStruct) tpList)
        , funD ('toRep) $ let
               pats = [tupP (map varP varNames)]
               bs = normalB (appE (conE 'DBVStruct)
                             (litStruct $ map (appE (varE 'toRep) . varE) varNames))
               in [clause pats bs []]
        , funD ('fromRep) $ let
               pats = [conP 'DBVStruct [litStructPat $ varP <$> tmpNames]]
               bs = normalB (caseMaybes (zip tmpNames varNames)
                            (appE (conE 'Just)
                            $ tupE (varE <$> varNames)))
               in [clause pats bs []]